Living in the Last Days

Chapter 24: Meet


When Qu Zhen came out, Xia Man was still sleeping. I don't know if it was something more serious this time, so even if Qu Zhen moved, Xia Man didn't wake up.

"Boss!" Fawu and the others stood up and looked at Qu Zhen.

"Hello." Several other people also stood up, looked at Qu Zhen, and said dryly, they are all nerds, and their communication skills are simply scumbags, especially when they see such a cold beauty, Communication skills down another level.

"You should know the situation outside now, what are your plans?" Qu Zhen asked, her cold voice made several people wake up from their admiration for beauty immediately, "We are following you!"

Several men said at the same time, Hua Xiangrong, Zhang Lin, and Fa Wu were all surprised by the result. After all, these people did not agree to the old professor's loyalty to Zhen Yong through coercion and inducement. Why did the boss just ask a question, and these people couldn't wait to agree, because they were completely afraid that they would lose the sense of sight of this store after passing through this village!

Hua Xiangrong silently glanced at her boss's face, then thought about the creases on the old professor's face, could it be that these people are senior face control

"Huh?" Qu Zhen also felt strange. She thought these few people were rare talents, but she didn't expect them to feel nothing at all.

"That..." The man in the lead was a little embarrassed, "I want to explain that we belong to the same company. We are just ordinary employees on the surface, but in private we are the core of the company's innovation direction. This time, the end of the world, the end of the world is coming Later, a few of us were doing an experiment, so we didn't have time to escape, and then we were sent to that factory. If it wasn't because Xiao Wu went to the toilet and overheard the old man's plot, we might be like other supernatural beings , became that old man's puppet!"

"Puppet?" Hua Xiangrong was a little surprised to hear this word.

"Well, I heard their plan at the time was to learn about zombies and supernatural beings before other forces, and then transform humans into supernatural beings, and then control supernatural beings, and we are their experimental products." Not a big young man, he was a little bit shy.

Only then did Qu Zhen take a serious look at the few people she rescued. This Xiaowu should be the youngest, and the man who explained to herself at the beginning should be the core. The four people each have their own characteristics. It seems that this explanation The man is not lying, such a combination should indeed be a team!

"My God, this time, the Zhen family is planning to take advantage of the troubled times to play a big game!" Hua Xiangrong blurted out.

"Boss, we..." Fawu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Qu Zhen, "Don't worry about them, let's continue to our destination!"

"Then can we join you?" The man who took the lead just now asked again. He is not stupid. Now they can be said to have nothing but abilities. The most important thing is that none of them is that This kind of ambitious person has no way to lead a few people to walk in the end times.

"Yes." Qu Zhen finished speaking and looked at Long Huanzi, who had been silent all this time. Long Huanzi patted the fat girl's head and turned her head, "Do you need a nanny here?"

"..." Seeing this scene, Hua Xiangrong had already imagined this kind of intrigue scene in her mind, she was very curious, could Xia Man's character be able to beat this Long Huanzi

The reason why Hua Xiangrong thinks this way is because Long Huanzi's eyes on his boss are really too fiery!

Four people were settled down, three men and one Long Huanzi.

When they heard that Long Huanzi had a spatial ability, several people were still surprised.

"How big is it?"

"It's not that big, it's about the same size as this house." Long Huanzi suddenly remembered something, "By the way, back then I secretly received the supplies from that factory into my own space, and they always thought it was a thief! "

As Long Huanzi said, he got the rice out of his own space, "So visually, I can only stay with the children..."

"No, the spatial ability is very useful, at least we don't have to worry about our food in the future!" Hua Xiangrong patted Long Huanzi on the shoulder.

The fat girl also patted Long Huanzi on the shoulder, "Actually, just take me with you..."

Qu Zhen looked at Long Huanzi with cloudy eyes, and finally just said, "You can stay too."

At this time, Xia Man just opened the door and came out.

Qu Zhen walked over immediately, hugging Xia Man's waist, her eyebrows were gentle, "Are you awake? Are you ready?"

Xia Man nodded, and didn't push Qu Zhen away, but just looked at Long Huanzi who was looking at her with a beaming face, "Hello, my name is Xia Man."

Qu Zhen was a little surprised, because of her feet, Xia Man was not very willing to get in touch with strangers, not to mention the end of the world! Qu Zhen looked at Long Huanzi with a slightly unfriendly gaze.

Long Huanzi didn't feel Xia Man's gaze at all, and immediately stretched out her hand, "Hello, hello, my name is Long Huanzi! You are so beautiful!"

Xia Man couldn't help laughing when she saw Long Huanzi who was so out of tune. This is still the same as in the previous life, it hasn't changed at all!

Long Huanzi was the only person other than Qu Zhen that Xia Man trusted in her previous life.

"Let's eat." Qu Zhen held Xia Man's hand and said softly, "Are you hungry?"

Seeing this scene, Hua Xiangrong wanted to stop for a while, what kind of pattern is this? Why didn't she understand at all

Qu Zhen gritted her teeth and suppressed the hostility in her heart, she couldn't hurt Xia Man.

And the most innocent one was Long Huanzi, who poked Hua Xiangrong, who was already petrified, "The boss meeting is not too strange, I don't want to grab my sister-in-law... I won't get pregnant if I shake hands..." The last sentence said Very quiet.

The expression on Hua Xiangrong's face is indescribable, so it turns out that you really are called sister-in-law! I thought you were testing something, and you really failed to live up to expectations!

Long Huanzi felt that it was better for him to talk less, why did he feel that Hua Xiangrong, who was quite normal at first, was weird...

The little chubby girl grabbed Long Huanzi's clothes, babbled, "Huanzi, it's time to eat!"

Long Huanzi patted the little fat girl's head, only you are normal. The expressions of those men were also indescribable.

Qu Zhen didn't know what she was thinking now, she clearly knew that Xia Man would not like her, but she just couldn't help stamping Xia Man, wishing to make everyone feel that Xia Man was her own!

Especially when there are so many men in the team...