Living in the Last Days

Chapter 40: vine


In the team, except for Long Huanzi and Hua Xiangrong, the rest are all men, and there is no idea like Hua Xiangrong's. Of course, this does not include Fawu.

The lineup of the group has not changed, Xia Man and Qu Zhen are still sitting in the back seat with their two children, Hua Xiangrong is driving, Long Huanzi is sitting next to Hua Xiangrong, Fa Wu and the couple who were found in the factory later A supernatural person is in another car, while Uncle Li and his people are still in their transport car!

The last incident made everyone understand that in addition to supernatural beings, zombies also need to be vigilant. Ordinary zombies are not their opponents, but once they are promoted, their positions, which are still at the junior supernatural level, will be changed!

Because there was a failure as a foreshadowing, everyone's reaction was not as great as before, but from time to time, they studied how to maximize their abilities.

Xia Man lay in Qu Zhen's arms as a matter of course. She was exhausted this time and found a phenomenon after she came back from the water. She couldn't tell if she had upgraded like Qu Zhen. It has sprouted again, and it is much thicker!

The vines are the representatives of life, Xia Man hugs Qu Zhen when she has nothing to do, and lets her vines spin a web on Qu Zhen.

Qu Zhen suddenly remembered that when she was fighting against the third-level zombies, the vines that appeared in her abdomen to protect her during the final blow, looked at Qu Zhen who was lying in her arms obediently, her face was soft.

"You did this before?" That's for sure, otherwise how could I have vines on my body at that time.

Xia Man rubbed her nose, "Of course, I'll catch you!" Xia Man whispered next to Qu Zhen's ear, and then added, "Why? Do you have an opinion?" She didn't mind mentioning that she was in Qu Zhen Move your hands and feet while you are asleep.

Where would Qu Zhen have any objections, she wished that Xia Man would stay with her all the time, "I have no objection, you have already caught me in the net, and I can't escape, don't worry." Qu Zhen said in Xia Man's ear.

Xia Man raised an eyebrow at Qu Zhen, then continued to hold Qu Zhen and closed her eyes. Ever since she knew it was possible to do this, she would do it almost every night.

Qu Zhen stroked Xia Man's soft hair, Xia Man became really happy, a happiness she had never seen before.

Qu Zhen didn't know why, but Xia Man continued to be happy, so other things didn't matter.

Qu Zhen always knew what she wanted, but she never dared to ask for it.

Along the way, everyone's dividends were also clarified. When encountering ordinary zombies, a few people will join the fight, and for the second-level zombies, Uncle Li's team will have a few second-level abilities, and then bring a few first-level abilities.

It didn't take long for the team to basically have second-level ability users.

"We're almost at our destination." Hua Xiangrong looked at the map and said.

Qu Zhen nodded, but Xia Man kept frowning, her heart was flustered, she hadn't felt this way for a long time.

"Qu Zhen?" Xia Man clenched Qu Zhen's hand tightly, the uneasiness in her heart still did not subside.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" Qu Zhen touched Xia Man's forehead, there was no problem, she frowned, "What's uncomfortable?"

"I don't know." Xia Man forced herself to let go of Qu Zhen's hand and grabbed Qu Zhen's clothes instead, "Don't move forward!" Xia Man said in Qu Zhen's ear, "I have a bad feeling!"

"Stop." Qu Zhen said.

Xia Man closed her eyes, her whole body curled up into a ball, feeling very uncomfortable...

Qu Zhen didn't care too much, and directly pulled Xia Man into her arms.

"Boss?" Hua Xiangrong shouted at the same time as Fa Wu and Uncle Li who were driving in front.

"Go back!!" Qu Zhen ordered, "There's something wrong here!"

Hua Xiangrong, Fa Wu, and Uncle Li all turned around immediately and drove backwards. At this moment, everyone heard a voice, "Puff puff..."

Then I saw not far ahead, huge vines bursting out of the ground.

Everyone wiped away their sweat, if they hadn't stopped just now, they drove past...

"Boss, what should we do now?" A voice came from Fawu's side.

"You go... Be careful, I'll wait for you here..." Xia Man managed to squeeze out a few words, and she couldn't explain why it hurt so much.

Qu Zhen touched Xia Man's head and knew what to do now, "Mo Sheng, take good care of Xia Man."

Mo Sheng had been holding Xia Man's hand tightly, trying to ease her pain.

Qu Zhen got out of the car and looked at the huge vines that could barely see the end blocking everyone.

"Drive the car further away." Qu Zhen said to Hua Xiangrong beside her.

Hua Xiangrong nodded.

When the car was far away, Qu Zhen stepped forward, but the vines did not attack anyone. When Qu Zhen took out the thunder ball, the vines suddenly came alive, and all the branches and leaves began to rattle.

"..." Qu Zhen put it away calmly, then turned her head, "Is there another way?"

Hua Xiangrong was stunned for a moment, she thought the boss was going to say that it was time to strike

"No." This is the only way, because this prison was originally used to confine prisoners serving life sentences, so the design is relatively closed.

"Yeah." Qu Zhen nodded.

"Stand back." Qu Zhen already had a guess in her heart.

Hua Xiangrong and the others backed away obediently, and Qu Zhen took another step forward. Surprisingly, there were no vines attacking Qu Zhen. Everyone thought it was because Qu Zhen had already reached the third level and was suppressed by the level.

Only Qu Zhen knew that it was not because of level suppression, but because there were several vines on her body, which Xia vines moved over bit by bit during this period.

Qu Zhen walked over, and all she saw was a small sapling.

Qu Zhen was a little strange, she thought there would be a huge vine in the middle, but she didn't expect it to be just a small sapling.

Qu Zhen picked it up, and saw all the vines quickly return to the soil for a moment.

Qu Zhen walked over, "You can drive here now."

After a while, several cars drove over, Qu Zhen went to see Xia Man at the first time, and found that Xia Man was fine except for her pale face.

Qu Zhen handed the sapling to Xia Man, Xia Man was a little strange, "This is it?"

"I don't know." Qu Zhen wiped the sweat from Xia Man's forehead, "But those huge vines just now have something to do with this."

Xia Man looked around, but found nothing, and it was impossible to keep it in the car all the time, so while Hua Xiangrong and Long Huanzi went to Fawu's side, she threw it directly into the space.