Living in the Last Days

Chapter 45: quarrel


It has been two months since I heard that the government established a base.

When Xia Man heard the news, she remembered that there were four major bases in her previous life, and now there are two. As for the poisonous scorpion, it should be impossible, so there is another...

"What's wrong?" Qu Zhen hugged Xia Man from behind.

Xia Man turned her head back, "It's okay, I was just thinking that the government built the base at this time, which is a bit unexpected."

"It's a bit strange, but it doesn't matter." Qu Zhen continued, "We just need to make our base well."

Xia Man didn't say, whether it's the government or that person, they will definitely come to make trouble in the end.

"Okay, now it's time for me to teach those children! It's time for class!" Xia Man turned around, looked at Qu Zhen, and said.

Unlike the original base management, children and women have their own things to do.

Children also have a few more things than other people. Classes are divided into cultural classes, physical classes, and supernatural classes.

Xia Man is the teacher of culture class.

Qu Zhen watched Xia Man walk away, and a group of children surrounded Xia Man.

"Boss, the city wall has been reinforced." Fa Wu walked up.

Qu Zhen came back to her senses, "Is there any movement from the Zhen family?"

"Same as before, what the Zhen family is playing is to save the world." Fa Wu didn't look at Qu Zhen, but at Xia Man who was teaching the children to read pinyin not far away.

"Cough cough cough!!" Qu Zhen coughed, with deep displeasure in her eyes.

Fa Wu looked over, "Boss, it's not a good thing for the base to continue like this..."

Qu Zhen looked over, "Fa Wu..." Qu Zhen sighed, "After so long, you still don't understand."

Fa Wu wanted to say something else, when he saw Xiang Hua Xiang Rong Long Huanzi came back with a group of women.

"Boss, we are back." Then I saw half a basket of small animals in the homemade pannier of the woman behind.

"Don't worry, boss, we didn't go down the mountain." Long Huanzi quickly assured.

"Thank you." Qu Zhen said looking at a group of women with bright eyes.

Qu Zhen has assigned everyone, those with abilities are responsible for fighting zombies, or going down the mountain to find supplies, those without abilities, regardless of whether they are men or women, are responsible for logistics. There is also responsible for hunting in the mountains.

Qu Zhen expanded the territory of the prison a lot, and everyone worked together to rebuild the city wall.

Because this is not built for the owner of the base, but for their own shelter, everyone is working very hard, working hard, plus there are various abilities of people with abilities.

The base was expanded a lot.

Xia Man began to plan to plant. At the beginning, she collected so many seeds before the end of the world, just for this day.

In the evening, as soon as Qu Zhen came back, Xia Man expressed her thoughts.

"..." Qu Zhen put her arms around Xia Man, "I know you are also anxious, but it may not work now, the soil cannot grow."

Xia Man is a little strange, to be honest, she really doesn't know, "Why can't it grow?"

"Why do you think it can be grown? In the space? You can't use the things you grow in your space now, you know?" The government really played the banner of saving human beings, and I believe it will use this banner to attract all kinds of supernatural beings soon. up.

"No, look at that." Xia Man pointed to a small pot of garlic sprouts that she used.

"..." Only then did Qu Zhen see that she usually only came back at night, and even when she came back, she rarely noticed the window sill.

"You planted it? Did you use the soil outside?" Qu Zhen's voice was a little low.

Xia Man nodded, her eyes were bright, and she praised me quickly! Compliment my expression quickly, "I planted it."

Unexpectedly, Qu Zhen directly turned black, "Don't say anything!"

Xia Man immediately turned dark, "It's fine if you don't praise me, why are you still attacking me?"

"It's not that you don't know what's going on now, if someone finds out that you have this ability..." Qu Zhen was worried, she would rather Xia Man didn't have this ability.

"I think it's pretty good. Anyway, it's not like you don't know how to protect me, am I right? A fourth-level supernatural being~" Xia Man rubbed Qu Zhen's cheek, "Such a good thing must be used. Otherwise, I will change from a cultural teacher to an agricultural teacher?" Xia Man said softly.

The lighting time of this skill is just right, it is useful but not a threat.

"I don't hope that in this life, the word Xia Man will not be able to be juxtaposed with the word Qu Zhen..." Xia Man's tone was a little low.

Qu Zhen felt distressed for a while, she also knew that some people in the base didn't like Xia Man, it would be great if Xia Man had an unobtrusive ability!

Seeing Qu Zhen's distress, Xia Man put her arms around Qu Zhen's neck, "As a qualified daughter-in-law, I can not only warm the bed but also help!"

"You are already qualified!" Hearing this, Qu Zhen's heartache just now turned into full of love, and she scratched Xia Man's small nose, "I don't trust you because you are too good."

"It's okay, you will always carry me on your trouser belt from now on, I will definitely obediently make a quiet waist ornament!" Xia Man put her arms around Qu Zhen's waist, "Just let me grow food~"

"..." Qu Zhen still shook her head.

"If it's not soft, it's hard! You forced me! Come on! Tell me! Let me expose the space or this skill? Anyway, neither of them is harmful and not aggressive!" I understand I'm angry!

Qu Zhen looked at Xia Man who had exploded, and sighed, "Why are you so stubborn?"

"I don't care! Choose one of the two!" It's also possible to expose the space. She killed the space. It's just a storage room of more than one hundred square meters, and no one can say anything. You can take out the things in the space by exposing the space. It can solve the problem that the base will soon face.

But space is a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution, and it is better to expose this planting skill.

"Manman..." Qu Zhen sighed, Xia Man seldom wrestled with herself like this. She also knew that Xia Man was for the entire base.

"Don't think about it, I just want it for the two of us, think about it! Do you want to hear someone say that? Look, that cripple is the daughter-in-law of the boss of the Green Vine Base!" In fact, there are even worse ones, But Xia Man will definitely not say it, she doesn't care about these things, but Qu Zhen does.

Sure enough, Qu Zhen frowned, "Who dares to say that?"

"Everyone who sees the two of us wants to say that..." Xia Man saw that there was hope, and immediately added fuel to the fire, "I don't want to be thought that I am not good enough for you..."

Xia Man had no choice but to use this trick.

There are so many people in the base, the materials snatched from the government at the beginning must not be enough, and she was not with Qu Zhen in her previous life, so I don’t know how Qu Zhen made the base so big, but now that she is here, she absolutely can’t Leave Qu Zhen alone!

Qu Zhen never showed any worries in front of her, but sometimes Xia Man woke up in the middle of the night and saw Qu Zhen sitting alone in the study, quietly looking at the planning map of the base.

Qu Zhen was watching inside, Xia Man was standing outside the study, Xia Man didn't go in, since Qu Zhen didn't want her to worry, then she pretended not to know.

Xia Man knew that some people doubted Qu Zhen's management style, but after so many years of experience in the apocalypse, Xia Man, who had experienced many bases, knew that Qu Zhen's management style was the most suitable for the apocalypse.