Living in the Last Days

Chapter 58: The End Chapter


Xia Man didn't have so many thoughts in her heart. On the one hand, she just couldn't bear the bullying of children and the elderly. On the other hand, she did look for the spar for so long, but she couldn't find it. She is ready to change her strategy, not to find it first by herself, but to wait until Qu Chen finds it, and she will grab it directly.

In the end, what I didn't expect was that I took a few first-level essence cores for my mother-in-law, and after a few words of advice, I was about to leave.

Then I was pulled back by my mother-in-law, "Girl, we have nothing to repay you, this is for you. It's not worth a few essence cores..."

Xia Man was stunned, unable to believe that the thing she had been looking for for so long was delivered to her.

"What's the matter? Girl?"

"Grandma, are you giving this to me?" Xia Man asked, and she was communicating with the fat girl in the space while she was asking.

"Of course, it was left to me by my son. He said that if he was really starving to death, he could exchange it for a few first-level essence cores. I hope the girl will not dislike it." The mother-in-law said while stuffing the black spar To Xia Man's hands.

Xia Man froze for a moment when she heard this, and of course her thoughts would not change, "Mother-in-law, this thing is very important to me, very important, I have been looking for it for a long time."

Of course, Xia Man wouldn't lie to the other party directly. If she didn't know the actual value of the item, she might not have accepted it directly. But now she knows that this black spar is very likely, and its value is immeasurable.

"That's just right." The mother-in-law didn't take her hand back because of what Xia Man said.

Xia Man originally only gave a few essence cores, because the old and the young have no ability to protect themselves. If you give too much, it will easily cause trouble.

But it's different now.

If she accepts such an important thing, she will give a few essence cores if she can't do it.

"Mother-in-law, is it convenient to go over and talk about it?" Xia Man looked at the child with a fever and cough, and said.

The mother-in-law walked over with Xia Man, and Xia Man said directly, "Grandma, this thing is very important to me. I thought about it, whether it is for the essence core or food for you, it is for you It's not safe to say. I have another idea."

The mother-in-law was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that she had clearly given the spar to the other party, but the other party could still think so much.

Before the apocalypse, she was in business, and she firmly believed in getting the most profit with the least cost.

Therefore, she has been at the top until the end of the world.

Then, after the apocalypse, she, who has no supernatural powers and is in poor health, becomes the kind of person who is bullied.

I don't have much thought to plot against others. And after the end of the world, the other people were more indifferent and cold-blooded than she was before.

I didn't expect to meet such a person.

Xia Man's idea was very simple, she directly took her mother-in-law and children into the space.

"There are all kinds of daily necessities here, and there are also medicines. I have something to do now. You can find antipyretics inside."

Seeing the shocked look of the other party, Xia Man said quickly.

This is the result of her deliberation. Holding that black spar in her hand, she already felt a steady stream of power coming from it.


Now that she has found what she has been looking for for so long, Xia Man has no time to toss about other things.

She went directly to Qu Zhen's residence, because she could feel the power in this spar, but she couldn't use it.

When Xia Man went, she saw Qu Zhen's subordinates frowned, and then said, "Boss means you stay in your room. Don't come out if you have nothing to do."

After hearing this, Xia Man immediately understood that the other party was using her as that substitute.

It happened that if it wasn't like this, these people would not let her see Qu Zhen.

Xia Man couldn't find what these people were thinking, and immediately said, "We are all for the good of the boss, what right does that woman who betrayed the boss have to stand by the boss's side. Just let me go in and see the boss... The boss asked, I won't say you let me in."

Sure enough, hesitation appeared on the other party's face, and Xia Man sighed in her heart, how much she hates me.

Then it was put in.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a woman sitting behind a desk.

Raising his head, his face that was originally paralyzed and indifferent seemed to melt like an iceberg.

"Boss," Xia Man called out imitating the stand-in she saw that day, and then closed the door directly.

"I found something!" Xia Man jumped into Qu Zhen's arms when she said this.

Under Qu Zhen's gaze, Xia Man seriously talked about how she got the spar, and then said that the grandparents and grandchildren were in her space.

Finally, put the spar in Qu Zhen's palm, "The problem is, I can't use this spar, you can try to see if you can use it."

Qu Zhen picked it up, sensed it for a while, and found that like Xia Man, she could feel the continuous power coming from the spar, but she couldn't use it.

Xia Man sighed, "I have one thing to say, don't hit me."

Qu Zhen knew what Xia Man was going to say almost without looking into Xia Man's eyes, "No. The meeting is coming to an end, I won't promise you to follow Qu Chen."

Xia Man: "..." You refused before I said anything.

"The overall situation is the most important thing, and I don't think Qu Chen is really my opponent." Although the two of them have never really fought, in Xia Man's view, Qu Chen in his previous life should be stronger than her However, for Qu Chen in this life, she shouldn't be a problem.

"You are the overall situation." Qu Zhen said casually, "Follow me back to the base."

"..." Xia Man had never heard Qu Zhen talking nonsense in such a serious manner, and blushed, "This is not the time to flirt, listen to me, this spar is really important, and, I think, whether the end of the world can end, The key lies in Qu Chen."

"..." Qu Zhen looked over, probably, are you kidding me

Xia Man knew that Qu Zhen would react in this way, so she could only make trouble unreasonably, "Do you love me? Do you love me? If you love me, shouldn't you believe me?"

"Then I'll love you again when I get back to the base." When Qu Zhen was speaking, she put the person who was sitting in her arms on the office chair beside her, and proved with her actions that she didn't love her anymore at this time.

Xia Man: "..."

"I'm here for the future of the entire human race..." Xia Man said weakly, "Can't you support my career?"

"Then I'll stay in your space. Follow you?" Qu Zhen turned her head and said.

Xia Man frowned, "What about the base?"

"I've already made arrangements." Qu Zhen said.

When Xia Man heard this, she immediately understood that Qu Zhen had probably already planned it.

"You deliberately?!"

Of course, in the end, her arms couldn't twist her thighs, so Xia Man could only let Qu Zhen stay in her own space, and went back to Qu Chen's residence together.

When I went back, I saw another girl beside Qu Chen, a little white flower with a weak willow and a strong wind.

Wait a minute, Xia Man saw the other party's jealous eyes, and felt that the other party's brain was a bit big.

However, it doesn't matter.

At this very moment, Xiao Baihua was bandaging Qu Chen, with tears in her eyes, "Brother Qu, it's all my fault, if it wasn't for saving me, you wouldn't have been injured, you've lost so much blood..."

Xia Manzai was observing Qu Chen, and then heard this sentence.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration, if I am not mistaken, according to the trajectory of the previous life, at this time, Qu Chen should have obtained the spar, and then...

Xia Man remembered the scenes of blood-dropping recognition often seen in TV dramas, so she sent a message to Qu Zhen in the space, "You try dripping blood on that spar."

Xia Man hurried back to her room while sending a message to Qu Zhen.

When she entered the space, she saw a miraculous scene. The spar had risen into the air, emitting a dazzling white light.

At this time, the land in the space also changed.

Xia Man didn't know why, but suddenly understood what Qu Chen was looking for when he killed her in his previous life.

This is the space.

That's right, it's this space.

Xia Man felt the washing from the white light, and then was embraced by Qu Zhen next to her.

Qu Zhen finally handed over the things to the government base. On the one hand, she does not have a research institute in the government base. On the other hand, the contract signed by the government base is enough for Qu Zhen.

When Qu Chen was killed, he was still hugging the little white flower-like woman, and Xia Man who did it was dragged away by Qu Zhen.

When the government developed a vaccine to eliminate zombies, Qu Zhen and Xia Man had already built the base so that it was not much different from what it was before the end of the world.

However, because of the geographical advantage of the base, nothing can be done at the government base.

The author has something to say: I have been thinking for a long time, how to explain, I just finished this article, and finally decided to tell the truth, because next month I have to pay tuition fees, because I have to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination this summer vacation, and I'm still hot, so I don't have as much time as in previous years to do tutoring and the like. It's too bad to be short of a few hundred dollars, and the article is not finished, and the money can only be raised by half, so it can only be like this.

I accept all criticism and blame. Because this is what I should have suffered.

terribly sorry. And, all lily articles I wrote in the future will no longer be included in V.

sorry Sorry sorry.

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