Living Together

Chapter 1: Festival


Title: Living Together

Author: Liu Shuishui


Honest and gentle uncle gong × downcast youth suffer

Divorced old man is daily seduced by the boy who is fostered, from straight to gay

Zhong Jizhi picked up a child. To be precise, it couldn't be considered a child. After all, he was already nineteen years old, and in the countryside, he could get married.

That day, Zhong Jizhi closed the store and went home as usual. The winter vacation was approaching, and the part-time college student also resigned, saying that it was the end of the semester. If he was studying for the exam, Zhong Jizhi could not stop others from leaving.

At the end of the year, it was not easy to invite someone, so Zhong Jizhi could only clean the store by himself, and prepared the things for tomorrow before closing the store and preparing to go back. He pulled down the shutter, locked it, and stood up. As soon as he turned around, Zhong Jizhi was scared back. a few steps.

A child stood behind him, Zhong Jizhi looked left and right, just entering the winter moon, there were no people on the street at ten o'clock, but fortunately the street lights were on, and the white light was shining on the child, looking thin and pitiful. .

The cold night dew was heavy, the child put his hands in his pockets, shrank his neck and looked at him, motionless and did not speak, strangely panicked, Zhong Jizhi stabilized his body and asked, "What's the matter?"

After all, the child has been looking at him, this time, he is still outside, is there any difficulty? The child sees Zhong Jizhi talking, pursed his lips, white air leaked from his lips, and his lips were licked red. ,"I…"

The child stopped after saying "I", Zhong Jizhi thought that something had really happened, and walked towards the child, "It's alright, tell me."

Zhong Jizhi is tall and big, but he looks honest and kind, and his appearance can be summed up in four words, honest and honest, the child is more daring, "I'm so hungry." He chuckled lightly, "Wait."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went to open the rolling shutter door. The door was slammed and pulled open. Zhong Jizhi took out the rest of the bread from the store.

The bread was still soft, but not hot. The child held it in his hand, said thank you, and ate it in small bites. Zhong Jizhi closed the door, and now he really intends to go home.

But after taking two steps, he realized that something was wrong. The child was behind him. Zhong Jizhi stopped and turned to look at him, "Aren't you going home?" The child stopped eating and shook his head.

Only then did Zhong Jizhi look at the child in front of him. The child was very good-looking. He looked like a porcelain doll. Disagreement, he ran away from home.

Zhong Jizhi said again, "What are you doing with me? Go home early." After speaking, he turned around and continued to walk forward, but he found that the child was still following him, Zhong Jizhi patiently said, "Are you in any trouble? Now, do you want me to help you call the police?"

As soon as he heard the alarm, the child immediately shook his head, "I... I just arrived here today, and I have nowhere to go. Can I come with you?" The voice was very low, and the last words would have been lost if Zhong Ji was not close to him. Almost inaudible.

The child seemed to know that Zhong Jizhi was a good person before he dared to say such a thing. Zhong Jizhi opened his mouth, and someone made such a request to you in the middle of the night, which indeed sounds strange and excessive.

But the person in front of him looked at him expectantly. Maybe he had been standing outside for too long. The child's cheeks were flushed by the wind and his eyes were dry. He kept blinking to relieve him. The discarded puppy didn't even have any decent luggage by his side, and it looked suspicious just by being alone in front of Zhong Jizhi.

Zhong Jizhi was like this, he couldn't help but pity all kinds of people, but he didn't pity himself, looking at the child, he couldn't say anything to refuse, "Okay, just tonight, you still have to go home early, the family will worried."

The child did not refute anything, and was taken home by Zhong Jizhi. Zhong Ji's House is not far from the store, and it only takes ten minutes to walk back. It is not an elevator room, an ordinary old building, with two households on the first floor, and it is not large, with one bedroom and one living room, a typical single-dog apartment.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhong Jizhi found pajamas for the child and asked him to quickly take a hot bath. If he stood in the wind for so long, he might catch a cold. After taking a bath, the child came out of the bathroom hot, wearing Zhong Jizhi. My sportswear was a few sizes too big, and the clothes were dragged to my thighs, and my pants were elastic, as long as they fit.

There was a glass of warm water and a few medicines on the table. Zhong Jizhi took his pajamas and went to the bathroom. As he walked, he said, "Drink the cold medicine on the table. It's easy to catch a cold after the cold wind has been blowing for so long."

The child hummed, picked up the medicine and swallowed it with water, watched Zhong Jizhi's back, and entered the bathroom, relieved, this man really is a good talker.

Zhong Jizhi came out of the bathroom and saw that the child was still sitting on the sofa with his legs in his arms, and the little sun was roasting. Zhong Jizhi felt the need to ask what the situation was, and sat next to the child.

Zhong Jizhi doesn't look like a ferocious person, and he speaks with intimacy, like the uncle of the neighbor's house, which will not make people feel urgent and restrained, "My surname is Zhong, my name is Zhong Jizhi, how old are you, the child, what do you call it, so Don't go home if it's late."

The child raised his eyes to look at Zhong Jizhi, his toes clasped down slightly, and pressed against the sofa, "My name is Lin Yang, nineteen." Zhong Jizhi didn't answer the following questions.

Zhong Jizhi nodded, he was nineteen, he was not considered a child, he was already an adult, Zhong Jizhi did not answer, obviously waiting for Lin Yang to continue, Lin Yang exhaled deeply, as if he had made a major decision Just like that, he opened his mouth slowly.

"There's no one in my house, I'm here alone." Lin Yang blinked, then secretly looked at Zhong Jizhi's reaction, Zhong Jizhi opened his mouth slightly, as if surprised, "You... what happened to your house? ?"

Lin Yang doesn't look like an orphan at all, but rather like a clean young man who has been living in an ivory tower. He has never experienced anything before he dares to go to a strange place empty-handed and find a middle-aged uncle he doesn't know to take him in in the middle of the night. , Lin Yang shook his head, "I've been alone for a long time, but..." Lin Yang paused, thinking about what to say, "It's just that something happened at school recently, so I dropped out and came here alone."

What happened, Lin Yang didn't explain in detail, and Zhong Jizhi didn't want to ask. After all, this little friend who didn't know him was going to leave tomorrow, so he couldn't ask more.

Zhong Jizhi gave the bed to Lin Yang, and slept on the sofa himself. Lin Yang lay on the bed, and he was relieved. Fortunately, Zhong Jizhi didn't ask more, otherwise he really didn't know how to explain it, a person who didn't even have luggage, Zhong Jizhi didn't doubt anything, so he let him stay. Sure enough, this kind of honest man is the easiest to trust.

The bed was not a big bed of one or two meters, it was a double bed slightly larger than the single bed. Lin Yang turned over and couldn't fall asleep. The events of the past few days were like a dream, replaying them in his mind over and over again. The classmates' discussion, the school's dismissal, I couldn't even enter the apartment, and I couldn't take anything. Although I didn't have anything from him, I went out of the house with bare hands, bought a train ticket in a hurry, and came to this strange city. In addition to his ID card, he only had more than 200 yuan in cash.

Lin Yang couldn't tell what it felt like, he just thought it was too fantastical. A few days ago, he was raised as a canary in a small apartment, but now he lives on the street. He has to rely on the poor old man to have a place to stay for one night. .

Lin Yang is a fostered college student, and the beginning of many foster care stories is the same. Lin Yang also needs money. When Lin Yang was very young, his father died, and his mother remarried soon after, and he lived with his grandmother. , everything is very good, very calm, Lin Yang is very sensible and has good grades, but when she was in the second year of high school, her grandmother fell ill and needed a lot of money. The family that originally lived on the subsistence allowances and poverty subsidies could not get it at all. out so much money.

At that time, Lin Yang didn't think about betraying himself at all. He just wanted to find a job with some income. Lin Yang was not an adult, and many places were reluctant to ask him for a part-time job. A nightclub job.

Lin Yang and Zhao Xunan met in a nightclub. Lin Yang was only seventeen years old at the time. Zhao Chuanan liked this little boy very much. He was clean and pure, and he didn't understand anything. If he was willing to work in such a place, he would be stupid if he gave him some favors. Following along, Zhao Chuanan did not expect that Lin Yang really needed money. When Zhao Chuanan proposed to take care of him, Lin Yang agreed without much thought.

He was fostered by Zhao Chuanan for almost three years, from the second year of high school to the third year of high school, and then to college. Zhao Chuanan was a very qualified breeder. Lin Yang asked for 200,000 yuan as soon as he opened his mouth, and Zhao Chuanan gave it to him without asking much. The monthly living allowance was also paid on time, but Lin Yang’s grandmother still did not hold back. Lin Yang passed away after he was admitted to the university.

Logically speaking, the support between him and Zhao Chuanan should be stopped, but no one mentioned that Lin Yang was still supported by him, and even went to college in Zhao Chuanan's city. Zhao Chuanan bought him an apartment outside the school. , Zhao Chuanan will come every few days. Zhao Chuanan has no special hobbies on the bed. He is a gentle pet owner. Zhao Chuanan got married, and Lin Yang usually lived by himself.

That's how rich people are. Even if they are married, they still have children outside. Zhao Chuan's wife, Luo Suyi, knew of Lin Yang's existence, but she always ignored her.

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