Living Together

Chapter 6: Festival


When he was so excited, he smirked while sitting in the taxi, Zhong Jizhi called him, Lin Yang turned his head to look at him, and asked Zhong Jizhi to hug him coquettishly, the driver looked at them from the rearview mirror, "Your brother, this is I drank too much." Zhong Jizhi was embarrassed and perfunctory, Lin Yang was indeed much younger than him, and he had never seen him call him brother.

When he got out of the taxi, the cold wind blew, and Lin Yang woke up a little, "Are you home?" Lin Yang raised his eyelids to look around, holding Zhong Jizhi's waist in his arms, and Zhong Jizhi made an "um", "Can I do it myself? Are you going?" Lin Yang was almost unsteady, as if he had no bones, he hung on Zhong Jizhi, Lin Yang hurriedly stood up by himself, "Yes...Yes."

Zhong Jizhi followed him all the time, for fear that Lin Yang would be careless, so he leaned over. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he got home. Although Lin Yang was very drunk, his mind was still clear and he knew that he drank too much. So much stamina.

Zhong Jizhi wanted to tell Lin Yang to sleep like this, but Lin Yang couldn't stand the smell of alcohol, and he had to take a shower when he said anything.

When he got to the bathroom, Lin Yang didn't even take off his clothes. He turned on the shower head and poured cold water down. Lin Yang was shocked, and his drink was half gone. He was already able to think about things in his mind. Lin Yang thought about it for a while. There are many ways to make oneself stay confidently. The easiest and most direct one is to go to bed with Zhong Ji. With Zhong Jizhi's character, he will never have the thought of driving him away. He got drunk and gave Zhong Jizhi a chance, and took the initiative to send it to him.

After standing underwater and thinking for a while, Lin Yang still felt cold, and then he came back to his senses, why is it still cold, turned it off, turned it on, the water was not hot, Lin Yang was soaked in water, cold Lin Yang's clothes were stuck to Lin Yang's body, and Lin Yang shivered coldly, "Zhong Jizhi..."

As soon as he heard Lin Yang calling him, Zhong Jizhi hurriedly came over and knocked on the door, "What's wrong?" Lin Yang touched the cold water in his hand, his mind was not sober, "Why is there no hot water?" Zhong Jizhi hurriedly opened the door, Fortunately, Lin Yang was still standing inside with his clothes on, wet, looking like a despairing little puppy.

Zhong Jizhi glanced at the switch, and turned in the direction of the cold water. He sighed. Startled, subconsciously trying to push the person out, he heard Lin Yang trembling and saying, "Cold."

Lin Yang was soaked with cold water, how could it not be cold, Zhong Jizhi didn't push him away, but helped him take off his coat, "If you take off your clothes and take a shower, it won't be cold. You can take off the rest yourself."

Zhong Jizhi really wanted to go out quickly, the photo of Yuba inside was bright, Lin Yang's cheeks were flushed, he raised his head and looked at himself blankly, the hot water also poured out, and it was damp and wet. Lin Yang hummed and tugged at his clothes indiscriminately. The sweater got stuck in his neck. Lin Yang hurriedly shouted, "Um... ah, I can't get out..."

The man whose head was covered by the sweater staggered. Zhong Jizhi was really afraid that he would slip in the bathroom, so he turned back and took off the sweater for Lin Yang. The young boy's white body was exposed, and he was a little thin. Dare to look at it again, he was a little embarrassed, but Lin Yang hugged his neck, "Pants."

Lin Yang didn't plan to let Zhong Jizhi go at all. Lin Yang looked at the drunk, but he actually knew what he was doing. Now this is the best chance. Waiting for Zhong Jizhi to strip himself and sleep with him while drunk, Lin Yang has been secretly secretly Looking at Zhong Jizhi's reaction, apart from being a little restrained and nervous, he couldn't really see that he had any rejection of men.

The old man froze and didn't move, Lin Yang squinted close to him, frowned, "cold..." There was a hint of complaint in his tone, the boy had goose bumps on his upper body, Zhong Jizhi took off Lin Yang's pants, Even the panties were pulled down, and a slick and beautiful young man stood in front of him, and the shaking Zhong Jizhi was dizzy.

Zhong Jizhi was thinking that he could finally go out, but he didn't expect that Lin Yang would still hold him and leaned on his face with his feet on his feet. Zhong Jizhi didn't know what he wanted to do. Legs Zhong Jizhi's waist, head buried in his shoulders, "want to do..."

The boy's breath hit Zhong Jizhi's neck, and Zhong Jizhi's wine energy was also stirred up. He only felt a force from the spine to the top of his head, and Zhong Jizhi's whole body was hot as he rushed, clutching at the only reason he had, trying to make Lin Yang tick. Come down, "You've got the wrong person... I'm not Mr. Zhao."

Of course Lin Yang knew that he was not Zhao Xunan, and felt amused in his heart. Sure enough, he had to take the initiative before the old man would take the bait. Lin Yang took the initiative to stick out his tongue and licked Zhong Jizhi's neck. Zhong Jiyi shivered and leaned directly against the wall. .

"Zhong Jizhi...want to do..." Lin Yang called Zhong Jizhi's name directly, raised his head and looked at him with blurred eyes. Zhong Jizhi was shocked, the young man knew who he was, not Mr. Zhao.

It's really been too long in these years, Lin Yang's provocation, plus the wine force, reminded Zhong Jizhi, the morning when Lin Yang gave him the mouth, Lin Yang's mouth/skill was very good, the mouth was warm and he knew the strength, the more The more I think about it, the more I feel burning, the lower body unconsciously raises his head.

Lin Yang was on Zhong Jizhi's body, he could know immediately about Zhong Jizhi's reaction, and before Zhong Jizhi regretted it, Lin Yang jumped off him, locked the toilet door, and stripped off Zhong Jizhi's clothes. .

Lin Yang also hadn't done it for a few months. Looking at Zhong Jizhi's crotch, the size was astonishingly large. It's not Lin Yang's character to fight back. Zhong Jizhi must not know how to do it with a man. He had to take the initiative and teach Zhong Jizhi how to fuck him.

The boy's body was like a piece of hot coal. Zhong Jizhi felt hot and wanted to push it away, but felt cold and wanted to hug him tightly. Lin Yang hugged Zhong Jizhi's neck, lips to lips, biting Zhong Jizhi and sticking his tongue into his mouth. , messing with him wantonly, Zhong Jiyi froze at first, and was completely aroused. He immediately hugged Lin Yang's leg and pressed it against the wall. Lin Yang felt that his back was hurting.

Zhong Jizhi didn't have any tricks in kissing people, but it was fierce, as if he wanted to eat Lin Yang into his stomach. He suppressed it for too long. The sound of running water from the shower drowned out the sound of kissing. It was the first time that Lin Yang was kissed. Out of breath, he pushed Zhong Jizhi's head, wanting to let go of his breath, his lips and teeth attached to each other, Lin Yang hugged Zhong Jizhi's head and looked down at him, panting a little hard.

Zhong Jizhi didn't get much better, waiting for the young man to relax, and biting on it eagerly, the saliva couldn't stop flowing down, onto the chests of the two of them, and dripped onto the crotch that was tightly attached to each other. superior.

Lin Yang touched the shampoo next to him, trying to avoid Zhong Jizhi's kiss, and said with some difficulty, "Do you know how to do it?" When Zhong Jizhi was asked, Zhong Jizhi's mouth was pressed against him and he didn't move, Lin Yang took the shampoo He squeezed a lot on his hands, he didn't want to be hurt by Zhong Jizhi, "I'll teach you..."

Zhong Jizhi still didn't know what Lin Yang wanted to do, but when he saw Lin Yang put his hand in the crevice of his buttocks, Lin Yang tilted his neck and leaned against the wall. In his hand, he could even hear the sound of water with the sound of babbling. Can you do it in that place? It's so small and it's not a woman.

He couldn't get to the innermost part of his own expansion, he just opened the tight mouth. Lin Yang was panting heavily and did not dare to ask Zhong Jizhi to come in directly. He wanted to figure it out by himself. Zhong Jizhi suddenly took his hand, Lin Yang didn't In response, Zhong Jizhi's fingers came in.

It was tight and hot inside, wet with shampoo, and still very slippery. Zhong Jizhi's hands were thicker than Lin Yang's, and they were added one by one. Flattened and kneaded with his fingers, wanting Zhong Jizhi to make it deeper, Lin Yang unconsciously raised his hips, and the middle finger seemed to be inserted into the innermost part, but the sensitive area was not comforted for a long time.

Lin Yang felt that it was almost done, "Come in..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yang felt that Zhong Jizhi had pushed him to the very innermost position, his horse/eyes poked the soft flesh in the tunnel, the cave was completely filled, and the feeling of soreness and softness from the inside to the outside, Lin Yang felt that he was about to urinate, and his waist was directly soft. down.

Lin Yang snorted, "Well... move..." Just holding still, it was uncomfortable to rise, as if a balloon was about to burst, Lin Yang moved his feet, and used his heels to grind Zhong Jizhi's waist. It was as if he had solved the acupoint, and he moved regardless.

The boy's body is not as soft as a woman's, with distinct muscles and bones, and more compact and elastic. Zhong Jizhi hadn't touched anyone for too long, neither men nor women. He was holding Lin Yang right now, and he was on the verge of breaking out. Zhong Jizhi was rampaging in Lin Yang's corridor, and Lin Yang couldn't bear it. Zhong Jizhi was older than Zhao Xunan and had no skills at all. If Zhao Chuan was to ask him if he was cool, Zhong Jizhi's sex/love was all based on a primitive impulse.

"Slow... Slow..." Lin Yang said almost with difficulty, straight men are annoying, they don't understand anything, just a little bit, like a cannonball. "Zhong Jizhi...slow down..." After calling the old man's name, Zhong Jizhi reacted a little and slowed down the movements under him, but the entry and exit were still slow and forceful. For the first time, Zhong Jizhi knew that men can be like women here.

Zhong Jizhi was thinking about other things while going in and out. This place is more private than women, but it can accept everything he has softly. Lin Yang's face was flushed, and every time he violated, he could feel the shameful bite in the corridor, and he couldn't swallow it.