Living Up to You

Chapter 10


The barrier that Senior Brother Qing Kui planted for her just now will be destroyed by those monsters. Either the monsters are too powerful, or Senior Brother Qing Kui has run out of support, and I am afraid it will be in danger.

There was such a big movement in Dimai Peak, she just looked down from the sky, and only saw other disciples transferring the disciples of Dimai Peak to the main peak, but did not see the master and the elders going down the mountain to deal with the group of monsters. Dimai Peakā€¦

"Second senior brother is there!"

From a distance, Lingxi saw Qing Kui trapped in the middle of an open space. The blue robe was stained with blood, and he didn't know if it was his own or someone else's. , the wine jug that was carried with him has become the size of two people hanging in the air, but it just stands beside him, helpless.

Those who surrounded Qingkui were not alien monsters, but disciples of Dimai Peak!

I saw that group of disciples holding long swords, with fierce expressions on their faces, and with the formation of Cangjia Mountain, they attacked Qingkui without hesitation.

Qing Kui obviously cared about the opponent's identity, only attacking but not defending.

Lingxi once heard Qing Kui mention the battle between immortals and demons sixty years ago.

Demons are born by relying on the evil thoughts of the six realms. The so-called one thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon. No matter how clean a person is, there are always emotions and desires. Even a fairy is not a cold and heartless wooden person. Some "emotions" are too deep, and they become obsessions. If there are obsessions, it is easy to be invaded by evil things, breed evil thoughts, and then become demons.

That's why in the war between immortals and demons that year, there were not many monsters, but they were able to win repeated battles, almost pushing Cangjia Mountain to a desperate situation, because they were good at exploiting people's weaknesses, bewitching people's hearts, and tempting people into demons, thus losing their true nature.

Those Cangjia disciples attacking Qingkui in front of them were probably corrupted by monsters.

"Hurry up and rescue Senior Brother Qingkui!" Lingxi stopped at the entrance of a cave, "He must be a little bit obsessed, otherwise, why would he not be able to escape for so long!"

Those disciples surrounding him are only new disciples after all, no matter how many there are, they can't be his opponent, but he is trapped in it and helpless!

The little black turtle that turned into an eagle glanced at Lingxi. Lingxi understood the meaning in its eyes, blinked and said, "I can protect myself, as long as you go and come back quickly."

As she spoke, she formed a seal with one hand, and pulled out a circle of enchantment, which shone slightly with silver light, but it was somewhat thick.

This time the little black turtle was quite obedient, glanced at the barrier, tapped it with the eagle's beak, and saw that it was thicker again, so it spread its wings and flew towards Qingkui.

As soon as the little black turtle left, Lingxi heard a woman weeping faintly in the cave. She took two steps back, and she saw the woman in green gauze curled up behind a stone, trembling.

"Sister..." Lingxi called out, "Sister, how do you come here?"

Lingxi thought to herself that her spiritual power could actually produce ten thousand snow lotuses, maybe the enchantment she created had a good defensive ability, at least better than her hiding behind a stone.

The woman hiding behind the stone moved, stopped crying, and poked her head out carefully.

When Lingxi saw her appearance, she was taken aback, "You... are...?"

The woman was startled when she saw Lingxi, she forgot to wipe away her tears, as if she was remembering, she said for a while, "Lingxi?"

Only a few images flashed through Lingxi's mind, but she still couldn't remember who this woman was, only felt that her face was familiar.

"Lingxi, don't you remember me?" The woman wiped away her tears, stood up, straightened her messy hair, and revealed her entire face, "Two and a half years ago, at the foot of the mountain..."

"You belong to Senior Brother Qingnian..."

Lingxi has a bad memory, and many things in the past are just a vague shadow, but I am afraid that as long as she is in Cangjia Mountain, she will never forget the incident two and a half years ago.

At that time, she had just gone up the mountain for half a year, and had beaten the green leaves for half a year. She didn't understand Feng Su's intentions, and she missed her brother very much. She always felt that he was still waiting for her in the small village at the foot of the mountain. At night, he sneaked down Tianmai Peak alone.

She didn't remember the way, and she didn't know the art of magic. Tianmai Peak was steep and rugged, and it was raining heavily when she walked halfway. She wanted to go back but couldn't find the way, so she had to bite the bullet and go down. It was dark and the road was dangerous, and she accidentally slipped down. If Brother Qing Nian hadn't appeared in time to save her, she might have fallen to her death on the spot.

That night Qingnian Yujian, with an anxious face, didn't say a word after saving her, just rushed down the mountain, put her in the barrier and asked her to wait for him to come back.

That night was the same as it is today, with demons at work, but it was in the human world at that time, and she only had her brother in her heart, so she was easily fooled by those monsters, ran out of the barrier, and ruined Cangjia Mountain's plan to eliminate demons. Killed hundreds of Cangjia disciples.

That night, senior brother Qingnian hurried down the mountain just to rescue the woman in front of him who was still in the human world.

"Well, I'm..." The woman was slightly shy and approached Lingxi, "My name is Xueran, Qing Nian said, I'm his... sister."

Lingxi looked at her in surprise. It was true that she looked older than her at first glance, but... how could it be bigger than Qing Nian? Qing Nian has been in Cangjia Mountain for at least three hundred years.

"You... You have cultivated the immortal body?" Lingxi only thought of this explanation, but why should the immortal body hide here...

"No." Xueran shook her head quickly, and said softly, "Qing Nian said, I was his sister three hundred years ago, and now I am her reincarnation."

Lingxi nodded in a daze. Is the person after reincarnation the same person as before

Lingxi and Xueran stayed in the barrier, speechless for a while, the night was extremely long, giving people the illusion that they would never see the sunrise.

If Lingxi was standing at the entrance of the cave, she could still vaguely see Qingkui's situation, but in order not to be discovered by the monsters, she and Xueran curled up in the corner of the cave. But as time went by, she began to worry.

The clamor of the monsters outside started to weaken, the screams of the Cangjia disciples gradually disappeared, but Lingxi became more and more uneasy, the little black turtle did not return, the senior brother Qingkui did not return, neither the senior brother nor the head elders showed up...

"Lingxi, shall we go out?" Lingxi kept holding back, but it was true that Xueran spoke first, "I'm worried... worried about Qing Nian him..."

Yes, back then when the demon world invaded the human world, Qing Nian could sense the danger of Xue Ran and rescue her. With such a big commotion today, why didn't he show up for so long

"Sister, let's go out...will it cause trouble?" Lingxi was still worried about her rashness last time.

"If you don't go out, those monsters..." Xueran Liu frowned slightly, and said worriedly, "If Qing Nian can't find me, they will interfere with her mind..."

"I understand." Lingxi asked, "Sister, can you control the sword?"

Yukino nodded.

Lingxi felt that Xueran's worry seemed to have answered her previous doubts.

Xueran has only been a beginner for more than two years, her qualifications are average, and she is not very good at Yujian. It is difficult to take Lingxi forward. Fortunately, when the two of them went out, there were not so many monsters chasing them as expected. On the contrary, they calmly Somewhat weird.

"Sister Xueran, why... is there no one?" Lingxi hugged Xueran's waist tightly, and the cold wind made her shiver.

"I don't know..." Xueran said anxiously, "Look around, I'm on the sword, I can't get distracted."

Lingxi took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and looked up.

It was pitch black all around, and what I could see occasionally were corpses, and the only thing I could hear was the sound of the wind. The two were silent for a long time, Xueran's sword suddenly went up, Lingxi asked: "Sister Xueran, what's wrong?"

"We can't see anything here, probably because we are not flying high enough." Xue Ran affirmed, "We can definitely see something when we fly up."


Xueran's sword went straight up, Lingxi was almost blinded by the oncoming wind, she caught a glimpse of some light, and hurriedly said: "Sister Xueran, to the left!"

On the left is the sword-testing platform this morning. Xueran's sword turned in a different direction and slowed down, so Lingxi could clearly see the things ahead.

The most conspicuous thing is Feng Su's white dress.

Lingxi was overjoyed, not only the elder brother was there, but also the head of the sect, the seven elders, and Qing Kui were also there!

It's just that everyone else retreated to one side, only Feng Su was casting a spell in his white clothes fluttering.

The silver light illuminated the entire sword-testing stage, and string after string of light chains slipped out from Feng Su's hands, wrapping around the person in the middle of the sword-testing stage, and then tightened more and more.

"Qing Nian!" Xue Ran shouted.

Only then did Lingxi notice that it was Senior Brother Qing Nian who was surrounded by everyone!

But Qing Nian's clear eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and the originally white and tender face was enveloped by the black evil spirit. When he turned his head and saw Xue Ran, those eyes seemed to be on fire, and with a loud roar, his whole body was covered in blood. Liang, broke away from the string of silver just now, and rushed towards them quickly.

"Sister Xueran, be careful!" Lingxi yelled, after Qing Nian broke free, a group of black monsters full of bloody smell followed behind him!

Xueran obviously didn't expect that Qing Nian would rush towards him with murderous intent, and quickly adjusted the direction of the sword, trying to avoid Qing Nian.

At this moment, Feng Su squeezed the curse, drew the bow with both hands, and pulled out a long silver arrow, aiming at Qing Nian.

Xueran was afraid that Feng Su's arrow would take Qing Nian's life, and when she was distracted, the sword under her feet was crooked. Just now she turned sharply, Lingxi managed to gain a firm foothold, but now she tilted again, Lingxi let go of her hand, and she slid down.

The silver long arrow went straight into Qing Nian's chest, and the thick black smoke slowly overflowed from the chest, the bloody light in Qing Nian's eyes gradually dissipated, and the black air on his face also slowly disappeared.

Feng Su retracted the arrow and immediately turned over to catch Lingxi.

Lingxi held onto his neck tightly, smelled the clean smell on his body, just felt at ease, but felt Feng Su's body trembled suddenly, opened her eyes quickly, and saw that black monster had also turned into a It was a long arrow, but it was a long black arrow, half of which had already sunk into Feng Su's chest.

"Big brother!"

Lingxi only heard the exclamation of the crowd, and felt that her body was covered with wetness. When she turned her head, the corners of Feng Su's mouth were stained with blood.

"Eldest brother..." Lingxi panicked and wanted to wipe off the blood stains for him, but she was hugged too tightly by him, and she couldn't move her hands.

The black arrow was pulled out from the heart, and Feng Su spat out another mouthful of blood. Seeing the monster attack again, Lingxi called out: "Brother!"

Feng Su made seals with both hands, and was about to block the monster's attack, suddenly turned around, turned sideways to the monster, and hugged Lingxi tightly in his arms, the white barrier protected her tightly.

Lingxi widened her eyes in perplexity, completely unable to understand why Master Cang Hai would suddenly attack at such a critical moment of life and death, actually... wanted to kill her...

Feng Su blocked Cang Hai's stabbing sword at Lingxi, and the empty door behind was hit by the monster again, and the whole back seemed to be split open, with blood gushing out from top to bottom.

Lingxi's eyes were quickly covered with tears, and she was so choked up that she couldn't even say "big brother", but held his hand tightly.

That hand brought her to Cangjia Mountain, that hand led her out of Tingyun Hall, that hand rescued her from the water prison in Cangjia Mountain, that hand taught her too much...

But the hand that has always been as warm as jade, at this moment, is gradually turning cold.

"Big... senior brother..."

Feng Su's hand holding Lingxi gradually softened, and he knelt on the ground with a "boom" and slowly fell down.

In the dark night, the snow-white clothes were stained with bright red blood.

Lingxi's body was stained with blood, her face was stained with blood, her hands were all covered in blood!

She never knew that a fairy could shed so much blood.

"Feng Su! You are still protecting this evildoer!" Cang Hai pointed at Lingxi angrily, "If it wasn't for her, she would have attracted so many evildoers from the demon world! Cangjiashan can't keep her!"

Several other elders and several senior disciples were fighting the group of monsters, Lingxi could only count on Cang Yu, and cried: "Sect Leader, please save Senior Brother... Senior Senior Brother, Senior Senior Brother's body is cold. Sect Leader Please save Eldest Brother! Little Lingxi is insignificant, let the head handle it! But... but Eldest Brother cannot die!"

The other disciples were also moved, and wanted to intercede with Lingxi, but seeing the expressionless face of the master, they shut up before they could speak.

"Master, Lingxi, please!" Lingxi knelt on the ground and kowtowed firmly to Cang Yu.

Cang Yu's eyes finally flashed, sighed, and said, "You don't need to worry, he will be fine."

Said, stepped forward to help Feng Su, and fed him a few pills.

"Take big brother down."

Cang Yu ordered, Lingxi watched several people carry Feng Su down, and then she felt at ease.

It turned out that the group of monsters attached to Qing Nian made it difficult for everyone. Now that it has been driven out, several elders joined forces with Qingkui Qinglian to subdue it quickly.

Lingxi still hasn't recovered from the emotion just now, and Cang Yu's battle of innocence has already been pointed at her.

"Snow lotus flying to dust, child, these six realms cannot tolerate you."

Even if she can open ten thousand snow lotuses with her hands, maybe she can open the entrance to the God Realm in the future, but he can't risk the catastrophe of the Six Realms to keep her.

Lingxi wanted to wipe the tears off her face with bloody hands, but more and more blood was on her face, and the tears never stopped, gurgling out.

When she was driven out of one small village after another, her brother would always hold her hand and say that the world is so big that there is no room for her brother and sister.

But then my brother disappeared.

But now, this venerable immortal said that there is no room for her in the six realms.

If so, she would not stay.

I only hope that without her little Lingxi, the six worlds will be clear.

On a bleak night, the night wind kept blowing away the dark clouds and thick fog. Ink-stained sky, bright moon, starry.

Lingxi closed her eyes.

Cang Yu raised his staff and had accumulated eight percent of his energy.

There is a soul in this life without an afterlife, just one battle, and the ashes will be wiped out, and there will be no trouble in the six realms!

The purple-red glare made the moon blush, the wind was strong, and the fallen leaves were flying.

Cang Yu went down with one stick, sparing no effort!

There was a loud "Boom", like a thunderbolt getting angry, silver white and purple red collided in the air, the sky and the earth seemed to turn into colorful, light sheets overflowed, and the dazzling light made everyone unable to open their eyes!

Immediately afterwards, everything was silent.

Lingxi had been kneeling on the ground for a long time, but the expected pain never came, only Cang Yu shouted in confusion: "Feng Su!"

Opening her eyes again, the elder brother was actually right in front of her eyes.

It is still white clothes better than snow, free from worldly dust.

She rushed over to grab his hand, caught nothing, and stood there, watching him smile at her.

Cang Yu ran towards her, but she didn't respond, she just watched him smile at her.

Those eyes were full of stars.

Feng Su, who was dressed in white and snow-covered, slowly bent down and touched her head like he had done countless times, "I can't wait until you grow up."

he said with a smile. The body began to crack.

No, not the body, that's... the soul.

Lingxi reached out to grab his hand again, but still couldn't.

Lingxi started to cry.

Feng Su's hand brushed her eyebrows, but she couldn't wipe away her tears. She wanted to grab his hand, but she couldn't even touch his sleeve, so she just cried and murmured, "Eldest brother..."

Feng Su's eyelids drooped slightly, and he said with a light smile, "Still...can't remember..."

Just when a gust of wind passed by, the soul was like flying pieces of paper, fluttering all over the sky.

Lingxi looked up at the debris all over the sky, expressionless.

I don't know when there is a silver mirror in midair, Feng Su's eyebrows, Feng Su's eyes, Feng Su's hands, piece by piece fell with the wind and disappeared into the mirror.

Dimai Peak tonight is deathly silent.

The silver mirror quietly fell into Lingxi's hands, reflecting her blood-stained face, a drop of tear slid down and landed on the mirror, disappeared into the mirror, leaving no trace.