Living Up to You

Chapter 12


The main peak of Cangjia Mountain and its seven major auxiliary peaks happen to be in the shape of a crescent moon, with three sides surrounded by the East China Sea. If you don't look carefully, you may think it is an island floating on the sea.

Xuxu Cliff is on the back of the crescent moon, and to get to the other peaks, the only way is to pass through an extremely dangerous cliff. From the eyes of the immortal cultivator, the cliff would certainly not have any blocking effect. Therefore, the surroundings of the false cliff are covered with enchantments.

It happened to be night when Lingxi was sent over by Qing Kui, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as saying that she can't see her fingers. Qing Kui took out a string of glowing beads and put them on her hand as if she had been prepared for a long time, and then put them down. Packed up from Tianmai Peak, said a few words and left.

Lingxi still had whip wounds on her body at that time, and she has been in a daze since she arrived at Tianmai Peak, but Cang Yu's exorcism whip is not good at magic and medicine, and it is useless to take medicine, so she can only wait for it to heal slowly Therefore, how did she get to Xuxuya, what Qing Kui packed up for her, and what she said, she couldn't remember at all after she woke up.

I only knew that when I first woke up, it was still pitch black.

There was no insect chirping, no bird chirping, not even a whiff of wind, as if it was a completely isolated world.

When I woke up that time, I was only awake for a moment, and then went back to sleep. When I woke up the second time, it was still pitch black.

Could it be that this Cliff of Illusion is the Cliff of Eternal Night where there is only night and no day

Just flashing this thought, Lingxi fell asleep again.

The third time I woke up, I was awakened by a burst of pain.

Lingxi didn't know how many days she slept. When she woke up, the wound on her body was no longer so painful. Looking at the source of the heat, it was a little black turtle crawling around on the wound on her shoulder. . She wanted to reach out to take it off, but she didn't even have the strength to lift it up.

Lingxi cursed in her heart that she was useless. After three years of cultivation, she hadn't made any progress at all. She was still like ordinary people and could kill her without drinking water or eating.

But this time she didn't fall asleep right away, the little black turtle kept moving on her wound, as if scratching an itch, if it wasn't for lack of strength, she would have started giggling long ago.

Lingxi looked around and found that she was lying on a bed, which was still in a cabin. Looking from where she was lying on her stomach, the sun outside the house was just right.

Fortunately, the sun never sees here...

Thinking of this, Lingxi felt relieved and fell asleep again, but a man's voice sounded in a place where everything was quiet.

"Do you want to die?"

Lingxi wants to answer, of course not, but she doesn't have the strength, what can she do... She almost doesn't even have the strength to raise her eyelids, she just wants to sleep like this...

"It's useless." The man said again, his voice full of contempt.

Only then did Lingxi notice, why is this voice so familiar

"Xiao...Xiaohei?" Lingxi managed to squeeze out two words through her hoarse throat.

"Open your eyes if you don't want to die." The voice was still as cold as ever.

Lingxi shook her head, tried her best to dispel the darkness in front of her eyes, opened her eyes slightly, and looked for the little black turtle on her shoulder, but it was nowhere to be seen. She stretched her eyelids and looked around. This look almost made her jump out of bed regardless of the pain!

On a sunny spring day, the grass outside the house is luxuriant, and a few rays of sunlight sprinkled from the window, shattering the splendor of the ground. The black shadow happened to fall in the radiance of that place, instantly occupying Lingxi's entire sight.

Black hair slipped from his shoulders like satin, and a few strands fell on his white collarbone. The black scattered all over the ground was like splashed ink. It was hard to tell which was black hair and which was his black clothes. Only those black eyes were as thick as Shen Mo, as cool as a cold pool, even though facing the sun, there is no light at all.

He just stood sideways by the window, staring at her.

Lingxi's heartbeat suddenly became faster, and she lost all sleepiness in an instant.

This... Where is this little black turtle

This... this... this is clearly a person!

Lingxi's eyes widened, and she blinked again and again. The man was still sitting sideways by the window, facing the sun, with no expression on his cold face.

Lingxi was dazed for a long time before she managed to get up, "You... you are a little... little black turtle?"

The man's face obviously sank.

Lingxi is now confirmed, the little black turtle hates others to say that he is a turtle... But she really didn't expect that after the little black turtle, her black Qiangwei would cultivate her body so quickly and become a black man!

"Little... small... cough cough..." Lingxi was agitated for a moment, curled up on the bed and coughed violently.

The young man in black turned his face and looked at the sunlight outside. After a while, Lingxi's cough hadn't stopped. He showed a little impatience on his face. He squeezed a curse, and a bowl of water floated to Lingxi's bed by himself.

Now Lingxi's eyes widened even wider, she didn't cough or drink water, she just stared in shock with a nonchalant face... Black Rose? Little black turtle? Black... son

Earlier, Qing Kui handed the little black turtle to her, saying that it turned into an eagle to rescue him that night, but afterward, the group of monsters surrounded it like crazy, and finally got rid of it, and it was also exhausted, shrinking into the turtle shell It is estimated that he will rest for several months.

But now that it has cultivated its body, it can still... move objects through space


Lingxi easily accepted the fact that Hei Qiangwei had suddenly changed from a little black turtle to a handsome black young man. After all, Black Rose is already very spiritual. The panacea she gave him in the past two years may have helped him grow a lot. Brother Qing Kui gave him another two hundred years of cultivation. Now it is normal for him to be able to cultivate into a body .

Moreover, the appearance of Mr. Hei made Lingxi very happy. Even if she found that this illusory cliff can only see the sun for one hour a day, that joy did not dilute in the slightest.

If you want to talk about the reason, for example, at this time, an hour of daylight is about to pass, and the sky is getting darker and darker. Lingxi curled up on the bed, looking at the sky without sunset, and finally understood why before she came to Void Cliff, Qing Kui The senior brother will carry her up and down, seeing the beautiful scenery of Cangjia Mountain.

"Have you seen the sunset on Cangjia Mountain?" Lingxi looked at the gradually darkening sky, and said to the man leaning against the door, "Senior brother Qingkui said that the sunset on Cangjia Mountain is the most beautiful in the six realms. "

That's right, as far as she is concerned, Mr. Hei's primary role is to have someone to talk to. On this illusory cliff where she can't hear anything except her own breathing during the day for only one hour, what is beside her is not a beautiful flower, not a cute little turtle, but someone who can communicate with her, even though this People can see but not touch, and in most cases ignore her, she still feels comforted.

It was the same at this time, Mr. Hei did not answer her words.

"You have stayed on the top of Cangjia Mountain for sixty years, so you must have seen it." Lingxi didn't mind, shaking her head and said, "No, your spiritual consciousness should not have awakened at that time, and you probably haven't seen it..."

"But you should have seen it in Tianmai Peak, right? You were on my desk at that time, so you should be able to see it." Lingxi continued to talk to herself, "No, my desk faces south, so you shouldn't be able to see it... "

The man leaning against the door still had his eyes closed, expressionless.

"But senior brother Qingkui often steals you from me. He likes to watch the sunset so much, maybe he took you to watch it." Lingxi has long been used to his lack of response, and continued, "No, you are He always thinks about how to eat you when you are flowering, and after you become a little turtle, he always steps on your hard shell... "

It was suddenly cold in the small wooden house, Lingxi shivered, shut up quickly, and violated the taboo of Mr. Hei...

"Then Senior Brother Qingkui carried me back to Tianmai Peak, you should have seen it?" Lingxi was quiet for a while, and then began to speak again, "No, no, you were exhausted at that time and were about to rest, and you were still in my sleeve …”

Young Master Hei suddenly opened his eyes. Although his face was still expressionless, he was looking at Lingxi.

Lingxi grinned, "Are you awake?"

He turned his eyes away and looked at the wild fruits on the table. Lingxi was upset, and hurriedly said, "Next time I..."

Before he could finish the three words, his mouth was blocked by the wild fruit.

Lingxi blinked in frustration, she wanted to say, next time she will take him to see... Although I don't know how long the head will lock her here...

The sky was getting darker and darker, but for a moment, only the lavender gleam of Lingxi's bracelets remained in the entire Void Cliff, and without Lingxi's words, there was a dead silence all around.

This place not only isolates the sunlight, but also isolates all the sounds of the world.

So as long as Lingxi is awake, she is talking, because once she stops, she feels that the world, even herself, does not exist.

"It's getting dark..." After an unknown amount of time, Lingxi guessed that Mr. Hei should calm down, so she said softly.

"Look, there is lightning outside the house..." Lingxi looked at the sky with a flash of silver light, "but we couldn't hear the thunder..."

Young Master Hei still ignored Lingxi, and Lingxi was also silent.

"I'm afraid of the dark..." After a while, Lingxi said again.

A beam of light slowly lit up in the room, but it only took a moment to illuminate the entire room.

"I'm hungry..." Lingxi said again.

A corner of the room was full of wild fruits, and at this moment they lined up one by one and flew to Lingxi's mouth. Lingxi ate a few, and said, "I'm thirsty."

A bowl of water also flew to Lingxi's mouth.

"I'm sleepy." Lingxi blinked, and the lights in the room dimmed.

"cold… "

There are more fluffy and warm shoulders around Lingxi.

Lingxi opened her arms and embraced him, nestled in his arms, watching him turn into a silly face, her eyes sparkling with a smile.

This is her fairy, the disobedient fairy, the expressionless fairy, the fairy who dislikes her wordy, but the fairy who cares about her, she said she was afraid of the dark and he held the lamp for her, she said she was thirsty Bring her water, she said he was hungry and he found food for her, she said he turned into a big black bear she could rely on to keep her warm when she was cold.

Lingxi leaned against his chest, closed her eyes, and said softly: "In the future, a long time later, forever, far away forever, there will still be only the two of us, and I'm not afraid."