Living Up to You

Chapter 13


The whip wound on Lingxi's body took three full months to fully heal. She can't use medicine, and immortal arts can't do anything about it. Lingxi is lying on the bed, looking at the night sky without a trace of light, and often thinks of Feng Su.

Back then she was punished with fifty lashes, and Feng Su took her out of the dungeon after receiving twice the lashes for her. For a whole hundred lashes, he never showed any discomfort in front of her, and even after that, Ti never mentioned it again.

She just received one whip, and she has been lying down for three months, so when will the hundred whips on his body heal

Brother Qing Kui also said that he had been imprisoned in Xuxuya for five hundred years. There is only one hour a day where you can see the sun, and all the sounds from the outside world are isolated. If it is not for the company of fairy spirits, she may collapse after staying for five days. In the past five hundred years, Feng Su has lived here again. What kind of day

Every time she thinks of this, Lingxi feels uncomfortable, her heart hurts as if being run over by gravel. That feeling of uneasiness finally turned into a sigh of relief, the breath of cultivating the immortal art well, and following Feng's long-cherished wish, staying in Cangjia Mountain to worship Cang Yu as his teacher.

Lingxi has always felt that since she went to Cangjia Mountain, she can hold more and more things in her head, and it is no longer so difficult to remember some things, but it is still difficult to understand the use of some fairy spells.

For this point, her Black Fairy usually solves it with cold eyes mixed with helplessness and a little more disgust, plus a personal demonstration, so after a long time, Lingxi finally feels that something is wrong.

"Shouldn't I be the one teaching you? How can you snatch my book?"

Lingxi sat on the bench, frowning. At the beginning, Feng Su asked her to memorize many books on calligraphy and spells. At that time, she only knew how to memorize them by rote, but she managed to memorize some. Now she is determined to study hard and teach the little black turtle well, so that he can't waste his spiritual power. , so I wrote down those she still remembered and bound them into a book, so as not to forget them in the future.

As soon as Mr. Hei's eyes moved, the book flew out of the window, and soon left Lingxi's sight.

"" Lingxi was furious, "You actually threw the book out again! Have you learned it all?"

Young Master Hei leaned against the door, leisurely closing his eyes.


As soon as Lingxi exited, Mr. Hei had already arrived by her side.

"Pear blossoms are scattered!" Lingxi refused to accept.

Hei Gongzi closed his eyes and made a curse, pear blossom petals like snowflakes floated outside the window, with a faint fragrance of pear blossoms.

"Block out the sky!"

This time Mr. Hei opened his eyes, made seals with his hands, moved his lips slightly, the sunlight from the window disappeared instantly, the dark clouds moved, and the sky gradually darkened. Lingxi hated the night the most, and hurriedly said: "The clouds disperse and the sun rises!"

There was a hint of a smile in Mr. Hei's eyes. He put down his hands and the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun reappeared.

Although Lingxi knew a long time ago that the little black turtle had high spirituality and was quick to learn. He almost finished the previous few spell books in one day, but she already found this one very difficult. still…

"You shouldn't throw away the book even after you've learned it!" Lingxi was angry, he learned it, but she hasn't...

Hei Gongzi suddenly turned his head, looked at Lingxi, as if he knew what she was thinking, and said, "If you don't know it, I can teach you."

Lingxi glared at him secretly, "I am the spirit master!"

Mr. Hei glanced at her indifferently, and returned to the door in a blink of an eye. He leaned against the door with his arms folded, his eyes closed as if he was enjoying the sunshine, and there was a rare smile on his cold face.

Lingxi stuck out her tongue at him quietly. Every time he finished a book, he had to pretend he didn't care, and occasionally showed a smile of ridicule and disdain for her. In fact, with her appearance, IQ and spiritual strength, she couldn't compare to him He is proud of his spirit master!

"Xiao Hei..." Lingxi climbed out of bed with a smile, ran to him, touched his head on tiptoe, "Actually, you are so smart, I turned you into a little turtle back then, why can't you change back?" ?”

Mr. Hei just cultivated his body, not tangible, Lingxi's hand actually slashed across his head as if gliding through the air, but this did not affect her enthusiasm for touching his head.

The smile on Mr. Hei's face disappeared, and Lingxi continued to touch his head and smiled: "Hey, don't tell me... are you actually satisfied with your image as a little turtle?"

Hei Gongzi had a cold face, glanced at her indifferently, sat down leaning against the door frame, Lingxi also sat down, and continued to "hehe" smiled: "Don't pretend to be unhappy, in the future, I will still be happy." Let me call you Little Black, or Little Turtle? Or just Little Black Turtle?"

Lingxi knew that Mr. Hei didn't like her calling him "Little Hei" and hated her talking about his "turtle" deeds, but when she saw him secretly complacent, she couldn't help but wipe out his arrogance.

Sure enough, Mr. Hei's white face completely darkened. Lingxi still wanted to continue, but before he could speak, he disappeared in a flash.

"Stingy ghost!" Lingxi didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh. Every time he got angry, he would disappear. She used to be worried that he would just disappear, but later found out that no matter what he It disappeared so quickly and completely, and when it was time to eat, she would bring back wild fruits, or when it was time to sleep, there was a big black bear beside her.

Anyway, he is also in his sixties, why... is he more irritable than her

Lingxi stood up, clapped her hands, and decided to take a good look around here before dark.

The eldest brother has lived here for five hundred years. The cabin she lives in now must have been built by him, and the flowers and plants outside should also be planted by him. Not far from the cabin, there is another room, which should be the study of the elder brother. Lingxi glanced at it, and there are many books in it.

The little black turtle has already learned all the fairy arts she remembered, maybe she can find some other ones in that room...

There is a whole room full of books, including spell books of different schools of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, official history and unofficial history books of various sects in the fairy world, some of which can be seen at a glance as the handwriting of the elder brother, and some should be brought over from Cangjia Mountain .

Lingxi originally wanted to pick out a book on spells for her black fairy, but she was attracted by the official history and unofficial history of various sects. After reading a few articles, she found that there are actually similarities between the fairy world and the human world, such as unofficial history The romance between immortals and demons in the brochure is not tolerated in the fairy world. In the operas of the human world, it is not tolerated by everyone to sing that a lady and a poor scholar are in love. Just like what her brother said to her, human beings will do anything for power and money.

Whether it is official history or unofficial history, Lingxi's interest has been greatly aroused, especially the one related to Cangjia Mountain. After flipping through a few books, Lingxi discovered that Cangjia Mountain is considered a young school among the four sects of cultivating immortals, less than 50,000 years ago. There was an immortal ascended to be a god, but that immortal...

Lingxi specially found several books related to Cangjia Mountain, each of which happened to be missing the records of ten thousand years ago. The relevant records of the immortal were only mentioned in a few words in various unofficial histories as the background It is said that he did not go to Cangjia Mountain until he was twenty years old, Wei Miao cultivated the immortal body in a few years, and ascended to God in less than a hundred years. Legend has it that on the day he ascended to God, ten thousand snow lotuses bloomed from the special grass in the God Realm...

All kinds of illusory legends lack exact records, which makes Lingxi even more curious.

It's just that one hour was too short, and soon there was only the lavender gleam of the bracelets left in the room. Lingxi had no choice but to put down the book in her hand, but the mysterious Shangxian kept hovering in her heart.

Out of thousands of snow lotuses, it seems to be the same as her

There are so many books here, why is there a lack of records from thousands of years ago

Since he is such a great immortal, why can't he even find his name

With these questions in mind, Lingxi stood alone in front of the bookshelf for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she was taken aback by the person in front of her.

"Xiao Hei, you scared me to death!" Ling Xi patted her chest and cast a reproachful glance at Mr. Hei.

It was originally dark, but he was still dressed in black, but his complexion was fair, and his eyes were strangely bright. It would be strange not to be shocked when he saw it suddenly...

Hei Gongzi's expression darkened again when she said this, "You know I don't like you calling me that."

Lingxi curled her lips. He was originally a black rose, but later he turned into a little black turtle. You are not allowed to call him Xiao Hei, and you are not allowed to call him Little Turtle. Do you want to call him Little Qiangwei? Or call out the big black bear he often turns into? She patted her chest to assure that he still didn't like it!

"Then I call you..."

Before Lingxi could say the word "what", she glanced at the inkstone on the desk, and there seemed to be something inside... She stretched out her hand, trying to see what was inside with the faint light on her wrist.

It was some ashes, and there seemed to be some unburned remnants.

Lingxi is curious, what is there to burn here

She picked up the unburned piece of paper, and there were two words left on it——Nanzhi.

Lingxi's heart skipped a beat, she had a sudden thought, she turned her head and smiled and said, "Then how about I call you Nan Zhi?"



Nan Zhi Nan Zhi, this night Lingxi didn't know why, just because she thought of such a name for her fairy, she couldn't sleep all night. Ever since she was a child, the books she read most were spells and spells that Feng Su asked her to memorize. It was too difficult for her to name them decently. Fortunately, her awkward fairy heard Although he was still expressionless when he gave this name, it should not be offensive.

Anyway, if she called him "Nan Zhi", he wouldn't run away angrily like he heard "Xiao Hei" or "Little Turtle".

"Nanzhi, I don't want to eat wild fruits anymore, give me something instead!"

"Nan Zhi, don't turn into a big black bear tonight, change into a little black mouse, I'll sleep with you in my arms."

"Nan Zhi, you actually finished another book? You almost finished the books in the senior brother's study!"

"Nan Zhi Nan Zhi, it's raining outside again today, we still can't hear the sound of thunder and rain, when can we see a real sunset?"

"Nanzhi Nanzhi, look, I've grown taller again! What if I'm imprisoned here for a hundred years, old, dead, and turned into ashes, what will you do?"

"Nan Zhi Nan Zhi, you have to be obedient, quickly cultivate a physical body, let me hug the real you..."

Time is like water, flowing silently in Lingxi's "Nan Zhi".

Lingxi's daily life is nothing more than finding a way with Nan Zhi, finding food for herself in this place where the sun only shines for an hour, practicing spells well, and then "teaching" Nan Zhi to practice well, thinking about what she remembers Tell Nan Zhi about the past, harass him intentionally or unintentionally, make him angry, observe when his expressionless face will show expression...

Three years later, Nan Zhi had completed all the books in Feng Su's study.

Lingxi was both happy and annoyed, but what made her happy was that Nanzhi was simply one of the most gifted talents. If ordinary people were to repair those books, they might not be able to finish them in hundreds of years, but he seemed to know how to do it a long time ago. , she can master it with just a glance, but what is annoying is that her fairy is so smart, but she practiced hard every day, and she barely learned how to control the sword.

Of course, she couldn't find the sword here. What she resisted was nothing but dead branches...

Therefore, when faced with a room full of books but couldn't find any books for Nan Zhi to practice the next day, Lingxi's already unbalanced scale finally turned over completely.

"Little tortoise, little tortoise, little tortoise, it was a little tortoise before it was cultivated into a human form! Now it's called Nan Zhi, and it was also called Xiao Hei before, and it was a little tortoise with wings that was stepped on by the second brother!"

So, on this day, Lingxi once again used the "little turtle" to drive Nan Zhi away successfully.

In the past three years, Nanzhi has also developed a new trick when he ran away from home. He knew that he would cut off some food and water for Lingxi, and would not come back on time when it was time to eat, but it was just this new trick... At bedtime, no matter how cold his face was when he left, he would definitely come back.

But on this day, there was an accident.

Lingxi waited in the room for an entire hour, but she didn't see Nan Zhi's shadow again, and she began to panic.

Really angry? to find him? How to coax him? Promise him not to laugh at him with "Little Turtle"

No, no, so far she has only discovered his only culprit, and if she doesn't use the "little turtle" as an example, she won't be able to control him in the future!

Lingxi lay on the bed and thought for a long time, and finally decided to go out and find him. Although it was dark outside, Void Cliff was not big after all. If you search carefully, you should be able to find him.

Thinking of this, Lingxi quickly got up from the bed, cast a spell and lit the lantern, and went out to find someone.

No one had set foot on the Void Cliff for sixty years. When Lingxi first arrived, weeds were overgrown outside the house. She lay on the couch for three months. By summer, the weeds had grown to the height of a person. Later, she and Nanzhi took care of the wasteland in the cliff when they had nothing to do, and found some remnants of Qilian flowers. Lingxi guessed that Feng Su had planted them here before, and collected the Qilian flowers after weeding out all the weeds. Get up, transplant together, and in the second year, a field of Qilian flowers grows, which is really beautiful.

The night was thick, and as far as the eyes could see, only the lantern in Lingxi's hand was dimly lit.

It's the flowering period of Qi Lianhua, and when I leave the house, I can feel the comforting fragrance of the flower, mixed with soft purple petals.


Lingxi's voice was very soft, but it was exceptionally clear in the silence of Xuxuya, but unfortunately there was still no response after several calls.

Could it be that this time... is very angry and very angry

Lingxi was frowning and wondering, when a silver light suddenly flashed in the sky, as if to split the dark night, lighting up the purple flower field.

Lingxi was so shocked that she took a few steps back. This intensity is not like lightning...

"Nanzhi!" Lingxi was a little anxious, and shouted at the top of her voice.

Silver light flashed across the sky again, and the connection flickered, but there was no sound at all. Then, the night dissipated, and the sky reappeared. In the blink of an eye, the Void Cliff saw the sun again!

Lingxi looked in amazement at the Qilian flowers blooming wantonly in the sun, heard the long-lost birdsong, felt the breeze across her fingertips, and smelled the breath of spring.

this... this is...

The barrier of Void Cliff was actually broken!