Living Up to You

Chapter 15


Cangyu's long white beard floated in the night, and the scent of Qilian flowers that filled her nostrils made Lingxi's head extremely clear. She met Shang Cang Yu's eyes frankly, nodded and said: "Yes, if there is a way to save Senior Brother, even if Lingxi gives up everything, Lingxi will not hesitate!"

Cang Yu's solemn expression relaxed slightly, and her tone softened a lot, "Kneel down."

Lingxi was taken aback, not understanding why the sect master suddenly asked her to kneel down, but she still obediently followed what he said.

"The immortals of Cangjia Mountain are spirits in the sky, and the moon and stars are the witnesses. Disciple Cang Yu, the 396th head of Cangjia, today accepts Lingxi as the sixth closed disciple. He will train and teach with all his strength. When Cang Yu said this, the stars and the moon in the sky seemed to be able to hear the words, and the light was clearer than before.

Lingxi's heart was shocked when she heard it, she just felt that she was dreaming, and pinched herself severely.

"Lingxi, in the future, would you like to honor Cangjia, take the common people of the six realms as your leader, and take eliminating demons and defending Dao as your duty?" Cang Yu looked at Lingxi again with a pure gaze.

Lingxi's eyes turned red from being pinched by herself, but Cang Yu was still in front of her, calmly waiting for her reply.

"Yes, in the future, Lingxi will respect Cangjia, take the common people of the six realms as the leader, and take it as his mission to eliminate demons and defend the way!"

"Okay, from now on, you, Lingxi, are the sixth closed disciple under the sect master, the 397th generation disciple of Cangjia Mountain."

Cang Yu stretched out his left hand, and the stars and the moon were even more radiant, gathering in his palm, forming a colorful bag with floating lights, and a string of pure white feathers at the opening.

"This is your Gong Ling, take it." Cang Yu helped Ling Xi up, while spreading his left hand in front of her eyes.

At this moment, Lingxi's mind was blank, she didn't know what to say, and she didn't know what expression to make on her face. She just looked at that peculiar Gong Ling, and remembered that Qing Kui once shook his colorful Gong Ling and said, "The kitty The color represents the type of spell that you are practicing, you see, I am proficient in all five disciplines, so I have five colors, the color of this feather is the color of the flowers that bloom from the Lingshu grass."

Lingxi took Gong Ling, and suddenly a cool air ran through her body from her fingers, very refreshing.

"Lingxi, in my name, you lead Cangjia disciples to participate in the Four Immortals Meeting, and ask to see the Immortal Donghua. Tomorrow, I will let Qingkui take you down the mountain."


When Cang Yu left, the sky was glowing.

Lingxi's whole body was in a state of confusion, and she couldn't tell whether it was the dawn at that hour of the illusory cliff, or the normal dawn when the barrier had been removed by Cang Yu.

After all, there is no need to imprison anyone on this illusory cliff, and it is useless to keep the enchantment.

Lingxi sat in front of the Qilian flower field for a long time, and the last words Cang Yu said before leaving still lingered in her ears.

She thought she would be imprisoned here for the rest of her life, and finally, she could go down the mountain.

She thought that she would be hated by the head of the sect for the rest of her life, but finally, he lost his vigilance when he looked at her, and allowed her to appear in front of everyone in the fairy world in his name.

She thought that with her aptitude and what she had done before, not to mention being a disciple of the master, even if she just entered Cangjia's sect, she was delusional, but...

Lingxi clenched Gong Ling's palm, and finally made sure that she was not dreaming, suppressing her excitement and ran to the study.

"Nan Zhi Nan Zhi..." Lingxi yelled loudly, and when she reached the door, she pawed at the threshold and stopped suddenly.

The rising sun happened to pass through the window lattice, leaving a string of golden marks on the desk, casting a thin layer of light on Nan Zhidu who was dressed in black. He lowered his head, his slender fingers shuttled carefully and dexterously among the lantern papers, stopping from time to time to dip the pen into the ink and add a few strokes.

Lingxi looked at him, a little lost in thought.

She likes Nanzhi's focused eyes very much. He doesn't have many expressions, often only the expressionless face when he is angry and the expressionless face when he is happy, or he is really expressionless. At most, it would be the helplessness and a little bit of disdain that was really forced by her. Only when he concentrates on doing one thing, she can find a kind of close warmth on his face.

At this moment, the rising sun reflected on his face, which undoubtedly dispelled the cold air that seemed to be born with him, making that warmth softer.

"It's done."

Lingxi was still in a daze, but Nanzhi was already standing in front of her, holding the lantern in front of her eyes.

"What you painted is..." Lingxi took the lantern happily, looked at the ink painting on the lantern, pointed to herself and said, "Me?"

In the painting, the woman's bright eyes are moving and she smiles sweetly. The little pear dimple on the left face is even more delicate and cute. She sits in front of a lotus flower, leaning against a stone wall and smilingly watching the sunset slowly setting at the end of the sea of flowers.

"Am I so good-looking..." Lingxi touched her face with a smile. There is not even a mirror on this illusory cliff. In the past three years, she really hasn't taken a close look at her own appearance.

Nan Zhi cast aside his eyes, leaned against the threshold with folded arms, looked at Chaoyang without saying a word, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Lingxi raised her eyes and looked at the Qilian flower field in front of her. She remembered correctly, there are no stone walls here...

She lowered her head to study the painting again. At first glance, the painting looked like a stone wall. When she took a closer look, it turned out to be the silhouette of a person. In the painting, she was leaning on that person's shoulder with a smile on her face. ... In Lingxi's view, there was a sudden feeling of happiness.

Lingxi didn't know why, when she saw the painting clearly, her heart beat a little faster for no reason, and her cheeks felt slightly hot.

"Nanzhi, I'm going down the mountain, will you follow me?" Lingxi calmed down for a long time before carefully opening Gong Ling, and the lantern became smaller in an instant, she seemed to be careless as she put the lantern into Gong Ling asked.

Nanzhi was still silent as always, Lingxi waited for a long time, and then looked up, only to see his back going away.

"Why are you going, Nanzhi?" Lingxi frowned and shouted.

It's fine if you don't stay with her, it's still so rude after three years, not even answering other people's questions.

"Pack up your bags." Nanzhi replied.

Lingxi's frown instantly relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.


In the empty Tianmai Peak, every three months, Qing Kui would secretly run down the mountain to steal some wine from Uncle Cang Qu. For the past three years, life has not been slow, but the words "boring" are far from enough to describe Qing Kui. Kui's living conditions in the past three years.

Although he wanted to go to Void Cliff to torment Lingxi countless times, but once he thought of the angry face of his master back then, his courage shrank to the bottom of Tianmai Peak, and he couldn't shout anymore.

Therefore, early this morning, he received an order to pick up Lingxi from Xuxuya Cliff, and he lost all sleepiness immediately. It was rare for him to clean up the main hall where Lingxi used to live, and went to Uncle Cangqu to steal the wine. , and took two brand-new quilts by hand, and finally ran to Dimaifeng to steal some rice oil to fill the small kitchen that he had disliked countless times.

Who knows if that silly girl has improved in the past three years, and whether she still needs oil and salt to satisfy her hunger...

Thinking of this, Qing Kui looked at the fruits of his labor with satisfaction, and then took another look at the sun that just showed his whole smiling face. He cast a curse and went to the cliff of emptiness with his sword.

Lingxi had long been waiting at the exit with her bundle, and when she saw Qing Kui's shadow in the distance, she waved and called, "Second Senior Brother!"

Hearing the call, Qing Kui speeded up, and Ling Xi rushed to meet him.

Qing Kui had heard Lingxi call the familiar "Second Senior Brother" and cheerfully wanted to rush over to scare her, but when he got closer, he realized that the dark and wrinkled little girl he remembered was gone When he disappeared, there was a slim young girl in light green clothes, with delicate features, looking at him with a smile, her eyes seemed to ooze water.

Qing Kui just looked at it and was stunned. Yu Jian forgot to control his speed and flew straight over.

Lingxi also didn't expect that Qingkui would not slow down at all, and rushed directly to her. Fortunately, she was no longer the Lingxi of three years ago, and turned over to avoid it.

When Qing Kui came back to his senses, he realized that he was about to bump into the stone wall of Xuxu Cliff. He made a sharp turn, although he avoided the boulder, he lost his balance and fell to the ground with his sword.

Lingxi stared blankly at Qing Kui's series of actions, and finally burst out laughing with a "poof".

"Second...Second Senior Brother..." Lingxi laughed loudly, "Second Senior Brother... What's wrong with you? Haha..."

Qing Kui blushed with annoyance, pointed at Ling Xi who was approaching and said angrily: "Strange people don't come near!"

As he spoke, he stood up quickly, and his body was clean as soon as his lips moved.

"Second senior brother doesn't know me anymore?" Lingxi still couldn't stop laughing.

Qing Kui kicked the sword on the ground in disgust, then glanced at Lingxi in disgust, "Ugly girl! I thought you would improve in the past three years, but you haven't cultivated the immortal body yet, and the more you grow, the better you will grow." ugly!"

Lingxi ignored his ridicule, ran to his side, and compared her height. Three years ago, she only reached Qing Kui's waist, but now she has reached his shoulders.

"I've really grown a lot taller." Lingxi smiled happily, "Second Senior Brother, let's go."

Qing Kui took a closer look, only to see some shadow of Lingxi three years ago. He hadn't seen such a big change in the people around him for many years, he couldn't accept it for a moment, and looked at her suspiciously for a while, until he saw the black rose in her hair.

"My little black!"

Qing Kui reached out to grab her, but Ling Xi hurriedly dodged, "Second senior brother, he is my fairy now!"

If Nan Zhi was caught by him, it would be strange if he didn't show up...

"Ugly girl, I gave it to you too! Show me quickly!"

Qing Kui turned around and wanted to pick off the rose again. Ling Xi happened to pick up the sword that had been kicked by him a few times, cast a spell and ran away, "Haha, Second Senior Brother, your sword seems to be angry with you I'm going to take a step first!"

Seeing that Lingxi had successfully raised his Xiang Yin sword, Qing Kui shouted angrily, "Xiang Yin is back!"

After shouting several times, his sword still flew farther and farther with Lingxi. Qing Kui was so angry that he took out his flagon and snorted, "Go! Let's see how we deal with them!"


Lingxi and Qingkui did not go back to Tianmai Peak immediately, but went to Tingyun Hall on the main peak of Cangjia.

In the center of the main hall, besides the two senior uncles Cang Yu and Cang Hai Cang Qu, there are other people waiting for them.

Lingxi put away the sword carefully, and she knew the other people, Senior Sister Qinglian, Senior Brother Qingnian, and...Sister Xueran...

Although we haven't seen each other for three years, the three of them haven't changed much, only Xueran has a little more fairy spirit, obviously he has learned something in the past three years.

"Lingxi sees Master." Lingxi went to Cang Yu and knelt down to salute.

This salute, except for her and Cang Yu, everyone was stunned.

"I have accepted Lingxi as my disciple. Since yesterday, she has been my sixth disciple." Cang Yu said calmly while helping Lingxi up, "When you go down the mountain today, the other accompanying person is her." .”

Qing Lian was clearly dissatisfied, "But Master said, there will be someone who will lead us..."

"That's right, for this trip to Donghua Mountain, you should take Lingxi as the leader." Cang Yu said lightly.

"Master, if it wasn't for her, senior brother..."

"Qinglian, are you questioning your decision to be a teacher?" Cang Yu interrupted Qinglian displeased.

Qinglian was about to say something, but Xueran who was on the side saw this, and hurriedly bowed to Lingxi and said, "Xueran, the 398th generation disciple of Shuimai Peak, has met the Sixth Master Uncle."

Lingxi took a few steps back in shock, Xueran was a few years older than her, she should have called her "sister", but she entered Shuimai Peak and worshiped Qinglian as her teacher, she was Qinglian's younger sister, According to her seniority, she should indeed call her Master Uncle...

"Master, I want to go too!"

Before Lingxi could react, she heard Qing Kui who had arrived with her say: "The Four Immortals Association is where the famous immortals from various sects discuss important matters in the immortal world. It is understandable that Master and Uncle do not go to protect Cangjia. , if even the younger disciples are sent, it seems a bit..."

Qing Kui hesitated to speak, and glanced at Cang Yu's expression, originally he was not interested in the Four Immortals, but Xiao Lingxi went, so why should he stay in Tianmai Peak bored and continue to be punished

"You are still being punished, step back."

Hearing his tone, Qing Kui knew that he was out of luck. He glanced at Lingxi and said, "My Xiang Yinjian is with Lingxi. It is throwing a fit at me. I'm afraid it won't come back anytime soon. Master, why don't you wait?" …”

Qing Kui originally wanted to say that he would return to Cangjia Mountain when his Xiang Yinjian was willing to return to him. Anyway, I was already at the foot of the mountain at that time, so why not go back, let’s talk about it then...

But before he finished speaking, Cang Qu on the side said: "It seems that Xiang Yinjian and Lingxi hit it off quite well. Today's schedule is in a hurry, and I'm afraid I don't have time for Lingxi to choose the sword. Senior brother, in my opinion, let's take Give Xiang Yinjian to Lingxi."

When Qing Kui heard this, he was shocked, and looked at Cang Qu who was smiling at him, as if saying: "Let you steal my wine! Let you steal my wine! You deserve to be so angry that you suffocate you!"

"Master, this sword..."

"Okay, Lingxi, you can accept this sword." Cang Yu made a decision before Qing Kui could argue.

Qing Kui only felt a pain in his heart, this drawing sword, but he was able to snatch it by beheading the old snake demon in the Valley of Thousand Demons...

"What is the purpose of going to the Four Immortals' Meeting this time, and what should be paid attention to along the way, I have already explained to Qinglian Qingnian before, and you will help Lingxi attend the Four Immortals' Meeting smoothly."

Cang Yu turned around, waved his hands and said, "Let's all step back, you will set off together at noon today."

Cang Hai was uncharacteristic this time, he didn't even say a word, even Cang Yu had accepted Ling Xi as his apprentice, and he was about to leave with Cang Yu and Cang Qu.

"Master." Lingxi glanced at Qing Kui's face that was about to cry, and said softly: "Master, Lingxi is still young and has no qualifications. He will lead everyone to Donghua Mountain, lest there will be mistakes again. If you let The second senior brother and Lingxi are walking together and helping each other, I believe it will be much smoother."

Qing Kui hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Master, I know Lingxi best, and I can definitely help her well."

Cang Yu turned back, looked at the crowd for a while, nodded and said, "Then you can go."

At noon, the sun is at its head, the clouds are like the sea, and the sea level is like a mirror. At the top of Cangjia Mountain, five figures of different colors broke through the clouds, soaring over the East China Sea, and gradually receded with one person's angry curse, "Smelly gourd, be obedient! Fly steadily! Ah..."