Living Up to You

Chapter 16


At first, Lingxi felt a little guilty about the fact that Qingkui had been using wine jugs instead of Xiang Yinjian to make the journey. After all, everyone is walking with a sword in a heroic manner, but the second senior brother with the most seniority and seniority has to control some huge hippopotamus, which is still a bit... unsuitable.

In particular, his flagon would get angry with him from time to time, either refusing to fly or suddenly flying very fast, which made him almost fall off the flagon several times, completely losing his face.

Later, Lingxi thought about it, in fact, as the wine pot of the second senior brother's fairy, if she wanted to change into a sword, it was also possible. But the jug is obviously unwilling to cooperate with the second senior brother, so he can't blame her if he doesn't have a sword, so she has nothing to feel guilty about...

Therefore, in the past few days, even though Qing Kui stared at his Xiang Yinjian resentfully when it was time to rest, Lingxi just pretended that she didn't see anything. Since she is not willing to turn Nan Zhi into a sword and step on her feet, and she doesn't want to resist dead branches, then... pretend to be stupid again...

"Jiusheng, if you are disobedient again, I will change your name to Jiugui!" Sitting under a big tree, Qing Kui educated his fairy with righteous indignation, "No, changing your name is not enough! If you are disobedient, go back to Cangjia I will dismantle you and throw you into the furnace for re-smelting!"

Lingxi looked at her chin not far away, thinking that her Nanzhi was still pretty good, she didn't care about others, but after a long time, she became more obedient than before, unlike Senior Brother Qingkui's fairy, she remembered three Years ago, this wine jug was very obedient, he often showed it off, and she was very envious, and she didn't know what happened in the past three years, it made it more difficult to deal with than Nan Zhi.

No, no, her Nanzhi is not an ordinary fairy, how can a flagon be compared with him...

Lingxi was about to raise her hand to touch the roses in her hair, when Qing Kui glared at her, she hurriedly looked away, then took out a pot of water from her waist, handed it to Qing Lian beside her and said, "Senior sister, drink water .”

"No, thank you."

Qinglian was very indifferent, Lingxi's hand stopped in the air, a little embarrassed, Xueran who was beside her hurriedly said: "I happen to be thirsty, thank you uncle."

"I'll go find Qing Nian." Qing Lian stood up coldly and walked deep into the forest, leaving only Ling Xi and Xue Ran behind.

Lingxi smiled awkwardly at Xueran, Xueran moved her body, approached Lingxi, and said softly: "Master... Uncle, don't mind."

Hearing this "Master Uncle", Lingxi became excited all over, and hurriedly said: "Sister Xueran, in the future when you and I talk, I will still call you Sister Xueran, and you should call me Lingxi. Anyway, you are too. Brother Qingnian's sister, you call me always feels weird."

Lingxi continued to laugh awkwardly, Xueran nodded and said, "Then don't call me sister, can you just call me Xueran?"

"Well, Xueran." Lingxi's smile was much more relaxed.

"Lingxi, Master always treats people very well, it's all..." Xueran showed guilt. If she hadn't let Lingxi take her out of the cave three years ago because she was worried about Qing Nian's infatuation, perhaps, the following things would not have happened. occur…

"It's all my fault, if that hadn't happened..."

"I don't blame you, Xueran." Lingxi held her hand and said sincerely, "No one can blame this matter. Let's not mention it in the future, shall we?"

She blamed herself, Uncle Canghai, Master, and the group of monsters for the death of the elder brother, and finally found that no one could be blamed.

Countless accidents make up the final inevitability, and those accidental instigators should not bear full responsibility for the final inevitability.

Xueran looked at Lingxi, whose appearance had changed a lot from three years ago, and always felt that she had changed not only in appearance, but also in her eyes, something that was definitely beyond comparison in the past.

"By the way, the head asked me to give you this." Xueran took out a small blue and white porcelain bottle from Gong Ling, "The head said that you have been imprisoned in the false cliff for too long, and suddenly went out to eat and sleep in the open. There will be discomfort in the body. If you want to complete the task he entrusted to you at the meeting of the Four Immortals, you need to take one pill of this medicine every day."

Lingxi took it and sniffed it curiously.

"Master has been here before, I was afraid she would be angry, so..." Xueran apologized.

Lingxi hurriedly laughed and said, "It's the same if you start eating today."

Speaking of Lingxi, she stuffed one into her mouth. She faintly felt that the taste was a little familiar, but she didn't think too much about it. Instead, she was a little curious, why the master didn't let Qing Kui or Qing Nian give her this pill

"Hey, smelly gourd, where are you going!"

Before Lingxi had time to think about it, she was distracted by Qing Kui's roar. I saw the wine gourd named "Wine Saint" spinning and flying into the woods, and Qing Kui followed closely behind.

Just as Lingxi was about to laugh, she suddenly felt that the sunlight in the forest was instantly darkened.

"Lingxi..." Xueran also sensed something was wrong, took Lingxi's hand and protected her behind her.

Lingxi's heart warmed, she held Xueran's hand back with one hand, and stroked the slightly restless rose flower in her hair with the other. She had made an agreement with Nanzhi before, unless she summoned her or the situation was urgent, Nanzhi should not show up easily.

Qingkui's cultivation level is far above hers, and the hippopotamus that has been raised has not been cultivated for hundreds of years, and Senior Sister Qinglian's hairpin that can only transform into a human form can only be short-lived when borrowing Qinglian's power Formed, if others know that Nan Zhi only took three years to wake up from the spiritual sense to cultivate the body...

Lingxi always feels uneasy, afraid that Nanzhi will be regarded as a monster by others, just like when she opened ten thousand snow lotuses but was attacked by others...

"There is a monster..." Xueran said softly.

In a huge forest, the sun suddenly hid in the thick clouds, and the dark clouds followed, covering the forest, as if it would break through the sky and press down in the next moment.

Lingxi knew her own weight, and took the initiative to retreat behind Xueran.

Lin Jian suddenly remembered a sharp and strange smile, "Two delicate skins... Hahaha..."

"Bonethirsty demon!" Xueran's heart rang out, and she said in a deep voice, "Lingxi, take Xiang Yinjian and leave as soon as you find a chance."

The bone-thirsty demon, who is addicted to bones and leaves skin, has frequently appeared in the human world in the past two years. It exclusively preys on beautiful women in the human world, devouring their flesh and bones, leaving only the beautiful skin.

A year ago, Qing Nian was sent down the mountain to capture it, but unfortunately failed. Xueran felt that the monster that couldn't even take down Qing Nian, only she and Lingxi were left this time, so it was definitely not its opponent.

Lingxi has heard of the fox demon, the snake demon, and the flower demon, but Dudu has never heard of a bone-thirsty demon. She just thought it was so clever. The monster appeared immediately, apparently following him for a long time and coming prepared.

Even if she uses Xiang Yinjian to escape from this open space, she doesn't know what else is waiting for her in the woods, she might as well fight this monster together with Xueran!

"The voice is harsh and unpleasant, and I'm afraid the appearance is also ugly and I can't see people, so I dare not show up!" Lingxi smiled sarcastically.

Xueran shook her head at her, not wanting to annoy the Bonethy Demon, but Lingxi nodded at her with firm eyes, face to face is better than the enemy's darkness.

"Little bastard, your cultivation is not much better, but your mouth is very sharp! Look at me tearing your cheap mouth first!"

Lingxi only felt that the dark clouds above the forest suddenly sank straight down, and the leaves seemed to turn into knives, whizzing past her ears, cutting her skin, she shook off Xueran's hand forcefully, and pushed her away, In the dark sky, a big black hand was pressing towards her with sharp murderous intent.

Pushed to the side, Xueran's face changed drastically, and he made a seal with his backhand to stop the black hand, but before the seal was formed, Lingxi's slender five fingers clasped the black wrist and pulled it back forcefully.

"The only thing Lingxi has been praised by her brother is her strength!"

Lingxi clasped that hand tightly, and that hand turned into black vines and clung to her hand, as if trying to wrap her whole body.

Seeing this, Xueran hurriedly pushed out the knotted seal.

The water-blue light suddenly appeared, and the monster let out a scream, Lingxi drew out the Xiang Yin sword on her body, and was about to slash at it!

The evil spirit in the forest was strong, and Ling Xi was forced to fly far away by the evil spirit before he could slash out with a sword. Xue Ran also fell to the ground, worrying about what to do if the monster took advantage of the victory and chased Lingxi again, when he saw the dark clouds in the forest swarming around that black hand, wriggling and turning into a wrinkled old woman.

"You are Lingxi?" The old lady smiled ferociously, looking up and down Lingxi with shining eyes.

Lingxi did her best to form a seal and pushed it out, but unfortunately the attack power was too weak, the old woman broke the seal with a light push of the crutch, and the silver light flew away. Xueran who was not far away raised his sword at the same time, gathered Qi and pointed the tip of the sword at the old monster's heart and threw it over!

Xueran's entry time was half a year later than Lingxi's, and it was only three years since she officially started practicing at Shuimai Peak. Although her talent is not bad, it is not much higher than ordinary people. Because of her gentle temperament, Spells brought Qinglian by her side because she liked her very much.

Therefore, although the sword was very accurate, it was not deep enough. The old monster was shocked, and the sword bounced back, hitting Xueran just in time.

Lingxi's eyes sank, she clenched Xiang Yinjian tightly, and once again stabbed at her chest with the sword! When the old monster saw this, he was extremely excited, his ravine-like wrinkles pulled out an ugly smile, he stood on the spot without dodging, staring at Xiang Yinjian with shining eyes.

Lingxi guessed what she was thinking, turned her whole body suddenly, and threw Xiang Yinjian out, and the old monster ran behind Xiang Yin without even thinking about it.

Xiang Yin is a once-in-a-hundred-year sword. Its aura is powerful, and it flies around in the forest. The old monster seems to be afraid of damaging it, and dare not use brute force, but just keeps chasing after it.

Lingxi rushed to Xueran's side in a hurry, seeing that she had been knocked unconscious by the sword, she felt that she couldn't let the two escape smoothly, put her hands to her mouth, and blew a loud whistle, only hoping that one of the three brothers and sisters would be able to escape. Nearby, come back soon!

As soon as the whistle was blown, the old monster was also sober. She stopped chasing Xiang Yin and landed steadily in front of Lingxi and Xueran with a cane.

"Are you Lingxi?" She asked again eccentrically.

Lingxi bit her lip and held Xueran hard to restrain her trembling.

"I heard that disciple Cangjia lost his soul because of you. Sure enough, this skin is really not bad..." The old monster caressed Lingxi's face with his withered fingers, causing goose bumps all over her body.

"Huh..." The old monster lifted Lingxi's chin, looked left and right, and bullied Lingxi. Lingxi suddenly felt a stench, and didn't want to face that face full of gaps, so she closed her eyes tightly.

"This look looks familiar..." The old monster rested his finger on Lingxi's left face, he refused to put it down, and suddenly laughed, "It's still a ten thousand-year-old skin, hahaha..."

The old monster's hand suddenly grabbed Lingxi's neck, and Xueran, who had been leaning on Lingxi's body, fell to the ground. Lingxi's breathing tightened, and the weight of her whole body was gathered on the neck pinched by the old monster, and at the same time, she felt a chill all over her body. Cool, Nanzhi's breath is getting heavier and heavier.

Lingxi struggled to lift her eyelids, and saw the old monster staring enviously at her face, with a flash of black light in her eyes, and staring at her hair again in a blink of an eye, the light of excitement grew even stronger.

"Spiritual things..." The old monster smiled ferociously, pinched Lingxi's hand, tightened it, pulled it closer, and put the other hand on the black rose in her hair.