Living Up to You

Chapter 2


There is nothing left between heaven and earth. Those eyes seem to be split from the sky, overlooking the world; the faint blue light seems to isolate all the suffering in the world, cold, screaming, fear, and go away leisurely under the light.

The little "demon girl" stared into those eyes blankly, and lost all thoughts for a moment.

really... pretty...

The blue shimmer is like the fog on the sky in the early morning. She stretched out her hand, wanting to get closer, wanting to hold it in the palm of her hand, as if it should belong to her in the first place, which made her feel like a brother, inexplicably familiar and inexplicably stable.

She was like a demon, with only the pale blue light in her eyes, unconsciously put down her brother in her hand, and walked towards those eyes. Those eyes stared at her, still without warmth, let her little hand approach slowly, but the blue shimmer gradually weakened, and those eyes became darker and darker.

Small black footprints were left in the snow, and as the blue light faded, the footprints appeared faster and faster. The little "demon" almost eagerly ran towards the blue light. The moment she was close at hand, the last gleam of light was swallowed by the darkness, and the formed eyes were suddenly torn open, turning into countless fangs and claws again.

The little "demon girl" suddenly woke up, only to feel that the sharp noise was about to pierce her eardrums, and the murderous intent from top to bottom was going to drive her into the abyss, and she shouted loudly: "Brother!"

She wanted to hug her brother, but found that he was not by her side, and ran back in panic, but the murderous aura pierced her from all directions, causing pain in her chest, and she fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing the puddles of blood rushing towards her with grinning mouths, she looked in the direction of her brother as if asking for help, but the darkness in front of her eyes was replaced by a sudden flash of silvery white light.

The silvery-white light pierced the night sky like a sharp sword, pulling the thick black night out of a slanted gap, pressing towards her with sharp and dazzling light, but it had a soft and warm aura.

There was blood in front of her eyes, vaguely, as if she saw a white celestial being coming from the clouds after seeing the white light.

The white snowflakes stained the ink-like hair, melted, condensed, slid down, and landed on her palm, agitating warmly. She looked up, and really saw a white dress like gauze, and also saw a face... prettier than her brother's.

He seems to have walked out of a painting, without a trace of the hustle and bustle of the world, and the clean breath has dispelled the stench and blood just now without a trace, and even the silently falling snowflakes seem to bloom white lotuses beside him, exuding tranquility. of lotus.

The dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the moonlight was slightly cool.

He appeared like a god, stood in front of her, squatted down slightly, and stretched out his hand.

Plain hands are like jade.

These four words loomed in my mind, and they reappeared countless times in life-and-death moments in the future, until a warm imprint was carved in my heart, which would last for years.

At this moment, she raised her head to meet his eyes, and asked in a daze, "Immortal...human...?"

She didn't have time to wait for an answer, and she didn't have time to hold that hand, so her eyes went dark and she passed out.


The existence of Cangjia Mountain has been nothing but a legend in yellowed pages for thousands of years. Everyone knows that it is a barrier to the east, sheltering from wind and rain, reaching high into the clouds. However, the so-called legend of "immortals" on the mountain has never been confirmed. If there are curious people who want to climb to the top of the mountain to find out, they either retreat halfway through the climb, or they have never heard from it since then.

Therefore, "legends" are only viewed by the world as legends.

Until recent decades, there have been constant wars and frequent natural and man-made disasters. Where the people are struggling to survive, there will always be a few strange people who save thousands of people from the fire and water. These people call themselves "practicers".

What the world doesn't know is that this group of "practitioners" are actually a group of "immortal cultivators" who came from the legendary Cangjia Mountain. What the world has never seen before are the seven sub-peaks scattered in a well-arranged pattern outside the main peak of Cangjia.

Heaven, earth, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, according to the attributes of the spells they practice, there are various disciples of Cangjia living on the seven sub-peaks. There are nearly 100-year-old young masters, and on the entire Cangjia Mountain, there are not to mention 10,000, but also 8,000 disciples who seek immortality and Taoism.

On weekdays, the disciples practiced spells with the elders of their respective departments and seldom asked about world affairs, but on this day, nearly half of the disciples heard the ringing bell of the head master and gathered in the Tingyun Hall on the main peak.

In the middle of the main hall, the child who was still in a mess last night has cleaned up, combed his hair, and changed into dark blue clothes. She couldn't help but look around in surprise at the Cangjia disciples who were standing neatly, and swallowed.

At this age, she has never seen so many people. Even if she has seen so many people, she has never seen so many people wearing robes of the same color, wearing the same bun, and carrying a long piece of hair on their backs. Big Tie was almost all looking at her.

She couldn't help but swallowed again, tightened the white long sleeve at her hand, and hid behind the man, trying to hide herself.

But the man suddenly grabbed her hand, and with a little force, he made her take a few steps forward.

"Feng Su, what is your purpose in bringing this child from the human world up the mountain?"

The old man on the main seat of the main hall had white hair and beard that reached his waist, and he could not distinguish between emotions or anger when he spoke, but there was a faint kindness in his brows, and he looked carefully at the child who was looking at him curiously.

"Master, please accept her as an apprentice." Feng Su held the child's hand, did not salute, but lowered his eyebrows and said softly.

The old man frowned upon hearing this. The disciples in the main hall all held their breaths and closed their eyes, as quiet as if they never existed.

Feng Su, as a senior brother, is extremely favored by the head of the sect, Cang Yu. Although he is indifferent and even suspected of being arrogant, the disciples in the sect still respect him very much. He hadn't appeared in Tingyun Hall for nearly fifty years, but he never expected that the headmaster would ring the bell and make an almost impossible request as soon as he appeared.

Of the four disciples under Cang Yu, the youngest, Qing Nian, has practiced for nearly a hundred years. Qing Nian is also a very talented immortal cultivator. His one hundred years of cultivation is equivalent to five hundred years of ordinary people. Now Feng Su just casually brought a mortal girl up the mountain and let the head take her as his disciple

The headmaster Cang Yu stared at the child, his eyes became sharper and sharper.

The child felt that those eyes made her feel cold all over, and looked up at the "immortal" beside her, "I want to see my brother, you... can you take me to see my brother?"

Feng Su bowed his head, smiled and patted her head.

This smile made Cang Yu's brows wrinkle even tighter.

"Impossible." Cang Yu didn't make a sound, but Cang Hai, one of the elders beside him, spoke, glaring at the child and said, "I'm bruised in my brain, my mind is not enlightened, I can't even do it as a disciple of Dimai Peak, how can I worship my brother?" Under the door?"

Most of Dimai Peak are disciples who have just started cultivating immortals, and there are also disciples who have mediocre aptitude and have not achieved small success after decades of cultivation. Cang Hai could tell that there was something wrong with this child with just one glance. At best, he was still insane. At worst, he was a fool in the personal world.

"Feng Su is asking Master to accept him as an apprentice." Feng Su said plainly. The implication is that it is Cang Yu's business whether to accept it or not, and it is not Cang Hai's turn to speak.

There was a gasp in the hall. Although Feng Su has always gone his own way, even to the head of the sect, he has never been very respectful, but in front of thousands of disciples, he is too aggressive, and Cang Hai is the most hot-tempered one among the seven elders. .

"Mu Wu Zun! Mu Wu Zun! Mu Wu Zun!" Sure enough, Cang Hai was so angry that he almost jumped up, pointing at Feng Su, his face flushed.

Feng Su lowered his eyes, but didn't take a serious look at Cang Hai.

"" Cang Hai couldn't see his arrogance, but he couldn't find any other faults in him. With Cang Yu beside him, and in front of so many disciples, he couldn't teach him without arrogance!

"Junior brother, don't be in a hurry!"

With just a few words, the hall of Tingyun was instantly filled with the smell of alcohol, and one of the elders left the table. This one had handsome features, thick eyebrows and black hair. Although he called Canghai Junior Brother, he looked younger than him by more than fifty years . It's just that when he got up, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Elder Cangqu, be careful!"

Some young disciples couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly yelled out, only to see Cang Qu Ling Kong turn over, laughing and swaying down the steps, "Let me see first, what is so special about this little brat..."

As he spoke, he staggered towards the child step by step.

Seeing him getting closer, the child was not afraid, but took a few steps forward. She remembered this smell, her brother told her, it was wine. In the past, my elder brother often drank wine to Yue, while she lay on his shoulder and smelled the mellow aroma of the wine, making her drowsy.

Cang Qu approached her drunkenly, pinched the pulse gate of her left hand, and nodded slowly, "Your brain is really hard..." Then he switched to his right hand, "Hey, I have never cultivated immortality, but I have opened my eyes at a young age..."

Cang Qu let go of her veins and put his hand on her forehead, "Past life... present life..."

He was still drunk and chattering, but when he opened his eyes suddenly, half of the alcohol dissipated, and before he could finish his sentence, his hand quickly reached the back of his head.

The child was a little close to him because of the familiar smell of wine, and it was okay to let him feel the pulse, but when he put his hand on his forehead, there was a chaotic pain that spread from any corner of his body to his whole body. Moving to the back of the head, the pain suddenly became sharp, and the blood all over her body seemed to turn into a sharp sword and was about to burst out. She screamed "Ah", stepped back several times, and then began to cry.

Cang Qu was already half awake from the wine, and he stood firmly in the hall, with his hands behind his hands, and looked at her intently, "Girl, you actually..."

"What?" Cang Hai hurriedly asked.

"she… "

"Enough!" Cang Yu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly shouted in a low voice, interrupted Cang Qu's last words, got up slowly with the Qingxu stick, just looked at Feng Su and said, "Do you really want her to stay?"

Feng Su closed his eyes, "Yes."

"It's impossible to accept her as a teacher."

"That Feng Su left Cangjia Mountain with her."

Tingyun Hall was eerily quiet.

There were thousands of disciples present, and all of them lowered their heads and lowered their eyes, holding their breath.

No one knows when this elder brother who is rare to see in a hundred years came to Cangjia's sect, but everyone knows that he is arrogant, arrogant, elder tolerant, and pampered by the head. Reason.

In Kyushu, Cangjia Mountain is the youngest sect among the sects of cultivating immortals, but it happens to occupy the top of the mountain with the most yin energy. Sixty years ago, the remnants of the demon world wanted to wake up the demon king. Cangjia was in danger. Other sects only cared about protecting themselves and turned a blind eye. Everyone thought that Cangjia would perish. Jun Feng returned to calm again. Since then, everyone has speculated that Feng Su's practice is probably only contested by Donghua Shangxian on Donghua Mountain.

Therefore, his status in Cangjia Mountain is of course not only the eldest disciple of the head, but the elder brother of the disciples.

Cang Yu's gloomy eyes were dizzy. After a long while, he closed his eyes and sighed: "Then she will go to Dimai Peak to practice tomorrow. If she can pass the sword test three years later, she will be accepted as a teacher herself." She is a disciple."

"No, she must stay in Tianmai Peak."

Cang Yu's expression turned cold.

"Brother has already taken a step back, don't push yourself further!" Seeing Cang Yu's silence, Cang Hai couldn't bear it anymore, "Only the closed disciples of the sect leader can climb Tianmai Peak, so you can keep whoever you say you want?" ?”

Feng Su didn't seem to hear his words, just waiting for Cang Yu's reply.

"It's unheard of for a disciple who just started to practice in Tianmai Peak." Cang Yu sighed.

Feng Sudan said: "I was born in the human world and grew up in the human world. I opened my eyes when I was only ten years old, and I can see things I have never seen before."

"Cultivating immortals to seek fate, you are like this, it is no different from picking seedlings to encourage growth."

"It's fate that she met me and I saved her."

"If she is not blessed to endure it, her fate will be changed..."

"Life and death, blessings and misfortunes, have their own destiny!"

Listening to the light smoke curling from the incense burner in the Yundian, blurred the expression on Cang Yu's face. A gust of wind blew from nowhere, broke the line of light smoke, and made the bells on the Qingxu Basket ring crisply, sweeping away the oppressive silence in the hall.

"In Tianmai Peak, who will teach her?"

Only his three remaining apprentices practiced in Tianmai Peak. Of course, the three of them could see that Cang Yu didn't want to keep the child, and they were all silent.

Feng Su said, "Of course it's me."

Feng Su is proud and indifferent. He has always practiced alone on the main peak. This time, he broke the rules again and again for the sake of that child. Cang Yu smiled bitterly, "Since it is your choice, I will not obstruct it."

Hearing this, Feng Su smiled lightly, looked down at the child who had been by his side all the time, saw her teary eyes, bent over to wipe away her tears, "Do you remember what I told you yesterday?"

The child looked at his smiling eyebrows and was stunned.

"I remember." It took her a while to answer.

"Then are you willing to stay in Cangjia Mountain?"

She blinked and tried to digest his question. After being rescued by this fairy yesterday, she always wanted to see her brother. He said that she could only see him again if she stayed here.

"Yes." She nodded.

He smiled again, got up, held her hand, and without looking at anyone else, turned around and led her slowly away from Tingyun Hall.

She looked down at the hand that wrapped her little hand.

Plain hands are like jade.

As warm as jade.

"Still don't remember your name?"

"My brother never told me."

"Then, how about your name being Lingxi from now on?"


The clear drafts blowing through the white robes, the disciples of Cangjia moved one after another, leaving a spacious avenue, the two asked questions slowly, the voice gradually became thinner, followed by the disappearing figure in the setting sun. Can't hear either.

Cang Yu just squinted at their backs stretched obliquely by the setting sun, vicissitudes and helplessness slowly stirred in her translucent eyes.

Lingxi, Lingxi, Jinxi, what night