Living Up to You

Chapter 3


There is a sunken valley on Tianmai Peak. The stream at the bottom of the valley is like a mirror, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the seasons are like spring.

Lingxi loves and fears it. What she loves is the endless sea of praying lotus flowers beside the stream. Whenever the flowers bloom, the lavender petals cover the entire eye area, and the fragrance of the flowers fills the entire Tianmai Peak. She likes to roll in the sea of flowers, looking up at the sky after tossing and turning, it is blue and blue. What she feared was the green forest in the valley, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and tall and straight trunks, as if reaching into the sky. She was often left there by herself, practicing alone with the faint light and shadow.

For the word "cultivation", she was initially curious, then irritated, and finally disgusted. She really wanted to know if other disciples on Cangjia Mountain also "cultivated" like her. Because her daily task is to stay in the green forest and beat the fallen leaves with stones on the ground.

At first, she didn't think it was a difficult task, until she stubbornly threw stones in the woods for three days and nights and still didn't hit a single leaf, she found to her dismay that it was necessary to practice what Feng Su said "" Leaves do not fall to the ground", it is almost impossible for her.

Listening to the wind, smelling the leaves, throwing stones, these simple words, Lingxi can't always complete them in one go. Even after practicing for a year, she has only made slight progress, and she can throw stones smoothly when she sees Ye Luo, but she still can't hit a single leaf.

"Hey, you idiot is starting to be in a daze again! Uncle Cangqu said long ago that you have a problem with your brain. If you can practice 'Yebuluo' well, you won't even speak so slowly!" The young man shook the jug in his hand, took a sip and said mockingly.

Lingxi blinked, as if she didn't hear what he said, and continued to pick up stones.

"Yo, not only a fool, but also a deaf..."

The stone in Lingxi's hand just left her hand, crooked, and hit a green tree not far away. The tree also crooked, twisted its body and burrowed into the ground.

The man who was talking was Qing Kui, the second disciple of Cang Yuzuo. Seeing that Lingxi missed the leaf again, he stroked his forehead with a headache, "Eldest brother, I don't know which tendon is broken. I'm so troublesome to find you." Tianmai Peak is here!"

As he said that, he leaped forward, grabbed the top of the Qingrong tree that was about to sink into the ground, and chanted a mantra lightly, and the tree reluctantly emerged from the ground again.

Qingrong tree is an extremely delicate tree species. It is precious from leaf to root, and it is also highly spiritual. A slight disturbance may cause them to burrow into the ground and never come out again. In the entire Cangjia Mountain, there is only the only green forest on Tianmai Peak left. When Qing Kui went to Tianmai Peak to practice, the first task Cang Yu gave him was to take good care of Qing Rongshu.

Tianmai Peak is like spring all the year round, filled with fairy air, and there are only three brothers and sisters, so it is not difficult to take care of Qingrong Forest. But when that little girl was brought back by that defiant elder brother a year ago, Tianmai Peak was in chaos!

"It's not good to practice anywhere, you have to practice in Qingrong Forest!" Qing Kui was still muttering angrily, "It's fine to practice in Qingrong Forest, but I just found such a stupid person to come back, and I haven't made any progress after practicing for a year! According to this Progress I want to practice with her until what year and month... "

While he was muttering, another stone from Lingxi hit the Qingrong tree again, and Qingkui rushed to the other tree unexpectedly, casting a spell while glaring at Lingxi.

In a year, Lingxi's wrinkled little face has grown a lot, and her eyes are no longer as dull as when she first went up the mountain, but they are still often foggy, like a wooden doll without a soul. The mist kept picking up stones and hitting the green tree.

Qing Kui came and flitted around in the Qing Rong forest, and had no time to mutter.

"Ugly girl with no brains! You can't stop for a while!" Qing Kui roared angrily when there was a gap, and turned around to devote himself to the cause of "protecting" Qingrong Forest.

If Uncle Cangqu hadn't told him in secret before that this ugly girl looked like an ordinary person on the surface, but she lacked one of the three souls and four of the seven souls, he would definitely think that she is deliberately punishing him now!

In the Qingrong Forest, except for the resurrection spell for the Qingrong Tree, all fairy arts are forbidden. At sunset, Qing Kui was covered in sweat, lying on a boulder, gasping for breath. How many years has he not had this filthy thing of mortals? Five hundred years? Eight hundred years

"Second Senior Brother... You said that I haven't made any progress this year?" Lingxi frowned slightly, and looked at Qing Kui seriously.

Qing Kui's face was full of tears, and progress... how many hours ago were those words? She just reacted now! Still making progress... Obviously, the more you practice, the more stupid you become!

He wiped the sweat from his face, deeply felt that he shouldn't continue to waste time here, and would rather tell his master that Xiadi Maifeng accepts apprentices than being choked to death by a fool here one day!

"By the way, Second Senior Brother..." Qing Kui was about to leave with his sword in his hand, Ling Xi said, "The master asked you to find him in Wangyou Hall."

Qing Kui paused for a while before continuing to move forward, just as he was also planning to find Master. Lingxi continued: "The master told the second senior brother to attend today, otherwise there will be no need to accept disciples within a hundred years."

Tsk tsk, he used to dislike the trouble of accepting apprentices, and found various reasons to refuse, it seems that the master is angry...

Lingxi also said: "The head also said that since the second senior brother is going to Wangyou Hall at noon, there is no need to guard the Qingrong Forest today."

Qing Kui snorted coldly: "If I don't keep it, could it be that senior brother will keep it? Then why didn't he come with you?" Thinking about it again, it's not right... At noon...

He quickly looked at the setting sun with only half of his head left, "Damn! It's getting late!"

As he spoke, he ran out of the forest and left with his sword.

Lingxi looked at the blue shirt that was going away under the setting sun, and blinked, a slight smile floated in her water-colored eyes, with a hint of naughtiness.


Ever since Feng Su descended from Tianmai Peak, the main hall on the top of the peak has been cleaned spotlessly by the original three masters, who willingly let him live in. Lingxi also took advantage, and lived in a very spacious room with Fengsu.

It's a pity that spaciousness is not necessarily a good thing, at least not for Lingxi. It took her three months to memorize the way from her room to Fengsu's room, another three months to memorize the way from her room to Qingrong Forest, and finally half a year to memorize the way from her room to other places. The road to the room of the three brothers and sisters.

Moreover, Lingxi is small, slow-moving, and doesn't know how to use spells. It's really difficult to walk a long distance in the world of cultivating immortals at the speed of a child in the human world.

Therefore, when she returned to Feng Su's room today, the sky was already full of stars.

Feng Su was resting and meditating, his face was extraordinarily fair under the white clothes, and a few wisps of ink fell gently on the white shirt like running water, as if he was about to fall asleep with his closed eyes. Jingruo's virgin appearance is like a banished immortal, as if he is not in the world of mortals, but in the palace of the nine heavens.

Whenever this happens, Lingxi is always a little timid, not too daring, or doesn't want to disturb, and is about to quietly exit the door, but Feng Su says, "How's the result today?"

Lingxi lowered her eyelids to hide the frustration in her eyes, "It's the same as yesterday."

Feng Su didn't change his face, "It seems that there are too many curses cast in the forest today."

Lingxi pouted, "It's so noisy."

Although that "second" senior brother talks a lot on weekdays, it can still be tolerated. But yesterday maybe I begged for wine from Uncle Cangqu, and I was excited after drinking the bar, so I started chattering in my ears, silly girls and ugly girls talking non-stop, buzzing like flies all morning , finally made her unbearable.

Feng Su opened his eyes, but there was no ripple in his dark eyes, "Can you change the hairband?"

Feng Su asked her to pick up fallen leaves from Qi Qingrong trees after practicing "Leaves Don't Fall to the Ground" every day, and weave them into hairbands, changing them every day. Lingxi has always been obedient, although she doesn't know why, she does it day by day.

Lingxi nodded, and Feng Su arrived in front of her in a blink of an eye, with an exquisite glass bowl in his hand, dipped in the clear water to wipe off the dust on her face.

Even though it happens every day, Lingxi still feels that the warmth from Feng Su's hands permeates her whole body with the warm water, and most of the day's fatigue and sleepiness are instantly reduced.

"When Qing Kui left, the sky was covered by dark clouds on the peak." Feng Su said casually.

"I didn't think of telling him about the Palace of Wangyou until the evening." Lingxi pursed her lips, if he hadn't made her a headache early in the morning, maybe she wouldn't have forgotten it.

"Tonight's sunset is not good." Feng Su turned and opened the window, and the coolness hit.

Lingxi showed shame, and whispered: "Tomorrow Lingxi won't make him angry."

"If you miss the meeting in Wangyou Hall, he will not be able to accept apprentices for a hundred years, and he will not leave Tianmai Peak for three years."

Lingxi's crescent eyebrows frowned slightly, Senior Sister Qinglian and Senior Brother Qingnian both went to Dimai Peak to recruit new disciples, and they said they would not come back for three to five years. In other words, Senior Brother Qing Kui would go out for three to five years...

"Lingxi was wrong." Lingxi was annoyed, senior brother likes to be quiet the most, and senior brother Qingkui likes to have nothing to do. He could have stayed away from the "second" senior brother for a short time...

Feng Su is leaning against the window, black hair flying around the green luminous wine glass, the wine is mellow and the evening fragrance is charming. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "A cloud of one color doesn't look good either."

Only then did Lingxi laugh, the dimples on her cheeks were extremely sweet, "Then Lingxi will go back to rest first, and practice hard tomorrow."

Lingxi ran out of the house as she spoke, but was stopped by Feng Su, "Xi'er, what did you forget?"

Lingxi turned her head, her eyes became clear after being confused for a while, she stuck out her tongue, and quickly walked to the table to pick up the soup on the table and drank it down.

Feng Su smiled slightly, rested and closed his eyes.

Lingxi drank the soup, as if thinking of something again, looked at Feng Su in a daze for a long time, and then asked softly: "Eldest brother... where is brother...?"