Living Up to You

Chapter 31


As the sun rises and the moon sets, and the stars alternate, Qilian flowers bloom and fall, and it will be another two years.

In the past two years, the fairyland has been peaceful, and the biggest event in front of him is the 3,000-year-old birthday of the head of Cangjia, Cang Yu. Cang Yu has always been a low-key person, if it is not important, he seldom shows up in the fairy world, even the last time the Four Immortals will send his disciples to come for him, it is rumored in the fairy world that he has lost his skills in order to save his disciple Feng Su, so he has been closed for several years door practice. This time, the birthday will mobilize the crowd, and the invitations will be distributed widely. I wonder if there is any other purpose

All sects and sects rectified their affairs one after another after receiving the post, and went happily.

Cangjia Mountain was so lively that it was rare to see it in a hundred years. The disciples of each peak had been busy for a whole month, and they specially moved the Shuimai Peak presided over by Qinglian to the birthday celebrations. Qinglian and Qingnian led their disciples to run around, while Qingkui hid far away in Tianmai Peak, practicing sword with Lingxi for a while, eating with Lingxi for a while, and teasing with Lingxi for a while. She lived a very leisurely and comfortable life.

It was the afternoon, the autumn wind was refreshing, and the falling flowers were colorful.

At this time of the day, Qing Kui either practiced sword with Lingxi for two hours, or fought with her for two hours. Day after day, seeing that Lingxi's swordsmanship is getting better and better, her spiritual power is also increasing rapidly.

"Look at the sword!" Qing Kui held the spear in his hand, with a smile on his face, he aimed at the empty door on Lingxi's shoulder and stabbed with his sword.

Lingxi soared into the sky, retreating again and again, Yufeng retreated to the sea of Qilian flowers, stepped on the flower branches lightly, and used her strength to turn around to avoid the sword. Qing Kui pierced the air with his sword, and turned around with a big smile, but when he looked at the face of the person opposite, he unconsciously gradually stopped talking.

Today Lingxi was wearing a lavender gauze dress, her hair was pulled up in a bun at random, and in her hand was the Bingling Sword bestowed by Cangyu. Just as he turned around, a gust of wind picked up and swept up the sky filled with praying lotus petals. Xi's black hair fluttered along with the lavender gauze, and the silver-white icy sword seemed to gather the aura of heaven and earth, like an elf walking out of flowers, which made Qing Kui freeze in place, watching her stab with the sword, unable to stop Can't dodge.

The Bingling sword was about to pierce Qing Kui's big hole in the neck, but he still watched Ling Xi motionless as if in a trance. Ling Xi tilted her sword tip, frowned lightly and said, "Senior Brother Qing Kui, you're distracted again."

"Hee hee..." Jiu Sheng laughed at Qing Kui's waist.

Qing Kui suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly grabbed Ling Xi who was about to leave: "Hey, Ling Xiaoxi, I didn't lose!"

Lingxi put down her sword, "Even the wine sage can testify, if I hadn't missed that sword just in time, you would have been blocked by my sword."

"That's right, sex fan..." Jiu Sheng couldn't finish his sentence, and Qing Kui held the mouth of the gourd again.

"No and no." Qing Kui shook his head triumphantly, took out the things in his hand and said, "I have already won before that."

Lingxi looked at the things in his hands, and then looked at her long hair left and right, and it was indeed missing a section.

Unhappy, Qing Kui rolled up her black hair in her hands, put it casually into her cuffs, and said with a smile, "Although your mind has become brighter and your spiritual power has grown rapidly in the past two years, at least I have cultivated for a thousand years longer than you, senior brother." , can it still be defeated by you?"

"Brother Qing Kui, who has cultivated thousands of years longer than me, can you tell me why I still can't cultivate the immortal body?" Lingxi smiled lightly, and her eyes fell on Qing Kui in a flash, which was exceptionally clear .

Qing Kui coughed dryly twice, rolled his eyes and said, "This... this senior brother has his own ideas in his mind, but it needs to be verified."

Well, actually... He had to admit that he didn't know either!

Two years ago, Lingxi's spiritual power seemed to have been stored for many years and broke out of the cocoon. In the past two years, she practiced day and night, working extremely hard. Logically, she could have cultivated a fairy body long ago with only her inexplicable spiritual power that fell from the sky. pity…

"Hey, you have to ask Master about this! It just so happens that he wants to see you today!" Qing Kui pulled Lingxi up into the clouds, muttering to himself, he didn't know why, even if he didn't want to tell Lingxi, he didn't know, For a thick-skinned person like him, there are times when he is afraid of losing face...


Since Cang Yu returned from Donghua Mountain two years ago, he has rarely seen outsiders, and Lingxi is the one who sees the most among his disciples. Qingkui and the others thought it was the battle with Shangxian Donghua at that time, and Cang Yu was seriously injured, and he has been recuperating until now. Cang Hai Cang Qu can see the clue at a glance.

Originally, Cang Yudu gave Lingxi a thousand-year-old cultivation base, so he used a blindfold to cover it up, so that he would not be easily discovered. But after the battle at Donghua Mountain, Cang Yu was too busy to take care of himself, and didn't have that much energy to care about what the two juniors thought.

When Lingxi went to see Cang Yu, Cang Hai was coming out of Cang Yu's room and gave her a hard look.

"Master." Lingxi knelt down and saluted Cang Yu when she saw Cang Yu.

Cang Yu lay on the couch with a haggard complexion, but her eyes were still clear, so Ling Xi got up.

"How is your practice recently?" Cang Yu asked.

Lingxi frowned and said: "Master, Lingxi has tried her best, and she sensed that there is a power in her body that is ready to move, but she can't mobilize it no matter what. Brother Qingkui also said that with my cultivation today, I could have cultivated a fairy body long ago, but …”

Lingxi was speechless, after all, she failed Master's painstaking efforts.

Cang Yu coughed twice, and said slowly: "Xu Shi, the cultivation that my teacher has given you to cross is not yet able to integrate with your own cultivation, so don't worry."

Having said that, Lingxi felt even more ashamed. Although the master never mentioned how many years of cultivation he had spent for her, it must have been quite a lot, otherwise she would not have improved so rapidly in the past two years.

"And your body has already been sealed." Cang Yu glanced at Ling Xi lightly, and said, "You are still young, and I don't want to talk to you too much as a teacher, but the master is old..."

Lingxi was still puzzled by Cangyu's saying that there was a seal in his body, but when she heard the latter sentence, her heart trembled, and she quickly knelt down, "Since Master is a fairy, why do you say 'old man'? If Lingxi makes Master I'm dying, Lingxi would rather Master take back the cultivation base that was given to me."

Cang Yu sighed and helped Lingxi up, "Lingxi, you must remember clearly what my teacher told you today."

"Eight years ago when Feng Su took you up the mountain, you only had two souls and three souls." Cang Yu stared at Ling Xi and said in a deep voice, "I heard that you had an older brother who accompanied you in the human world. He is an expert whose spiritual power is no less than that of a teacher. You can grow up to ten years old, I am afraid that he used his spiritual power to support you. After Feng Su took you up the mountain, he used his cultivation to replenish your soul, although you I distributed some to the fairy spirits, but the three souls and seven souls are still barely replenished. When you went to Donghua Mountain two years ago, I asked Xueran to give you the elixir, which also has my thousand years of cultivation, to help you blend your three souls."

Every time Cang Yu said something, Ling Xi's heart sank, and then the tip of her nose felt sore.

"You are similar to Feng Suming in personality, you only have one life, you can't see the previous life, and you can't glimpse the next life." Cang Yu continued, "On the surface, you seem to grow up like ordinary people, but there is a seal inside your body. Traces, it can be seen that you are not just as simple as Lingxi in the past eighteen years."

Lingxi remembered that she went to the underworld and called her name in front of the Wangchuan River, but no memory of her previous life floated up. It turned out that it wasn't that there was no memory, but that there was no previous life.

"Since you have the ability to open more than ten thousand snow lotuses, Lingxi..." Cang Yu pondered for a long while, and then said again, "I have always felt guilty towards Feng Su, and I took his life before I could make up for it. I suspect that you are a monster. Even to this day, I still don't know what secrets you have."

This is the first time Lingxi heard that her soul is incomplete, the first time she heard that there are people who have only one life, and it is the first time that she knows that her life is actually formed by the accumulation of so many people's cultivation bases. Chaotic, only looking at Cang Yu in confusion.

"I told everyone not to tell you this, because I don't want you to feel different and go astray."

Lingxi knelt down again, "Master, Lingxi doesn't know why you didn't tell me this until today. Senior brother... Master... treated Lingxi so kindly... No matter what secrets are in Lingxi, Lingxi is Lingxi, Cangjia Mountain Palm Let disciple Lingxi sit down, if one day... one day he really becomes a monster, he would not dare to be disrespectful to the master, and would not dare to do anything that would harm Cangjia."

Cang Yu said comfortingly: "Master, I know that you are simple-minded and kind-hearted. I didn't ask you to make such a promise when I called you here today."

"What master wants Lingxi to do, Lingxi will go all out."

"Lingxi, do you ever feel that the righteousness in the fairy world is sluggish and evil trends prevail?"

Lingxi was silent. The faces of many immortals at the Four Immortals Meeting are still vivid, and even Donghua Shangxian, who is regarded as the leader by everyone, has evil intentions and almost became a demon.

"Back then, the famous immortals were reincarnated after being robbed, or lived in seclusion and did not care about world affairs. Many spells were gradually lost. I am only four or five thousand years old, but I am considered an elder in the fairy world... How many immortals are there today? Who has seen the prosperity of the past? How many of them know what the real fairyland should look like?" The vicissitudes of life are faintly scattered through the wrinkles on the face of the vicissitudes of life. Dominating the six realms, the cycle of cause and effect, the cycle of life and death, and the balance of the six realms. But ten thousand years ago, the God Realm was in chaos, the entrance to the God Realm disappeared, and the gods disappeared overnight. Since then, the balance of the Six Realms has been broken."

Lingxi listened quietly, "God" was too far away for her.

"The wish of being a teacher in life is to find the entrance to the God Realm, awaken all the gods, and bring the Six Realms back to the right path. Otherwise, in another ten thousand years, the fairy world will probably be devoured by the demon world, and there will be no place for the human world to survive. These six realms... should also perish." Cang Yu's eyes that were always radiant were blood-red, as if he had seen the scene where the demons were in power and the lives were burnt.

Lingxi felt sad in her heart, but she could only whisper: "Master, what can Lingxi do."

Cang Yu said in a deep voice: "Two years ago, I calculated that the catastrophe of Cangjia was approaching. Although the past two years have been calm, I am especially worried. I always feel that the mountains and rains are about to come. When I tell you these words today, firstly, I want you to remember the favor Cangjia Mountain has given you, and secondly, I want you to remember that when the catastrophe is at hand, perhaps when an opportunity suddenly appears, Cangjia’s task is to find it at any cost. The entrance to the God Realm opens the door to heaven, and if I am no longer there at that must not forget every word I said to you today."

Lingxi was silent again. Although the master said that she is different, she is very clear about how she grew up little by little, how she gradually gained the sanity of a normal person, how hard she practiced in exchange for her cultivation today, such a heavy task, such She really... can't bear the high expectations.

"Son, you are still young." Cang Yu seemed to feel that he was too serious just now, helped Lingxi up again, and sighed, "You just need to remember what the teacher said today. Don't lose your mind at critical moments. Lost direction."

Lingxi nodded.


On the day of Cang Yu's birthday, Cangjia Mountain was extremely lively. Although immortals no longer need to eat human fireworks, there are still nearly a thousand tables for banquets on Shuimai Peak.

Lingxi didn't want to cause trouble, and she didn't want to go down to the top of the sky, but Qing Kui kept pestering her, "Ling Xiaoxi, you have something to do, okay! What's there to be afraid of, huh? In the past, they looked down on you and scolded you It’s a monster, today you just go down and show them! Whoever dares to make you unhappy again, you should clean it up properly!”

Lingxi still didn't want to, because she didn't want to be surrounded by a group of people who were fussing about why she let the snow lotus fly away, why the master accepted her as a disciple, and where did she come from...

"The group of people have been eyeing Cangjia for a long time. This time, the master didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he let them run upright. Ling Xiaoxi, do you want so many people to clean up Cangjia together? You alone Just sit back and ignore it?" I don't know when Qing Kui seldom called Lingxi "A Chou" anymore, but added the word "Xiao" between the names.

When Qing Kui said this, Ling Xi thought of what Cang Yu said to her a few days ago, nodded and agreed.

Qing Kui rode Jiu Sheng in front, and Ling Xi rode the sword behind. It was not that far away, but because Qing Kui and Jiu Sheng were fighting in front of them, Ling Xi was not in a hurry to go there, and actually walked for half an hour.

When approaching Shuimai Peak, Xu Yuan heard the sound of water rushing, and the waterfall was like a belt made of auspicious clouds falling from the sky, vertically dividing Shuimai Peak into two halves.

Shui Maifeng is indeed much more lively than Tianmai Feng.

Just as Lingxi thought this way, a kingfisher flew over her head and circled her several times. The kingfisher on Cangjia Mountain has always had aura, Lingxi felt that the bird was so cute, so she stretched out her hand to make it rest in her palm. The bird was also well-behaved, and fell steadily, but when it fell into her palm, it turned into an exquisite wooden box. The box was sealed with bright red paper, and a letter was written "I wish Master good luck and peace with the sky".

Lingxi couldn't help but wonder who gave her the birthday present. Could it be that Xiaoniao misunderstood the person? Qing Kui was right in front of her eyes, and Qing Lian Qing Nian didn't seem to make such a mistake. Before she could figure it out, the two of them had already landed. Sure enough, women are more delicate in mind, and know how to back up the gifts for Master."

"This isn't..." Lingxi wanted to ask Qing Kui what was going on, but found that all the people on Shuimai Peak were already looking at them.

Cang Yu also got up and walked towards her.

She found Qinglian and Qingnian in the crowd, and saw that they were also looking at her with normal expressions, so this birthday gift...

"Lingxi, what is this?" Cang Yu asked with a good look today, looking at the wooden box in her hand.

Lingxi told the truth, "I don't know who sent it to me, maybe I want to celebrate Master's birthday."

But... Several of the master's apprentices are obviously here.

"Take a look for the teacher." Cang Yu stretched out his hand to take the wooden box.

Lingxi backed away subconsciously, avoiding his hand.

"Master, let me do it." Lingxi said.

The wooden box came strangely, and the words written on it were also strange. I don't know what was hidden in the box, it was better for her to open it herself.

Lingxi carefully removed the red paper that sealed the box, and opened the wooden box.

The wooden box was not cast a spell, and no harmful ghosts were released, but Lingxi's hands shook suddenly, and she threw the box to the ground without any hesitation.

Everyone was also shocked.

What fell out of that box was a bloody human face!