Living Up to You

Chapter 33


He seemed to have woken up from a ten-thousand-year snow trap, and his whole body was covered with a frightening cold. He stood alone in the flames, but there was no warmth in his black eyes. He looked down at Lingxi from a high position, but he just watched without any emotion.

Lingxi knelt on the spot in a daze, with tears on her face, her hands still hugging him. As if losing a lost treasure, the watery eyes overflowed with profound disappointment and pain.

But it only took a moment for such emotions to emerge in her eyes. She wiped away her tears and stood up.

From the beginning of her mind at the age of ten to now at the age of eighteen, she has experienced several life and death separations, and she has been able to quickly restrain her emotions and analyze the situation. She understands that if she can't, she will only cause disaster, such as Nan Zhi's death.

She silently said to herself again that Nan Zhi's real body was a rose flower, and that day she saw the rose disappear with her own eyes, as a fairy, her body died and her soul flew away, and there was no possibility of her surviving. So what if they look the same? Donghua Shangxian also looks the same as her elder brother, but he took her soul and killed Nan.

She wanted to wait for him to speak first, but he remained silent, his ink-stained eyes seemed to be covered with ice and snow.

Although rationality told her that even if they looked exactly the same, they might not be the same person, Lingxi looked at him, and when she met the cold eyes that seemed familiar, her heart was still uncontrollably flustered.

Time seemed to stand still, and the two looked at each other close to each other, but they seemed to be separated by the horizon.

Lingxi didn't know what to say to him, but couldn't help asking him tentatively: "Nan Zhi?"

The man's ice-like eyes flickered slightly, as if the ice cubes were shattered, floating up and down. He looked at Lingxi, as if he wanted to see into his eyes.

Lingxi couldn't believe that she read the familiar feelings in his eyes, trembling slightly, she stepped forward, put her hands on his cheeks, and asked with a sob: "Nanzhi...?"

His lips were pursed tightly, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be stained with faint anger, but just after Lingxi's hand touched his eyes, his eyes softened, as if the ten thousand years of ice had melted away in an instant, rippling.

He suddenly took Lingxi into his arms.

Lingxi's heart was beating violently, the familiar temperature, the familiar hug, but it didn't have the scent of roses, could it be... dreaming again

Lingxi called again in a trembling voice: "Nanzhi?"


This answer was calm and powerful, the voice penetrated into her heart through the tightly pressed chest, just one word made Lingxi's eyes full of tears. However, the next moment, Nan Zhi suddenly let her go.

He rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "You don't want to see me again."

"No!" Lingxi hugged him again, and suddenly burst into tears, crying bitterly, as if she wanted to cry out all the suppressed emotions in the past two years, "Nan Zhi... I'm sorry Nan Zhi... I shouldn't be confused by the illusion, say I'm sorry for saying something that hurt you like that..."

Nanzhi frowned slightly, wiped the tears on Lingxi's cheeks with slender fingers, held her face and kissed her eyes.

That loving action and warm touch made Lingxi's tears flow more and more fiercely.

However, the dark world suddenly began to shake, as if it was about to collapse. Crazy shouts came from nowhere, the demonic energy broke through the ground, and the darkness was swallowed up, replaced by countless groups of black shadows, laughing, screaming, and flying in all directions.

Lingxi was startled, she was hugged by Nanzhi, and she forgot to cry.

She knows what this is like no one else.


The monster that snatched away the elder brother and killed Feng Su.

She has always known that Cangjia Mountain has the entrance to the God Realm, and at the same time there is the junction of the two worlds of immortals and demons. Therefore, the disciples of Cangjia never dare to relax, and there may be monsters sneaking in from the junction at any time, waiting for an opportunity to attack. But Cangjia Mountain is filled with immortal energy and righteousness. After the battle between immortals and demons sixty years ago, except for the time when Feng Su died five years ago, the demons have never confronted Cangjia head-on.

However, the number of monsters seen this time is more than ten times that of five years ago! It's overwhelming, and there's no stopping trend.

"Nanzhi, hurry, take me out!" Lingxi urged.

Nan Zhi hugged her across his waist, but did not move. These monsters seemed to turn a blind eye to him and had no intention of hurting her, but... they will destroy Cangjia Mountain!

Hearing this, Nanzhi soared into the sky easily, the black monster covered the sky and covered the sun, rolling like dark clouds towards the main peak of Cangjia Mountain.

Lingxi looked back at where they were just now, it turned out to be the bottom of Huomai Peak, and the black mist-like monsters were still pouring out from the bottom. This gave her a very horrifying thought, could it be that... the bottom of Huomai Peak is the junction of the fairy world and the demon world, and the empty world just now is the barrier separating the two worlds

Thinking of this, Lingxi broke out in a cold sweat.

She trembled and wanted to get off Nan Zhi's body, but was imprisoned by him.

"Nanzhi, I'm going to the main peak!" Lingxi was still struggling, and now she was able to control the sword very skillfully.

"Okay." Nan Zhi jumped lightly, carrying Ling Xi into the clouds and leaving.

Along the way, Lingxi's heart became colder and colder, and her whole body was dripping with cold sweat. The several sub-peaks she crossed were all traces of destruction, as if they were ruins, with no life to be seen.

The monster just came out just now, even if it wants to destroy Cangjia Mountain, it will not be so fast, it must be before she came out, Cangjia has already suffered a catastrophe.

The main peak of Cangjia is in chaos.

A large number of monsters came from nowhere and entrenched on various hills. Cangjia disciples and his disciples who came to celebrate his birthday jointly collected the monsters, but there were too many monsters, and it could be said that they fought bloody battles. Cang Yu led several elders to protect the wounded disciples and a large number of disciples who had not yet completed their studies with barriers, and Qing Kui, Qing Lian and Qing Nian fought with Qing Feng together.

Qingfeng's white clothes were already blood-colored, her ten fingers stretched strangely, and her facial features had also turned into demons. She stared at the three of them resentfully, and laughed and said something, but Lingxi couldn't hear clearly.

Nan Zhi hugged her and landed, but she didn't land directly on the ground, she was still suspended in the air. Lingxi happened to hear Qingfeng's stern smile: "Qingkui! Kill me again if you have the ability!" Then Qingkui said: "Hand over Lingxi!"

The battle was so fierce that no one noticed the large dark clouds that suddenly appeared in the sky, and no one noticed the appearance of Lingxi and Nanzhi. Lingxi hurriedly shouted to Qing Kui: "Senior Brother Qing Kui, I am here!"

Qing Kui's eyes lit up when he heard this, he dodged Qing Feng's blow and was about to run towards her, but he stopped suddenly.

The black mist in the sky gradually dissipated, the haze was gone, and the sun was shining again. The people who were still in the melee just now stopped one after another, looking at the air in amazement, while silently retreating to their respective camps left and right.

Lingxi was in Nanzhi's arms all the time, only to see the clouds dissipate and the sun rise, and the fighting stopped, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

But seeing Cang Yu as the leader, staring at her with a gloomy expression, "Lingxi, come here."

Qing Kui also looked solemn, hesitant to speak.

Lingxi knew that she made a mistake again, and wanted to confess to Cang Yu in the past, but was imprisoned by Nanzhi, unable to move.

"Don't go." Nanzhi said coldly.

"Lingxi, come here quickly! That's not Xiao Hei!" Qing Kui finally couldn't help but speak.

The breath on Nan Zhi's body suddenly became a little colder. But Qing Kui's words made Lingxi's heart inexplicably empty. She wanted to get down from Nan Zhi's arms, but she was still unable to move, so she could only frown and said, "Nan Zhi, let me down."

"Don't let go." Nanzhi refused.

"Nanzhi..." Lingxi was helpless.

In the past, he would not refuse.

Cang Yu took two steps forward, glanced behind Nan Zhi, then set his eyes on him, and suddenly cupped his hands and said politely: "I wonder if Cang Yu should call Your Excellency 'Master'?"

"Naturally." Nan Zhi replied coldly.

Lingxi was inexplicable, looked at Cang Yu and then at Nan Zhi, their faces were as cold as ice.

"Ling Xi is Cang Yu's subordinate, the 397th generation disciple of Cangjia Mountain, can you let her come back to my disciple?" Although Cang Yu looked cold, he was still very polite.

"No." Nanzhi replied decisively.

Zhuge Xu, who had been standing quietly watching the changes, suddenly took a step forward and said with a sneer: "I see that your good apprentice is obviously on the same side as this devil! You still call the devil Master? Are you going to join the demon clan?" No!"

Cang Yu's face turned ashen.

Lingxi didn't want to see Cang Yu being humiliated, and she didn't want Nan Zhi to be called a devil. She struggled again but failed, and with a look of anger on her face, she reprimanded: "Nan Zhi! Let me go!"

Nan Zhi frowned, and then slowly put her down.

It was only when Lingxi fell that she understood why the two sides who were fighting suddenly stopped, why everyone looked at Nan Zhi with fear in their eyes, and why Cang Yu glanced behind Nan Zhi.

Behind that, densely packed... It's not a black mist of demons, but a demon that has already taken shape. They all had ferocious faces, blue faces and fangs like ghosts, different shapes and monsters, the only thing in common was that they all stood quietly behind Nanzhi, not daring to do anything out of the ordinary, and looked at him with admiration.


Thinking of what Zhuge Xu said just now, Lingxi's scalp went numb, and cold sweat broke out from her body.

"Lingxi! Come here quickly!" Qing Kui urged again.

"Haha..." Behind Qingfeng is a large group of monsters, smiling charmingly, "The shame of Cangjia Mountain... I'm afraid I can't hide it today? Master?"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Cang Yu, her expression hard to hide.

Cang Yu frowned, she continued to laugh and said, "Shangxian Nanzhi, who Cangjia is most proud of, has ascended to become a god for a hundred years, and is also a fallen demon Shangxian Nanzhi! Master, how interesting, yes Is it?"

Cang Yu's face was ashen, extremely ugly.

Lingxi still doesn't know why. The reunion time with Nan Zhi is still short, she has not yet had time to ask Nan Zhi how he has another body and is crushed at the bottom of Huomai Peak...

She did remember that Qing Kui mentioned to her that Cangjia once had an immortal named Nan Zhi. But what is the relationship between that "Nanzhi" and the Nanzhi in front of him? Even if there is a relationship, what is the relationship between Nan Zhi and the Fallen Demon

While her thoughts were chaotic, Lingxi heard a deep voice in her heart, "Kill him."

It was Cang Yu's voice.

Lingxi's heart skipped a beat, as if she had stepped on the air and fell from a high place, she hurriedly shook her head and backed away quickly, but Nanzhi grabbed her wrist.

"Kill him!" Cang Yu whispered in her heart again.

Lingxi still shook her head, trying to shake off Nan Zhi's hand, "Nan Zhi, let me go."

She said as calmly as possible.

Cang Yu's voice was still repeating in her heart: "It's your duty to eliminate demons and defend the way. Kill the demon king!"

"Let go of me, Nanzhi!" In fact, Lingxi wanted to shout, Nanzhi is not a demon, let alone a demon king!

Nan Zhi still didn't let go, and with a tug, Ling Xi fell into his arms.

Lingxi was still in chaos, and she didn't want to disobey her teacher's order, and she didn't want to hurt Nanzhi again, but she glanced and saw the Bingling Sword floating uncontrollably at her waist, full of sharp murderous aura, stabbing at Nanzhi. go.

Impatient and quick, she grasped the sword and wanted to throw it away, but unexpectedly, a force from Binglingjian, who had always been obedient, brought her body forward together.

Everything is only in the blink of an eye, the ice is sharp, and the sword breaks the heart.

The sound of flesh and blood crumbling, like thunder in my ears.

Lingxi held the sword hilt stiffly, looking up, she could only see Nanzhi's black clothes stained with blood, he never frowned, but the shattered thing in his eyes made Lingxi almost unable to breathe in pain.

The monsters behind him began to shout, angry, and did not move without his command. Lingxi let go of the hand holding the sword as if being scalded, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

Nan Zhi's murderous aura brought up the strong wind of Cangjia Mountain, covering the mountain like a dark night.

While his black hair was flying, he turned over, and the thick black mist from his fingertips attacked Cang Yu.

Cang Yu's complexion changed drastically, and in a hurry, he used the enchantment formed by the Qingxu stick to block it. The corner of Nan Zhi's mouth slightly raised, as if laughing, and his fingers moved slightly. The black mist was as thick as ink, breaking through with an irresistible force The enchantment will swallow Cang Yu in the next instant.

"Master!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Nanzhi don't want it!" Lingxi also shouted in panic.

Nan Zhi frowned slightly, his fingertips froze, and the black miasma disappeared just as he was about to touch Cang Yu.

Only then did everyone take a breath, and before the fear on Lingxi's face dissipated, they saw Nanzhi turn around to look at her, and just as he was turning around, Cang Yu quickly made a seal and hit him on the back with precision.

Nan Zhi shuddered all over, almost without hesitation he slapped his backhand, and Cang Yu was knocked down to the ground, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Cangjia's disciples all showed fear, but most of them were aggrieved, and attacked Nanzhi almost at the same time. Nan Zhi's devilish aura was fully displayed, his black clothes fluttered in the strong wind, and with a sweep of his hand, the group of disciples fell to the ground one after another. Qing Kui, Qing Lian, Qing Nian and several elders finally couldn't bear it any longer, they launched an offensive together, but Nan Zhi easily blocked it.

Seeing that the blackness all over his body was getting heavier, his eyes were opaque, and the blood was dripping down the ice sword in his heart, but he didn't feel any pain. He gathered strength with both hands, and slashed at those people without any effort. .

The black palm wind carried a stern murderous aura, no matter who touched it, they would probably die in the west. But the palm wind that was about to hit the ground stopped abruptly in the air.

Lingxi didn't know when she had arrived in front of those people, she opened her arms to block them, tears streaming down her face, she shook her head and cried, "Nan Zhi... these are all my seniors, brothers and sisters."

The blood in Nan Zhi's eyes gradually faded, replaced by a bone-piercing coldness and a little invisible loneliness. He stared at Lingxi's tearful but still determined face, and suddenly smiled.

For so many years, Nan Zhi laughed only a handful of times, but it was always warm to the heart. Only this time, Lingxi felt her heart ache like being bitten by insects and ants.

"They're all—more important than me."

Whether it was two years ago or two years later, in her heart, there is always someone more important than him.

Nan Zhi pulled out the Bing Ling sword from his heart with one hand, and threw it on the ground with a crisp sound. Blood spattered on Lingxi's face, which was warm.


Lingxi wanted to hold him back, but her five fingers just brushed his sleeves, and then the man turned into a cloud of black mist, drifting away, and the monsters standing behind him also turned into black mist, and disappeared with him not see.

"Offend the devil, I'll just wait and see the show! Haha..."

Qingfeng also left with a group of monsters. But after a while, Cangjia Mountain regained its calm, but it was no longer angry as before.