Living Up to You

Chapter 35


Lingxi woke up again, in a strange bedroom.

She is still alive. This was her first reaction.

The body that has experienced the huge pain is very light, and the slight discomfort in the body can be completely ignored compared with the previous pain. She can move freely, and the thoughts in her head are still normal. She remembers what happened. Except that she doesn't have so much spiritual power to call, she can't detect other abnormalities.

It's a pity that the bedroom she was in was covered with an enchantment, she couldn't go out, and no one came to see her.

Xu Shi was taken away with all her soul and four souls, and her body still couldn't adapt, and she was groggy for a long time. Not long after waking up, I was sleepy, and I didn't know how long it had been since I woke up.

Another night, she woke up from a complicated dream. The moonlight shines through the paper window, and the tree branches outside are projected on the window, looking like a beautiful girl. Occasionally, I heard the rustling of fallen leaves in the wind.

After staying alone for a long time, the five senses become more acute. Lingxi heard someone's footsteps for the first time, light, fast, approaching quickly.

After a while, a figure appeared at the door, and the door was opened.

Lingxi had already sat up when she heard the footsteps, looked carefully at the door, and saw Qing Nian's immature side face outlined by the moonlight.

Qing Nian easily passed through the barrier, and before Lingxi could ask her a question, she led her out.

"Uncle Canghai passed on the message from the head of the sect that tomorrow he will punish you with a hundred lashes. Today you must go down the mountain." Qing Nian explained while holding the sword.

Lingxi didn't know why she had to punish her until today, but in any case, if she was whipped with the god-exorcism whip, one year's cultivation would be damaged, and if she had to suffer a hundred times, it would be tantamount to flogging her to death.

"What about you?" Qingkui Qinglian was probably still in the prison.

"Fifty each." Qing Nian lowered his voice, "Don't worry, our cultivation base is much higher than yours, and we can still stand fifty blows."

"Then if you let me go..."

"Lingxi, don't think about it so much." Qing Nian tightly clasped her wrist and took her flying with the sword, "The demons have been disturbing the human world these days, causing chaos, and even some small sects of cultivating immortals have been suppressed. They are gone. People in the Immortal Realm are in a state of panic, they have nothing to do with the demons, so they put pressure on Cangjia to bring the culprit to justice, if you don’t leave, you will surely die tomorrow!"

Lingxi was terrified, not because Qing Nian said that she would die tomorrow, but because she said that the demons were doing evil...

Qing Nian knew that he would be discovered by breaking Cang Hai's enchantment, so he did everything he could as fast as he could, but before they left Cangjia Mountain, Canghai and a large number of Cangjia disciples followed behind him.

"Qing Nian, let me go, just say that I ran away by myself, and it has nothing to do with you." Lingxi didn't want to hurt others, and now she can still want Yujian.

Qing Nian did not let go of her hand, and said in a deep voice: "I swore to Yue that no matter what happens, I will follow you. I will never forget your great kindness to my brother and sister."

Lingxi had already put this matter behind her, and even without Qing Nian's vow, she would not have watched Xueran die that day.

"You go first, I'll stop them." Qing Nian suddenly turned her head, pushed Lingxi, and immediately ran in the direction she came from.

Ling Xiyu stabilized Bingling, looked back, and saw Cang Hai was full of anger, leading hundreds of Cangjia disciples to follow, Qing Nian just passed by and propped up a barrier to block everyone.

Can't watch anymore! Lingxi cheered up silently, and tried her best to leave Cangjia Mountain quickly.

However, after all, she overestimated the spiritual power she had left. Such a fast flight made her body collapse rapidly, and she managed to fly out of Cangjia Mountain. Without the protection of the immortal energy on the mountain, her body felt uncomfortable quickly, and her sword was not stable.

Lingxi had to stop halfway to restrain her breath so as not to be discovered by those who were chasing her.

But as soon as she stopped, she was surrounded.

It's a group of monsters.

"Haha, as expected you will go down the mountain today, why didn't Qing Kui rescue you down?" Qing Feng's laughter pierced the night, and the evil spirit all over her body hit Ling Xi directly.

Lingxi was already exhausted, so she dodged two blows and was caught firmly by her.

"Just follow me to the demon world for a few days!"

Qingfeng took Lingxi and was about to go away against the wind. The starlight on the night was blocked by dark clouds for a moment.

Before Lingxi could react, she was already in another person's arms.

The slightly cooler breath no longer carried the clear fragrance of roses, but it still made her feel familiar.

Hearing Qingfeng's cry of pain, Lingxi opened her eyes and saw that she had fallen to the ground with green demon blood around her mouth.

"Majun Nanzhi, you are really powerful."

She wiped the blood from her mouth, smiled sharply, and with a look in her eyes, all the monsters who were ready to attack all stopped to attack Nan.

The dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, as if an invisible hand was casting a spell to move them, and the dark clouds turned into monsters, fighting with the group of monsters.

Lingxi was in Nanzhi's arms, watching the fight below, her eyes hurt slightly.

She thought that on Cangjia Mountain that day, if she hadn't stopped Nanzhi, would it have been the same as today

Whether it is a demon, a fairy or a human being, in Nan Zhi's heart, there is no difference.

She thought so, so she asked.

"Yes." Nanzhi always spoke briefly, but after this word, he added, "You are different."

Four words, with a softness of light.

"Then, will you still listen to what I say?" Lingxi nestled in his arms, avoiding the strong wind, her voice was slightly hoarse.

The softness in Nan Zhi's eyes seemed to be blown away by the wind, squinting at the monster that kept falling to the ground and showing its original shape, "I used to only listen to you, but I found out that I was wrong."

Lingxi looked up and stared into his dark eyes, and found that the things in them were really different. It was a kind of natural domineering and arrogance, silently falling into the once clear and clean eyes.

He stroked the corner of her eyes and said, "In the future, you listen to me."

It just so happened that Qingfeng left with the seriously injured monster, and a loud laugh came from the wind: "Qingfeng is waiting for the day when the demon king dominates the six realms! He is willing to bow his head and become a vassal!"

A group of monsters were stained with green demon blood, stepped on the corpses of the monsters, knelt down and drank together: "Welcome to the Lord for returning to the Demon Realm! Welcome to the Lord for returning to the Demon Realm!"

Welcome back to Lord Demon Realm last time.

Nanzhi, it's really... a demon.


"Nan Zhi, the weather is not good today, let it be brighter!" Ling Xi lay on the window, looking at the sky in the Demon Realm.

Nan Zhi glanced at her, with a smile in his eyes, his thin lips moved slightly, and he made a seal with one hand, and he saw the clouds in the sky scattered, and the sky was as blue as washing.

"Nanzhi, I think snowy days are better." Lingxi turned around with a bright smile.

Nan Zhi moved his hand again, his eyes darkened, and snowflakes really fell from the sky.

Lingxi leaned on his shoulder happily: "I thought you didn't listen to me anymore."

Nanzhi stroked her hair, "Occasionally, I can listen to you."

"Then you become a turtle and play with me?" Lingxi pushed forward.

Nanzhi's smile froze at the corner of his mouth, as if he couldn't laugh or cry.

Seeing him like this, Lingxi felt more at ease. His expression made her feel that he was still her Nan Zhi. Although they are in the devil world.

She never thought that one day, she would live deep in the devil world. Except for demons, there are still demons around, even though they all pretend to be ordinary people.

"Look, you're disobedient again." Lingxi feigned anger.

Nan Zhi still stared at her dumbfounded, her reddish cheeks and reproachful eyes reflected in her pupils. Lingxi was about to say something, but before she opened her mouth, it was sealed by a clear breath.

The coolness invaded from the tip of her tongue and slowly flowed through her whole body, making her seem to be floating on a light boat. boiling.

It wasn't until Lingxi was about to be covered and ignited by the turbulence that the fiery heat left.

Her cheeks were hot, she leaned softly against Nanzhi's chest, her breathing was not steady, she put one hand on his heart, and murmured: "Does it still hurt?"

A sword stabbed by her...


Lingxi felt sour, "Nanzhi, can you recall all the monsters outside the demon world?"

In this way, it doesn't matter if they stay in the Demon Realm forever, no one will force her to make a choice again, and they will never face swords again.

Nan Zhi's cool fingertips brushed across her side face, staring at her with flickering eyes.

Lingxi looked into those eyes, frowned and said, "Do you disagree?"

Nanzhi smoothed her brows and said in a low voice, "Wait for them to finish one thing for me."

"What's the matter?" Lingxi looked sideways.

Nan Zhi's eyes are averted.


For a long time, Lingxi only stayed in her and Nanzhi's house. After all, this is the demon world. Although it looks the same as the human world on the surface, Lingxi still cares about it in her heart. And even if she went out, the group of demons outside saw her respectfully, as if they were afraid of offending her, they had to make a detour.

Most of the time Nan Zhi would accompany her, and occasionally someone would come looking for her, and he would leave for a while. Lingxi seems to have returned to the illusory cliff three years ago, and she gets tired of spending time with Nanzhi every day, practicing spells, reading the same book, drawing the same painting, and occasionally trying to make him angry, but now she doesn't care about those little tricks No, the more she intentionally teased him, the deeper the smile in his eyes would be, and he would no longer be as cold and angry as before.

"It's not like me." Lingxi frowned, the woman in the painting had a wrinkled face, her eyes were empty and confused, where was she

Nan Zhi's hand that was holding the pen gracefully drew the last stroke, with a smile in his eyes, he glanced at Lingxi and said, "Eleven-year-old Lingxi."

"No wonder Senior Brother Qingkui called me Chou at that time." Lingxi rested her chin on her hands and stared at the woman in the painting.

Nan Zhi took another piece of paper and sketched it again. In less than a stick of incense, another woman appeared on the paper.

"Well... this one is better, but it's still ugly..." Lingxi said dissatisfied.

"Twelve-year-old Lingxi." Nan Zhi said with a smile.

"You remember? What about the thirteen-year-old me?" Lingxi asked, looking up at Nan Zhi.

Nan Zhi repainted it again, it was not much different from the previous one, but the woman's eyes were much clearer and she was taller.

"How about fourteen years old? It can't be so ugly..." Lingxi muttered.

The paintbrush in Nan Zhi's hand didn't stop at all, as if the former Lingxi was standing in front of him.

"Fourteen-year-old Lingxi."

"Lingxi, fifteen years old."

"Sixteen-year-old Lingxi."

When the night fell, there were already several paintings on the table. The faces of the women in the paintings gradually stretched out, and they became taller and taller, with different expressions.

"What about seventeen years old?" Lingxi almost didn't even think about it, and when she saw her sixteen-year-old self, she blurted out and asked.

Nan Zhi's paintbrush stopped suddenly, and the candlelight in the study "popped", and the candlelight became brighter.

Lingxi was also shocked, Nan Zhi had never seen Lingxi, who was seventeen years old.

"Eighteen-year-old Lingxi." Nan Zhi was dazed for a moment, and then drew another picture.

Lingxi smiled, and wanted to take it over for a closer look, but Nanzhi's pen tip kept resting on the girl's bun in the painting, and her brows were slightly raised.

"Haven't you finished the painting yet?" Lingxi leaned over to look at it, and said with a smile, "The painting really looks like it."

She stretched out her hand to take the painting, but Nan Zhi's hand pressed the drawing paper, never leaving, and said in a low voice, "Something is missing."

"What's missing?" Lingxi rested her chin and looked carefully, she didn't feel that there was anything missing. The woman in the painting frowns and smiles, and even the expression in her eyes is exactly the same as her own.

Nan Zhi stopped talking, and put the eighteen-year-old Lingxi aside.

Just when someone was begging to see him outside the door, he kissed Lingxi on the forehead and left.

Lingxi took the painting and looked up and down again, what was missing

"Ah, I got it!" Lingxi's eyes lit up, she held the painting and opened the door to go out.

At the age of eighteen, she has the Bingling sword Cang Yu gave her beside her, which is not in this painting.

She walked through the long corridor, bypassed several empty rooms, and wanted to go to the main hall to find Nan Zhi, but stopped when she passed the courtyard.

She seldom went out, let alone paid close attention to the yard. The yard was empty, without a single weed, and there were only a few people standing there.

The figure of the leader is too familiar, even if it is just a back view, it is as impossible to ignore as a night charm.

"Your Majesty, Pluto insists that he has never taken it, saying that it is..." The man who answered respectfully hesitated slightly.

"What?" Nanzhi asked coldly.

"It is said that Your Majesty has been asleep for thousands of years, it is... you forgot, and you will naturally remember it later."

A gust of cold wind blew by, Lingxi couldn't help shivering, not wanting to be discovered immediately, a person standing in front of Nan Zhi quickly attacked her. The turbulent demonic energy rushed towards her face, she was so startled that her complexion turned pale, she took two steps back and retreated into the arms of a person, the person in front of her had already knelt down.

That night Lingxi tossed and turned in Nan Zhi's arms, unable to sleep.

The quiet moonlight poured in from the window lattice, and the room was not dark. The shadows of a few bugs crawled around on the moonlight, as if scratching Lingxi's heart. Nanzhi hugged her tightly, and pressed a kiss on her lips, but she turned her back to him.

"Some things from the past... I don't remember." Nan Zhi's cool breath sprayed on the tip of Lingxi's ears, calming the turmoil in her heart.

When she turned around, she just nestled in his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "Ten thousand years ago?"


"Do you really want to remember?"

"Yeah." Nanzhi held Lingxi's hand, put it on his heart, and said in a low voice, "Here, there is a piece missing."

After that night, Lingxi seldom went out, firstly she was unwilling to go out, and secondly, she was sick.

In the past, I drifted around with my elder brother and felt unwell occasionally, but never fell ill. Later, when I went to Cangjia Mountain, I suffered various minor injuries and serious injuries. No matter how weak my body was, I never fell ill. But when she arrived in the Demon Realm, she was lethargic and lazy, and fell ill for no reason.

The high fever made her unconscious, and her whole body was drenched in sweat. She could feel that Nanzhi had never left even a single step, but the cold breath on his body didn't make her feel better, instead, her heart became hotter, as if someone had lit a bunch of torches in her heart, which accidentally made her tremble all over .

She woke up and fell asleep in a daze, and every time she touched Nanzhi's scorched eyes, which were as dark as the sky outside. In addition to the dampness and heat in the air, there is also a touch of anxiety.

One day, perhaps because the weather was getting colder, she finally felt that her body was no longer so hot and uncomfortable, and her consciousness became clearer. When she opened her eyes, she saw Nan Zhi's flickering eyes, mixed with various unknown emotions, staring at him. she.

He was sitting on the side of the couch, a hand's width away from her, and seeing her wake up, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Lingxi stretched out her hand to grab him, giggled and said, "Nanzhi, I'm actually sick."

Her voice was slightly hoarse, as if it had been scratched by a sharp weapon. Nan Zhi's brows were drawn together, and the hand that was about to support her also stopped. Lingxi was taken aback: "Nanzhi, what's the matter? I'm sick, just take medicine and I'll be fine."

She laughed again.

Nanzhi's clear breath rushed towards her face, and she hugged her whole body, and said softly, "I'll take you to take the medicine."


Nanzhi took Lingxi out of the Demon Realm. It was strange to say that when he arrived in the Human Realm, before he could find a doctor to see a doctor, Lingxi's body healed for no apparent reason and returned to a lively appearance.

"Nanzhi, how about... shall we go to Beijing? I like it there." Lingxi hugged Nanzhi with a smile and said.


After going to Beijing for the first time in two years, Mrs. Li recognized the two of them when she saw them. She smiled and praised Ling Xi for being beautiful, and enthusiastically helped them find the village head and gave them an empty house.

Lingxi took Nan Zhi to clean the house and decorate the courtyard with joy, and it took half a month to tidy up to her satisfaction.

Nanzhi no longer mentioned the matter of the demon world, and Lingxi also left the fairy world behind. The two seemed to be just an ordinary couple in Beijing, living a peaceful and distant life.

They filled the front yard with flowers and plants of various colors. It was autumn, and clusters of bright yellow chrysanthemums bloomed brilliantly. In the backyard, there is a wicker chair for one person, and the wicker chair is covered with grape vines. Lingxi sleeps more than usual. When the sun is better, she and Nan Zhi sit on wicker chairs to bask in the sun. Usually she will fall asleep on his lap, and she sleeps all afternoon.

She thought that the vines on the rattan chair should grow denser next year, and grape flowers can bloom, and if it lasts longer, maybe they can produce delicious grapes.

In addition to the two courtyards, the front and the back, the two also rebuilt a small kitchen.

Originally, the house had a kitchen, but unfortunately Lingxi forbade Nan to use magic to cook. On the first day, the kitchen was burnt down into darkness. Lingxi saw that even the vegetables and the cutting board were turned into scraps, and he shoveled down the bottom of the pot, so she had to do it herself. Fortunately, she is not bad, and in a few days, the side dishes are well-fried. .

Although they also ate in the Demon Realm, they were all conjured by Nan Zhi's magic, so naturally they couldn't be compared with the ones he made. In the past, Nanzhi seldom ate these things, but just sat and watched Lingxi eat them, but he would eat with her when Lingxi made them himself.

One day, he put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said with a smile in his eyes, "It's delicious."

Lingxi had to admit that whether it was the almost melting warmth in his smile or his rare word "delicious", they gave her great encouragement, so that she was immersed in it for a long time. Study various dishes in the kitchen.

As for the two people's livelihood, the neighbors gave them a lot of things at first, which was enough, and they didn't eat often. Later, Lingxi got up again and asked Nan Zhi to make her a picture lantern. After the lantern was made, it was hung at the door, and people came to ask if it could be sold from time to time. It turns out that there are very few scholars in this area, and such exquisite paintings are even rarer. Since then, when the two are bored, they make some lanterns or sell some Nanzhi's calligraphy and paintings.

There will be a big market in a town not far away every half a month, and there will be a temple fair during festivals. Lingxi usually won't miss it. She will go to listen to books, watch plays, and buy some favorite gadgets to go back. It's just that Nanzhi never eats the food in restaurants, Lingxi thinks it's better than her cooking, but he insists that it's bad.

Coincidentally, what they watched was the same drama as two years ago—a girl from the God Realm fell in love with an ordinary man from the Human Realm. Lingxi still watched with relish, and asked Nanzhi with a smile: "Do you still remember what you said two years ago?"

Nan Zhi's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded slightly: "Cultivation adult, stay by your side."

"What about now?" Lingxi wanted to ask him what he was thinking now.

Nan Zhi remained expressionless, and said, "That's it, very good."

"How is this?" Lingxi was puzzled.

"Cheng Mo, lock you by my side."

Lingxi was startled and smiled helplessly.

On the day of the winter solstice, it began to snow under the northern mirror.

Lingxi was very happy to boil a pot of soup to warm her body. After the meal, she took Nan Zhi to sit on the rattan chair in the backyard and watched the snow.

The grape trellis in winter can't stop the wind and snow, but Lingxi doesn't let Nan Zhibu form a barrier, she puts on a thick fur coat, and hides herself inside, only her head is exposed, leaning against Nan Zhibu's legs.

Nan Zhi never talked much, he stroked Lingxi's long hair quietly, and touched Lingxi's cheek from time to time to see if she was frozen.

Lingxi also lay quietly on the rattan chair, watching the snowflakes grow from small to large, falling like goose feathers. Occasionally, a few flakes fell on her face, which was cold and brushed away by Nanzhi before it melted.

The body nestled in the fur coat is warm, the people around are warm, and the beating heart is warm, only the snowflakes that drift over from time to time are cold. However, only this kind of coldness makes the "warmth" appear more real.

Lingxi was sleepy again and wanted to sleep.

In fact, she doesn't want to fall asleep, the days and nights together like this, even if it's not enough for three generations, how can she be willing to sleep? She wants the time to slow down a little bit, and then a little slower, every inch stays at her fingertips, let her savor it carefully before passing away.

The music is harmonious, and the years are quiet.

Due to the warmth of Nan Zhi's body, her face turned into a pink pink color, and the clear eyes reflected the slowly falling snowflakes, and when the corners of her eyes were bent, the snowflakes seemed to melt in her eyes.

She put her arms around Nan Zhi's waist and looked up at him: "Nan Zhi, if this is a dream, let's not wake up... okay?"