Living Up to You

Chapter 36


The snow in Beijing fell continuously, and the sky was covered with silver white.

Lingxi didn't feel cold when it was snowing for the first time, but she didn't expect that the snow would last for half a month, and she would be more afraid to go out as it went on, and Nanzhi was not allowed to use spells to keep warm. When Nanzhi was around, she would nestle in her arms, Nanzhi If you are not there, you can only gather around the fire.

Since they came to Beijing, Nan Zhi would occasionally leave for a few hours. Although she didn't say it clearly, Lingxi knew that it should be to deal with some matters in the devil world.

I don't know what he asked them to do... was it successful

Not long after Nan Zhi went out, someone came in the wind and snow.

Lingxi saw from afar the orange-red figure struggling forward in the endless snow field, getting closer and closer until there was a knock on the door, and she had to open the door to see the person's face clearly, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and smiled stand up.

"Long time no see, Lingxi." Xueran smiled like a ray of warm sun in winter, looked Lingxi up and down and said, "It's much plumper, so we can rest assured."

Lingxi never expected that Xueran would come here alone, so she smiled and said, "How did you find this place?"

Xueran looked around, and Lingxi understood.

Although she didn't let Nan stop using spells for fear of being discovered, he was unwilling to restrain his demonic energy. After all, he had nothing to be afraid of if he was found, and few people would desperately come to brush his Ni Lin.

"He's not there?" Xue Ran asked cautiously.

Seeing her cautious appearance, Lingxi smiled and shook her head.

"Are you okay?" Xueran sat next to Lingxi and held her hand, "Why are your hands so cold? Are you unable to use spells?"

Lingxi shook her head and said: "It's because I don't want to use it. I want to live the life of an ordinary person. Those spells... always make people feel unreal."

Xueran frowned and said, "Then... are you feeling unwell?"

Lingxi suddenly realized, did she know that her soul was taken away

"Master asked me to come here." Xueran lowered her eyes and said a little uneasy, "Qing Nian mentioned it to me before, at that time... the night when your soul was taken away, he was actually outside the door. I accidentally told Master, now … Uncle Qingkui also knows about it.”

Lingxi comforted: "It's okay for them to know. I'm not abnormal, but I'm getting more and more lethargic, but it's not too serious."

Xue Ran showed worry, "Then...does he know?"

Lingxi naturally knew who "he" Xueran was talking about, lowered her eyelids, and shook her head.

Back then when she went to Cangjia Mountain, she was just a child who didn't understand anything, and those with high morals could see the strangeness of her soul at a glance. But now, she knows spells and has left some usable cultivation bases, so it's not difficult to deliberately prevent others from seeing through her. Unless that person specifically checks.

Xueran sighed, Lingxi smiled and said, "I'm fine, nothing will happen."

Xueran took out Gong Ling, and took out various medicine bottles, large and small, "Master Qingkui found out about it, and collected a lot of pills everywhere, which may be useful to you, you should take some every day."

Lingxi's heart warmed up, "How are they...?"

She caused them to receive fifty lashes each, and the wound of the exorcism whip still has no cure, it must be allowed to heal itself. Back then, she only suffered from one side, and it took three months for her to fully recover. Qing Nian even let her go, wondering how the grumpy Uncle Cang Hai would punish her.

"It's enough to cultivate for more than a month. After you left, the demons settled down a lot, and most of them returned to the demon world, and those left behind did not harm the human world anymore. Therefore, the head of Qing Nian did not pursue the matter of letting you go."

"Then master... is it okay?"

"Well, Master's body has recovered." Xueran smiled beautifully, "And the Six Realms are at peace, Cangjia plans to accept new disciples this year. So Lingxi, don't worry."

When Lingxi heard this, she also smiled knowingly.

The two talked about the recent situation of Cangjia Mountain. Lingxi caught a glimpse of the black shadow from a distance, and quickly put the bottles and jars on the table into Gong Ling.

Nanzhi came back in a snowstorm, and frowned displeasedly when he saw Xueran.

Xueran couldn't help shivering.

This man just stood there without saying a word, and with a slight movement of his brows, it seemed as if he had absorbed all the coldness in the wind and snow, making it impossible for people to ignore him, but he didn't dare to look directly at him.

"The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and it's not easy to control the sword in the human world, so I'll go first..." Xueran said goodbye with wit.

Lingxi wanted to talk to her more, but seeing the expressions of the two people, she didn't hold back and sent her to the door in person.

The wind and snow are coming, mixed with the fresh winter breath.

Xueran turned around and hugged Lingxi reluctantly, her eyes filled with steam, "Lingxi, must be well, and I will come to see you again in three months."

Lingxi nodded in agreement, but she didn't want to wait until the day she came again in March.

After January, the weather is slightly better. Finally able to go out, Lingxi couldn't wait to take Nanzhi to accompany her to the theater.

Today's play is quite novel, it tells about a young woman who dies and has a secret to go back to the year when she was just Jiji. The young woman originally died from the poison of her concubine, and she felt resentful towards her husband for being ruthless. Now that she was reborn, she didn't want to follow the old path when she knew the ending. She didn't want to change one thing by herself and cause two things. It's just the same goal by different routes.

Lingxi was quite fascinated by watching, and only heard the young woman sigh before she died, and she sighed too. She wanted to listen carefully to what the young woman said, but suddenly, the whole world fell silent.

The drama on the stage was still going on, and the audience applauded and applauded from time to time, but she couldn't hear anything, and there was a dead silence all around. Until she realized that Nanzhi was shaking her hand, she looked up at Nanzhi, saw his thin lips open and close, but couldn't hear what he was saying.

She stared at him blankly, but he suddenly pulled her into his arms, "Lingxi... don't be afraid."

Only then did Lingxi hear the voice again, and realized the fearful affection on her face just now.

Another day, the first thaw of winter snow. Lingxi has long seen other people's courtyards pushing one or two snowmen, holding a broom, they are very cute. Before, Nanzhi was afraid that she would be frozen, so she was not allowed to go out. Now that the snow had stopped and the sky cleared up, she was thinking about how to act coquettishly to Nan Zhi to get her to agree.

Unexpectedly, she acted both hard and soft, Nan Zhi remained unmoved, she feigned anger and said: "You said you can listen to me."

"Occasionally." Nan Zhi's expression remained unchanged, as firm as a snow mountain that hadn't melted for a thousand years, "Now, listen to me."

"Turtle, big tortoise!" Lingxi scolded him in a low voice, gouging him out.

A helpless smile flashed in Nanzhi's eyes, he held her face and pressed a kiss, "If you want it, I'll help you pile it up."

"No spells allowed!"


So Nanzhi dressed in black, the most eye-catching color in the snow-white world. Lingxi looked at him with her chin resting on her cheek, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, her eyes burning brightly at Nan Zhi who was focusing on making a snowman for her, wishing to burn all her love and happiness in those eyes.

She didn't know if she was looking too hard, but her eyes suddenly went dark, and she couldn't see anything. She blinked hard, and the light came back, but her eyes seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist. She couldn't help rubbing her eyes, and it took a long time to see Nan Zhi's deep and focused eyes again.

Two months later, Lingxi is already familiar with doing her own things calmly when she can't hear. When her hearing recovers, she pretends not to hear clearly and asks Nanzhi to repeat it. When she can't see clearly, she lowers her eyes and avoids Nanzhi. eyes, do not meet his gaze. She began to avoid Nanzhi and take the elixir that Xueran sent, but it had little effect.

The frequency of her deafness is getting higher and higher, and there are more and more times when her eyes are covered with fog, and even very occasionally, she can't taste the food. She didn't want to go out at first, she nestled in Nanzhi's arms all day long, but she was afraid to fall asleep.

She was afraid that when she woke up, she would not be able to hear Nanzhi, not see Nanzhi, and even one day, she would not be able to touch Nanzhi.

She had to admit that the body that had been sucked out of her soul began to bite back, and her five senses were missing.

Today, Nanzhi was talking to her again, she couldn't hear it, but she heard the second half of the sentence, presumably it meant that she had something to deal with, and she should have returned to the Demon Realm. She readily agreed.

As soon as Nanzhi left, the whole world seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, cold and quiet.

Looking from the window, children not far away are playing on the grass. Perhaps, she will not hear such laughter in the near future. The setting sun was slowly setting, splashing half of the sky red, she thought of the sunset on Cangjia Mountain, maybe, she would never see it again in the near future.

She poured out the contents of Gong Ling in a panic, and took some of each kind of elixir, but she still couldn't stop the mist rising in front of her eyes.

Dimly, she saw something seemed to fly in from the window, hovering and spinning on the table.

"Giggle... giggle..." the thing was laughing.

Lingxi tried her best to blink and rub her eyes, and then she could barely see what seemed to be a white misty circle of light, surrounding the spirit that poured out of her palace feathers.

As early as a few months ago, Nan Zhi returned the soul guide to her, and she kept it in Gong Ling and never took it out.

"Giggle... giggle..."

Lingxi felt that the voice was familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was, so she could only ask, "Who?"

"Heck... don't you remember me so soon? It hasn't been long." The voice was like a silver bell, clear and sweet, "I still remember you, Lingxi."

Lingxi's heart sank suddenly, and she froze at the table.

"I'm Chen Xi." The voice continued, "giggle" and said with a smile, "I'm Chen Xi, do you remember?"

Lingxi's eyes suddenly became clear, but when she saw the ray of soul revolving around the soul, the porcelain bottle in her hand fell to the ground and shattered.

That night, Nan Zhi did not return.

This night, Lingxi has a nightmare.

In the dream, the voice of the woman's clear spirit whispered——

"I rolled up my long sleeves, casually swept the stones behind me, and sat down..."

"Nanzhi is the man I love deeply. He used to be a fairy, but now he is a demon. He had been asleep for tens of thousands of years, and I woke him up. I am the 397th generation disciple of the Cangjia Sect..."

"He likes to dress in black, he likes to run his cold fingers over the corners of my eyes, he likes to..."

"Because I look exactly like the woman he loves."
