Living Up to You

Chapter 38


When Lingxi returned to Beijing, the sky was slightly bright.

Nan Zhi didn't come back, and the house was as quiet as a dead tomb. She recklessly mobilized her spiritual power and cast spells to make the room warmer and warmer until fine beads of sweat ooze from her forehead, and she still feels cold.

Lingxi walked aimlessly around the small room, from the living room to the room, from the room to the study, as if only by not letting herself stop, could she slightly relieve the coldness and anxiety in her heart.

She suddenly thought of the paintings that Nanzhi drew for her when she was in the Demon Realm.

That's right, Nan Zhi remembers her every year so clearly, and draws her so well, as if every year's eve is engraved in his heart.

No, there is no "as if", that is the truth.

Every year, Lingxi lives in Nanzhi's heart.

It must be so.

Lingxi began to search for those paintings in the study, she wanted to see those paintings, to prove that she was right.

When they came out of the devil world, they specially brought those portraits with them. It didn't take Lingxi much effort to find them in the painting tube next to the desk, unfolding them one by one.

Eleven-year-old Lingxi.

Twelve-year-old Lingxi.

Thirteen-year-old Lingxi.

Look, Nan Zhi paints her so vividly, the love seeping out from the brush is as deep as water, almost enveloping her eyes.

Eighteen-year-old Lingxi.

Lingxi unfolded slowly, but it suddenly went dark in front of her eyes.


When Nanzhi came back, Lingxi had slept for three whole days and nights.

She didn't know if Nan Zhi had called her for a long time, she couldn't hear him when she woke up, and couldn't see whether his lips were moving. She could smell the morning mist mixed with the scent of green grass, but she couldn't see the hope-inspiring morning light. The whole world only had misty shadows and thin dark light.

But she could touch Nanzhi's sleeves and feel his cold breath, as clean as the ice and snow on the plateau.

"Nanzhi, I'm awake." She said this, even though she couldn't hear her own voice.

Then she was bound by a pair of arms, which even trembled a little.

She leaned on his shoulder and patted his back gently, "I just fell asleep."

She still couldn't hear anything, so she said again: "It's too cold here in Beijing, and since you're not here, I slept for a few more days. Nan Zhi, how about we go to the East Sea?"

She didn't hear a response, but only felt Nanzhi hugging her, and when she could see clearly, she had already seen the blue sea.

They found a vacant farmhouse by the sea, and after a little decoration, it looked brand new. The front yard was still full of flowers and plants, and it was warm spring, and all kinds of flowers bloomed extraordinarily wantonly. The days are not much different from when she was in Beijing, except that Lingxi no longer joins in the fun to go to the market and listen to the theater, and most of the time she leans by the window and listens to the sound of the waves.

She was very satisfied with her decision to come to the East Sea, at least when she couldn't hear, she could excuse that the waves were too loud and she couldn't hear clearly. Most of the time Nanzhi won't repeat it, Xu is not used to shouting.

But Lingxi finds it strange that Nan Zhi didn't like to talk when she could hear and see clearly. Now that she lost all five senses, he talked more. Often when she was watching the sunrise on the sea in his arms, he would say something, if she couldn't hear him, she would just be silent. So much so that when he heard it later, he remained silent, lest he feel abnormal.

When she couldn't see her, she pretended to sleep.

Nanzhi still disappears occasionally, she just smiles silently, doesn't she remember everything? There is no need to look for memory anymore, then... I am looking for something else.

She didn't ask where he went.

The two plant flowers, listen to the sea, watch the sunrise and sunset, pick up shells at the beach, or build bunkers with sand, and draw each other's faces on the beach.

As the summer approached, Lingxi had already learned seven or eight layers of Nanzhi's painting skills, and could skillfully draw Nanzhi's face even when she was blind.

Such a day is comfortable and sweet, Lingxi no longer has inexplicable dreams, and only prays for such a day when she is conscious, wait, wait, wait.

On that day, Nan Zhi went out again. Lingxi was very boring. She went out to play with flowers and plants, but she didn't want the light in front of her to dim and she couldn't see clearly. But she is very familiar with these things, and it is good to smell the fragrance of flowers outside. In the past, she would spend an hour on flowers and plants, but today she was taken away after less than half an hour.

"Nanzhi, are you back?" She asked with a smile.

She thought she would not be able to hear the answer, but the next moment, her five senses recovered, and she saw Nan Zhi was wiping her face, his face was as gloomy as the cloudy sky outside, and he said, "It's raining."

Lingxi pushed his hand away, turned around and said with a smile: "I know, if I'm afraid of getting wet with flowers and plants, I'll go out and have a look."

She pretended to wipe the rain off her face, but she was actually wiping away the tears from her eyes.

The sense of touch, too, began to disappear.

On the second day, Nan Zhi took her up Cangjia Mountain.

Cangjia Mountain is worthy of being the most spiritual place, and the lingering immortal energy everywhere made Lingxi's body much better. Blindness and deafness are no longer so frequent, which makes Lingxi very happy, smiling all day long.

It stands to reason that with Nan Zhi's current status, it is impossible to stay in Cangjia Mountain safely. But Cang Yu didn't say much, instead, he set aside a palace full of celestial spirit on the main peak for the two of them. He didn't come to see them often, but on the first day Lingxi went up the mountain, he gently stroked her head and sighed.

As the weather gets hotter, Nan Zhi is not around Lingxi more and more. But since Lingxi sat alone by the bed for a whole night in Beijing last time, he never went out at night, and even if he did, he would come back soon. This night Lingxi waited until the moon was in the middle of the sky, but she didn't see Nan Zhi coming back, instead she saw the sneaky Qing Kui.

Lingxi was playful and wanted to play tricks on her, so she hid in the dark compartment behind the bed. Just listening to Qing Kui's entrance, he cried out in a low voice: "Lingxi, Lingxiaoxi, Lingxi..."

Lingxi hid in the dark, covered her mouth and laughed lightly. After seeing Qing Kui calling a few times, her face was anxious, her eyes were red, and she looked like she was about to cry, so she couldn't laugh anymore, and said in response: " Brother Qing Kui, I am here."

As soon as Lingxi went out, Qing Kui grabbed her hand and said, "I'll take you away."

Lingxi was inexplicable, but she couldn't hold her back, so he could only let him pull her. It's a pity that after running for a long time, Lingxi lost her strength and fell to the ground, her vision blurred, and the voice in her ears gradually faded away, as if she heard Qing Kui scolding something, and was picked up by him.

The moonlight should be so bright that Lingxi could see a faint light in the night. Lying on Qing Kui's back, it reminded her of the year when she was whipped by Cang Yu and punished to go to Xuxuya Cliff. It was Qing Kui who carried her to see the scenery of Cangjia step by step, and said that the sunset on Cangjia Mountain was the most beautiful in the Six Realms.

She couldn't help but want to talk to Qing Kui, even though she couldn't hear herself, nor could she hear Qing Kui's answer.

"Senior Brother Qingkui, I used to pretend to be stupid and liked to call you Second Senior Brother. I thought you were stupider than me, so I was very happy to tease you."

"When you carried me on your back last time, the senior brother was gone, and the master blamed me, beat me, and scolded me. At that time, I thought the sky was falling, and the worst thing was nothing more than that. Thinking about it now, the pain at that time was really nothing to worry about .If you are in pain in the future, you should also think about it. After many years, it will be nothing more than this."

"Senior brother Qingkui, thank you for giving me the rose flower, thank you for giving him two hundred years of skill to make him grow up faster, I... like him very much."

Lingxi spoke intermittently, and occasionally heard Qing Kui's answer, but it was also intermittent words, "A Chou", "July 15th", "Idiot" and so on. She wanted to continue talking, but Qing Kui suddenly stopped .

Cangjia Mountain is rarely so cold.

The cold wind blew across the cheeks in bursts, containing murderous aura. Qing Kui's whole body tensed up, as if ready to strike at any moment. Lingxi frowned, trying her best to see the front clearly, but only saw a vague figure.

"Nanzhi?" Lingxi asked.

The murderous aura instantly faded a lot, and the cold wind softened.

"Nanzhi, let's go to see the sunrise on Cangjia Mountain." Lingxi grinned.

Qing Kui's body froze slightly. Lingxi got off his back, walked to Nan Zhi's side by herself, and held her hand accurately.

When Nan stopped walking, she followed, and after walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around and said crisply, "Senior Brother Qingkui, take care!"


Lingxi has never seen the sunrise of Cangjia Mountain. She only saw the most beautiful sunset in the Six Realms once, and that was the time Nan Zhi broke through the barrier to show her. How grand will the sunrise be

Unfortunately, she tried her best to open her eyes wide, but she could only see a faint light.

There was a strong wind on the top of the mountain, blowing their black hair and chasing each other. The day was cloudy and the sun had just emerged, and the sky was like the back of a red carp, covered with layers and layers of red clouds. The blue sea is sparkling, elongating the bright morning light.

Lingxi leaned on Nanzhi's shoulder, smiled lightly, and remained silent.

Nanzhi frowned slightly, his usually calm eyes showed a little anxiety, but he remained silent.

When the sun shines on the East China Sea, the earth wakes up from the deep sleep in the dark night, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant in the warm colors, giving off a sense of vitality.

Lingxi seemed to be in a deep sleep, Nan Zhi carefully brushed her hair, trying to hug her. But she suddenly grabbed his hand and said in a low voice: "Nan Zhi, how about basking in the sun with me?"


Nanzhi put Lingxi down and let her lean in his arms.

Time is elongated by silence, like the strings of a qin, if you don't touch it, it will stand still and be stained with dust. Although the clouds were thick that day, the sun was exceptionally bright, making Lingxi's face almost transparent, but her cheeks had a faint pink color, which didn't look sick at all, and she lowered her eyes slightly, so she couldn't see the color in it.

When the sun was high, fine beads of sweat oozed from her forehead, and her lips were slightly pale.

Nan Zhi wanted to hug her again, but she grabbed her, "Nan Zhi, would you like to watch the sunset of Cangjia Mountain with me again?"


Nanzhi picked her up and sat down in a different direction. The place where he could see was still a vast blue, the sea and the sky were the same color. The two figures that depend on each other are like the two stone sculptures on the top of Cangjia Mountain, the sun rises and the sunset never changes.

But Nan Zhi's always cold and expressionless face became more and more anxious as the sun went down.

The setting sun dyes the sea red, and the crimson color reflects half of the sky. The setting sun is magnificent, but no one watches it.

Lingxi opened her eyes, but her eyes were lifeless and dim. Nan Zhi frowned, although he was staring at the sunset, he obviously had no intention of looking at it, the depressive anxiety on his face became more and more serious, so that the air was full of indescribable depression.

Until the setting sun sank to the bottom of the sea, Nan Zhi quickly picked up Ling Xi, turned around and left.

"Nan Zhi, are you going to find this?" Ling Xi suddenly spoke, and Nan Zhi's steps suddenly seemed to be heavy, and he stopped.

Lingxi took down Gong Ling and took out a transparent bead from it.

"The soul-suppressing pearl has always been with me." Lingxi smiled, her cheeks were bright red, "and... Chenxi's soul."

After uttering the word "Chenxi", Lingxi felt Nanzhi's body tremble slightly, and the arms holding her were stiff and tightened.

"You should have prepared other things, right?" Lingxi said softly, "So, can you stay with me for a few more hours?"

She asked cautiously, for fear that Nan Zhi would disagree. She couldn't hear whether Nanzhi answered, but she noticed that Nanzhi didn't move any more, but put her down and sat next to her.

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

She shouldn't know about today's events and Nanzhi's plan, if she doesn't believe in that illusion.

I don't know if it was used to confuse her eyes, or to give her an illusion of prophecy and vigilance.

But she probably believed it, after seeing that gorgeous jacaranda.

Although many things are very different from the illusion, for example, she never confronted her senior sister with swords, for example, Cangjia is still there at this moment, for example, Nan Zhi never told her personally that she took Chen Xi's body and took Chen Xi's name.

So she was a little relieved, even though her ending was just the same.

He must have gone to the underworld to get the soul-locking water these days. Soul Yin, Soul Suppressing Orb, Chen Xi's ray of soul, her body that looks exactly like Chen Xi, or some spiritual things that she doesn't know about, but he must have got them all together.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

That east wind is tonight, July 15th.

The most yin moon in the most yin land is the best time to summon the soul.