Living Up to You

Chapter 4


Lingxi always remembers what her brother said, she is just less stringy than ordinary people. So she doesn't mind if others say she is stupid or stupid, because her brother said that she is different from them.

However, since going up to Tianmai Peak, Lingxi has gradually realized that the gap between herself and "ordinary people" is not just "a string" that her brother understates. For example, she couldn't practice "leaves don't fall to the ground" well for a year, for example, she couldn't memorize the rules on Cangjia Mountain for a year, and she couldn't write them down smoothly. Forget it all.

After one year in Tianmai Peak, her memories of the past have long been blurred, only two words she remembers clearly, brother.

She remembers her brother dragging her little hand and sighing with a smile that "it's so big, it has its own place", remembering her brother pinching her face and complaining that "one mistake will cause eternal hatred", remembering her brother smiling at her before going out for the last time, Tell her to "take care of yourself".

All the memories related to my brother are as clear as if they happened yesterday.

But where did my brother go

Since the heavy snowfall a year ago, she was rescued by Feng Su back to Cangjia Mountain, and her brother disappeared in her world. Although Feng Su had promised her to see her brother again if she stayed in Cangjia Mountain, a year had passed and there was still no news from her brother.

For a long time, Feng Su did not answer.

Lingxi lowered her head and walked out of the room silently.

In fact, Feng Su had said half a year ago that he would only tell her brother's whereabouts only if she passed the sword test and officially became Cang Yu's disciple.

Half a year ago, she couldn't bear it and got into trouble, and today she couldn't bear it again, and asked him again, and it was reasonable for him not to answer.

It’s just that what kind of sword trial meeting, every time I think about it, my heart feels blocked. Although she can speak normally now and answer other people’s questions normally, she still can’t remember a single fairy mantra. Even if she remembers it, it will take three to five days. If it's useless, I'll forget about it. After practicing for a year, she couldn't complete the "leaf does not fall to the ground" that ordinary people can do casually. It is useless to stand out in the sword test meeting...

If only... If only her brother was by her side as before and never left...

The more Lingxi thought about it, the more she felt that her brother would not be willing to let her suffer as a cultivator, would not have the heart to leave her alone to be laughed at by others, and would not leave without warning without even saying a word.

It just so happened that a strong smell of wine wafted head-on from the path, and the familiar smell made Lingxi tremble all over. Without even thinking about it, she grabbed the visitor and said in surprise: "Brother!"

"Go, go... who is your brother!" Qing Kui was depressed. He just came back from Wangyou Palace and didn't see his master. Lingxi, who was the culprit, grabbed her and got angry and pushed her several times.

Ling Xifan's physical body couldn't stand him pushing her a few times, and she fell to the ground in great pain. Thinking about how she would be wronged like this if her brother was there, her eyes turned red instantly.

Qing Kui withdrew his hand only to realize that the person who was holding him was Ling Xi. Seeing the normally silly girl staring at him with red eyes and resentment, she felt guilty without hesitation.

"So it's A Chou! Does it hurt? It's all my brother's fault that I drank too much..." Qing Kui has never called Lingxi by name. When he is in a good mood, he calls her A Chou. When he is in a bad mood, he is a fool, an ugly girl, whatever. At this time, while he was going to help Lingxi, he was going to cast a spell to get rid of the scratches on her body, but she pushed him away.

"I know that Ah Chou is strong, but he is also a mortal, isn't he? Let the senior brother remove the wound for you, so as not to suffer from physical pain."

Qing Kui really felt that she was wrong, but Ling Xi felt that she was useless because of his word "mortal", fearing that she would never find her brother, sobbing and wiping away her tears.

Qingkui was sent to Mount Cangjia at the age of three, and at the age of twenty-seven he cultivated his immortal body far away from the world. How could he ever see a child sitting on the ground crying with snot and tears, or was he tossed by himself

After saying all the good things back and forth, Lingxi cried louder and louder. Qing Kui was so anxious that his head went hot, and he said, "I know where your brother is!"

Upon hearing this, Lingxi really stopped crying, and waited tearfully for him to say something later.

Qing Kui finally breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down next to Ling Xi, rubbing his cheeks and thinking about why he said those words to her lightly and avoiding the seriousness.

In fact, he has always been very curious about Lingxi's brother. Ordinary people have three souls and seven souls, and if any one is missing, they will die soon. Lingxi only has two souls and three souls. If she can live to be ten years old and still be healthy, there must be someone with profound Taoism around her to feed her. Moreover, Lingxi's body is full of righteousness, and that person can open the eyes of the sky for her, so he must not be some kind of demon heretic.

But among the sects of cultivating immortals, there are only a handful of people who can last for ten years to support the lost souls! And if he is really a member of the fairy sect, no matter which of the four fairy mountains he takes Lingxi to, the fairy spirit on the mountain will keep Lingxi safe, so why would he need to spend his own cultivation to support Lingxi

Seeing that he was silent for a while, Lingxi pursed his lips and was about to cry again, Qing Kui hurriedly said: "Anyway, he is still in this world well!"

According to his speculation, her brother's Taoism is so high, it is impossible for him to be beaten to death by those little demons on the East Sea. Most likely, his cultivation base was almost exhausted by Lingxi, so he found a place to retreat and practice...

Lingxi never thought that her brother would die. After hearing him say such nonsense, tears fell down again.

Qing Kui was at a loss, and while wiping her tears flatteringly, he said anxiously: "Oh, my aunt, can you stop crying! Can't I tell you the truth? I'm so anxious!"

Lingxi's tears stopped as soon as she said, and she looked at him tearfully again.

Qing Kui cleared his throat, "That's how it happened! Do you remember that one of the reasons why Eldest Senior Brother insisted that you could stay in Cangjia Mountain to practice is because you opened your eyes when you were only ten years old?"

Lingxi shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, anyway, you are different from ordinary mortals. You can see monsters because of an expert who opened your eyes for you. That expert can only be your brother who is always by your side! Think about it, from childhood to Big, hasn't he aged much?"

Lingxi nodded.

"That's right!" Qing Kui snapped his fingers and continued, "Look at Elder Brother, he is three thousand years old at least, and he hasn't aged either! Brother Ah Chou must be an immortal too! Are all immortals here? Gone without a trace?"

Lingxi thought about Feng Su and nodded.

"So, brother Ah Chou just went out for a walk, and came back after walking!"

"Impossible! My brother said that I will wait until I get married before leaving!" Lingxi didn't nod this time, and she reacted quite quickly, she yelled in a nasal voice.

Qingkui didn't expect Lingxi to remember the details of getting along with his brother, so he couldn't make it up anymore... Seeing that Lingxi's tears tended to flow again, he felt that he had to find another way, such as diverting his attention...

"Ah Chou, look at this!"

Lingxi only felt a glimmer of light, and saw a budding rose standing in front of her eyes.

The moonlight is clear and the night breeze is cool.

That rose flower does not look like a shy girl, but like a handsome young man, standing alone in a solemn black robe.

"Black... rose?" Lingxi's eyes were fixed on the flower that was about to bloom, as if she had attracted all her attention.

"Yeah! Doesn't it look good?"

Lingxi nodded dully.

Qing Kui continued proudly: "Blood roses are common, but black ones are rare! This branch still grows on the top of the main peak of Cangjia Mountain. It absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and the aura of heaven and earth. I have guarded it for sixty years. Today When I came back from Wangyou Palace, I seized the opportunity to pick it back! If I take it, it will increase my cultivation base by at least two hundred years!" "Abstain? Eat...?" Lingxi frowned.

"Of course, such a baby..."

"What does this have to do with brother?" Lingxi's eyes began to water again.

Qing Kui thought that he had successfully diverted Lingxi's attention, but was slapped down by Lingxi's words with a smile on his face, and he hesitated for a long time before saying: "Of course...of course! I just thought about it carefully, ah Didn’t Brother Ugly get seriously injured before he disappeared? He must be recuperating now... If Ugly can raise this black rose well, let Uggru swallow it when it blooms, no one can hurt him, and he will never again I don't need to leave you!"

"When will that brother come back..." Lingxi cried.

"Two more years! Two years later, Ah Chou and Jiqian will definitely come back! Didn't he say that he would watch you get married? Did brother Ah Chou ever break his promise?"

"Then I'll raise it for two years?" Lingxi reached for the black rose.

"Well, yes!" Qing Kui found his heart hurting.

"When it blooms, my brother will come back and won't leave again?" Lingxi finally showed a smile on her face, and put the rose flower in her heart.

"Yes… "


"Really!" Qing Kui also covered his heart, crying secretly, "My two hundred years are really gone..."

"Thank you, Brother Qingkui! I'll go back and find a place to raise it! See you tomorrow!"

Lingxi smiled and ran away with roses in her arms. Qing Kui covered his heart for a long time, and cursed in a low voice: "Who the hell said beauty is a disaster? Obviously, those tears are disasters!"


If Qing Kui's flawed rhetoric were told to Lingxi when she was a few years older, I'm afraid she would not be able to deceive her. But Eleven-year-old Lingxi couldn't hold too many things in her head. After that night, she decided on an idea. When the flowers bloomed, her brother came back and would never leave again.

With other hopes, Lingxi no longer feels irritable even if she doesn't make any progress in practicing Kung Fu. She relaxes and her progress becomes more and more obvious. She can hit Qingrong leaves accurately in three months, with few mistakes .

Feng Su began to teach her some basic spells. Although her memory was getting better day by day, her aptitude was still much worse than that of ordinary people. It was very difficult to learn the spells. She recited it first.

Although Lingxi didn't expect to stand out in the sword test meeting, she didn't slacken at all when she practiced. She worked hard to practice the spells that others learned with half the effort. You can't embarrass senior brother too much in front of thousands of disciples!

When she was not practicing, what she cared most about was the black rose. Although Qing Kui has repeatedly emphasized to her that the flower has grown for seventy years before it is ready to bloom, and it will take at least two years for it to bloom, and it is born of the immortal energy of Cangjia Mountain, and grows with the essence of the sun and the moon. , even if Lingxi leaves it in the soil and ignores it, it will not wither.

However, Lingxi always feels that if she doesn't take good care of it, the time for it to bloom will be delayed, and the time for her brother to come back will also be delayed. came back…

Therefore, Lingxi almost tried every means to fertilize it. The treasures that can be found in Tianmai Peak, green leaves, Qilian flower stamens, morning dew, moonlit night, and even Feng Su's decoction for her body, she leaves some to water it every day.

Two years passed by so quickly, and Lingxi was no longer a young girl. The spells Feng Su taught her became more and more difficult, and the spell books she memorized became thicker and thicker. Getting closer.

On this day, both Feng Su and Qing Kui went to the Tingyun Hall to discuss the sword test meeting with the master and the elders, leaving only Lingxi in Tianmai Peak.

Fu Sheng steals half a day off. Recently, Lingxi has been tortured by various spells and spells every day, so she can't eat well and sleep well. It has been a long time since she took a good look at her black rose.

She put the rose in a flower pot and put it on the table for daily viewing. There were so many spell books on the desk in the past two months that Lingxi had to move it to the backyard to prevent anyone from being careless. screwed it up.

Today, after she packed up the desk, she planned to move the flowerpot back, but just as she walked to the backyard, she was shocked in place.

It was spring, and the backyard was full of flowers, vying for beauty. The black rose was in full bloom among the colorful flowers.

Lingxi's heartbeat stopped for a moment, and then it "thumped" as if the whole Tianmai Peak trembled.

Two years of anticipation, two years of longing, at such an unexpected moment, it was in full bloom in front of her eyes. Lingxi almost rushed over, impatient to see how beautiful the black rose can be when it is in full bloom, but, just one glance, just that one glance, the sky that was still as blue as washing was instantly shrouded in darkness !

There is no sunshine, no white clouds, no flowers all over the ground, and the ink-stained sky has only one pair of eyes.

Thick as sinking ink, cooler than cold pools.

"It" looked at her with no warmth, no emotion, only misty ignorance.

Lingxi completely forgot where she was and what she was facing, just looking at those eyes, she felt inexplicably familiar, the familiarity carved into her bones, but no matter what, she couldn't find the source of the familiarity.

There was a dark night in all directions, nothingness in all directions, those eyes looked down on her, and a voice from nowhere asked her coldly, "Who are you?"