Living Up to You

Chapter 40


Lingxi never thought that she would be conscious after her soul was gone.

She woke up in a world with a light body and a clear head. She can see clearly, hear clearly, and perceive the world.

She had never felt so relaxed since being taken out of her soul.

She... still alive

No, she couldn't see herself, she didn't have movable hands and feet, she was just a remnant soul, still retaining her own consciousness, she could see, hear and move, but she couldn't speak.

She reckoned that she might have turned into a white cloud like Chen Xi.

However, this is not the case.

She found herself at the junction of the two heavens and the earth. The left side was dark and dull, and the bottom could not be seen, while the right side was a bright starry sky, and the moon was like a disk.

The bronze moon, the clear moonlight, is so familiar. Time seemed to have never passed, even though she thought it had been ten thousand years.

She hesitated for a moment whether to go left or right, and finally flew towards the bright direction.

For such a long time, she lived in darkness, always worrying that one day she would never see the sun.

She yearns for light and longs for warmth.

Then, she discovered that the thing that separated the two worlds was a mirror, which looked quite familiar, and she looked carefully, and it turned out to be a silver mirror. She looked again, and there was no reflection of herself in the mirror, not even a wisp of white smoke.

Only then did Lingxi realize that she was just a touch of spiritual consciousness. It's not a soul, it's not a soul, so you can freely enter and exit the silver mirror.

And the next moment she understood that not only could she see, hear, and feel the cold, but she also felt pain.

Cangjia Mountain, the most spiritual place, and Cangjia Mountain, the most yin place, this night is like purgatory on earth.

Blood flowed into rivers and corpses into mountains.

She has never seen such a bewitching Cangjia Mountain, covered with white bones and stained with blood, with seven sub-peaks and one main peak, only the main peak is still alive.

The man's black clothes are like hair that keeps growing, showing off without bounds, the evil spirit engulfed his whole face, his dark eyes are like sharp weapons, every blade of grass that he looked at turned into ashes, all Cangjia disciples took three steps back .

Cangjia Mountain has never been so cold before, if there is rain, snowflakes will definitely fall at this moment. And the source of that coldness was that man with so much devilish energy.

However, his face was as white as jade, as perfect as a god, and his black clothes were not even stained with a drop of blood. He approached step by step and easily killed a Cangjia disciple.

One, one, and another.

It's as easy as crushing an ant to death, so unhesitating, so cold-blooded and ruthless.

She is obviously just a void spiritual sense, and obviously has no heart, but she watched the man turn upside down, and the Cangjia disciples fell one by one, she felt like being run over by thousands of horses at the same time, densely packed with pain biting.

Nanzhi, stop!

She floated beside his hand, trying to stop his hands that kept forming seals, but she couldn't even touch his fingers.

"The devil! I, Cangjia, helped you, yet you slaughtered me with revenge! Take your life!"

Cang Yucanghai, Qinglian Qingnian and the four attacked him at the same time, but he hid and did not fight back. He only attacked ordinary disciples and killed them with one move.

Cang Hai kept attacking and cursed at the same time, Cang Yu calmed down a lot, but his complexion was dark and his eyes were vicissitudes. Qinglian Qingnian's eyes were red and angry, but no matter how much skill she accumulated and how lethal she used, she was either easily dodged or swallowed by that person's black barrier.

Nan Zhi is like a god of war looking down on the world, dressed in a demon's coat, life and death, only in the flip of his hands.

"Lingxi is dead, what on earth do you want!" Qinglian's light blue clothes were stained with blood, her pale face was full of tears.

Nan Zhi was expressionless, his blood-red lips suddenly evoked a smile, evil like blood-colored flowers blooming in the night sky, and his cold voice seemed to come from hell, "Buried with you."

Lingxi stopped the futile "blocking", and felt that all her thoughts exploded with a "boom" when she heard these two words.



The summoning of the soul failed, and Chen Xi had not returned, so after driving her out of that body, she was buried with her entire sect

Lingxi almost collapsed and rushed to Nanzhi, trying to stop his hand that was attacking Qinglian, but his hand passed through her and strangled Qinglian's neck effortlessly.

"Let her go!"

Qing Nian and Cang Hai rushed over with a loud roar, and Nan Zhi pushed out a black palm with the other hand, knocking them back to the ground. Then he raised the corners of his lips, his eagle-like eyes found the direction where Xueran was, and a black light mist popped out between his fingers.

There was no way for Xueran to hide, and before her pale face showed a look of panic, it turned into a cloud of black mist, dissipating in the sky and the earth.

Qing Nian's eyes turned red suddenly, as if she was about to shed tears of blood, she cried "Sister", but when she rushed over, it was a cloud of air.

"I kill you!"

Qing Nian gathered all her spiritual energy, her whole body was like a raging fire, and she tried her best to make a final fight, and hit Nan Zhi blazingly. Nan didn't dodge, looked at him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly threw the Qinglian in his hand.

Lingxi heard herself shouting from the bottom of her heart, and then burst into tears.

Qinglian was struck by Qingnian, like a withered lotus falling in the wind, falling to the ground and turning into a drop of water, moistening everything silently. Qing Nian froze in place, limp on the ground as if she had lost her soul.

Cang Hai has always loved Qing Lian the most, but at this moment it is more like a leopard going crazy, its red eyes are about to burst, and it rushes towards Nan Zhi as if it wanted to tear it to pieces.

Lingxi remembered that Cang Yu once told him that Nan Zhi was once a god.

Fallen from a god to a demon, if he wants, he can destroy all life with one hand.

It was only now that Lingxi realized what kind of terrifying power it was.

In his eyes, immortals who have not practiced lightly are no different from ants, but the difference can be resolved with one finger or five fingers.

When Canghai fell to the ground, his black beard was as white as snow, and his wide eyes protruded, as if he was staring at Lingxi, mocking her for being a monster for raising such a monster.

Lingxi looked at all this calmly, suddenly forgot the pain, forgot to cry and cry.

Just watching it all.

In the dark world, Cangjia Mountain piled up with dead bones overnight, and corpses littered the field.

Cang Yu closed her eyes tightly, tears fell silently, and the wrinkles on her old face were like ravines that suddenly crossed, creasing her entire face. Fluorescent dots on the Qingxu staff rotated and lingered, and suddenly the light spots enlarged, overlapping to form a circle of light, enveloping him. Then he chanted the mantra softly, and the circle of light was broken into strings of light spots again, which drifted away and disappeared.

Then disappeared, and his body.

He sighed softly: "If you want to take my life, I will give it to you. However, Cangjia is dead, and I have no face to see my ancestors again."

Cang Yu destroyed her own body, scattered her primordial spirit, Qingxu staff suddenly fell to the ground, and there was a crisp jingle.

The few remaining Cangjia disciples were stunned, their swords dropped one after another, and some of them fell to the ground like Qing Nian.

Nan Zhi's expression remained unchanged, and his movements were like the wind. He grabbed a disciple and asked, "Where's Qing Kui?"

The disciple shook his head blankly, with a little force on his hand, the disciple turned into ashes.

He grabbed another one, "Where's Qing Kui?"

The disciple replied, "I don't know."

Another cloud of ashes.

There were only dozens of disciples left, and all the answers could only be two words "I don't know".

In the huge Cangjia Mountain, only Qingnian was left in a moment.

"Where's Qing Kui?" He asked.

"I don't know." He replied.

"Where's the silver mirror?"

"I don't know."

When Qing Nian died, her clear water-like eyes were like broken ice on the sea surface, the light in her eyes scattered piece by piece, drifting away in the ups and downs.

Lingxi's heart was already numb, and she stared blankly at the defeated Cangjia Mountain, her eyes were full of desolation and lifelessness.


Ling Xi floated in front of Nan Zhi's eyes, even though he couldn't see her.


He personally promised that Cangjia Mountain would not be harmed no matter what.

The word "good" still rings in my ears.

It was impossible for Nan Zhi to answer her question, so he turned around and went to Tianmai Peak.

In a gloomy mound of the dead, it is very easy to find the only living being, no matter how tightly he conceals his aura.

So Nan Zhi easily found Qing Kui in a sea of Qilian flowers.

The Qilian flowers are blooming wantonly, with a faint fragrance of flowers, and there is a trace of bloody smell tonight. Qing Kui was in the sea of flowers, his blue clothes were spotless, his long hair covered half of his face, and also concealed his expression at the moment. I saw him sitting on the ground, facing the Qilian sea of flowers, hugging Lingxi's body like a baby.

When Lingxi saw herself, the cross wound on her forehead hadn't healed yet, her blood had congealed, her face was as white as confetti, and even though she had lost her soul, her brows were still slightly frowned, looking like she was about to cry.

"Give it to me." Nan Zhi landed not far away, staring at the corpse with dull eyes.

Qing Kui didn't seem to hear his words, just hugged Ling Xi, and said softly: "Ah Chou, the Qilian flowers are blooming, get up and see the flowers."

Lingxi's already numb heart began to throb with pain again.

That kind of pain clearly seemed that she was still a complete person, so that the despair and fear that accompanied the pain made her unavoidable.

He killed her, master and uncle, and all the disciples in Cangjia Mountain, and he will also kill Qingkui.

Senior brother Qingkui, she once swore an oath in front of him that she would never live with the demons.

But she violated the oath, she caused Cangjia to fall to today's world because of her own heart, is this the punishment for her violation of the oath

"Nan Zhi..." Lingxi wished so much that she could speak, make a sound, and beg him, "Don't hurt Qing Kui, okay? Can you let him go? He treated me like that..."

He practiced sword with her, made her happy, and he was always by her side from the moment she recovered to normal spiritual consciousness.

He is the only relative she has left in this world.

"I beg you, please..." Lingxi was powerlessly floating in front of Nanzhi, trying to cry with all her strength, but she could only watch Nanzhi approaching Qingkui step by step in vain.

Qing Kui didn't seem to intend to resist, he hugged the corpse tightly, his trembling hands wanted to caress Ling Xi's cheek.

Nanzhi frowned.

Before Qingkui's hand touched Lingxi's face, black miasma enveloped him.

He maintained this posture of hugging Lingxi, his hands were still stiff in the air, it seemed that there were tears in his eyes, and his whole body dissipated like light smoke.

Lingxi's body fell to the ground, lying in the flowers, as if sleeping peacefully.

The starry sky is lonely, the silver moon is like a shuttle, and the flowers are like a brocade.

The man in black picked up the woman in the flower, stepped on the bones, stepped on the blood, and drifted away.

Lingxi was floating in the air woodenly, refusing to look at it, refusing to think about it, and only told herself that this was a dream, an illusion, and it didn't exist.

In that real world, Cangjia Mountain still exists full of vitality, and the brothers, sisters, and disciples of Cangjia are still living peacefully and happily. This is an illusion, it must be like this.

She started to escape, and if she wanted to escape back to the original place, she should just stay in the silver mirror, maybe the other dark world was real.

She curled up in the dark, hid in the silver mirror, she didn't cry, she didn't bleed, but she hurt.

During the eight years in Cangjia Mountain, scenes flashed before my eyes. Everyone's face was so clear, and their smiles were bright and kind.

But now, as soon as she opens her eyes, she will see the world of corpses on the other side of the silver mirror. Maybe the next day, she will see someone come to collect the corpses for them, and talk about how Cangjia Mountain was finally destroyed overnight.

Her beloved man tore up her soul for a body and slaughtered all her teachers.

Why do I still have spiritual consciousness

Why would I see it with my own eyes

Why is she still here when everyone is gone

The darkness is like an impenetrable copper wall, sealing off the whole world. Lingxi heard a voice, on the verge of despair, said, "Do you—do you want them to come back?"

Lingxi saw her tears, like the torrential rain in summer, she said, "I want to."

"Give me your conscience, do one thing for me, and can get what you want."


Story of the East China Sea

I pecked Shiying's precious leaves with my mouth to wake him up from his deep sleep, and then pointed to a man and a woman snuggling by the East Sea.

As a bird that has only been awakened by the aura of heaven and earth for a year, I can't speak yet, but I should be able to understand what I mean.

They were there seven days and nights.

Shiying is a tree by the East Sea, and he can't speak. I have only known him for a few months, but we have the same heart and a tacit understanding.

"Oh, it's the seventh day! If Nan Zhi doesn't move, will he turn into a stone statue?" Shi Ying cried out sadly.

I sighed, and also whispered: "Tragedy, tragedy, it really is a tragedy."

"Quickly, go and see if Lingxi is really dead." Shi Ying said suddenly.

I ignored him, I saw it with my own eyes, what could be wrong? What's more, I dare not, I will be killed by Nan Zhi!

"Hey, if the sky has love, the sky will be old too!" Shi Ying shouted again.

I sighed in agreement.

The story of Nanzhi and Lingxi starts about a year ago.

First of all, I need to thank Lingxi. If it weren't for her, I would still be a silly bird who only knows how to catch insects and sing, and I don't know what spiritual perception is.

After all, I was born in Beijing in the far north, and it is freezing cold most of the year, not to mention the aura of heaven and earth, and there is very little popularity on weekdays.

When I woke up, I was in Lingxi's courtyard.

The yard is full of flowers, which are very beautiful when they are blooming. I often peck two or three small worms in the garden to eat. Thinking about it now, I don't know how many flower spirits and insect spirits like me are raised in that courtyard.

Because the man living in the courtyard, in order to let the woman named Lingxi be protected by spiritual power, and fearing that she would not be able to protect her all the time, filled the front and back yards of the whole house with spiritual energy.

After a long time, we found out that the man was the Demon Lord Nanzhi, but in order to protect her, the spirit energy released was not mixed with a trace of magic energy.

The two are loving and sweet, which makes me envious. I sing a few songs to them in the courtyard every day.

But at that time, I was a little puzzled, why did Lingxi need to use spiritual power to protect her

It wasn't until a few months later that I saw that her eyes were blurred occasionally and her ears seemed not so sharp, that I vaguely understood. I don't remember the specific day, but when I saw the man going out, I fluttered my wings and flew away.

At that time, not only did I not know that he was the demon king Nan Zhi, who was struggling to follow him by fluttering his wings with all his strength, but I also didn't know that the place he went to was called Cangjia Mountain by the world, and the person he went to meet was Cangjia Mountain The master at that time - Cang Yu.

Now that I think about it, the wind that night was particularly bleak, and my fur was so thick that I couldn't help shivering.

Nan stopped into a side hall, and I landed on the window lattice of that side hall. Although you can't see the scenery in the room, you can hear the sound in it.

Hearing Nanzhi's voice was cold, not at all as gentle and elegant as he was talking to that woman, he said: "Give back Lingxi's soul and four souls to me."

A slightly aged voice coughed twice before saying, "Even if you take it back, it won't help."

My bird feathers stood on end due to the sudden coldness in the room, and almost fell off the window lattice.

Just listen to the old voice and continue: "The soul has been supplemented little by little over the years and merged with her body. The sudden withdrawal that day has already hurt the root. Even if it is stuffed back, it will serve you with spiritual power." It's no different from raising her. Perhaps she will die of exhaustion before the day when her spiritual power is exhausted."

As a bird, the five senses and six senses are actually more sensitive than humans. I sensed a faint sadness overflowing from the room, and I didn't know which of the two people it was emitting from. The aroma of wine overflowed and became stronger.

"Actually, there is no other way to save Lingxi."


I can't help but listen carefully.

"Actually... have you ever thought that Lingxi and Chenxi are the same person?"

After a long silence, the old man's voice continued: "Chenxi has only one soul left to live in the East China Sea, and Lingxi was born with only two souls and three souls, and she looks exactly like Chenxi. Is there such a coincidence in the world? They are alone, so the explanation makes sense. You only need to find Chenxi's soul and call back the four souls, then Lingxi's soul can return to its place, and there is no need to worry about life."

I was a little confused, I didn't know who Chen Xi was, I just heard Nanzhi say in a cold voice: "Impossible."

The old man said again: "You became a god after only a hundred years of cultivation, you sealed the God Realm with your own power, and you were able to possess roses after sleeping for thousands of years. In this world... what is impossible?"

The Demon Lord Nan Zhi I have met has always been quiet, and it is no different now.

The old man continued: "If this conjecture is true, there is still a chance for Lingxi to be saved. Otherwise... If you don't believe me, you can take out the cultivation base in my body and give Lingxi a try."

I was stunned to myself, if this cultivation base is useful, how could Lingxi gradually lose her five senses with the spiritual power all over the courtyard protecting her

Sure enough, Nan Zhi might have thought the same way, and turned over after another moment of silence.

I wanted to keep up, but when I came, I used too much force, and my pair of wings couldn't afford to flap no matter what. So, I overheard the following conversation.

"Brother, why did you lie to him?" The voice was clearer, but as soon as Fang spoke, I was dizzy from the smell of alcohol, "Lingxi clearly only has one fate, how could it be that Chenxi? And Brother, where did you learn about these things? I have never heard of the name 'Chen Xi' before."

I was startled, that old man was lying just now

"You don't need to worry about this matter," said the old man.

"But if he finds out..."

"Lingxi's primordial soul has been damaged, and her fate cannot be seen."

Really scheming!

I was full of resentment, but I couldn't speak, so I could only flap my wings and go back to Beijing.

When they returned to the yard, Lingxi was sleeping, and Nanzhi was copying and painting in the study.

The painted woman is exactly the same as the painting on the side. Standing on the window sill, I chirped and lamented Nanzhi's painters, and at the same time found that in the new painting, there was an extra jacaranda on the woman's hair bun.

I couldn't see why, I saw Nanzhi carefully comparing the two paintings, and finally put the new one into the painting tube, while the original one was carefully folded and placed on the skirt of his chest.

Later I thought, maybe the women in the painting are Lingxi and Chenxi

Of course, I will neither ask nor get an answer. Just secretly rejoicing that Nan Zhi didn't seem to fully believe what the old man said, and often took advantage of Lingxi's sleep to read various ancient books. I guess, he must be looking for other ways to replenish the soul.

It's a pity that Lingxi's blindness is getting longer and longer, and her deafness is becoming more and more frequent. As a bird, I am very anxious. I can only sing a few more good songs every day in front of her house for her to listen to.

I was awakened because of them, and followed them silently for a few months. I knew the lie of the devil and was miserable. When they went to the East China Sea, I naturally followed them.

From this, I came to know the Ten Responses.

In the next few months, I often stopped on Shi Ying and watched the man and woman together with him.

Seeing Lingxi falling asleep, Shi Ying would shout: "It's over, it's over, it's over, and I fell asleep again! I don't know when I will wake up again!"

Seeing that Lingxi's eyes were foggy, Shi Ying shouted again: "Oh, what if I can't see at all someday?"

I also often mixed in, and when Lingxi couldn't hear her, she cried out in pain: "She can't hear again! Let me turn into a woman and go comfort Nanzhi!"

Usually, ten responses will pull me down with a branch.

Of course, we often see two people playing hand in hand at the beach, sleeping in each other's embrace, and then shouting in unison: "It is said that you only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals, so that should be the case!"

Occasionally, there are times when Shi Ying and I are speechless.

Lingxi's chirping in Beijing made me suspect that it was my kind. Nanzhi didn't talk much, but in Donghai, Lingxi didn't like to talk too much, but Nanzhi gradually talked more.

He often hugged Lingxi who was sleeping peacefully in his arms at sunset, and stroked her hair delicately and tenderly. He said that it would be great if you were Chenxi, and then I would never lose you again; It's not about what Chen Xi should do, or how I can keep you by my side for the rest of my life.

He said that I was so timid in front of you that I didn't dare to make any mistakes.

He said he did not dare to look into your misty eyes, for fear that he might not find color in them, and he did not dare to use the soul summoning technique, for fear that you would never come back.

He embraced her in his arms, and the setting sun stretched his back, thin and lonely.

Shi Ying and I, two male spirits who together are only ten years old, are like big girls who are coy, looking at the sky every day, secretly begging the gods to protect this pair of mandarin ducks and live a good life.

However, the sky is evil, and there is no mercy in beating the mandarin ducks.

I realized this more than ever on a recent summer night.

That evening, thunder and lightning flashed, and it rained heavily.

Lingxi was sniffing flowers in the yard when Nanxing came back.

Her eyes were empty, but the corners of her mouth were slightly smiling. She sniffed the flowers, as if she really smelled their fragrance. The heavy rain fell on her body, soaking her black hair, flowing down her fingers into small streams of water, pouring water on her face. on the flowers. Silver-white lightning flashed along with the thunder, illuminating her frail figure and pale smiling face.

She lives in her own world, perhaps, there is no rain in that world, only the fragrance of flowers in the courtyard.

We heard Nanzhi calling her, "Lingxi..."

One after another, the sound was heavy, she didn't realize it, she was still playing with the flowers and plants, touching each one, and smelling each one.

We saw Nanzhi standing in the heavy rain, dressed in black and blending into the night, but we could see his shoulders trembling slightly on weekdays.

The sky is crying, and he is crying too.

Shi Ying and I didn't speak for a night.

On the second day, Nanzhi and Lingxi both left and headed towards Cangjia Mountain.

I think he chose to believe that lie after all.

On July 15th, that is, seven days ago, I went up to Cangjia Mountain under Shi Ying's instigation.

The full moon like a silver plate, the gust of wind like a knife, kept attacking the Cangjia disciples in the barrier, I fluttered my wings, and saw Nan Zhiyi's sword facing Lingxi's eyebrows outside the barrier.


Despite the constant sound of the wind in my ears and the constant sound of attacking the enchantment, I still clearly heard Lingxi calling him, with a sad and desperate voice.

Nan Zhi's hand holding the sword was full of veins, and the tip of the sword was trembling slightly. He said, "Lingxi, you must come back."

Then, the tip of the sword pierced the eyebrows.

I perched on a tree and covered my eyes with my wings.

How can two people who love each other so much have the heart to see their swords facing each other

Even though I knew that this would be a story with a tragic ending, I still couldn't help but look at the sky, where Lingxi's soul drifted away. At that time, I was young, and I still had thoughts in my heart, maybe... Lingxi is really Chenxi

It's a pity that if the sky has love, the sky will also grow old.

Lingxi's shattered soul did not wrap around the lonely soul in the air, but fell down piece by piece.

Nanzhi's soul-calling technique made stars light up in every corner of the Six Realms, and some of them floated over and landed in Lingxi's body. And Lingxi's soul, like falling snowflakes, floated into a silver mirror.

Nan Zhi seemed to have gone crazy, and Lingxi's body couldn't even care, and she chased after the soul.

He will kill whoever blocks it, and wipe out whoever blocks it.

I shouted happily!

Who told that old man to lie? Eat what you want! She deserved to be buried with Lingxi!

I flapped my wings excitedly and went down the mountain to tell Shi Ying the exciting news. But Shi Ying sighed: "What's the use of killing so many people? Lingxi will never come back after all."

This is the only human being I have known and the only rape I have witnessed since I had spiritual awareness, but it has such a tragic ending, a bleak ending, and I am also a little sad.

I wanted to bid farewell to Shi Ying and leave the sad place of Donghai, but I saw Nanzhi the next day and came back with Lingxi's body.

As before, he let her head rest on his lap, as if she was sleeping.

She doesn't move, and neither does he.

In this way, the sun rises and the sun sets, and the sun rises when the sun sets, and today is the seventh day.

I looked at their backs that lit up with the rising sun, and I didn't know whose emotions were infected, and I felt sad.

At that time, I didn't know that Lingxi would come back one day. At that time, I thought that the end of the story would be a magnificent ending, but it was not the case.

The matter of "love" can only be summed up by the word "injury".