Living Up to You

Chapter 7


Although this time the sword test meeting is unusual, the location is still the same as usual, at Dimai Peak where there are the most new disciples.

Dimai Peak's terrain is lower, not as cool as Tianmai Peak, and because the sword-testing meeting is full of disciples coming and going, it feels faintly hot in early summer. Lingxi didn't feel much about this, she followed Feng Su all the way, and wherever she went, the disciples gave way to a wide road.

This is the second time Lingxi has descended to Tianmai Peak since he went to Cangjia Mountain.

Since Feng Su brought her up the mountain three years ago, he insisted on keeping her in spite of the headmaster's objections, and even brought her to Tianmai Peak, which is dedicated to the cultivation of closed disciples. All kinds of "Xi" have long been spread throughout Cangjia Mountain.

Many disciples on Dimai Peak have never seen Feng Su, let alone Ling Xi. When they saw these two people approaching, they couldn't help but cast their eyes on them. Follow behind Feng Su.

The sword-testing platform is built in the air at the top of Dimai Peak, surrounded by immortal energy, and the waterfall of Shuimai Peak can be faintly seen flying down.

The seven elders and the head of the sect were in the front row, and behind them were Cangjia's disciples, standing in separate sects. The seats of the four major disciples are exactly opposite to the head, sitting around the sword-testing platform.

Lingxi stood beside Feng Su uneasily, not daring to look up at the dark group of disciples opposite, only feeling one gaze after another sweeping over her from time to time.

"Xi'er, what are you afraid of?" Feng Su just picked up a glass of sake and asked calmly while drinking.

Lingxi buried her head deeper, and hid behind Feng Su.

Feng Su raised his head, glanced across the opposite side, and suddenly the area around the sword-testing platform became much quieter.

"Sit down." Feng Su ordered softly.

Lingxi looked at him puzzled.

"Sit on my left."

Lingxi glanced over, just as Senior Sister Qinglian over there also glanced over, her heart skipped a beat, and she whispered, "That's Senior Brother Qingkui's seat."

"Anyway, he won't be able to descend Tianmai Peak today, and that seat is also vacant." Feng Sudan said.

Qing Kui is still in the penalty period and is not allowed to go down to the peak. Originally, the headmaster specially allowed him to go down the mountain when he saw the sword test held once every ten years, but he said the day before yesterday that he would not accept disciples, and watching the sword test meeting was meaningless, so he didn't come.

Lingxi stood there in a daze, speechless for a while. The elder brother has always done his own thing and protected her shortcoming, but she is not the stupid child three years ago, who didn't think about anything and just sat in the seat that belonged to Qing Kui in full view. Strictly speaking, she is not even an official disciple of Cangjia Mountain.

"I, I..." Lingxi hesitated for a long time, and seeing Feng Su's brows were slightly frowned, she said in one breath, "Lingxi is short, so she can't see the competition on the sword-testing platform when she sits there."

Feng Su didn't insist anymore, Lingxi was slightly relieved when she saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he was laughing.

The first round of the sword test, the literary test.

All the participants came out to the sword-testing platform, and the head master set the questions.

Lingxi looked up at the sword-testing stage suspended in the air, and then watched the other disciples walking with their swords in succession, stepping up to the stage with ease, their fists clenched tightly, wishing they could find a hole in the ground and never come out again.

She came to the sword trial meeting, but she couldn't even make it to the sword trial stage, it was a joke within a joke...

Feng Su seemed to be aware of her shrinking, held her hand with one hand, and easily squeezed out a cloud with the other hand.

"Go up." Feng Su gently shook her hand.

Lingxi felt the jade-like warmth again, grateful and at ease in her heart, and stepped on the cloud.

The sword testing platform is much bigger than it looks from below, it can be described as almost endless. In front of each participant is a desk, a blank sheet of paper, and a set of pens and inks. At a glance, pieces of cyan robes are like imperial examinations in the human world.

"You have been in Cangjia Mountain for hundreds of thousands of years, and for short periods of three to five years. Remembering the rules of Cangjia Mountain is the first thing you have to do."

On the sword-testing stage, the personnel and affairs in the audience could not be seen, only Cang Yu's slightly old voice could be heard slowly, "Today's first test is to test the basic knowledge you need to have when you stay in Cangjia Mountain. Write your I think it is the most important rule to abide by on Cangjia Mountain."

As soon as the test questions came out, I was shocked.

The topic seems simple, but it is actually tricky.

Usually the rules that you think you should follow the most are the rules that you find it hardest to follow. If you write it truthfully, it will easily expose the shortcomings that you may not have even discovered yourself. If you don’t write it truthfully, there are probably tens of thousands of rules in Cangjia Mountain. How can you find one at a time and analyze it reasonably

Nearly 1,000 test takers wrote, and it has been a while.

On Lingxi's end, she didn't even pick up a pen.

When she heard the test questions given by Cang Yu, she froze in place with a "buzz" in her head.

She had known for a long time that there would be a literary test in the sword test, and she never dared to neglect the book of spells and spells that Feng Su had recited for her in the past two years. It was because she felt that the only thing she could fight for in the sword trial was this round. She can't be brushed off in the first round...

But she has recited so many curses, but she has never been exposed to the rules of Cangjia Mountain.

She was taken directly to Cangjia Mountain by Feng Su, and stayed in Tianmai Peak herself, and only him and Qingkui Qinglian Qingnian had been in contact with her from beginning to end, so there was no need to learn any rules

The test takers around her had already begun to write, and Lingxi racked her brains, but she couldn't think of any rules of Cangjia Mountain that she had heard, and she couldn't even remember any of the rules of the human world.

The sword-testing platform was so quiet that only the sound of rushing water from Shuimaifeng Waterfall could be heard. There was only one stick of incense in the essay test, and all the test takers were writing vigorously. Only Lingxi, who was dressed in white, stood there in a daze, her eyes blushed, but she was helpless.

She seems to be able to hear the laughter of others, laughing at her for being a fool for three years, who can't even write a word, laughing at the elder brother who is an idiot even more stupid than a fool, who actually left her, a fool, to teach him carefully. It was as if he had already seen the knowing eyes of the head of the sect "it really is so", and heard that Uncle Cang Hai was trying his best to ridicule the elder brother.

She didn't know how to write, she... handed in a blank paper in the first round!

The time for a stick of incense is coming soon, the paper seems to have its own consciousness, and when the time is up, it will float up from the table by itself, neatly lined up in a row, then lined up in a circle, and float down the sword-testing platform in an orderly manner .

There was no trace of blood on Lingxi's entire face.

Not long after, Cang Hai's violent roar was heard, "Who handed in the blank paper? Didn't even sign it?"

Lingxi's body trembled slightly.

"Who is it? Don't come forward soon? You really don't care about Cangjia Mountain!" Cang Hai roared even louder.

On the sword-testing stage, the personnel and affairs below cannot be seen, but the people under the sword-testing stage can clearly see every move of the people on the stage. All the test takers were dressed in green clothes, but Lingxi was dressed in white, which was very conspicuous. When Cang Hai roared, the test takers looked left and right to see if anyone had stepped forward. Only Lingxi stood there alone, with her head almost buried in her chest. It didn't take long for all the test takers to guess who had handed in the blank paper, and they all stared at him. looking at her.

Lingxi felt cold all over, and blinked vigorously, forcing back the tears that were about to flow.

She can't cry, it doesn't matter if she loses her own face, but she can't lose face of senior brother.

"Lingxi, raise your head." Cang Yu's voice was as gentle as ever.

Lingxi took a deep breath, raised her head, but still lowered her eyes.

"But you handed in a blank paper?" Cang Yu asked her.

Lingxi nodded slowly.


Lingxi raised her eyes, trying to find Feng Su's shadow, but met all kinds of eyes from the participants.

"Senior brother asked why you handed in the blank paper, can't you hear?" Cang Hai said angrily, "If you don't answer, you will be expelled from Cangjia Mountain immediately!"

Lingxi bit her lower lip tightly, not knowing how to speak.

"Do nothing."

Lingxi trembled all over, who was talking

Lingxi looked around, and all the test participants were still staring at her, as if they didn't notice anything unusual.

"Why?" Cang Yu asked again, a little more harshly.

Lingxi didn't care about other things, and replied: "Wuwei..."

The eyes looking at Lingxi showed a little surprise, and the audience was silent.

Lingxi's heart almost jumped out, what inaction... She doesn't understand... If the headmaster asks another question, she will reveal her secrets! What about that voice...

She began to look around again, the voice was somewhat familiar, but there should be no acquaintances present...

"Haha, this kid still has some roots of wisdom!" said Uncle Cangqu.

It's rare that he didn't get drunk when he opened his mouth, and he spoke clearly, "Article 18 of the Cangjia Gate Rules, the second rule, don't chase fame, don't pursue profit, don't be persistent, don't be biased, and rule by doing nothing. "

Lingxi was confused and didn't understand what Cang Qu was talking about, but only knew that her "inaction" seemed to be right.

"Walking to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise!" Cang Qu laughed and said, "This is also a state! This child not only memorized it, but also put it into practice, which is really rare! Rare!"

Cang Qu happily stroked his smooth chin, ignoring Cang Hai's eyes that were about to burst. This... can't blame him! Who knows what kind of fantasies Qing Kuina had, and stole the wine that he had hidden for nine hundred and ninety-nine years! Threatening him to pour the wine into the East China Sea if he doesn't help Lingxi at the sword test meeting...

Whether that girl can enter the first round of literary examination is a small matter, but his millennium wine is a big matter! Anyway, the first round is over, there will be a second round, a third round...

"Lingxi has this mentality at a very young age, and she will definitely achieve something in the future! Just prepare for the second round!" Cang Qu closed his mouth, opened it again, and simply sent the Buddha to the west, letting her pass the first round.

Even if there was a disagreement between the elder and the sect leader, it would always be resolved privately, and then a final answer would be given to all the disciples. Now that Cang Qu has made a decision, even if other people want to object, it is difficult to speak out.

The expression on Cang Yu's face didn't change, she just glanced at Cang Qu lightly and then nodded slightly to show her agreement.

Lingxi is still researching where the voice came from just now. The voice was very close, very low, very familiar...

Lingxi was startled, and began to peel off her clothes, and sure enough, she found the little black turtle with wings in her sleeve! It seems that Brother Qing Kui put it on himself before he left...

All the participants got off the sword testing platform, waiting for the results of the first round. Lingxi stepped down on the clouds pinched by Feng Su, and when she saw the smile at the corner of his mouth, she just buried her head and pretended not to see it.

She cheated, if it wasn't for the little black turtle, maybe she would be kicked out of Cangjia Mountain immediately. But with the little black turtle, she passed the first round and was not happy.

Lingxi stood quietly behind Feng Su, looked down at the little black turtle in her palm, pursed her lips, and made a decision.

"Eldest brother..." Lingxi put the little black turtle on the table, "Here you are."

Feng Su's expression changed, Lingxi lowered her head, and whispered: "I will work hard in the next round."

The second round, the spirit test.

The so-called spiritual test not only tests the spirituality of the test taker, but also the mind.

Half of the first round of thousands of candidates had been screened, and the sword-testing platform was even wider. The first round was a desk in front of each person, this time it was a flower seedling.

The flower seedlings are Lingshu grass, a kind of spiritual grass unique to Cangjia Mountain. Every time new disciples are selected, they are asked to hold Lingshu grass in their hands to judge their spirituality and xinxing.

Lingshu grass looks like an ordinary flower seedling, once touched by someone, it will bloom snow lotus. The number of snow lotuses represents the size of that person's spiritual power, and the color of the snow lotus represents that person's xinxing. The cleaner the color of the snow lotus that blooms, the purer the person’s mind is. If the color of the flowers is too dark, it means that the person has too many distracting thoughts and evil intentions, and will be expelled from the mountain immediately. The snow lotus is black and will be executed on the spot.

Lingxi put down the little black turtle, but felt happy in her heart. Her request is not high, as long as one blooms, a white and clean snow lotus, she is satisfied, at least it can represent her pure heart, and the big brother is right.

The test participants sat down on the ground, held their breath, closed their eyes, and held the Lingshu grass with one hand. After a while, the Lingshu grass sprouted, formed bones, and blossomed. Snow lotus flowers of various colors are in full bloom on the suspended sword-testing platform.

Lingxi also closed her eyes, feeling the soft grass passing through her palms, and kept going upwards.

For a long time, Lingxi still closed her eyes, and the grass in her palm was still sliding, showing no tendency to stop.

The sword-testing stage was eerily quiet, Lingxi couldn't see anything, but felt that countless eyes were staring at her, and she couldn't help but feel guilty. I couldn't help but quietly opened my eyes, and saw the Lingshu grass on my right at a glance.

The Lingshu Grass is still climbing upwards, and the newly drawn flower stems keep producing flower bones, but in a short time, they are all in full bloom, and the blossoms are embracing each other, clustered together, and straight upward, as if to bloom a pure white sky. Way to come.

Lingxi was so startled that she almost cried out, and hurriedly let go of her hand, only then did the Lingshu grass stop growing.

After the surprise, comes the ecstasy. Her spiritual special grass bloomed more flowers than everyone present! The flowers she bloomed are cleaner than everyone else! She won! She won the second round! No little black turtle didn't cheat, she still won!

Lingxi was so excited that tears were about to flow, she stuck her head out to look down the stage, eager to see Feng Su, but she didn't see Feng Su, but instead saw the head master Cang Yu who hadn't seen her for a long time.

Cang Yu came on the clouds, and Shi Shiran approached, her brows were deeply furrowed, and she couldn't hide her surprise.

Opening thousands of snow lotuses in his hand, there are still records in ancient books, he has never seen it since he entered Cangjia!

Lingxi only knew that she bloomed the most and the cleanest flowers, and she won. When facing Cang Yu, she was less cautious for the first time, and said happily: "Master, I won, right?"

Lingxi smiled like a flower, asked Cang Yu, and turned to look at the snow lotus she had bloomed.

See you for the first time in this turn, the situation changes! The thousands-foot-high Lingshu grass withered in an instant, and the thousands of pure white lotus flowers suddenly turned into black ash, like heavy snow that had been dyed, filling the sky and falling heavily!

Cangjia Mountain, which had been quiet and silent just now, suddenly became noisy. No matter how calm Cangjia's disciples were, they all screamed out.

Snow lotus flying to ashes, a great ominous omen!