Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 100


Later, on the way to take the bus, Liang Sili kept nagging in Zhong Yi's ear like a mosquito.

Ask him if he has a rival in love for the first time in his life, is it very new; ask him if he was so easy at first, but was caught off guard by Zhang Xingzhi's move; and asked him that he can only watch his rival dance with his eyes, and he has no position to say a word , is not particularly upset.

Liang Sili talked more and more vigorously, and finally said that he was intoxicated, shook his head and said: "Zhang Xingzhi is quite good at hiding, I didn't see it at all, the market is not bad, that handsome Russian guy is really spirited."

Zhong Yi didn't say a word the whole time, and when he got on the bus, he slumped to a seat by the window and put on the blindfold.

Refuse to communicate x2

Liang Sili, who was ignored again, was not discouraged, because he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, Sasha who got into the car right behind happened to sit in the back row of them.

Looking at the thin figure "sleeping" with folded arms in the corner, Zhang Xingzhi's eyes flickered slightly, and finally followed Sasha and sat behind Liang Sili - what the two of them were talking about in the back row was clearly heard in front of them .

Although Sasha's voice was basically the only one, Zhang Xingzhi answered all his questions and answers.

At the beginning, the topic was relatively normal, it was nothing more than chatting about the current situation in their circle, until later I asked Zhang Xingzhi why he wanted to come back after leaving the circle for so long.

Sasha: "I still want to go to the Great Sacred Mountain? Is it okay, Grandma?"

Everyone in the circle knows that Zhang Xingzhi and Zhang Liao quit the circle because of the old people in their family, so no one stopped them at first, and they thoughtfully implemented the principle of "do not disturb" to the end, but now they come back by themselves up.

Right now, this problem is obviously not just Sasha's problem alone. He has also been entrusted by many friends. He must gossip about this matter face to face, otherwise, online chatting, with their candy personality, will definitely fool them. .

But Zhang Xingzhi still didn't answer the question directly, he just said: "I have already asked Grandma's consent, and I came back mainly to help Teacher Zhong."

"Do you have a good relationship with Mr. Zhong?" Sasha's eyes widened sensitively.

He felt that what he said was still tactful. They don't know how many people have paid sky-high prices to invite Zhang Xingzhi to come back these years...

Zhang Xingzhi was also unambiguous: "Well, very good."

The smile on Sasha's face suddenly disappeared, and he looked at the back of the chair in front of him in silence for a while, and then said: "I went to ask Leo, Leo said that you have someone you like now, but as long as you still I didn’t fall in love, so I still have a chance. I didn’t dare to look for you if you quit the circle, for fear of disturbing you. Now that you finally come back, you don’t know how excited I am to hear from you. We used to hike together What a joy to wear the Sahara…”

Zhang Xingzhi didn't know how to answer the conversation, because of his personality, he was not very used to discussing private matters in public places like this.

After he had been contemplating for a long time and was about to make a sound, Liang Sili in the front row appeared from above the back of the chair in a timely manner, pointed in the direction of Zhong Yi next to him, pressed his voice and whispered to them in a breathy voice: "Mr. Zhong is a little tired. , sleeping, sorry."

Zhang Xingzhi took a look at Liang Sili, then took the note, nodded and said, "Sorry, we'll talk after we get off the car."

Sasha naturally followed suit, and Liang Sili put his palms together on the back of the chair to express a silent thank you.

But what the two of them didn't know was that as soon as Liang Sili sat back in his seat, he leaned over to Zhong Yi to ask for credit, bared his teeth and said, "See if I understand you very well, I know you don't want to hear people's heartfelt words."

To this, Zhong Yi's only response was to slap someone's face away.

Refuse to communicate x3

But this does not prevent Liang Sili from having fun by himself. After muttering, he must control the volume so that Zhong Yizheng can hear it: "Isn't it just jealous? Why are you ashamed to admit it..."

When getting off the bus to the hotel, the first thing everyone does is to get the room card and go back to put their luggage, and then come down to eat.

The young lady in the logistics team quickly settled the board and lodging issue with the hotel staff. Now because it was too late, the cafeteria on the first floor, which was not open during business hours, was specially opened for them, and the hot special dishes were already in place.

Ji Haochuan felt that he was separated by a long aisle, and just looking at the warm light from the restaurant could smell the fragrance, so he couldn't help asking Leo: "Do they not eat the staple food here? Or am I too hungry?" , why does it feel like it has the smell of meat."

Leo was amused: "Are you a dog's nose, you can smell it all."

Although he has never climbed the mountain of Alnimai, the architectural style here is similar to that of Morocco. Leo and his brother used to pass by here to shoot a parkour video, so they knew a little bit, and said with a smile: "Yes Meat here likes to be fried, grilled, or deep-fried, and the taste is rather spicy. Beef, sheep, chicken, duck, etc. are more common, because Islam here believes in Islam and does not eat pork."

Ji Haochuan couldn't stand it when he heard it, and grabbed the room card assigned by the young lady in the group and was about to drag Leo upstairs: "Quick, quick, I've already seen grilled lamb chops and fried steak waving to me , as well as fried chicken and roast duck!"

The rooms are issued by serial number, even if Zhang Xingzhi wanted to get closer to Zhong Yi, he couldn’t do it, because Liang Sili and Zhong Yi first took the room card when they arrived at the hotel, then the director, screenwriter, and starring, the main creative team kept going. Zhang Xingzhi finally got his room card when Yang Youan was the last few in line. Sasha was next door to him, and Leo's room was where Ji Haochuan had the audacity to ask his sister to jump in line and get next to him.

Zhang Xingzhi was very concerned when he got off the car, because he wanted to talk to Zhong Yi no matter what.

There was no chance right now, so he could only faintly speed up his pace back to the room, wanting to put away his things quickly, and go downstairs to find someone in the restaurant as soon as possible, but when he came down with Sasha, he scanned the hall and couldn't see it from the crowd. Zhong Yi.

Sasha's light brown hair was shimmering under the brightly lit ceiling lamp. He picked the food he liked from the food in front of him and put it on his plate, while looking thoughtfully at him with his light green eyes. Zhang Xingzhi asked: "Candy, who are you looking for? It seems that you are in a hurry all the way."

"En." Zhang Xingzhi didn't deny it either.

Sasha was the one he called, and of course he couldn't just leave it alone.

But Zhang Xingzhi couldn't find anyone now, so he couldn't let go of the breath in his heart. He simply took his own dinner plate and sat next to Liang Sili, who was eating at the table with Ding Runnian, and said straight to the point: "Where is Zhong Yi?" ?”

Hearing the sound of "Zhong Yi" that was no longer a respectful title, Sasha greeted the main creators enthusiastically, and couldn't restrain himself from looking at Zhang Xingzhi several times.

To Zhang Xingzhi's question, Liang Sili replied with raised eyebrows: "Zhong Yi didn't come down from the room. He thinks it's too late now, he gained weight after eating, and he doesn't have much appetite, so he doesn't want to eat."

Ding Runnian and Hua An, who started eating melon mode, saw that Liang Sili's voice hadn't finished yet, and the photographer's deep-lined eyebrows frowned deeply, and his tone was a little heavy: "He hasn't eaten all day."

Liang Sili shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said, "Mr. Zhang, you know that I never said I beat him."

Zhang Xingzhi pursed his thin lips tightly, thinking about the possibility that Zhong Yi didn't come down because he was angry and didn't want to see him.

Hua An and Ding Runnian are also good people. They were not there when this handsome Russian guy came, but after hearing that Ji Haochuan had made up for them, and now seeing Zhang Xingzhi's serious expression, he commissioned it half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Otherwise, Teacher Zhang, let's try it out and ask the waiter to pack something up. Teacher Zhong is at 1303. Maybe Teacher Zhang is more effective than us."


Zhang Xingzhi agreed without even thinking about it, and it was only after he finished that he remembered that there was Sasha.

But as soon as he looked at the people around him, Hua An said again: "Don't worry about Sasha, right Director Ding?"

Ding Runnian nodded happily: "Sasha's Chinese is very good, and I can speak Russian, so I can communicate about the shooting."

"Thank you." Zhang Xingzhi said sincerely.

If he gets here, he still can't see that the people at this table are helping him, and he will basically bid farewell to chasing Zhong Yi in this life.

But Sasha thought that Zhang Xingzhi would go up after finishing his meal, but he didn't expect the people around him to stand up from their seats and told himself that there was something wrong with him going up to find Zhong Yi, but the people around him were not surprised at all.

Liang Sili only gave a warning at the end: "I see something that looks like borscht over there. Bring some to Zhong Yi. He just got off the bus, so he probably doesn't want to get greasy."


Zhang Xingzhi had been with Zhong Yi for a long time, and he knew Zhong Yi's taste, which was actually not light, but he hadn't eaten for a day, so he couldn't let his temper go too suddenly, because he had a bad stomach.

Before going out today, he specially checked whether all the stomach medicines and digestion tablets in Zhong Yi's suitcase were complete. It is still inconvenient to buy medicines across countries when he is away from home.

Fearing that Zhong would be impatient, Zhang Xingzhi himself brought a lot of regular medicines in his suitcase.

His room was separated from Zhong Yi by two floors, Zhang Xingzhi thought about it for a while, and decided to go back to his room to get some things before going there.

Take a shower by the way.

When standing in front of Zhong Yi's door, Zhang Xingzhi knocked on the door for a long time, until he was almost sure that Zhong Yi was really angry with him, deliberately refused to open the door for him, and refused to reply to his messages, only then came the sound from inside.

When Zhong Yilai opened the door, he didn't even wear slippers on his feet. He was wearing a black-bottomed white crane silk pajamas and long-sleeved trousers neatly on his body. Although the latitude is low, Arnimai is much cooler at night than in China.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" When speaking, Zhong Yi's voice was very low, the blindfold was pushed on his forehead, his bangs were in a mess, and he looked like he had been woken up, and the room was pitch black.

This made Zhang Xingzhi, who was holding the packing box, a little choked up, and his voice unconsciously softened: "You... were you sleeping just now?"

"Yeah..." Zhong Yi smelled the aroma of the food in this man's hand as soon as he opened the door, turned lazily and went to his own bed, snorted without looking back, "You don't think I'm angry and don't want to see you You just made a special trip, right?"

Being accurately poked at the center, the "honest man" Zhang Xingzhi denied it without blushing and heartbeat: "No, I just miss you."

Zhong Yixiao was lazy, stepped on the very soft carpet on the ground and climbed back to the bed, not buying his account at all, sneered: "You miss me again, you miss me every day, I just saw you half an hour ago Just miss me, I find that your words are getting more and more limitless now, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Xingzhi didn't refute this time, just said: "Eat before going to bed."

The clock didn't care, so he shrank back into the bed and continued: "I thought you had to be tied up with Sasha tonight no matter what, why do you still have time to take care of me, didn't anyone spend the night with you?"

Through the darkness, Zhang Xingzhi stood by the bed and watched the clock silently for several seconds, and finally put down the packing box in his hand.

As a result, just when he was about to lean over, he heard the person on the bed say peacefully: "Don't touch me, I don't want to do it today, I didn't even take a shower."

Zhang Xingzhi's heart was blocked, and after holding it in for a long time, he could only say: "Don't be angry."

Zhong Yi turned over and pointed the back of his head at him, raised his hand and put on the blindfold, not bothering to argue: "It's not that you didn't tell me in advance, I'm just sleepy."

Liang Sili and the others felt that Zhang Xingzhi must have never mentioned to him that someone like Sasha liked him, but in fact, Zhang Xingzhi had honestly confessed to him from the very beginning when he was found to be Leo's substitute.

Zhang Xingzhi: "That car..."

Zhong Yi didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and interrupted: "The words in the car were said by Liang Sili himself, and it has nothing to do with me."

But after the words fell, there was no movement behind him for a while.

Blindfolded, the sense of hearing will become extra sharp, but when Zhong Yi sensed Zhang Xingzhi's presence in his room again, Zhang Xingzhi had already clung to him silently, with his strong arms imprisoned by him through the quilt. On the waist, the hot and humid breath hit the back of the neck.

Zhong Yi rarely moved his body unnaturally, and emphasized again: "I didn't take a shower."

Zhang Xingzhi said, "I washed it, it's not dirty."

The man's mellow voice hit his ear, and Zhong Yi was numb from his earlobe to his heart, but he was still calm: "You haven't eaten dinner yet."

"Eat with you tomorrow."

"...not hungry?"


"… … OK."

"Good night."

Zhong Yi didn't answer, but after a long silence, Zhang Xingzhi quickly caught the movement of the man in his arms lifting the quilt by a small corner.

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He immediately took off his clothes knowingly and got in, stretched out his arms and tucked his arms under the slightly raised head of the person next to the pillow, letting him curl up a little, with his head resting on his shoulder socket.

During the whole process, apart from Zhong Yi's murmurs about his coquettish dislike, there was actually nothing to say, and the moment he puts on a good pose, he feels like he's awake until dawn.

Zhong Yi still remembered the time when Zhang Xingzhi fell ill in Yun County. He let Zhang Xingzhi into bed, but he didn't want to take the trouble to take care of him anymore.

But just when Zhang Xingzhi almost believed Zhong Yi and didn't get angry, the first sentence someone said to him when he woke up the next day was: "When you see Sasha later, remember to tell him that I didn't bluff him."

"Why didn't you scare him?" Zhang Xingzhi just asked casually, without taking it to heart at all.

He raised his hand and turned on his phone to check the time. He was surprised that he slept with Zhong Yi until noon. The last time he slept until this time was because of a quarrel, his usual biological clock was almost unshakable.

Zhang Xingzhi was thinking about the idea that the king would not go to court soon after that, when Zhong Yi whispered in his ear in a hoarse voice: "Don't scare him, the bed in the single room of this hotel is really big, two people can sleep More than enough."

"The personal test is effective."

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

Didn't say...

Zhong Yi: "I'm not sour."

Zhang Xingzhi choked for a moment: "...Okay, you're not sore."

In the end, Zhong Yi was still not satisfied: "Why do you admit it so reluctantly?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "?"

"I forced you?"

"… … without."

"Then what?"

"I cough, um, I voluntarily."

The author has something to say: ps: one hundred chapters √

pps: I had a dream last night, the dream was over, and then Le woke up, and then I got up honestly and continued to code (.