Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 101


The air was silent for a second, and then both of them laughed.

Zhang Xingzhi hugged the man and leaned over to kiss him, but he was pressed against his chest: "I didn't take a shower."

This was the third time Zhang Xingzhi heard this sentence, he simply hugged the person and stood up from the bed, saying: "Then wash now."

Originally, in order to reduce suspicion, the two planned to go downstairs one after the other. As a result, one of them didn't pay attention in the bathroom, and didn't know who started it first. In short, it was a mess, but it didn't follow through. It was already getting late, and with Zhang Xingzhi's level, if the trouble continued, he would definitely miss the opening meal of his restaurant.

Although in the end there was no time left for the erroneous departure, the two of them went down together.

Looking at the time, Zhong Yi thought that there should be no one in the restaurant, but as soon as he walked in with Zhang Xingzhi, he received warm greetings from everyone, even Hua An was there.

I took a day flight yesterday, and everyone came here, so there is no need to rush this time, so this morning is the rest time for free activities to adjust the jet lag. Many people in the group slept late, and they came down late. Just right.

Seeing their Teacher Zhong and Zhang She coming now, everyone greeted them radiantly. During this period of time, these little girls saw that Zhang Xingzhi was handsome, so they found out Zhang Xingzhi's old background a few times earlier.

In fact, he is a little calmer, taller, and has no expression, which may make him look a little scary, but in fact, it is not difficult to get in touch with. On the contrary, he is easier to talk than Teacher Zhong, and he is as sweet as his name.

Sometimes they are afraid of being scolded to death so badly that they dare not tell Zhong Yi what they think directly, and they will even tell Zhang Xingzhi first, and take a preliminary examination before going to Zhong Yi to accept the punishment.

Although Zhang Xingzhi doesn't understand their professional stuff, he can give guidance on the general idea. For example, he may not be able to tell what Zhong Yi likes, but he must know what Zhong Yi doesn't like, attitude, narrative style, and even There are generally logical loopholes, he can act as a bystander from the audience's perspective, and tell you the most true feelings.

As long as anyone who changed according to Zhang Xingzhi, let alone walk out of Mr. Zhong in a decent manner, at least he can leave a dead body.

The first person who tested the water found that it had a miraculous effect, and immediately spread the word of mouth and shared this new secret. For a while, everyone was not surprised why Mr. Zhong always stayed with the camera director.

Is there anyone in the group who understands Teacher Zhong better than Zhang She

No more, nothing that doesn't exist, not even Mr. Liang's idiot.

It's very real.

There are people of all skin colors in this restaurant, but they are still small compared to their numbers.

Zhong Yi is a person who is very sensitive to "changes". Suddenly there was an unfamiliar foreign face in the crew. When he walked into the restaurant, he saw Sasha from a group of people in their crew. He was sitting at Liang Sili , Ding Runnian and Hua An.

The guy turned his head almost as soon as he heard the sound, Zhong Yi was about to run on Zhang Xingzhi for a few words, when the art team came to him to discuss setting the scene.

For each scene, the most advanced team started to work on setting and lighting. If these two were not in place, no one could start work. Zhong Yi could only ask Zhang Xingzhi to pick up the food first.

I don't know if it's because of his psychological influence. Since Sasha appeared, the shady atmosphere between him and Zhang Xingzhi has become more and more like an affair.

It made him want to do some bad things that fit the situation.

Zhang Xingzhi saw Sasha coming towards him, he even guessed what question the other party was going to ask him, and took the initiative to say: "Sorry, I fell asleep after eating last night, and didn't pay attention to my phone to reply to your message. "

Sasha's complexion was a bit subtle. The Russian guy couldn't hide his thoughts at all, or he had no intention of hiding them at all. While taking the food commissioned by the director just now on his plate, he opened his mouth and asked Zhang Xingzhi bluntly: " Candy, you didn't go back to your room last night, did you?"

Sasha asked these words in a loud voice. Although the people beside him didn't say anything, Zhang Xingzhi felt that he had already seen their ears pricked up to listen to gossip.

He chose to be honest: "Well, no reply."

People who eat melons: "!"

Sasha followed closely: "Did you sleep with Teacher Zhong?"

People who eat melons: "!!!"

Zhang Xingzhi said without raising his eyelids: "Well, the script."

People who eat melons: "?"

Hey... If you want to tell it, people who are not familiar with their Teacher Zhong will definitely not believe it. They have all heard the joke of "opening the room all night against the script". What is the difference between this and directly saying that the two have an affair

But if they are workaholics like Mr. Zhong, they think it is possible from the bottom of their hearts.

The melon-eaters who thought they could eat melons returned disappointed, and they also kindly explained a few words to Sasha, telling him not to take it to heart.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xingzhi focused on the one-third of an acre of land in his hands. In a few blinks, he stuffed the small dishes on the dinner plate to the brim.

Straightforward as Sasha, he looked at the plate in Zhang Xingzhi's hand and said hesitantly, "Can you eat this much candy by yourself?"

And why take two dinner plates stacked on top of each other

Just as Zhang Xingzhi was about to answer, Zhong Yi came over, and he simply showed Sasha how to use the second dinner plate.

Zhong Yi didn't even turn to the place where the dinner plate was held at the top, he just took the second dinner plate that Zhang Xingzhi put on the bottom, and asked, "Do you have any recommendations, Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "You don't need to take what I have here, you can see what else you want to eat."


Zhong Yi has been hungry for a whole day, and now he feels that he can have two bites of everything he sees, and all of them are local specialties that he has never eaten before, so he is very curious and wants to try them all.

There wasn't much in each plate, but there were all kinds of mess. Seeing that my plate was about to fill up, I ran to Zhang Xingzhi.

Placed under Zhong Yi’s eyelids, it looks like pizza at first glance, but in fact, it only uses two or three poached eggs and cheese tomato puree to bake together, a piece of red and white mixed with golden egg heart, sprinkled with diced meat and pepper And cumin, very appetizing.

But this one doesn’t come in bulk, it’s at least six inches in size, it’s not easy to handle, he can’t finish it all by himself...

Zhang Xingzhi saw Zhong Yi's thoughts at a glance, raised his hand and put a few small dishes on his plate onto his dinner plate to make a space, took the six-inch tomato poached egg on the table and reminded: "Take the real I can't finish it."

Zhong also didn't respond, because he also took a fancy to the dessert on the side.

The meringue cubes are neatly stacked, and I don't know what sauce is applied on them. The whole is shiny and sweet.

But asking Zhong Yi to eat dessert in front of his subordinates would be a little underwhelming, so he once again cast his eyes on Zhang Xingzhi, stood in front of the plate of dessert and winked silently: "Help me take it again!" teacher.

Zhang Xingzhi: You can't finish it.

Zhong Yi: Then help me eat.

Zhang Xingzhi: I don't eat sweets.

Zhong Yi: Then feed it to Liang Sili, you help me take it first.

Zhang Xingzhi: …

Sasha, who saw the interaction between the two of them throughout the whole process, finally couldn't help it anymore. His thick lines don't mean he is stupid.

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But just as Sasha was about to speak, Zhang Xingzhi, who finally chose to compromise, picked up the plate of dessert and said to him, "Help me pretend, the two of us can't fit."

Rao Zhang Xingzhi would be lazy and afraid of trouble, and didn't want to make a second trip.

Sasha immediately threw the words he was about to ask to the back of his head, his brows furrowed in disbelief, and his eyes were full of surprise: "Candy, don't you eat sweets?"

Before Zhang Xingzhi could look at the culprit, Zhong Yi sued the villain first, followed Sasha and said, "That's right, Teacher Zhang, don't you never eat sweets?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "?"

As soon as these words were said, the melon-eating crowd scattered in the shape of birds and beasts gathered together again in an instant, chatting and watching the show.

"Hahaha, let me tell you why Zhang She's English name is so cute, and he still likes desserts."

"This is delicious, I just tasted it, and it's worth investing in it!"

"Oh, eat it, we won't laugh at you."

"Choose me, choose me, choose me. I'm still free here. If Zhang She wants to eat, I can help Zhang She get it!"

"I really love this cute contrast, hahaha."

Zhong Yi's lips had already been stained with a wicked smile, so he raised the end of his eyes and comforted him: "You must try the local specialties, don't be shy, take it, and I will eat it with you later."

Zhang Xingzhi was really choked up this time, and after squeezing for a long time with the pot thrown by Zhong Yi on his back, he could only utter one word: "...OK."

He can now understand the feelings of Zou Chao and others. When others make trouble, at least they roll their eyes. Zhong Yi never blinked his eyes from the beginning to the end. He doesn’t know when he started “scheming” against you. .

Then Sasha, who was well aware of Zhang Xingzhi's nature, finally couldn't bear it anymore. Amidst the teasing, his clear voice stood out immediately. The volume was not too loud, but it made the surroundings quiet down instantly.

"Is he your lover candy?"

Both Zhang Xingzhi and Zhong Yi were taken aback, as if they didn't expect to be asked so bluntly on this occasion - this was a question neither of them could answer.

For a moment, all eyes were on the two protagonists of the scandal.

Zhang Xingzhi wanted to say "yes", but both he and Zhong Yi knew that this was not the case, and even if he wanted to say "yes", he secretly hoped that Zhong Yi would say it first, as if it were some kind of ritual or proof.

Zhong Yi knew that Zhang Xingzhi was watching his face, but he also knew that someone would answer Sasha for them.

Sure enough, as soon as the onlookers got over the initial shock, they quickly put down the melons and went to the microphone, thinking that Sasha still misunderstood Zhang She's overnight stay with their teacher Zhong yesterday.

"No, no, our teacher Zhong and Teacher Zhang have a good relationship because we cherish our talents, cherish our talents!"

If people don't believe it, they just put it in their hearts, or at most put it on their faces, but Sasha is different. He just opened his mouth and said, "I don't believe it."

Just a few eye contact between these two people, he can also be sure that the person that Zhang Xingzhi likes in Leo's mouth is Zhong Yi, of course, he is also sure that the two have communicated with each other - but he, like Leo, thinks that in We just need to communicate with each other.

Sasha's face had already suppressed all the smiles, and those light green eyes were staring straight at Zhong Yi's face, with seriousness written all over it: "I don't understand why you are not so generous when you are together." speak out."

The atmosphere was not quite right at once, and there was a faint ignited|medicine smell.

The team members next to me were anxious, they were really afraid that Teacher Zhong would be angry.

As the restaurant closes, the individual tourists have left almost before they know when, and the rest here are almost all their crew members.

The restaurant immediately became quiet, and everyone looked in Zhong Yi's direction. Liang Sili and Ji Haochuan's dining tables were next to each other, back to back.

The father and son had been eating melon seeds and watching the movie for a long time, and they were enjoying it. Just as they were about to see how Zhong Yi planned to end, a voice said emphatically, "Because Mr. Zhong has a partner!"

Everyone: "?"

Even Zhong Yi himself was stunned subconsciously, followed by a question from the soul.

Do I have a date

"...does he have a date?" Sasha looked at the speaker and couldn't believe his ears.

Standing on the eye of the storm, the recording assistant closest to him nodded and nodded, and looked at his colleagues around him inexplicably, "Mr. Liang! Even Du Wei can't ignore the father of the gold master like this!"

Sasha: "!"

Sasha: "He and Mr. Liang... are lovers???"

As a firm Liang Yi girl, the recording assistant responded without thinking: "Yes!"

After Ying finished, he turned his head and looked at their master confidently, straightened his back and begged for confirmation: "That's right, Mr. Liang!"

Almost immediately, before recovering from being caught off guard and lying in the gun, Liang Sili received the attention of countless pairs of eyes present, so frightened that he almost dropped his melon.

In the silence, Liang Sili slowly put out a question mark: "...?"

He ate melons well, but how did he eat them until his house collapsed? ?

Ji Haochuan covered his mouth on the spot and turned his face in Leo's direction, almost dying of laughter.

As a result, as soon as he moved, he was called out.

The recording assistant felt that she had to justify the girl Liang Yi's name. When she glanced at her, no one else moved, but Ji Haochuan was the most conspicuous, so she subconsciously cueed there, and reaffirmed to Sasha: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Haochuan dd before he joins the group." It didn't take long, but he knew it too!"

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Ji Haochuan: "???"

The smile on Ji Haochuan's face froze in an instant, and the words he laughed at Zhong Yi at that time appeared in his mind involuntarily.

-"The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the heaven spare"

The author has something to say: Note:

Dark Cuisine: Everything I ate was created by me, so don't pay attention to imitation!