Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 102


The recording assistant noticed that none of the onlookers agreed with her, so she realized something was wrong.

Although everyone knows the relationship between Zhong Yi and Liang Sili, the two of them have never officially made it public. In other words, this is actually a relatively unspeakable matter.

Fortunately, this non-embarrassing and non-embarrassing atmosphere did not last long, but no one would have thought that Yang You'an would be the first to break the deadlock.

"Actually, I always thought that Teacher Zhong and Teacher Zhang would go well together." The child tried to pretend to be selfless, and smiled at everyone, "It's normal for Sasha to think so."

God knows how anxious he is because of the sudden addition of Sasha. Teacher Zhong doesn't seem to be able to talk too much in terms of feelings, but now he just bumps into someone who dares to speak.

Yang You'an is far less ambitious than Ji Haochuan and Liang Sili, he can eat melons regardless of the matter, he just wants Zhong Yi to follow Zhang Xingzhi well, and no one else will make trouble.

Affected by the atmosphere of the previous variety show fandom, Yang Youan even thought up the name of the cp of the two of them.

It is called "one line, one action", "one heart and one mind".

After the words fell, even Liang Sili was taken aback, he knew what the child was thinking, but he never thought that Yang Youan had such a tough side.

As the brother-in-law Egg Flower, Leo immediately followed Yang Youan's team, and stammered in agreement: "Yes, yes, Mr. Zhong and my brother actually get along very well qaq!"

These are all some great tiger-wolf words, and everyone turned their attention to the righteous lord Liang Sili, as if hoping that he could stand up and swear an oath of sovereignty and make a statement.

But Liang Sili himself was still in a daze. He suddenly received Yang Youan's stare, and then slowly said: "Actually... it really fits well?"

Everyone: "?"

President Liang

Fortunately, following Zhong Yi himself, he said generously, "Actually, I also think that Mr. Zhang is quite handsome. It's a compliment to say that I dated him."

When talking, Zhong Yi always smiled in the spring breeze, looked at Sasha and said: "It's probably what you saw, let's eat."

After speaking, Zhang Xingzhi was patted on the arm, indicating that it was time for him to sit down and eat.

Zhong Yi took the lead and walked around, and the scene immediately became lively.

Everyone thought the matter was over, but Zhang Xingzhi knew in his heart that Zhong Yi didn't seem to mind, but actually responded to Sasha with a pun.

Sasha must have seen something in the process of getting along with Zhong Yi unintentionally, so he asked this question, but whether it should be understood as everyone's "seeing" or his "seeing", it is a matter of opinion.

As soon as Ji Haochuan turned around, he glared at Liang Sili who was sitting behind him, and pressed his voice to ask: "What's your situation? I don't cherish such a good opportunity!"

When it comes to Zhang Xingzhi and Liang Sili, Ji Haochuan is still a little bit elbowed in, but he dare not let Leo hear this, even if he is angry, he can only say it in such a petty way.

Liang Sili still hadn't turned his head around until now: "No... Just now You'an glared at me..."

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Ji Haochuan: "Why is he staring at you! I'm still staring at you... Fuck! You don't want to continue to harm my ex-mom, do you?"

"No!" Liang Sili blurted out a denial, and subconsciously glanced in Yang Youan's direction, inexplicably at a loss, as if he didn't know how to explain the current situation, "I just... Youan, he never glared at me, mainly, I Subconsciously…”

Ji Haochuan just rolled his eyes at that time, he couldn't listen anymore, he immediately waved his hand to stop Liang Sili's pale words, dropped the word "coming" and turned around.

Liang Sili didn't realize that "here we are" before he saw Sasha holding a dinner plate.

Sasha had been thinking about it all the way back, and felt indescribably uncomfortable when Zhong Yi gave him the last look.

Until he put down the plate and sat back beside Liang Sili again, he heard Liang Sili cough unnaturally and ask him: "Are you okay?"

Sasha subconsciously wanted to show a smile to indicate that he was fine, but at the moment when the corner of his mouth raised, he suddenly figured it out—just now Zhong Yi was imitating him.

Even when we met for the first time, I smiled at myself with the same smile as myself...

Like a warning, or like... tit for tat

Sasha's green eyes that flickered in both directions dimmed instantly, he didn't think he had anything worthy of Zhong Yi's enmity, unless he and Candy really had something to do.

Sasha looked at Liang Sili and asked, "Mr. Zhong and you, are you really lovers?"

Sasha asked this question very seriously, so serious that Liang Sili couldn't bear to lie to him, so he could only do Tai Chi: "Cough, didn't you hear that just now?"

Sasha: "Do you mind if he sleeps with other people?"

Liang Sili was a little stuck, so he could only open his eyes and talk nonsense: "Didn't that mean... about the script..."

"Do you believe it?"

"Hey, as long as it's what Zhong Yi said, I'll believe it." Liang Sili almost bit his tongue when he said this.

You have to hold your conscience tightly with your hands to ensure that it doesn't jump out and tell the world why Zhong Yi is wearing a silk scarf again today.

After listening to the loyal answer of the person in front of him, Sasha fell into deep contemplation visibly.

There are mostly four people at the dining table, Liang Sili's three people plus Sasha are full, so Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi sat alone at a table in the corner, there was no one around, it was clean.

He thought that he had never been a good-natured person, he was not as generous as Zhang Xingzhi, and there was no special reason for choking on Sasha, he just choked if he wanted to.

"If you have the ability to choke back." Zhong Yi told Zhang Xingzhi viciously while holding the dessert.

Zhang Xingzhi was amused, watching the clock and getting angry really can never get tired of watching.

Obviously sometimes he can bear it better than anyone else, but sometimes his heart is too small to be cute.

Just like now.

Zhong Yi squinted at the smiling person on the opposite side and started laughing: "Still laughing? It wasn't you who ran into my room last night? Don't think too much about me, hold grudges." Top notch."

Especially if he really choked, it was up to Zhang Xingzhi to coax him.

But Zhang Xingzhi was not shy at all, and his deep smile was full of confidence: "He wants to choke you, so I have to cooperate."

Zhong Yi relied on the position he was sitting on, and no one was looking at them, so he raised his hand and stuffed the half-eaten dessert into Zhang Xingzhi's mouth: "Do what you can."

The surface of this kind of meringue is full of syrup, Zhang Xingzhi thought it would be too sweet and greasy, but it turned out to be crunchy and soft, with a taste like mille-feuille, with fillings inside, refreshing and surprisingly delicious.

"Is it okay?" Zhong Yi watched Zhang Xingzhi go from extremely resisting the first bite to eating the whole thing in disbelief.

Zhang Xingzhi nodded: "The desserts here are quite famous."

Zhong Yi raised his hand and stuffed another one into Zhang Xingzhi's mouth, and said meaningfully: "Eat two more if it tastes good, I see there are many different ones over there, and I have to rely on Teacher Zhang to help at night..."

Zhong Yi hadn't finished saying "I take it", when he looked towards the public dining area, he was the first to see Sasha who turned his head and looked in the direction of the two of them.

The moment their eyes met, both of them were stunned. It was obvious that Sasha saw him feeding Zhang Xingzhi only a second ago.

But Zhong Yi not only lost the pause that was seen for the first time, he even raised the corners of his mouth even higher in front of him, retracted his gaze without a trace, and completed the rest of the words to Zhang Xingzhi as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Xingzhi bit the dessert in his mouth and keenly sensed something happened. He wanted to look back, but Zhong Yi rubbed his syrup-stained index finger on his face, and urged him unreasonably, "Why are you looking around while eating?"

As a result, Zhang Xingzhi reacted quickly. While eating the dessert in his mouth in one bite, he reached out and caught Zhong Yi's messy fingers into his own mouth. His neat teeth were grinding on Zhong Yi's fingers bit by bit, making him itchy. He couldn't stop laughing, and wanted to withdraw his hand, but was controlled by Zhang Xingzhi forcefully. He could only helplessly feel the last bit of syrup on his fingertips being licked off with his tongue.

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Zhong Yi really couldn't stand it this time, half of his body went limp, and he slammed someone under the table with his knee: "Don't do it, someone saw it..."

Zhang Xingzhi didn't care, he had to lick all the syrup off his thumb before letting him go.

At that time, Zhang Xingzhi didn't know that Zhong Yi said "being seen" was not a joke, he was really seen.

Even after Liang Sili ate well, he was suddenly asked again by the people around him: "Do you believe everything the real Zhong Yi says?"

Before Liang Sili finished chewing, he stared blankly at the extremely serious child beside him, thinking why did he think about it after a while

"I... yes, I believe it." Liang Sili could only say this.

It was only later that Hua An told him that the guy was so serious when he saw Zhong Yi feeding Zhang Xingzhi.

Liang Sili's eyebrows were almost gone, and the combination of his wrinkled facial features was capitalized "I don't believe it". Before he could say anything, a voice came out from behind him and snatched what he wanted to say.

Ji Haochuan: "Zhong Yi feeds people???"

Liang Sili: "?"

Liang Sili: "When did you run after me?"

After lunch at noon, the main creative team and the shooting team have to step through all the scenes that need to be used here, look around, and correct any problems in time, just like shopping, and listen to the team members who have done their homework in advance Introduce the local customs here.

Zhong Yi, Zhang Xingzhi, Ding Runnian, and the director of photography were at the front, while Hua An and Liang Sili chatted to the end of the team.

Right now, Ji Haochuan slapped his father off with a few big and small slaps, and his eyes were full of impatience for him to interrupt, so he pointed to the eyewitness Hua An to restore him a truth.

Ji Haochuan: "Hello, Zhong Yizhen? Did you see it?"

Hua An raised his glasses with a smile: "That's right, hello, it's the dessert he asked Zhang Xingzhi to take, I saw it."

As a result, before Ji Haochuan had time to feel emotional, he was once again shocked by Hua An's next words.

Hua An said: "Besides, Zhong also knew that Sasha had seen him, so he was afraid that the child would not be able to see clearly, so he specially added another one to Zhang Xingzhi's mouth."

Ji Haochuan and Liang Sili instantly said, "wow."


Zhong Yi's jealousy is too obvious. At first, they thought it would be the type to save face and refuse to admit it!

"Does that teacher know?" Yang You'an, who was walking side by side with Leo behind the three of them, asked.

Hua An shook his head: "I probably don't know."

This really makes Leo boast directly: "Cool!"

The four looked at him together: "?"

Ji Haochuan: "Forget about Yang You'an, why are you so cool?"

Since Leo received his brother's baptism, it seems that many things have been figured out overnight.

Now talking about Zhong Yi, the child straightened his waist, and said forcefully: "Then Mr. Zhong is swearing sovereignty to Sasha, isn't it cool qaq!"

"Aren't we still together? What kind of sovereignty does Zhong Yi have?" Ji Haochuan, like his father, habitually hates Zhong, and wants to say something when he sees the stitches.

But what's different is that as long as Leo looks at the person's face with those eggy eyes, Ji Haochuan will compromise without principle: "Okay, yes, yes."

As he said that, Ji Haochuan couldn't help but said again: "I feel that these two people have long been in the mode of living together, but they just don't want to take responsibility, so they only want to have fun and don't want fame."

Hua An glanced at Ji Haochuan unexpectedly, and teased Liang Sili: "When the filming of this film is finished, I must go back and read the book on my child's head. I will definitely be more promising than you in the future."

"I can't stand it if you say that." Although Liang Sili dotes on Ji Haochuan, he still has a good idea of how much his son weighs. Is it? It’s all my wasted silver! Silver! It’s money!”

As long as the names of these two people are confirmed, there is basically no need to expect Zhang Xingzhi to go up the mountain to shoot the material for "Aesthetics 2" for them.

As a result, Yang You'an was the first to react among the few people, with just one word: "Vulgar."

Liang Sili: "?"

Hua An, Leo: "wow."

Liang Sili was really stupid this time, his You An was really not like this before...

But Ji Haochuan didn't know why, he was arrogant anyway, so he gave a thumbs up and said pertinently: "Fortunately, I broke up with that blind Liang Sili early, ex-little mother, awesome!"

Liang Sili: "???"

I suspect you are targeting me.

The author has something to say: Note:

Regarding the name of cp: One line, one action, one heart and one mind, requisitioning the proposal of the pigsty north nose!

It is impossible for me to get a name like this, so I knelt down silently