Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 103


A group of people walked slowly on the street, and the line of few people was stretched very long by this narrow alley.

Due to religious beliefs, almost all local women wear robes and veils when they go out. Even if there are office workers who dress like them normally, they at least wear jeans and long skirts.

English is not popular here, and the idiomatic language is Arabic, and the theater manager has to bring a translator to buy water. Sasha mainly suggested that they accompany them, thinking that it is not safe for them to be the only two girls.

Relatively speaking, China is indeed stronger than foreign countries in terms of security. Compared with backward countries with the same economic level, the overall quality of the people in Alnimay is already very high. As far as they can see, driving in the urban area will be courteous to pedestrians, and they will honk their horns only when they have to. They are not hostile to Chinese people. When you buy a lot of things, you will take the initiative to greet you in Chinese.

But where there is good, there is bad. No matter how developed a country is, there are also poor people.

Sasha stayed in Arnimai for two days in advance and knew a little more than they would. Hearing that they were coming to the slums, he reminded everyone to bring less things when they came out of the hotel, because the children here would rob, and They run very fast.

Slums are a paradise for crime. It is not uncommon for them to be vandalized, looted and burned. As long as they pass by, people will open the windows to look at them. There is a bit of sternness in the eyes that look straight at them. Except for them, the whole street Couldn't find another Asian.

"Is this where I grew up?" Ji Haochuan couldn't help asking Hua An, "I mean Xiao Xiaotian."

It is the actor he played in "Aesthetics 2".

Hua An nodded: "You grew up here until you were thirteen years old, and then you were picked up by your aunt. The scene here only involves the memory part, not much, the main reason is that you have the temperament of a slum. You move here for a while."

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Ji Haochuan knew about this a long time ago, but he really never thought that the slums would be so "poor".

There are densely packed houses on both sides of the eye, the floors are different in height, there are independent courtyards, but more of them are units, very close to each other, every house has a roof, dilapidated, paint and tiles are the norm, stay with them Hotels are two worlds.

Not to mention electronic equipment, even the infrastructure is not seen at all.

Obviously they are the "superior people" here, but the condescending eyes of those people upstairs made him shudder a little.

Ji Haochuan's scalp tingles when he thinks that he will live in such a place, he is different from Leo, he is a city kid through and through.

In the script, Xiao Xiaotian has never seen his father since he was born, and his mother dragged him alone in the slum until he died of illness at the age of ten, and then was taken home by his vicious aunt to work as a coolie.

Ji Haochuan couldn't imagine how such a young child grew up alone in such a place.

Many stories are not only to tell a story, but also to highlight a class status, such as "Parasite" in South Korea, and to show a special regional human relationship and social atmosphere, such as "Western World" in the United States.

From the very beginning, the first part of "Logical Aesthetics" was filmed abroad. It's not that China doesn't have suitable snow mountains, let alone that China doesn't have the soil for stories, it's just because it can't pass the review.

Social polarization between the rich and the poor, education issues, etc., are all minefields of unspoken rules above, and even when they are displayed abroad, they are based on the standards of playing around the corner. Fortunately, it was ten years ago, and their first film did not involve the slums so nakedly. The protagonists are upright and inspirational enough, and they are not stained in the mud, otherwise it would be impossible to let them live.

"This time, the small holy mountain was mainly synthesized with green screen post-production, and it took a lot of work for Mr. Zhang to go up to take the scene. After all, we can't really put so many people on it. The road up the mountain here is basically on the leeward slope, and it is too easy for an avalanche. When I didn’t understand it at first, the first thing I mentioned was the Great Sacred Mountain. I thought it was the Virgin Peak. No one has ever gone up. If it can be photographed, it must be very different. In the end, Mr. Zhong turned around and rejected it for me, saying that it was unnecessary. Take the risk, we have no shortage of gimmicks."

The person talking to Zhang Xingzhi about this now is the photography director of their group, Liu Guanghui.

The name "Glory" sounds very photographic, because the first sentence everyone who learns photography must hear is: Photography is the art of light and shadow.

No matter how long a film is shot, the director and the photographer have to struggle for as long as possible. Especially Ding Runnian himself is also a photographer, so no matter how many years he and Liu Guanghui have known each other, basically the two have fallen in love and killed each other for so many years.

Ding Runnian was unconvinced at first, but later he had to admit that he was right to change his career to be a director. Liu Guanghui was indeed born for this job, and he was more suitable than him.

The main tone of the first part was listened to him last time, this time the second part was directly handed over to Liu Guanghui.

Liu Guanghui and Zhang Xingzhi, one is the director of photography and the other is the director of photography - many people can't tell the difference between "photography" and "videography".

In general, a videographer refers to the camera operator who records a TV show, and a photographer refers to a person who takes still photos, but the two are obviously not included in the general situation now.

There is another kind among photographers, which refers to Liu Guanghui, the boss of a film crew, and a director of photography. The professional standards and artistic pursuits of photographers are very different, and they pay more attention to texture.

As for Zhang Xingzhi, who came in temporarily, he was only in charge of the snow mountain material, not in charge of the lighting and shadow tone of the whole film. He was called the camera director, but it was purely to distinguish the difference between his and Liu Guanghui's duties, and there was nothing special about it.

Different crews have different cooperation habits and core systems.

Zhong Yi's crew seems to be a producer-centered system, but since Zhong Yi switched to producing, what he thinks about most has changed from the story itself to investment and business negotiations. He is the spokesperson of the project externally and the top leader internally.

Hua An and Ding Runnian will be responsible for polishing a good script, and then Ding Runnian will bring his storyboard to Liu Guanghui to polish a suitable lens style, while Zhong Yi and Liang Sili will check the whole process, and let everyone else who dictates be obedient Keep your mouth shut and provide them with the maximum creative environment possible.

So to put it bluntly, their group is actually a "creation" center system guaranteed by the producer, and the story itself speaks for itself.

A good script is the foundation of everything. This is something everyone understands, but people with real power often don’t understand the principles of creation. Calculate.

Therefore, the success of Zhong Yi and Liang Sili's matching is because they not only have the consciousness, but also have the ability and absolute trust to follow through.

This cannot be imitated by others, and it is unique in the entire circle.

"I should have communicated with you earlier, but last night I chatted with my assistant about our shooting plan. We got a little excited and didn't get up at noon." Liu Guanghui scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He even had the meal just in his hand Here, walk and eat with the big team.

Zhang Xingzhi indicated that it was okay.

Although he had never been in the film industry and didn't know Liu Guanghui's status in the industry, he knew from the first time he saw Liu Guanghui that he would be a good photographer, because the obsessive smell on his body couldn't fool anyone .

Like Ding Runnian, Liu Guanghui is also unshaven: "In the beginning, I didn't even know why the mountains here were prone to avalanches. It was all taught by Mr. Zhong."

"Don't." Zhong Yi never talked nonsense about things he didn't understand, and now he patted Xingzhi's muscular arm and said, "Use it casually, this is a professional, ask him if you have any questions."

Talk about business, don't go around the bush.

Since Zhong Yi said yes, then Liu Guanghui opened his mouth and came: "First of all, what I am most worried about is whether there will be a problem with our time, whether you will rush to prepare for the mountaineering, if not, you must bring it up, Mr. Zhang, This kind of thing can't be a fluke, at worst we will prolong the shooting cycle and come back next year."

"No, if there is a problem with the time, I will tell Zhong Yi in advance." Except in front of those students, Zhang Xingzhi has slowly started to call Zhong Yi by his first name, "Avalanches are mainly in winter and spring, when the precipitation is relatively heavy. At that time, at that time, the leeward slope was prone to produce the foehn effect, the high temperature accelerated the melting of snow, and the seepage of snow water would loosen the snow layer and cause sliding, so it is right to choose this time.”

June to September in Arnimai is the dry season, the weather is clear, avoiding the rainy season and severe cold, the so-called climbing window period is also during this time.

Liu Guanghui and Ding Runnian were immediately relieved: "It's okay, professional is still strong, and they are different from us as soon as they open their mouths."

The ghost knows how long they looked at these messy theories. Even the drawings and calculation formulas are not as clear as someone else's one-sentence explanation.

Zhang Xingzhi: "It's okay here, although the window period is not long, only five or six days, but there are two window periods a year, one is late June, and the other is from the end of July to early August, with a little more time. The weather conditions on Mount Everest are harsh, and there is only one window period in late May a year. The rule is two or three days, and the longest is no more than four or five days.”

For Zhang Xingzhi, whether it is extreme sports or photography, he is very good at it, and he can really talk for a while, talking a lot more than usual.

"Besides, only the Great Sacred Mountain is famous here, but the Great Sacred Mountain has a high degree of difficulty, and there are many more distinctive mountains than the Small Sacred Mountain, so there are fewer people climbing here every year, and there will be no traffic jams." Zhang Xingzhi said. added.

Regarding this issue, Zhong Yi also found out.

"It means that there are more people rushing to the summit at the same time, but the window period is only a few days. Sometimes the road is narrow, and maybe only one person can pass at a time, so they will be stuck together and wait for a long time like queuing?"

Zhang Xingzhi nodded: "The more serious problem is Mount Everest. About two or three hundred people pass by every year. In recent years, there have been frequent accidents on the south slope. Everyone is crowded on the north slope to reach the summit. Sometimes it is blocked for half an hour. It's a normal thing."

Liu Guanghui hesitated for a moment, but decided to ask: "Then... About the Little Sacred Mountain, how sure is Mr. Zhang?"

This is a relatively sensitive issue. In principle, it must be done in time if it fails, but of course they hope to succeed in the first attempt.

After all, there are often reshoots and reshoots when shooting on flat ground. Not to mention Zhang Xingzhi’s difficulty, he took all the material, so that they can see the possibility of making guidance adjustments and needing to go up and shoot a second time. Basically above 80%.

But Zhang Xingzhi said: "We don't talk about certainty. If we can do it, we can do it. If we can't, we can't do it. There is no such thing as a few percent. If you promise Zhong Yi, you can go up there, but you can't guarantee everything will be safe."

Even if you are 100% sure, what you are facing is the ever-changing nature.

Always remember that if you succeed in your mission, nature embraces you, not you conquering nature.

Hearing the meaning of his words, several people were a little moved, especially Ding Runnian.

Liu Guanghui had gone to bed, and he didn't know what happened to Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi to ask so directly, but Ding Runnian straightened his gaze to Zhong Yi's face.

But Zhong Yi just looked at the road under his feet nonchalantly, as if he felt Ding Runnian's gaze, he changed the subject and said, "Mr. Liu, don't you want to explain something?"

Liu Guanghui suddenly remembered: "Oh yes, it's a shooting problem. Let me first tell Mr. Zhang about our lighting design. It may be different from the general ones. We distinguish people as units, that is, one person. A lighting scheme, the more typical one is probably the role played by Yang Youan, has Mr. Zhang seen the scheme?"

"I've seen it." Zhang Xingzhi was only responsible for the part on the mountain, but he read it all together in accordance with the principle of overall understanding and in-depth explanation, "Can I roughly understand it as Rembrandt's style?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were stunned. They didn't expect such a high-level description to pop up suddenly.

Liu Guanghui looked at Zhang Xingzhi with surprise in his eyes: "Can you draw?"

Zhang Xingzhi nodded: "For You'an, is it emphasizing a single light source and highlighting the sculptural sense of the characters?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Liu Guanghui nodded in shock, turned around and slapped Ding Runnian, "Why didn't you tell me that Mr. Zhang is so professional! I was in trouble with my assistant for a long time yesterday." How should the words be explained!"

Ding Runnian curled his lips: "Didn't I tell you that he just got the hot flow master?"

"That's different! Is it the same thing to take pictures and take videos!" Liu Guanghui himself can draw, and he can draw very well. He always thinks that drawing is a very important basic cultivation of photography, and he will know how to use it. To what extent the light is emphasized has a deeper cognition.

Liu Guanghui: "Like Vermeer and that..."

Zhang Xingzhi: "Girl with a Pearl Earring?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes..." Liu Guanghui understood it when he came across a little bit. He really felt a little bit like seeing each other late, and slapped Ding Runnian again angrily, "I told you to learn some serious painting, but if you don't learn it, I can draw villains all day long!"

Ding Runnian was still slapped the first time, and now he slapped again, and immediately returned it backhanded, blowing his beard and staring: "What's wrong with me drawing villains! Isn't the storyboard script just drawing villains! I draw villains Can you win the prize, can you do so many fancy things all day long?"

Liu Guanghui chased people away like chasing flies in disgust. He was "rough" and "not understanding art".

The two were arguing so vigorously that both Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi laughed.

Zhang Xingzhi was actually a little surprised. He thought that Zhong Yi would work in a tighter style, but he didn't expect to follow everyone's temperament and be happy and orderly.

While the two were arguing, the people behind were joking and laughing, no one paid attention to them.

Zhong Yi slammed into Zhang Xingzhi's body without a trace, and said with a smile, "Did you hear that, I'm complimenting you."

Zhang Xingzhi was serious: "Isn't it a compliment to your vision?"

Zhong Yi was laughed at by him, and was about to bump again when he was stopped by a voice suddenly appearing behind him.

Sasha didn't know when he touched the back of the two of them, only one word: "Water."

As soon as Zhong Yi turned around, he met those transparent eyes like crystal balls. He was a little suspicious now, whether those in their extreme photography business could walk without making a sound.

Without the embarrassment of being found out about "adultery", Zhong Yiyang took the mineral water from his hand with his lips, and smiled frankly: "Thank you."

He thought that the person in front of him would speak astonishingly as before, but Sasha seemed to be thinking about other things. After staring at him and shaking his head to indicate that it was okay, he turned his head in Zhang Xingzhi's direction and asked, "Lun Has Nader been here recently?"

Zhang Xingzhi was taken aback: "Leonard?"

Sasha frowned: "I don't know if I read it wrong..."

Zhang Xingzhi paused: "It should be a mistake, he's been with Zhu Di recently."

At the same time, Ji Haochuan, who was far away at the end of the team, wanted to grab Liang Sili to eat melons when he saw the three people in front of him together, and said in a low voice: "You said if you rushed at this time, would there be any hope? "

But Liang Sili was seriously researching something with his mobile phone, so he ignored him.

Ji Haochuan was very dissatisfied with his lack of self-improvement, and emphasized again: "I'm serious, I don't know if I'm used to it, or I think it's strange that the person standing next to Zhong Yi is not you..."

Hearing this, Liang Sili laughed a few times, then raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhong Yi ahead, but the words he uttered were irrelevant, and teased, "Why don't you think about saying what you just said in front of Leo again?"

"I'm not stupid, so I'm sure I won't..." Ji Haochuan subconsciously wanted to look back when he said that, and when he saw it, the words behind him were all stuck in his throat, and he laughed at the person behind him who had been listening for a long time , "Leo, didn't you chat with Yang You'an just now, when will it be... oh!"

Leo grabbed Ji Haochuan by the neck and thrust him away, Danhua's eyes were full of anger: "You told me yesterday that Sasha was here, Teacher Zhong and my brother will definitely speed up the process qaq!"

Ji Haochuan: "Oh no! Li, Leo, let me explain to you cough cough cough!"

Leo: "Shut up and die qaq!!!"

Liang Sili just turned a blind eye to listening to his own son's frantic cries for help, stared at Zhong Yi's back for a long while, and finally bowed his head and clicked on the input box under him, and typed the English word.

- "Well, get ready"

The author has something to say: Note:

Foehn: A dry hot wind formed when the air sinks adiabatically and the temperature rises and the humidity decreases.

ps: There are a lot of professional things, it is more complicated to explain clearly, only interested geese can check it by themselves

pps: Every time I write something like this, don’t write it, no, write it, I’m afraid everyone will read it boringly, find it annoying, cover your face