Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 104


On the side, Ji Haochuan felt that he was about to die, so he unconsciously asked a sentence that allowed him to escape from Leo's clutches: "Didn't you return the storm earlier and hope that your brother would find someone else? Why are you standing still like this all of a sudden?" Also cough cough cough..."

"Because" for a long time, Leo only said "because": "Ms. Zhong is a good person qaq..."

In fact, he himself has never been entangled in understanding this matter.

Ji Haochuan was laughed out of anger: "Isn't Sasha a good person? Isn't the little Russian brother innocent or pitiful?"

Leo: "No, it's different qaq..."

"What's the difference? Do you think Sasha meets your requirements for your sister-in-law?" No one choked his neck, and Ji Haochuan's arrogance immediately returned. He started counting for Leo with his fingers, "Look, Sasha is upright, dignified, has no bad habits, and his private life is not..."

In the end, Leo: "Speak as you speak! What are you doing qaq!!!"

The last word "chaos" was stunned by the dizzy eyes of Kaji Haochuan's throat, and he obediently confessed: "Okay, okay, neither fierce nor fierce, can't I stop talking..."

"It's my brother's date, but it's not mine. I, I like it, it's useless qaq..." Leo said so, but he also began to not understand himself in his heart.

In the past, Sasha and Zhong Yi were together. He would definitely choose Sasha without hesitation. A bit wobbly...

But Ji Haochuan clutched his neck and muttered: "It's useless, but it can assist..."

As soon as the voice fell, the young ladies at the front of the line let out an exclamation.

The people behind looked over in response, and were also taken aback.

It turned out that next to this dilapidated slum was a beach with a very wide view.

Directly opposite the beach, the mountains are rugged and snow-covered all year round, and the snow line is clearly visible and connected.

Two of them are particularly conspicuous, like a magic pen in the wasteland, icy and majestic, with one tall and one short close together, it is magnificent and holy from a distance, making people unconsciously lower their voices when they speak, and despise them. looking at everything around.

Zhang Xingzhi explained in a low voice: "Arnimai's latitude is low, but the Little Sacred Mountain and the Great Sacred Mountain are high in altitude, so from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, you can see five complete temperature zones."

Sasha also stared at the direction there without blinking, muttering to himself: "Climbing this kind of mountain is like walking from the equator to the North Pole..."

Different from indoor shooting, outdoor scene shooting, whether it is a photo or a video, has to rely on natural light, and pay attention to a shock and reality.

At the beginning, Liu Guanghui was worried that Zhang Xingzhi was an extreme athlete, and the photography was just a side effect, which could not meet the quality of their film requirements. It turned out that it was the opposite. Zhang Xingzhi's professionalism actually made him feel pressured.

The snow scene on the mountain must be beautiful, but the part below the mountain is in a cool tone, and the depression is more tense, but if he does not grasp it well, he may be suppressed by the part on the mountain and cannot connect.

The sea is separated, like an indifferent dividing line, dividing the two ends of the coast into two halves.

On the opposite side is the solemn and solemn Godfather of Shenshan, but on this end is a haggard old man. The beach soaked in ink is so dirty that not even half a weed can grow. The contrast is striking and it is a forgotten place under the holy light. .

Hua An had only seen photos of this place on the Internet before, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, the shock was not diminished at all, and said: "Everyone told Xiao Xiaotian's mother that Xiao Chang died and would not come back, but she didn't believe it and rejected her. All the relatives stood by the beach in this slum, looking over there day after day, until they finally died of illness, leaving Xiao Xiaotian alone."

Xiao Chang, the leading actor in Logical Aesthetics.

At the end of the first film, Xiao Chang resolutely puts his bags on his back, leaves quietly from the gentle village under the gloomy night, and melts alone in the back of the mountain path.

This was an open ending that caused a lot of heated discussions at the time, about whether Xiao Chang could come back alive.

Logical reasoning, perceptual reasoning, all kinds of arguments, but because the film stopped abruptly here, their discussion was destined to be fruitless.

Some people are unhappy, and some are happy.

Because there is no sequel, as long as you are willing to believe that he is still alive, he will live forever.

This film was famous internationally at the time, and even Sasha had seen it.

Among so many people, Ji Haochuan may be the only one who is not interested in the film "Aesthetics of Logic" itself, and he even read the script of the second part in advance, and he didn't feel anything.

But seeing this mountain with his own eyes, he was suddenly touched. He was so moved that he said in a difficult voice, "That's why my father didn't know that my mother was pregnant with me in the end."

Hua An nodded: "Your mother originally planned to tell your father the next morning, hoping that he would not go."

Ding Runnian: "As a result, Xiao Chang left that night, because he was afraid of staying another night, so he really couldn't bear it."

When working on this project, Zhong Yi was still a literary planner, and the character design of Xiao Chang was also made by him.

Zhong Yi said slowly: "If Chief Xiao knew, he wouldn't go up."

Xiao Xiaotian's mother was right.

Although she is just a prostitute who makes a living by selling her body|body, she deeply loves Xiao Chang, even if this man passes by in a hurry, even meeting him is clichéd.

The woman escaped from the large truck while they were eating at the rest station on the highway that was trafficked to other places. There was nothing nearby, so she had to hide in the dilapidated rest house next to it in desperation, and the rest house was on the first floor The only one that can go through the window is Xiao Chang's room.

She knew Xiao Chang well, could understand everything he didn't say, and naturally knew what to do to keep him, but it was a step too late.

Pushing his glasses, Hua An seemed to remind him unintentionally: "Counting the window period, there are only five days left before going up the mountain."

Several pairs of eyes were faintly cast in the direction of Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi, and only Liu Guanghui, who didn't know the inside story, agreed: "Yes, I was nervous before, but I feel relieved when I see Teacher Zhang himself, it's reliable."

Whether it's reliable, Zhang Xingzhi doesn't know, and he doesn't know what Zhong Yi thinks.

While everyone was looking at the small holy mountain, his and Leo's eyes stayed on the steeper mountain next to it.

Only five days left.

"When I was filming the first film, the funds were limited, so I didn't make a good turn around here. I hurriedly finished filming the last few scenes and left. I didn't see this kind of scenery until ten years later." Liang Sili couldn't help but sigh.

No one knew where Xiao Changsheng was or where he grew up. According to the popular saying at that time, he was just a backpacker, always on the road.

The love between him and Xiao Xiaotian's mother was just a journey brought about by a chance encounter—the two happened to have the same destination, both in Arnimai.

It's just that one wants to go, and the other wants to go back.

The crew next to it immediately joked: "It's not up to Mr. Liang whether we need money this time!"

Liang Sili always didn't mind getting close to his subordinates, so he teased him back without putting on airs at all: "You guys are framing me again, so how to spend the money is something I can make a blind decision on? Be careful, Mr. Zhong, cut me to death."

"Does the second part start when Xiao Chang's son grows up?" Sasha only read the filming documents, not the script.

Liu Guanghui, who was closest to him, nodded first and answered: "Xiao Xiaotian's mother raised him until he was ten years old. Xiao Xiaotian lived alone in this slum for three years before being picked up by his aunt and taken back to the county town. There are many Asians living in that county town. But the conditions at his aunt's house are not good, so taking him back is just to give him a place to sleep, and one more person to help with chores on their farm."

Compared with such a little place to live, it is obviously more cost-effective to save a worker's money.

In the second part, the story begins when Xiao Xiaotian was hungry and squeezed labor for several days. He couldn't find food at home, and once again ran out to steal Xiaolongbao from the store and was caught.

Although Sasha does not want to see Zhong Yi from the bottom of his heart, he has to admit sincerely: "I really didn't expect the main creative team of "Logic Aesthetics" to be so young. You are very powerful."

Ten years have passed, and Director Ding, the oldest among them, is only forty-five.

While chatting, a few people walked along the coast to the other side behind the spotting group.

I thought that the contrasting beach just now was enough to surprise people, but the result became more and more desolate as I walked out of the slums. After I walked out of the slums, the last small house disappeared, and my vision suddenly became clear. Only the main road in the middle stretches to the depths, and I don't know where to go.

Eyes full of ashes, dead branches but no leaves can be seen in the heavy earth, the river is dry and cracked, the silence beyond the horizon, the picture seems to be frozen and lifeless.

Everyone was shocked by the sadness that came from it.

The young lady in the spotting group said: "We discovered this place by accident. I don't know if it can be used. We can't take pictures well enough, so I really want to take teachers to see it."

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Looking at the scene in front of him, Sasha was already a little fascinated, and asked Zhang Xingzhi: "Does it look like the no-man's land in Qinghai that we visited together at that time?"

"It's more desolate than there." Zhang Xingzhi said slowly, "Like Lop Nur."

The feeling here is different from that of no-man's land. No-man's land at least has primitive geological features and wild animals with a complete biological chain, but there is nothing here.

Obviously there is nothing, but inexplicably makes you feel that it is full of corpses.

Sasha lowered his eyelashes and said lowly, "I want to go to Lop Nur with you, but I can't wait for you, so I haven't been there yet."

Zhang Xingzhi shook his head: "There are still many people who want to go to Lop Nur."

Meaning you can totally go with other people.

Lop Nur used to be a lake in the southeast of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It was shaped like an ear and was called the "ear of the earth". It is famous for its ancient "Silk Road" located in the east of the Tarim Basin in Ruoqiang County.

The throat of the Silk Road, Loulan City, is on its northwest side.

Sasha: "Don't worry about other people."

Because Lop Nur is also the same as the missing ancient city of Loulan, there are countless strange legends about him, and countless people have never found it, and it is full of mystery, so he also has a name called "Sea of Death".

Zhang Xingzhi stopped talking, just shook his head and rejected Sasha's request.

This kind of place where the unknown is hidden is different from the extreme danger. In the past, he would not take the risk easily because of Grandma and Leo, but now there is an extra Zhong Yi.

Zhong Yi couldn't participate in their topics, couldn't join in their memories, and he wasn't even sure where Lop Nur was. Although he always knew that Zhong Yi was not the only one who had the past, Zhang Xingzhi also had the past, and there were also times that he hadn't participated in, but it was obviously two different things to really face it.

Zhong Yi crossed his arms and calmly looked at this wild and dry mountain through the lens, and agreed to Hua An and Ding Runnian's proposal to include this place as a shooting location.

Regarding Zhang Xingzhi, his psychological struggle has never stopped.

Only today when he saw the two towering peaks with his own eyes did he realize that things were far from smooth as he thought, and the boat would not go straight when it reached the bridge.

All crew members are in their positions, really, only five days left.

Just when Zhong Yi was in a daze, Liu Guanghui and Ding Runnian didn't know which sentence offended them, and they quarreled again.

Seeing that they would not give up until they came to a result, Zhong Yi simply disbanded the team on the spot and moved freely.

"Don't go too far, don't act alone, pay attention to safety, pay attention to mobile phone messages, don't turn on mute." This is the reminder given by Zhong Yi, and everyone responded.

Some stayed here to continue to look deeper, some returned to the beach to look at the snow-capped mountains, and of course some stood still and quarreled.

Liang Sili was about to turn his head to talk to Hua An, when he saw that Hua An had joined Ding Runnian's battle.

As for the clock... eh? Why did Zhong Yi disappear in the blink of an eye

But Liang Sili didn't need to worry too much, because Zhang Xingzhi was also missing with him.

Looking at Sasha not far away who also turned his head to look for someone, Liang Sili finally couldn't help turning around and rubbing his conscience. It seemed that the scumbag hadn't done enough, so his conscience couldn't bear it.

But in this way, only he and Yang Youan were left in place.

Liang Sili noticed it when he was on the beach earlier, and Yang Youan didn't know who he was chatting with, so he followed them absent-mindedly while holding his mobile phone.

He couldn't help but look back several times, for fear that the child would be left behind and lost.

At first when everyone was there, Yang Youan was afraid of disturbing everyone, so he could only type and reply one by one. Now that everyone has dispersed, he can feel at ease to send a voice.

Liang Sili didn't stand too close to him, he pricked up his ears and listened very carefully to hear a few words clearly.

"No, I wasn't bullied. I really didn't lie to you. Everyone treated me very well."

"Don't bother with me, I've been out with the group recently, and I don't have time to check Weibo, so it's not affected."

As soon as Sasha "saw" the person who was supposed to go out with Judy, he sent a message to Leonard himself to verify. Leonard just replied to him now, saying that he did not come to Alnima.

But Sasha felt that the chances of his seeing it wrong were too small, so he took his mobile phone to check with people twice more, but when he looked up again, Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi had disappeared.

But he is not like Liang Sili, if he can't find someone, he really can't find him.

There are only a few places in total, and in such a short period of time, it is clear at a glance where people can go.

Sasha heard the voices of the two in the narrow alley of the last slum.

But it was not the sound of talking, but the sound of kissing.