Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 108


At the lunch table the next day, everyone was extremely silent.

Zhang Xingzhi and Sasha's backpacks were placed in a corner against the wall, and they only set out after finishing the meal, but this was not the reason for everyone's silence.

In the end, Leo couldn't help but opened his mouth, lowered his head and whispered tentatively: "Is it really not necessary to ask Teacher Zhong to come down for dinner qaq..."

Starting early this morning, everyone came down one after another, no matter how late they got up, they would not be late for lunch, only Zhong Yi.

Everyone found out that Zhong Yi didn't come down, but everyone tacitly kept silent.

Right now, Leo was the first to make a fuss, and no one spoke up easily. Fortunately, before the atmosphere fell below freezing point, the only person who was qualified to speak in this matter spoke.

"Let him sleep." Zhang Xingzhi said.

Leo: qaq

As soon as his brother spoke, Leo immediately didn't dare to say anything, and could only hold his job bowl and stand there.

He could guess that Zhong Yi might be uncomfortable and didn't want to come out to send his brother up the mountain in person, but can he really resist seeing the "last" side before departure? qaq...

Although it is just a small warm-up exercise, risks cannot be completely avoided...

After all, art comes from life and is higher than life.

That day, until the last second when Zhang Xingzhi and Sasha put on their backpacks and waved goodbye to everyone, Zhong Yi didn't show up, leaving no room for drama.

Liu Guanghui sighed a little, and asked Liang Sili if he wanted to go up and deliver a meal to Zhong Yi or something.

This matter is destined not to be discussed by the people next to them. The decision is entirely up to the two of them. The only thing they can do, other than keep silent, is to express their support and respect for the decision they made.

Liang Sili frowned a little: "Wait."

"If you don't eat breakfast, you can't also eat lunch." Ding Runnian hesitated.

Although they have known Zhong Yi for so many years, most of the time they can guess Zhong Yi's reaction, but in terms of understanding, Liang Sili knows best.

In this situation, Liang Sili could almost only be expected to make up his mind.

Liang Sili shook his head: "It should be off later..."

He hadn't finished saying the word "coming" when a burst of footsteps came leisurely from upstairs. Zhong Yi came down with short hair disheveled and sleepy eyes.

Everyone saw him rubbing his stomach and looking over, asking, "Have you finished eating yet?"

Leo was the first to come back to his senses, turned around and brought out the food he had helped pack into the back kitchen, and asked, "Do you want to reheat it?"

The kitchen here is public, except for the staff, passengers can borrow it for their own use.

"Forget it, don't be hot, I'm hungry." Zhong Yi waved his hand and sat down in front of the huge square table, picked up a baguette and fed it to his mouth, and with the other hand he forked all kinds of meat one after another, completely useless. Pick, eat very seriously.

For a moment, everyone standing by the table was silent and stared at him in unison.

Zhong Yi blinked, as if he really didn't think there was a problem at all: "What are you looking at me for? Are you still full?"

Everyone shook their heads naturally, they couldn't really ask you directly why you didn't wear a silk scarf today, just covered the hickey on your neck and then came down.

Before Ding Runnian and Liu Guanghui left the arena for a walk together, they did not forget to force Liang Sili to the front line, leaving a sentence for Zhong Yi to eat slowly, and they gave Liang Sili a look at the same time.

Leo was stupid and didn't know where he should stay, so he was grabbed by Liu Guanghui and said, "Tell us why your brother is so handsome, and what's the secret? I'll tell our baby later." Cultivate according to the layout... "

The figures of the three quickly disappeared at the door.

At this point, Liang Sili, who was sacrificed, simply sat back beside Zhong Yi, but before he even opened his mouth, Zhong Yi interrupted him first: "Don't ask, I'm not well, I'll eat it right after eating." It's time to catch up on sleep."

Liang Sili licked his lower lip, his eyes drifted to those messy marks on Zhong Yi's neck, and he asked slowly: "What's the matter, did you not sleep well last night?"

"Well, but it's not the reason you think." Zhong Yi said without raising his eyelids, he knew what the man was thinking without even looking, and said, "Zhang Xingzhi was not with me last night."

Being poked at the center, Liang Sili paused for a moment, and said to the point: "Actually, you don't have to be so smart. I didn't even have a few words to say, but you took it all away. You can turn a blind eye. If you are sloppy for a few seconds, just give me a chance."

Zhong Yi let out a laugh when his lips curled up slightly, and he lowered his eyelids and said, "If you have something to say, you can speak it directly."

Liang Sili: "Tsk, I really don't understand what Zhang Xingzhi likes about you, I don't understand the style."

In this case, Zhong Yi decided to carry the puzzled style to the end: "If you talk nonsense again, get out and don't make me eat."

Liang Sili was decisive: "Why don't you come out and give it away?"

I came down without wearing a silk scarf...

Zhong Yi kept the knife and fork in his hand, so he fed the food into his mouth one mouthful after another, and replied casually: "Because Zhang Xingzhi is not Xiao Chang, seeing each other will change his mind."

He is not Xiao Xiaotian's mother, he must wait until dawn before asking to stay.

After eating, Zhong Yizhen went straight back to the room as he said, and Liang Sili didn't have a chance to chat for a few more words.

Although this is a B&B built by the old couple after earning money, the facilities are still very old compared to the serious hotels in the city. door lock.

Zhong Yi didn't lock the door at all, didn't even take out the key, and raised his hand to push the door of his room open.

There was a full-length mirror on the wall next to the door, and Zhong Yi saw the conspicuous red marks on his neck at a glance, ranging from light to heavy, all from the same person.

But only the perpetrator and himself know that the most colorful one is actually hidden in the clothes.

Zhong Yi had been waiting for Zhang Xingzhi last night, he didn't sleep well, he was dazed, unable to wake up even if he tried to open his eyes, as if he was stunned by a nightmare.

When he woke up this morning and found that the silk scarf he had put on the bed was missing, Zhong Yi was still a little suspicious until he looked in the mirror and saw the extra hickey on his left shoulder.

It was printed on the place where the collarbone extended to the shoulder, rough and charming, Zhong Yi touched it himself, as if he could still feel the hot temperature of the man's lips and tongue, burning on his heart.

On the way up the mountain, Sasha never took his eyes off the silk scarf wrapped around Zhang Xingzhi's wrist.

As soon as they walked out of everyone's sight, Zhang Xingzhi took it out of his backpack and wrapped it up. It was gaudy, but unexpectedly it didn't feel inconsistent when it was tied to Zhang Xingzhi's body. Instead, it seemed like a finishing touch, making him feel fresh. live up.

Sasha recognized this silk scarf and remembered it very firmly, because it had been worn around Zhong Yi's neck for several days in the past—it was used to cover up the traces of their affair.

Yesterday, Zhang Xingzhi was with him almost all day, and the only way to get this silk scarf was after they separated at night.

Sasha finally couldn't hold back and asked: "Candy, do you really like Zhong Yi?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "Yes."

Sasha's eyes darkened a little bit: "Do you like it very much?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "I like it very much."

"Then why does he trust you to take pictures..."

"Because he respects me."

He has also never been in love, but in this respect, Zhong Yi seems to be born better than him.

Whether to shoot or not, Zhong Yi never had the final say alone, Zhong Yi just respected his choice again.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't know how long this subtle "etiquette" between the two of them could last, because as long as one of them opened the mouth to "make trouble for no reason", the other would definitely compromise.

So when Sasha asked him if Zhong Yi also liked him, Zhang Xingzhi answered without hesitation.


The night before, Zhang Xingzhi politely rejected Sasha's bold request, leaving only a sentence of "go to bed early" and returned to his room.

Sasha knew in his heart that Zhang Xingzhi was probably going to find Zhong Yi, so after tidying himself up, he lay on the bed and listened carefully to the movement in the next room for a long time.

The sound insulation here is not good, as long as Zhang Xingzhi opens the door, he can hear the sound of the door lock clicking, but he waited until two or three o'clock in the morning in the first half of the night, but he couldn't wait for the sound of Zhang Xingzhi going out. Unable to bear it, he fell asleep.

Zhong Yi also had the same experience as him.

Zhong Yi's sleep quality is not good at all, but now he still has things in his mind, so naturally he can't sleep even more.

Although it was not his intention to run Zhang Xingzhi yesterday and not let him sleep with him, but at this time, it is full of unknowns to take a second look, and Zhong Yi can't guarantee that he can really hold back and not open his mouth to keep him after seeing him in person. .

When the last avenue of instant gratification was also blocked, this was the first time that Zhong Yi couldn't find a plan b, and he didn't know what to do.

The more I think about it, the more I feel lost, and the more I feel lost, the more confused I become.

At that time, Zhong Yi didn't know at all that what he thought he thought about in the daytime and dreamed at night was actually all true.

At 4:30 in the morning, Zhang Xingzhi opened the door of his room and came out. This was the alarm clock he had set before he lay down.

Zhong Yi was a light sleeper, he wanted to visit Zhong Yi, but he didn't want to wake him up, so he waited until midnight, waiting for him to fall asleep.

He didn't have a key, and his original plan was to try to see if he could pry Zhong Yi's door open, but as soon as he turned the lock on the door, the door opened in front of him so smoothly.

Zhang Xingzhi's eyes were full of surprise when he heard the clicking sound of the machine next to his ear - Zhong also didn't lock the door.

Soon, his heart softened, because it was obvious that he was waiting for him.

It was very dark in the room.

Zhang Xingzhi stepped in slowly, and through the moonlight leaking through the crack of the door, he saw the person sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Just like what Zhong Yi always said about him, Zhang Xingzhi walked very lightly and made no sound at all, Zhong Yi lay on the bed defenseless, not aware that someone had entered his room at all, which made Zhang Xingzhi feel sore and warm in his heart.

Zhong Yi is cautious, but sometimes his heart is really big, and he doesn't think about it. If the door is not locked, what will happen if it is not him, but someone else.

Zhang Xingzhi bent down and put the hands of the person on the bed back under the quilt, every movement was very light.

Zhong Yi sleeps alone, face up, sleeps very well, and will restrain himself from sleeping on his side, which is very different from when he was with him.

The reason Zhang Xingzhi once heard Zhong Yi tell him was that sleeping on his side would make his face swollen and ugly.

In the silence, Zhang Xingzhi stood beside Zhong Yi's bed and stared at him for a long time.

Although Zhong Yi did not wake up, it is not difficult to see from his slightly furrowed brows that he did not sleep soundly.

Zhang Xingzhi raised his hand to help him straighten the broken hair on his forehead, adjusted his pajamas, straightened the quilt, and then leaned down to kiss Zhong Yi's eyebrows, slowly and patiently, until he recovered from the tightness. After stretching until he relaxed, and the lines between his brows smoothed out little by little, Zhang Xingzhi stood up straight again.

He is very proficient in doing these movements, because Zhong Yi occasionally does this when he sleeps with him, his brows are tightly furrowed, as if there are endless things to think about, which is painful.

Until the last time he left, Zhang Xingzhi didn't wake Zhong Yi up, only left a hickey, and then took away the silk scarf he put on the bedside table.

Sasha didn't understand why Zhang Xingzhi didn't wake him up: "He must also want to see you..."

Zhang Xingzhi said: "Just look, I can still make up my mind, but if he asks me, I'm definitely reluctant."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

He is indeed not Xiao Chang, and he can't bear it until he stays for one more night, but he's just laughing at fifty steps, not strong at all.

Whether to decide or not is to talk about it, and the specific result depends on Zhong Yi after all.

But Sasha also didn't understand another question: "Since Zhong Yi and you like each other so much, why hasn't he broken up with Liang Sili?"

About this, Zhang Xingzhi only looked at the silk scarf on his wrist and answered two words: "Soon."

The author has something to say: Teacher Zhang: Put your heart back into your belly and fasten your seat belt for the last roller coaster ride.

ps: I recently learned a new word, "be", but it is not a bad ending, but a bed ending (beautiful