Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 112


I don't know who moved the hand first, but the two quickly kissed and fell on the bed.

Zhang Xingzhi's right hand was still wrapped in gauze, and Zhong didn't dare to move it, fearing that his hand would hurt if he touched someone, so he could only lie there and let Zhang Xingzhi slaughter him, feeling the trembling that seemed to be caused by the gauze. chestnut.

But Zhang Xingzhi didn't go to the end as Zhong Yi thought, but put his head on his shoulder and whispered, "I didn't take a shower."

He didn't have the conditions to do cleaning work on the mountain, and Zhang Xingzhi could faintly smell the sweat on his body now.

As a result, Zhong Yi, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, actually returned what he said last time, saying, "I washed it, so it's not dirty."

Zhang Xingzhi's throat tightened, but he still felt that he couldn't do it, so he forced himself to lower his eyelids and said, "Still, wait for me."

"I've taken off my trousers, I can't wait any longer." Zhong Yi turned over and rode on Zhang Xingzhi's body as he said that, without intending to let him go, he pinched his wrist and said, "Didn't it mean broken skin? You can't take a bath with water."

Zhang Xingzhi was a little helpless: "It's just my hands, I haven't washed them for two days..."

But Zhong Yi stared at the man and bit him to death, with persistence in his eyes: "I said, I washed it, it's not dirty."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yi raised his hand and began to untie his belt, ignoring his own opinions, until he heard Zhang Xingzhi's next sentence.

"I'm wearing a halo cover."

Zhong Yi was stunned at that moment, he paused his movements and subconsciously repeated: "Are you wearing a halo cover?"

"Yeah." Zhang Xingzhi sat up from the bed as he spoke, and let someone sit in his arms facing each other, "I put it in your bag, I thought you saw it."

Zhong Yi is still out of the situation: "I... didn't see..."

He's been beating zombies for the past two days, and he didn't look carefully at what's in his bag at all.

"But why are you wearing a stun avoidance..." Zhong Yi was still trying to figure out what happened now, his eyes were full of confusion, the first thought that flashed through his mind was that he didn't need to avoid stun...

Zhong Yi's hard-thinking appearance made Zhang Xingzhi a little dumbfounded, inexplicably making him feel that he had committed a heinous crime and treated Zhong Yi very badly.

Zhong Yi: "?"

Zhong, who could see the mind of the person in front of him, also sent out a soul torture: "Aren't you the one who insisted on not wearing it before?"

A helpless smile appeared on Zhang Xingzhi's lips, and he admitted, "It's me."

He stroked Zhong Yi's smooth waist with his injured right hand, and leaned over to get the handbag he had placed on the bedside table indiscriminately: "Liang Sili gave it to you last time, saying it was your favorite brand, but it was useless."

As he said that, Zhang Xingzhi took out the lotion inside, and it was fine if he didn't wear it before, but now he didn't take a shower for two days and still didn't wear it, he couldn't bear it in his heart.

Apart from the trousers, only Zhong Yi's pajamas, which were half-taken off his shoulders, were left on the two of them, and the rest were scattered on the bed and the floor.

Zhang Xingzhi was holding things in one hand, and held the other hand in front of Zhong Yi, which meant that his left hand was unfamiliar with business, and he was afraid that you might feel uncomfortable, so you might have to do it yourself this time.

Zhong Yi was a little annoyed, raised his eyebrows to look at humanity and said, "If you want to see me expand, you can just say it candy."

Zhang Xingzhi also smiled: "I will remember next time."

"Also, don't call me Candy."

"Why not, Sasha can do it."

Zhang Xingzhi wanted to ask why he wanted to eat this vinegar, but he didn't dare, so he chose to tell the truth: "Listening to you shouts, it feels very different."

Zhong Yi took it from him slowly, and raised his lips, "Why is it different?"

It means that you'd better be nice and obedient. How far I have come depends on your performance.

In the hall, a group of people were full of food and drink, and Ding Runnian really took them out for a walk to digest their food.

What is the specific reason, everyone will see through without telling.

Although there are still two floors between them and the third floor, no matter how bad the sound insulation effect is, it will not be so bad, but there is always nothing wrong with going out for a walk after eating.

What it means for Zhong Yi to bring Zhang Xingzhi upstairs in front of so many people is so obvious, there is nothing to hide, so when Sasha finally couldn't help raising his doubts about the relationship between Zhong Yi and Liang Sili to everyone, everyone rushed From keeping silent before, it became an open chatterbox, apologizing, and giving Sasha hard science.

This time, the people who came to Xiaoshengshan Grassland with me are all the "big celebrities" around the core characters of the crew. Let's talk.

"Hey, Sasha, I didn't intend to lie to you. The main thing is that this matter is indeed rather mysterious, and it cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences."

"Mr. Liang, he's just a facade, without any real meaning."

"Yes, flower stand, do you know what a flower stand means? It's just for looking but not for use, and they are all put out to show off to outsiders."

"Teach you a Chinese idiom that exists in name only. Mr. Liang and Mr. Zhong only have titles, a superficial husband and wife."

"After all, we, Mr. Zhong, are obviously not something that Mr. Liang can handle, hahaha."

Having said that, everyone burst into laughter.

Their Mr. Liang has no airs, and everyone is not at all shy about joking with him, unlike Mr. Zhong who has no scruples.

The Sasha people were all confused, and only then did they realize that what Zhong Yi said earlier about having an affair was simply playing tricks on himself!

Seeing that Liang Sili was ridiculed like this, he just laughed it off. If he hadn't caught the expression on this person watching Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi go upstairs, Sasha might really believe that Liang Sili really didn't care at all.

It's just that before he recovered from the shock, he was startled again by Liang Sili's words.

Liang Sili said: "You are almost ready, it's fine to hold Teacher Zhong, but you still have to push Youan."

Sasha: "!!!"

He stared incredulously for a long time, then opened his mouth and said tentatively: "Does that mean that You'an and Mr. Liang have that kind of relationship with you..."

If he remembers correctly, Yang Youan seems to be only a freshman, so at most... twenty years old? !

Leo would answer this question. He had been feeling sorry for cheating Sasha, and when he encountered something he could say, he rushed to answer it: "It's the relationship with the ex, we have already broken up, we just broke up."

Sasha was shocked, completely shocked, much more shocked than what happened with Zhong Yi and Liang Sili.

Liang Sili coughed and said, "It's not necessary to answer so precisely."

Everyone laughed again.

What is "Du Wei", "Du Wei" means that as long as their Teacher Zhong is good, they will be fine, as for who they form a cp with, that is secondary.

After all, men, in the end, are always used as sticks and hammers, nothing more than to see who they Teacher Zhong makes smooth, comfortable, and happy.

But the problems that should be faced still have to be faced.

Liu Guanghui shook his head amusedly and lamentingly, and asked their benefactors: "What's wrong with Mr. Liang? Did you leave anything behind? We can't really charter a plane to invite us to travel with so much money. It's all in vain. .”

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I also want to know that today Zhong Yi directly led people upstairs and returned to the room, which must mean to be together, and Zhang Xingzhi was also injured, so there is no way out of the second ending, I hope Zhong Yi will one day It is definitely useless to release people to the Little Sacred Mountain in the future.

This was a matter of "life and death" for the whole group of people. For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Liang Sili.

Liang Sili pouted and shook his head pessimistically. Just as he was about to speak, the cell phone in his pocket rang—a voice call, Ji Haochuan's.

As soon as Liang Sili connected, Ji Haochuan's loud and noisy voice came from the opposite side: "Look at you, look at you, what did I say, let you take advantage of the situation, cough, Leo is not here."

Liang Sili glanced at Leo who was looking at him like everyone else, and said calmly while holding the phone: "Leo is not here, so you can say whatever you want."

Leo: "?"

After finishing speaking, Liang Sili handed his phone into Leo's hand, beckoning him to listen.

Before Leo could make a question mark, he was turned into an exclamation mark by Ji Haochuan's voice from the other end.

Ji Haochuan, who didn't know that he was cheated by his father, really started to output "I'm doing it for your own good" into the phone: "I told you last time to let you sneak in, and you must listen. Now it's all right, I lost my wife and lost my army. I lost my people, I lost my money, and I lost everything. Liang Sili, why do you want me to teach you how to do business? I have been looking at Zhong Yi for so many years, and I still don’t take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You really want to be mad..."

Before Ji Haochuan uttered the word "I", Leo took the lead: "I think you are the one who wants to piss me off qaq!"

Ji Haochuan: "!!!"

Yang You'an, who was beside him, saw that Ji Haochuan, who was talking so well, turned pale in an instant, and subconsciously took the phone away to confirm his name, and panicked, "Why is Liang Sili's phone with you..."

Leo was so angry that he jumped up and down, and in front of so many people, he wanted to strangle him again: "I told you that Mr. Zhong and my brother are good friends, just to let you talk to your dad about this Well, you big liar qaq!!!"

God knows that before he dialed the phone, the "scumbag" Ji Haochuan had just returned to Leo with a bunch of fireworks, so he was happy with him.

Being caught again, Ji Haochuan: "No, no, Leo, let me explain to you..."

"No need for Leo, he returned the phone to me, very angry." After speaking, Liang Sili specially turned his head to look at Leo again, and reaffirmed, "Yes, very angry."

Ji Haochuan: "..."

Liang Sili: "Is there any last words to explain?"

He Ji Haochuan, even if he was choked to death, he would still be stubborn: "Anyway, I still have a chance to coax Leo, so you deserve to lose money!"

But Liang Sili left a sneer and hung up the phone: "Who told you that I would lose money? When you teach me how to do business, your living expenses will be cut off long ago."

Ji Haochuan: "?"


Zhang Xingzhi finally got out of bed to take a shower, it was already night, and he was the one who forced the shouting to stop.

"You didn't eat breakfast, and you didn't eat well at noon, your body can't take it anymore." Zhang Xingzhi said this to Zhong Yi who was like a peach blossom in his arms.

The two of them spent the whole afternoon chanting yin madly, and Zhong Yi really vented all the long grass energy accumulated in the past few days from eating and sleeping, and was a little tired. He packed himself into the bathroom together, saying that his hands were inconvenient and he had to wash for him.

But Zhong Yi hadn't done this kind of job of serving people before. He applied body lotion on Zhang Xingzhi's body with one hand, and the bubbles were rubbed up, but the bottom was also up.

He raised his hands to show his innocence and blinked at the person, innocently said: "Don't wrong me, I didn't do anything."

What Zhang Xingzhi could do, the person he chased would have to confess even on his knees.

"Well, blame me." As he said that, Zhang Xingzhi also learned from the experience of being said to be reluctant last time, nodded his head with absolute certainty, and emphasized, "Blame my mind is not right."

As they looked at each other, the two paused for a second, and then laughed together. As soon as Zhong Yi moved closer, he threw his clean self into Zhang Xingzhi's foam-stained chest. , I heard a knock on the door.

The two of them didn't close the bathroom door, nor did they use the shower, they could hear Liang Sili's words clearly outside the door.

"Zhong Yi, haven't you starved to death in bed yet? Don't you plan to eat yet?"

Liang Sili didn't just knock on the door casually, he stood outside the door and inspected for a long time, making sure that there was no discordant voice inside to bother him.

In the bathroom, the two of them coincidentally lowered their heads to look at the thing they were leaning against.

Zhang Xingzhi saw Zhong Yi give him a wimpy smile, and suddenly took both of their belongings into his hands, and shouted to the door: "I have something to talk about, I'm taking a bath."

Liang Sili: "Then I said it at the door?"

Zhong Yi kept moving his hands, raised his face and bit Zhang Xingzhi's lips, his mouth was serious, but the phoenix pupils that looked into Zhang Xingzhi's eyes were full of teasing light: "Say."

Accepting the provocation, Zhang Xingzhi immediately pursed his thin lips, and reminded him in a low voice, "Keep your voice down."

Before Zhong Yi had time to think about why the voice should be quieter, he was caught off guard by someone's mischievous fingers and hummed lightly.

Zhang Xingzhi looked into the bottomless black eyes of the man, and whispered, "The inside should be cleaned too."

Outside the door, Liang Sili, who knew nothing about the situation inside, thought that the two of them were simply taking a bath, and opened his mouth and said, "Ding Runnian and Liu Guanghui just watched Zhang Xingzhi and Sasha's uphill warm-up photos. Things, oh, I also packed a copy for Hua An, and they all thought that Zhang Xingzhi's photos were very good."

"Now they are preparing to eat downstairs, let me come up and ask you to go down, and we will have a look and chat together by the way."

"The teacher also thought it was good after watching it later, saying that the mountain they warmed up this time is next to the Little Sacred Mountain. The scenery is similar, and there are a lot of materials taken back. Many perspectives and close-ups can be used directly."

"So when we go to Xiaosheng Mountain the day after tomorrow, the shooting task will be much lighter and easier."

"Yes, it's not bad for Hua An to bring a few actors to the slums. He said that Hao Chuan learned it unexpectedly fast, and blamed me for saying that it was because his mother was the only one who took him with him when he was a child. He knew this feeling in his bones."


"Anyway, everything is ready now, so what on earth are you talking about here? Zhang Xingzhi said earlier that his left hand can also..." Liang Sili just remembered something after talking about it all the time, and rushed inside Asked, "Are you listening to me, Zhong Yi?"

With something in his mouth, Zhong Yi raised his hand and pinched Zhang Xingzhi's leg.

Liang Sili: "Zhong Yi?"

Zhang Xingzhi immediately released the air that had been stuck in his throat, and tried to calm down: "We are all listening."

As he said that, he looked deeply at the person in front of him who was half kneeling on his instep and didn't have time to back away, and added slowly: "Zhong Yi is brushing his hair, so he can't speak."

It was Zhong Yi's first time helping someone do this. He was inexperienced, and he was completely bewildered right now, as if he hadn't expected it to come so suddenly, and he reached out to touch something overflowing from the corner of his mouth, dazed and cute.

The author has something to say: ps: The typo is not my intention

pps: If the number of comments exceeds 1k, it will be automatically converted into a long comment. The goose who was competing to be the class representative yesterday has already arranged red envelopes, no matter whether it is right or not!