Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 113


Outside the door, Liang Sili paused for a moment when he heard the sound of splashing water inside, and finally responded tactfully: "Understood, then let him dry his hair before you come down to eat, and I'll wait for you downstairs. "

"Okay." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xingzhi helped the man up from in front of him, angry and funny, he refused to let Zhong Yi do it, Zhong Yi insisted on doing it.

Zhang Xingzhi straightened Zhong Yi's hair, stroked the burning white on his lips, and said in a low voice, "Spit it out."

Zhong Yi didn't do the trick of swallowing it in his stomach. Hearing the footsteps outside, he spit out something into Zhang Xingzhi's hand with his mouth, and said with a frown, "I really admire you a little now. What is it? How did you swallow it?"

Zhong Yi is regretting it now, why can't he think of a superior, in order to let him get out quickly to eat, he did this.

Zhang Xingzhi went to the side and took a toothbrush cup to get water for Zhong Yi to rinse his mouth, and said, "You have a mild taste, and Animai is mainly meaty, and the taste is relatively strong."

As we all know, often eaten meat and seafood have a fishy smell, while vegetables and fruits smell better and are not so strong.

Zhong Yi rinsed his mouth several times, but he still felt that smell in his mouth, and coughed with his hands: "Don't ask me to help you until you go back to China and eat light food."

Later, when the two went down, Zhong Yi had already put on the silk scarf around his neck again, and Zhang Xingzhi was a bit embarrassed for a while.

Because even though the silk scarf had been soaked in water for an afternoon, there was no special detergent, and it couldn't be washed clean. Now you can still see a little bit of blood stains, which is very eye-catching when worn on Zhong Yi's neck, both visually and psychologically. It made Zhang Xingzhi uncomfortable.

"What should I do? You can't just show them all your achievements in the afternoon." Zhong Yi himself didn't mind at all, and was even very happy. Make as much blood as you want."

Now that I think about it, since he met Zhang Xingzhi, his body has not been "clean" for a few days, basically there are new marks and old marks superimposed on him.

Everyone downstairs was there, the food was complete, and they had already picked up their knives and forks and started eating. Seeing the two people coming down, they all beckoned them to sit down.

Ding Runnian was the first to make a joke: "Mr. Zhang still works. It's as if we didn't hear what we said. As soon as you came back, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhong's pajamas were changed and his hair was tied up. It's still different. It's incomparable." No."

Zhong Yi didn't hide it anymore, raised the special wine that Liang Sili had poured for him and said, "Then let's clink a glass and celebrate that you, Mr. Liang, have been kicked off by me?"

Liang Sili: "?"

Everyone laughed out loud, Mr. Liang's face couldn't be compared to Mr. Zhong's. Mr. Zhong said he wanted to clink glasses, so naturally they all raised their glasses high. Some younger juniors even It was because Zhong Yi waved his hand to stop him that he didn't stand up from his seat.

Zhang Xingzhi's right hand was injured, so he raised it with his left hand to accompany everyone, promised a lot of blessings full of jokes, but when he was about to drink the last toast, he was intercepted by Zhong Yi next to him.

The one who was cut off at the same time, and the words of concern that Sasha was about to say, he just watched Zhong Yi take one drink after another, without any explanation, he drank all the wine for the two of them.

Al Nimai's brewing degree is not low, at least fifty-four, but Zhong Yi's face is not flushed and his heart is not beating, and he is not stressed at all.

Zhang Xingzhi asked Zhong Yi to put something in his stomach before drinking, saying that he hadn't eaten for almost a day.

But Zhong Yi just stared at his gauze-wrapped right hand and said angrily: "I know I won't break my skin next time, I want you to drink the wine for me."

As Zhong Yi said, he poured another full cup for himself, handed it to Sasha and said to the point: "Thanks for your hard work."

Sasha paused, two thoughts flashed through his mind, and he slowly raised his glass and asked, "You mean... what's the hard work?"

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows, showing a Shi Shiran smile: "It's all."

Whether it's going up the mountain or running with you, you can choose whichever you like.

After the meal, Zhong Yi was left to watch the materials that Zhang Xingzhi and the others took up the mountain.

To be honest, even if Zhong Yi was mentally prepared, he was still amazed.

In the picture, the sky is dim, and the frost on the top of the mountain refracts a deep and textured golden light bit by bit, becoming the whistleblower of the dawn, before the morning sun breaks through the mist, it radiates light, like a dizzy divine light Pyramids, the dividing line at the foot is obvious, and they are connected into a magnificent and holy one.

Zhang Xingzhi explained: "This is Rizhao Jinshan. This time I was lucky and got it. Meili has never been able to get it."

This is the first time for Zhong Yi to watch these materials, his eyes are fixed on the screen without blinking, and he doesn't want to miss a second, as if he also went up the mountain with Zhang Xingzhi, from the warm foot of the mountain to the handover of the snow line where the temperature zone is distinct.

Even though Ding Runnian and Liu Guanghui had watched it before, they couldn't help but praise it again.

"Rizhao Jinshan's light and timing are really good. I can see that Mr. Zhang is the kind who shoots outside all the year round and has a lot of experience." Liu Guanghui has never been stingy in his praise of talent.

Sasha didn't think it was worth being humble at all, so he followed behind and agreed: "Candy is very famous in our circle, and the only one who can compare with him in terms of shooting skills is Leonard."

Liu Guanghui nodded: "I've heard of Leonard, he shows up a lot with the cinematography team, and he's popular both at home and abroad."

They were talking about majors, but Liang Sili couldn't join, so he could only look at Zhang Xingzhi's hand, and asked, "I'm still more worried about Zhang Xingzhi's hand now, and it happened to hurt his right hand, so it would be very inconvenient."

Ding Runnian nodded: "Yes, this is a problem, but Sasha later told us how Teacher Zhang was injured, Zhong Yiyou..."

Zhong Yi immediately raised his hand and shouted to stop: "I don't want to hear it, you just need to know, thank you."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but Zhang Xingzhi himself was the first to express his opinion, saying, "Tighten it up a little bit, and we can shoot."

At this point, everyone heard the second half of the sentence he kept in his mouth.

He is capable of filming, but it is up to him to decide whether or not to let the clock go.

For a moment, all eyes were on Zhong Yi, but Zhong Yi looked at Liang Sili with both eyes, and asked a seemingly endless question: "Why do I not believe that you don't know anything?"

Liang Sili's eyebrows twitched, knowing that he couldn't hide it from Zhong Yi, but he still couldn't give up the treatment, and said calmly, "What can I know? You know everything I know."

Zhong Yi paused for a moment, and simply said it clearly, saying, "I always feel that you have something to do with Zhang Xingzhi."

Everyone: "?"

What kind of tiger-wolf word is this? ?

Liang Sili naturally denied Sanlian: "There is nothing, of course not, how is it possible, I don't even have Zhang Xingzhi's WeChat."

At this, Zhong Yi snorted and snorted. If it is said that Sasha was found by Zhang Xingzhi himself, but if it is said that the bad method of eating Sasha's cut things on purpose was also thought up by Zhang Xingzhi himself, even if he strangled Liang Silizhong to death, he would not believe it.

Seeing that people were still staring at him, Liang Sili immediately raised his hands, shrugged innocently and said, "Mainly why should I seek Zhang Xingzhi, and I don't have any business dealings."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "Then how do I know what you two are doing with those shady things?"

"No, what good is it for me to have a relationship between you two? I have to pay if no one goes up to shoot." Liang Sili bit his own stance and said, "Take a step back. If you two fail, then I will follow Zhang Xingzhi won't have the chance to meet, what's the point of me adding him on WeChat?"

As soon as the words finished, Zhang Xingzhi took out his mobile phone, passed his WeChat QR code to Liang Sili, and said affirmatively, "Well, it makes sense now."

Liang Sili: "...?"

Everyone: "Hahahahahaha!"

Anyway, in order to prove their innocence, the two finally added WeChat in front of Zhong Yi.

Liang Sili was still muttering: "I've been with you every day, and I haven't added a single message on WeChat, so how can I be so secretive?"

Although the truth is such a truth, Zhong Yi is always highly skeptical.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't explain, just lowered his head and injected Liang Sili's equipment. He still remembers what Liang Sili said to him in 1977 that day. The reason is that he asked him why he was able to let go and help himself so much.

As far as possessiveness is concerned, Zhang Xingzhi had a deep understanding at that time. He only knew Zhong Yi for such a short time. The person who really stayed by Zhong Yi's side for ten years was Liang Sili.

Thinking in another way, Zhang Xingzhi thought that he was far from being as generous as Liang Sili.

But Liang Sili just said to him: "Actually, the answer is also simple, I have already told you, I can afford it and let it go, it is only because I am not really close to Zhong Yi."

It was Zhong Yi who had mocked him, and couldn't even kiss him.

"As far as the distance between me and Zhong Yi is concerned, I may not be reconciled, but at least it is safe. I can completely accept that Zhong Yi has something to do with other people." Liang Sili is really good at stopping losses in time, and A person without the slightest spirit of exploration, "Especially because I know that what Zhong Yi wants is someone who can completely relax his mind."

In other aspects, he was so grateful for the inextricable and impenetrable interest relationship between him and Zhong Yi, but he hated him emotionally.

So when he asked Zhong Yi what his plan was, and heard Zhong Yi tell him that "Theoretically, the Little Sacred Mountain is already yellow", Liang Sili was not surprised at all.

In other words, he was mentally prepared for the day when the legend ended.

"You guys do some ideological construction, wait for me to go up and do a final rescue, and see if I can change my mind." After Zhong Yi finished speaking, he took Zhang Xingzhi and started to walk upstairs slowly.

Ding Runnian looked at the backs of the two of them one by one and sighed a little: "This is the end, I don't think I can wait until the filming of "Aesthetics 2" is finished."

Liu Guanghui seconded: "That's right, but anyway, what Zhong Yi needs to do is almost done. The next step is us. If he doesn't want to work, it's okay. It's how to solve the problem of this material."

They all knew that what Zhong Yi said was to think again, but there was almost no suspense about the final result, and it was only a matter of time before the death penalty was pronounced.

"Well, it should be, what big holy mountain, small holy mountain, if I were Zhong Yi, I would not even be willing to let people go to practice." Ding Runnian shook his head, "As Teacher Zhang said at the time, this kind of thing , there is not much confidence in this theory at all, a waist-high pool can drown a person."

At this point, the two of them fixed their eyes on Liang Sili by coincidence, and asked, "Mr. Liang? Is there really nothing left?"

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They are still able to sit so securely so far, in fact, it is because of their trust in Liang Sili's pity for money. Liang Sili knew Zhong Yi absolutely, and they wouldn't believe it if he said that he didn't expect today's result at all.

Sure enough, Liang Sili turned his head to look at the sky outside, sighed and said: "It seems that the time is almost up, don't rush to collect dinner, just sit and chat with me for a while, just treat it as working overtime."

It is said that during an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent. Then the end of the legend is naturally impossible without warning.

In fact, he may have foreseen this day more than the legend itself.

Many things were preordained when Zhong Yi broke so many cases for Zhang Xingzhi. This was a gamble with no chance of winning, but Zhong Yi thought he could.

Before becoming a legend, Zhong Yi was Zhong Yi first, the only difference is who made him willing to step down from the altar.

On this point, Zhong Yi's understanding is simpler than Liang Sili's.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and said to the people around him: "Before Zhong Yi, I was a human first."

An ordinary man of flesh and blood.

Zhang Xingzhi stretched out his arms and took him into his arms, saying, "You have always been in front of me."

There are not so many rules and burdens that belong to the term "Zhong Yi", and he has always been an ordinary person.

Zhong Yi leaned on Zhang Xingzhi's shoulder and fell silent. The problem he was struggling with had already changed from the filming of "Aesthetics 2" to whether Zhang Xingzhi should go to the Great Sacred Mountain. In other words, these two problems are essentially the same question.

It's all an adventure.

"I just don't think you should just be like this..." Zhong Yi whispered with lowered eyelids.

Zhang Xingzhi shook his head: "For the sake of Grandma and Leo, I have already stepped back once, there is nothing I should or should not do."

Now, it's just a second retreat for the one I love.

Both of them understood that Zhong Yi lost as early as the night they quarreled.

Although the signal he gave was that if he didn't make a decision before the incident ended, they would be over, but Zhang Xingzhi knew in his heart that even if he really asked to go up the mountain in the end, Zhong Yi would still wait for him and couldn't run away. Also won't run.

Zhong Yi: "...do you really not regret it?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "No, it's not my ideal to go up the mountain, it's just because my parents are on it."

What he and Leo wanted to see was never the mountains, but the people on the mountains. But comparing the people in the past with the real people around you, it is not a difficult problem.

Zhang Xingzhi said, "I am not Xiao Chang, nor Xiao Xiaotian."

I came here for you from the very beginning, and now, I just leave with you.

Love is mutual achievement, but if there is a conflict between companionship and achievement, this time, he just chose the latter between "request" and "tolerance".

That night, Zhong Yi sent a message to Liang Sili.

- "Change to travel, I'll treat you"

Liang Sili returned quickly.

- "Okay, it's okay"

"It's really possible?" Ding Runnian was always a little skeptical of Liang Sili's confidence. After all, Zhang Xingzhi's position is really not something that anyone can do, and the threshold is too high.

But Liang Sili only raised his chin towards the door and said, "Here we come."

The author has something to say: Note:

1. Thank you Lin Xia Zhian, Lian Lian Lian, I Love Analytical Geometry, Qing Xin, and cwtch for their long comments!

Today's good sentence is shared, adapted from Lin Xiazhi'an's reading diary for this article: "Their love is really not very vigorous, but it is undeniable that this love is unforgettable, and the words spoken are not hoarse, and they can still linger. Endless day."

2. Ajiang is not allowed to describe the taste of liquid: BBC has a documentary about the influence of food on its taste. If you are interested, you can go to Kangkang (? I started to teach strangely again

3. About publishing: Many geese sent me private messages to ask me, of course I figured it out myself, but the main issue is obviously not something that a gay guy like me can unilaterally pat on the head to decide, it has to be collected and other data that is passable, and published by others The society wants us to do it, cover your face