Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 116


After more than two years, the premiere ceremony of "Aesthetics 2" finally came as scheduled under the peeping eyes of countless pairs of eyes.

In the winter of 2021, at the end of December, it will be held in a theater newly invested by Fangshi Group, and it will also be their opening ceremony.

Usually the premiere will invite the audience, and the main creative team of the film will also interact with the audience, but "Aesthetics 2" does not. The people who came to the scene that day filled the largest imax hall of Fangshi Cinema, and there were a lot of big names. There was no idle person in the dark projection hall. No one chatted or gossiped. They all sat quietly in their seats. Wait for the premiere to start.

Everyone wanted to see what Zhong Yi had turned into this frustrating movie. There was something to watch, but at the same time they all had plans to be close to Zhong Yi.

The media reporters who managed to win the quota were even more familiar with the manuscripts that they had already memorized by heart, waiting for the main creative team to appear—only waiting for Zhong Yi to appear.

But still nothing.

The host stood in front of the movie screen and introduced the main creative members of "Aesthetics 2" one by one. Everyone waited for all the introductions on the stage to finish without listening to the bell, and then began to discuss.

Liang Sili was sitting in the first row of the ceremony, and there were some people who couldn't help but inquired about the news. Liang Sili just shrugged helplessly, raised the screen of his mobile phone that had just received the news, and said, "I just found out that Teacher Zhong couldn't come."

Someone next to him pricked up his ears to listen and asked again, tentatively: "What have you been up to, Mr. Zhong? You haven't received a reply from your messages, and no one has answered your phone calls. Are you really planning to cultivate your health and focus on the object?" , or are you holding back a big one?"

If there is any explosive news in the circle in the past two years, apart from the official launch of "Aesthetics 2", it is the fact that Zhong Yi has a fixed love interest.

The night Zhong Yi announced his love affair, there was nothing fancy about it, so he posted a message on Moments, without pictures, and the copywriting couldn't be more concise.

- "Liang Sili was dumped by me and replaced with a younger one."

At that time, once this circle of friends came out, countless people rushed to tell each other in various private chats and groups, and frantically reposted it. Those who were not close to each other would find people everywhere to ask if it was true. Those who were close enough to talk, directly So I went to the parties, and they all asked Liang Sili if it was true.

Liang Sili copied the circle of friends of Zou Chao, a sycophant, without any changes, and replied in unison.

- "See you in the circle of friends"

So all the people who rushed after hearing the news saw the circle of friends where Liang Sili and Zou Chao were standing next to each other.

- "Young and Good (Love.jpg)"

Some of the quick-moving ones have already started to follow suit, and even Mr. Liang himself has sent blessings, so why do they have to worry about it? There are not many opportunities to stand upright and flatter Zhong Yi like this.

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Waiting for those village netcoms in the back, who didn't hear the news in advance, and saw their circle of friends, they were stunned, and they couldn't understand what happened, and they were swiping, especially these people had bigger cards than one, and one was bigger than the other. With one nostril turned upside down, until they rowed down to Zhong Yi's circle of friends, they were so frightened that they hurried back to keep up with the formation.

So much so that Zhong Yi even laughed at some people at the time, saying that they also posted along with him in order to appear familiar with him, but in fact they didn’t even add him on WeChat.

Since then, everyone has been energized by 120,000 points, wanting to know who is the sacred thing that can make this Buddha publicly announced.

Zhong Yi is obviously not a celebrity, but he is burdened with the largest share of gossip and curiosity from everyone in the circle.

However, they inquired and inquired, and they only found out that Zhong Yi's partner was also on the crew of "Aesthetics 2". One pass ten, ten pass one hundred and then a drama processing, inexplicably becomes "Aesthetics 2" is the love between the two, although Liang Sili is the one who was "derailed", it is also the whole process of the two people's love because of the play The onlookers, not only were not angry, but were moved by the true feelings of the two, and finally offered their blessings, just like the annual drama of letting him go as soon as he loves him.

However, some people objected, saying that Liang Sili was actually very upset, but in order to maintain the business relationship, there was nothing he could do with the clock, and he just hoped that he would act magnanimously so he pretended not to care.

At first, there were many fans of this kind of voice, but later everyone gradually discovered that Liang Sili was eating, drinking, and sleeping, and that he didn't go on a hunger strike or hang himself, and he didn't even give up playing, and the rumors were self-defeating.

Just like now, when Liang Sili heard the people around him ask about Zhong Yi, there was nothing unusual on his face, he smiled generously, and said: "I have been kicked for so long, and if I go to ask about his private itinerary, it seems that I will It’s not very straight-forward.”

This is not Liang Sili's nonsense, since the film crew wrapped up in June this year, he knows nothing about Zhong Yi except that Zhong Yi has been living in Zhang Xingzhi's big house.

But everyone naturally flattered them, Liang Sili set up all the steps one, two, three, and four that had already been prepared, saying that even if they stepped off, it was just for fun. As for the guest of honor, he must be Mr. Liang, and no one can replace him.

"And Mr. Liang has raised such an excellent son without telling us. I'm really envious. Hahaha."

"That's right, Hao Chuan has several million followers on Weibo now."

"Don't tell me, our daughter was very excited to watch Hao Chuan's variety shows at the time, and she was arguing at home every day to spend money for him, but when she found out from the gossip, hey, Mr. Liang's son, there is no need for anyone to spend money for him. Just playing."

"You can't say that. The child worked hard on his own. As soon as the production was finished, he mentioned that he wanted to go abroad for further studies. He didn't remember the feeling of being sought after by fans at all."

"I heard that I didn't come today because I didn't want to miss class? I educate my daughter every day to imitate his idol's self-motivation hahaha."

Talking about working hard and making progress, Liang Sili didn't know that what these people thought was to go abroad and spend money to buy gold-plated diplomas

But Liang Sili did not expose it, just watched the interview on the stage, and humorously described to everyone the difficulties Leonard encountered in the filming of the Little Sacred Mountain. Just float."

Regarding the matter of going out to study, it was indeed Ji Haochuan, who never liked to study, who ran over to mention it to him, but of course it couldn't be because of him who suddenly became enlightened, but because of Leo.

That day at the wrap-up banquet of "Aesthetics 2", Zhang Liao asked Zhang Xingzhi for advice without any signs, saying that he still wanted to continue his studies before returning, because after getting along with everyone in the crew, he felt that he had to learn There are many more things.

Zhang Xingzhi always thought that Leo should finish reading the book. Although he was a little surprised that he would take the initiative to say that he wanted to study abroad, he did not stop him. Zhong also asked the child if he had a favorite school. He could ask someone to help him write it. letter of recommendation.

Ji Haochuan, who had finished filming a big movie and still felt happy that he had made some small achievements, immediately couldn't hold back when he heard that Zhang Liao was going abroad, and hurried to say that he also wanted to go with him.

In the past two years, Zhong Yi has been in a state of retreat, and outsiders have never seen him, but before everyone thought that he was with the crew of "Aesthetics 2" and didn't want to be disturbed, but it turned out that it has been done for so long, and finally came to see the premiere He still didn't touch the figure, he could only turn his head and run all the way to Libo.

Zhong Yi used to go to work in the company from time to time.

The trouble made Liang Sili feel that he sat in the office every day and did nothing useful, and went to pick up customers for Zhong Yi—even though he had already been kicked.

"You're too polite, Mr. Feng. Every time you come here, you don't have anything empty." Mr. Liang looked at the man who gave him a whole plate of tangerine peel and pu'er. He couldn't understand whether he could be so persistent, "Mainly Teacher Zhong is really not with me, it's useless for you to come several times, and I haven't seen him for a long time."

Mr. Feng said, "I'm not here this time to find Mr. Zhong, but to ask about You'an."

Liang Sili raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter, Mr. Feng also has a scene suitable for You An and wants to find him?"

In the past two years, although Yang Youan, like Ji Haochuan, was the only one who participated in half of the variety show for a short time and did not show up in front of the audience for a long time, he has always attracted attention because he is the only signed artist under Ladbrokes, especially in the circle. Everyone knows that "Aesthetics 2" will soon be released on the Lunar New Year file, which means that the traffic will come back soon, so grab people as soon as possible.

So in addition to those who look for Zhong Yi every day, there are also many people who come to him to ask questions about Ji Haochuan and Yang Youan.

"I heard Mr. Liang's point, did anyone else come to ask?" Feng always has a round face and a bald head, with a rich face, and he said very euphemistically, "I heard that You An seems to have finished filming "Aesthetics 2" I went back to school directly, and I wanted to ask him if he still has the willingness to come out for activities.”

"We still respect the children's own wishes, go back and finish their studies, and then come out with a solid theoretical foundation." Liang Sili said something sincerely, but what he thought in his heart was that others are not fools, why is it that only you can think of it? Come to find out, are you familiar with Yang You'an, just called "You'an" or "You'an"

Mr. Feng quickly echoed: "Yes, they are all good boys who can calm down. They are different from those messy ones in the circle. I am narrow-minded."

When Liang Sili was finally ready to send him away, it was already more than ten minutes later.

As a result, Mr. Feng didn't give up when he stepped out of his office door, so he cheekily said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Mr. Zhong, I don't dare to disturb you, but if Mr. Liang hears that You'an wants to move, don't Forget about me, old Feng, hahaha."

Liang Sili was naturally practicing Tai Chi, and he made a "see off" gesture to the assistant outside the door and nodded: "There is a chance, next time Mr. Feng comes, please don't bring any more things."

"It should be."

Liang Sili was relieved after standing at the door of his office to watch the person disappear. He pulled off the tie around his neck, turned around and pushed open the door of the rest room in the office. With a headache, he said, "I've been thinking about it all morning and I haven't figured it out. You two want to meet. Isn't it more convenient to meet at school than me? It must be like an underground party joint."

Zhong Yi held the candy box, leaned on the sofa and looked at him with a smile: "What's the matter, isn't Mr. Liang very natural, he didn't even blink his eyes when he was talking nonsense."

"What nonsense did I say, you saw that I didn't blink when I was inside?"

"Why you haven't seen me for a long time, didn't you say that?"

Liang Sili folded his arms: "I only said that I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't say that I haven't seen you for a long time. Is it wrong?"

"It's no wonder that Ji Haochuan learned everything in the slums at that time. He learned acting so quickly. I dare to believe that this gene also belongs to you."

"I… "

Before "I" could say anything, Liang Sili was interrupted by Yang You'an, who had been listening for a long time. The child's laughter was as clear as silver bells, saying that this could be a quarrel.

Although Yang Youan is still a bit shy now, no one who comes to see him will feel that he is still the introverted and unconfident Yang Youan back then.

And in fact, his meetings with Mr. Zhong are far less frequent than Liang Sili thought. After all, Mr. Zhang does not teach their class, so there are few opportunities to meet each other, and Zhong also does not go to school often. Basically, how long has Liang Sili not seen Mr. Zhong? Yes, it's been a long time since I saw him.

So when the child saw Zhong Yi earlier, he greeted Zhong Yi warmly and asked, "Have you been resting at Mr. Zhang's house?"

"Hmm, watch the house for him." Zhong Yi said with a smile, "Your teacher Zhang is a busy person right now."

Yang You'an froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered something and said clearly: "Because Leo is not here, everything about the photography studio has fallen to Mr. Zhang, so get busy."

"Yeah, I have taught me how to cook in the spare time. I'm afraid I'll starve to death at home alone." Zhong Yi stuffed sugar into his mouth and said, "When you are free, you can come and taste my cooking. Much stronger than Zhang Xingzhi."

Yang You'an was overwhelmed with flattery, and hurriedly agreed. As long as Mr. Zhong mentioned that Mr. Zhang was in this state, he felt relieved, and the smile reached his eyes.

But Liang Sili looked at humanity and said: "Didn't you learn your skills from him, how can you be better than him?"

"Get lost." Zhong Yi didn't even bother to look at him, "You're making me sour, I want to eat it myself."

Yang You'an is having fun again.

Outside the door, Dong Jie heard You An's laughter as soon as he entered Liang Sili's office, and asked in surprise, "Is You An here?"

Yang Youan immediately stood up from the opposite side of Zhong Yi: "Brother Dong."

Liang Sili was also puzzled: "What a good day today, why are you here to join in the fun, Brother Dong?"

"I heard that Xiying Culture is here again, and I miss my tangerine peel Pu'er." As he spoke, Dong Jie shifted his gaze to the person leaning on the sofa, and joked, "I didn't expect to meet a rare guest. "

Although Yang You'an went back to school, he would still come to the company to show his face from time to time, to see Zhu Hong and him. On the contrary, Zhong Yi, who had been idle, had completely become a missing person, which made them wonder what Mr. Liang was doing again. What a stupid thing, made Mr. Zhong angry.

Zhong Yi looked at the person and said with a smile: "I was going to find you, are you busy this afternoon, why don't you come with me?"

Dong Jie nodded: "After taking my tangerine peel and Pu'er, there is no other arrangement."

Yang You'an was about to ask something, when Zhong Yi stood up and said, "You'an, too."

Yang Youan: "I have to go back..."

"I know you're going back to school and going to lectures, right?"

Yang Youan was taken aback: "How do you know?"

Zhong Yi laughed: "Is it because the school didn't tell you what the lecture was, but only told you to listen to it?"

"That's right..." Yang You'an thought that Teacher Zhang wouldn't even tell Teacher Zhong about such trivial things, and then he had a flash of inspiration, "Could it be Teacher Zhong..."

Zhong also didn't deny it, and said with raised lips, "I promised 19 the lecture at the beginning, as long as they all pass the final exam, I will arrange it. Although it's been two years, I always keep my word."

The author has something to say: Note:

Film Premiere Ceremony: A ceremony held before the first release, mainly to celebrate, publicize, and play clips, so that participants can see some highlights, or the entire movie.

ps: The countdown to the end of the main text, the next chapter, Mr. Zhang will have a public title!

pps: The number of words exploded a bit, I am late, my geese have been waiting for a long time, and the normal update time will resume at 12 noon tomorrow! Chirp everyone!