Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 118


Fortunately, Zhang Xingzhi "justified his name" in the next sentence immediately after: "Zhou Kewen, you'd better tell the truth, where did you get your homework from?"

Only then did the three people outside the classroom notice a photo projected on the big screen. It was a night scene of the night scene when they just entered the campus gate. It was an ordinary scene, but the lighting was well handled and it looked very textured.

Zhou Kewen, a child, Zhong also remembers that when he came to substitute for the first class, he skipped class and failed to show up. Later, he passed because he won the photo competition. The top three in his class definitely have professional standards. But listening to what Zhang Xingzhi meant...

Liang Sili: "Does that mean he didn't take this photo himself?"

"Probably." Zhong Yiyi nodded at the back door, "Maybe he was lazy and handed in other people's photos for homework."

Sure enough, under Zhang Xingzhi's pressure that if you don't tell the truth, I will procrastinate the get out of class, the child finally couldn't bear it and let go, but the final result was a little worse than Zhong Yi expected.

Zhou Kewen not only simply asked a friend for a photo to refill the number, but he didn't want to take homework by himself, and at the same time wanted to go abroad because he graduated, and hoped that his grades would be better, so he paid a high price to find someone to buy the photo.

Zhang Xingzhi's face turned black, and he said sternly: "If you have other things and don't have time to do your homework, you can talk to me directly, and then I will replenish it when you are free. It is really useless to buy other people's photos to hand in my homework. necessary."

No one in the class dared to speak up. They all knew that Zhou Kewen was studying IELTS crazily recently because of his plans to go abroad. This was also why Wang Siheng had the guts to try to change the subject of Teacher Zhong just now.

I also want to know that their old Zhang must know that Zhou Kewen handed in his homework in this way and was so mad.

"I know the shooting habits of each of you." Zhang Xingzhi was already tall, but his complexion became even more frightening, "You are not the only ones who pay attention to students' official accounts. The photo was taken by Da Kui, the editor senior of your 16th grade who has graduated."

For a while, there was an uproar in the class. Senior Da Kui and the others all know that although they are not majors in photography, the school is famous for taking good photos. When he graduated that year, the school even held a personal exhibition for him. The private public account of the work, almost all the students in the school followed it. I didn't expect Zhou Kewen to buy his photo...

Zhou Kewen's face turned pale after being exposed, his back was straightened in his seat, and he couldn't speak a word in embarrassment.

At this moment, Zhong Yi came in from the back door of the classroom lightly and sat in the empty seat in the last row.

The sound is very small, but in the current classroom, any movement can be magnified infinitely in the silence, and everyone turned their attention to Zhong Yi's direction.

Following Zhong Yi came in, as well as Yang You'an and a handsome uncle with his hair combed back that he had never seen before.

One and two of them were all thinking about Dianying and their idol Ding Runnian who were waiting for the meeting. They watched the time pass by and the time to leave the venue was getting closer, but none of them dared to tell their old Zhang to stop.

The class has gone crazy, everyone is waiting for Wang Siheng, let him quickly say a few words to smooth things over, it will be too late if it drags on.

As the head of the first class, Wang Siheng felt that he had shouldered far more than what a child who graduated from kindergarten more than ten years should bear. Even if the first interruption fails, what can I do, I can only bite the bullet and do it a second time.

Wang Siheng tremblingly raised his reporting hand again, and said, "Old Zhang, why don't we go to the lecture hall first? It's about to start, and I guess everyone is waiting for us. Teacher Zhong also..."

Before he could say the word "coming", he was interrupted by Zhong Yi: "No, no, I think the nature of buying other people's photos to hand in homework is really bad. Teacher Zhang should lose his temper or lose his temper. Yes, it should."

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The whole class: "..."

It's over, it's over, the last straw is gone.

Seeing that Zhang Xingzhi looked at him without speaking, Zhong Yi blinked innocently and re-emphasized his position: "It's okay, really, that point of view was originally specially prepared for you 19 photography, the other classes just got involved. Your light, what's wrong with telling them to wait, they should be scolded for doing such a thing."

The whole class: "?"

- "Why did I taste something different?"

- "Ms. Zhong loves Lao Zhang's iron hammer (Dianwax.jpg)"

- "What now"

- "No, you taste it carefully"

- "Teacher Zhong is obviously helping us!!!"

Seeing this, before everyone had time to tap the question mark slowly, Zhang Xingzhi lost his temper when he got the answer on the podium, and lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Wang Siheng organize everyone to go to the lecture hall, Zhou Kewen's classwork this time Zero points, please submit this homework to my mailbox in the next class, and if similar situations happen in the future, I will not care whether you have to go abroad after graduation, and you need grade points, and you will directly fail the course and retake the course."

Wang Siheng hurriedly got up and started to get Luo students out of the classroom. When passing by Zhou Kewen, he touched Zhou Kewen's shoulder unobtrusively, and gave him a look to tell him to say something quickly.

Zhou Kewen swallowed his Adam's apple twice before forcing himself to stand up, and apologized to Zhang Xingzhi in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, I will hand in the homework to your mailbox on time, there will be no next time..."

"En." Zhang Xingzhi's face was still tense, he just lowered his head to pack his things and answered a word forcefully.

All the students who passed by Zhong Yi took the initiative to say hello to him. Wang Siheng not only drove everyone out of the classroom, but also took Yang Youan and the handsome uncle away in a wave before going out, so that only Teacher Zhong in the last row and Lao Zhang on their podium were left.

Zhong Yi waited for Zhang Xingzhi to come over with the notebook before he stood up from his seat, bumped into the person, and teased, "Look, we candy mad."

Zhang Xingzhi was a little helpless: "I'm really angry."

"I know, I don't want to say everything, I should be angry." After speaking, Zhong Yi raised his hand to help Zhang Xingzhi get the notebook in his hand.

Zhang Xingzhi put his free hand around his waist, bowed his head and kissed the left cheek of the man in his arms: "Thank you."

If Zhong Yi hadn't made a mistake today, giving him a step up, it would have been really hard for him to lose his temper so much.

The incident is bad, but you must also consider the tolerance range of the child's self-esteem, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Zhong Yi was still teasing, squinting his lips and said, "Are you being so polite? It's like the first day you're in love."

Zhang Xingzhi finally failed, and finally got tired of being on Zhong Yi's body for a while. When he walked out of the teaching building, he carefully put back his hands around Zhong Yi's waist, took back his notebook, and asked, "Who are they?" Is it all here?"

"Hmm, I'm missing your class."

After the two of them walked at the end of the team, Wang Siheng led everyone to rush forward, chatting and laughing with Yang Youan along the way, so that Liang Sili could only hang on the side like a background board, unable to say a word superior.

Wang Siheng: "I pulled our entire dormitory to pick you, but you retired later, and my heart was broken."

Yang You'an was a little flattered: "Do you also watch that variety show? I thought the boys in your photography class didn't like it very much."

Wang Siheng now calls Zhou Rui's oral addiction a soul: "Hey, who doesn't love the handsome little brother."

Yang You'an was amused, and waved his hands again and again: "I'm not good-looking, but those little brothers who were finally chosen to debut are good-looking."

Wang Siheng: "Hey, if my girlfriend catches up with your beauty, I'll wake up laughing at night."

Everyone: "?"

Liang Sili: "???"

Yang Youan's face turned red in an instant.

Fang Lu was simply amazed: "You are a real cub, Wang Siheng, can Youan not let you go?"

Not to mention them, even Liang Sili couldn't stand it anymore. At first, when he saw this little boy talking and laughing with Yang Youan, he thought that Yang Youan was just popular and popular, but why did he end up like this

Am I getting old? Are kids now so hard to be seductive? ?

How could Liang Sili have imagined that Yang Youan and Wang Siheng only knew each other by name before, and this was the first time they had spoken to each other. Later, Yang Youan stammered and introduced Liang Sili to everyone, and he also said that he was a friend of Teacher Zhong.

Mr. Liang felt unbalanced, and for some reason, he really wanted to show off to these little brats.

The biggest lecture hall in their school is in the library.

Wang Siheng took the lead. As soon as he entered the library, he found many outsiders standing in twos and threes in front of the closed door of the lecture hall. He whispered, "What is this for? Is the leader inspecting?"

Soon those people noticed their arrival, and hurried up to hand Liang Sili his business card in three steps at a time.

Liang Sili decisively pointed behind him, and said to his teammates, "Teacher Zhong is behind."

As soon as the words fell, the group of people who were about to walk towards him immediately changed their course, rushed to the clock and passed by without stopping, leaving only one person standing still.

Although he only met once and never spoke to him, Yang You'an remembered him.

This person is Zou Chao.

"Why are you here to join in the fun?" Liang Sili raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

Zou Chao shrugged: "I didn't make it to the premiere last time. I just heard that there is still a screening at the school here. There are relatively few people, so I came here."

After all, his identity is here, and it is the battle of the insiders at the premiere of "Aesthetics 2". If he really goes, it will probably be enough for him to drink a pot, and he will only go out for entertainment, so he won't be interested in watching movies.

Zou Chao shook his head: "It turned out that I still underestimated Zhong Yi's attraction to everyone."

Even here, there are many people.

Liang Sili also shook his head: "I can't figure out what they want to do."

"I guess I want to line up to give Zhong Yi money in the future, but I have to get the number first."

The two were chatting at this end, and Zhong Yi was surrounded tightly behind him, even Zhang Xingzhi who was beside him was not spared.

With the previous foreshadowing, now everyone handed Zhong Yi their business cards, and cast their eyes on Zhang Xingzhi either probing or ambiguously.

Zhang Xingzhi was still only wearing a very simple hooded sweater, and Zhong Yi backhandedly stuffed a large handful of business cards that had been handed into his hand into his sweater pocket, a familiar scene, a familiar plot.

Zhong Yi: "If you don't like to listen, take the students in first, and I will find you later."

Zhang Xingzhi nodded: "The last row."

After finishing speaking, he left, Zhong Yi watched everyone's curiosity burst, and he was embarrassed to ask directly, but he didn't see it at the time, he just did what he wanted, and fell to the side with a calm attitude. 19 Photography In the eyes of the children, it is called a calm, easy to deal with, full of king's aura, and a proper superior.

"Ms. Zhong is too handsome..." Li Jiang pressed Fang Lu in a low voice.

Fang Lu said, "A giant is a giant."

Wang Siheng also sighed, but from a different angle: "I didn't expect that our old Zhang would not say a word at ordinary times, but when he came here, he would be a big one, and he actually took down such a ruthless role as Mr. Zhong."

To use the exclusive term that Yang Youan just told him, it means that he has never doubted the authenticity of the single-minded couple. He interrupted the class earlier and really just wanted to save Zhou Kewen's life. How could he know that Lao Zhang was so determined and hesitant? Just give him no.

What a sin, wholeheartedly true.

This screening is mainly arranged for third-year students, 19 photography, acting, radio and television director, drama, film and television literature, and there are more retail investors who come to join in the fun after hearing the news and sniffing the mystery.

There are several mobile phone pockets hanging at the entrance of the lecture hall. Everyone has to hand in their mobile phones honestly before they are allowed to enter the lecture hall, in order to prevent students from taking private photos and leaking the content of the main film.

Right now, Wang Siheng took everyone to hand in their mobile phones and opened the door. The huge lecture hall was dark, and the front projection screen was paused on the opening logo of Ladbrokes Films. Through the dim light from the screen, most of the people here could be seen. The positions are all filled.

Without their mobile phones, the students were whispering, guessing what movie they would order later—except for their own class, the students in other classes had no idea of the "happiness" that was about to hit them.

Although Hua An and Ding Runnian sat in the first row as soon as they became the main creators, they could be seen in front of them.

After entering the lecture hall, Liang Sili subconsciously thought that he would sit with Yang Youan, but just as the child entered the door, a girl stood up and waved to him at the other end. .

Yang Youan waved back in front of him, leaving the ignorance of the previous sentence "my classmate is looking for me".

Zou Chao looked at Liang Sili who was a little choked up and teased, "Now you know you regret it?"

Liang Sili: "...I regret fart."

He just didn't change for a while, Yang You'an just put him down completely.

Afraid of missing the movie, Zhong Yi didn't linger with those people for too long, and came in after a few words of entertainment, and found that the situation in the lecture hall was actually good, not as tragic as what Jiang Duoduo said. He probably said that he had to stand to scare him. Frighten them, and hope that these people will get out of trouble.

I found Zhang Xingzhi in the left corner of the last row, with Liang Sili and Zou Chao sitting two or three empty seats outside.

Seeing Zhong also come in, both of them stood up to make way for him.

When passing by Zou Chao, Zhong Yi was a little surprised: "I didn't notice it before, why did you come here?"

"Come to pay respects to Mr. Zhong's masterpiece." Zou Chao smiled, "At first I wanted to bring the one under me with me, so that he could see what he had stuck, but he couldn't come because he had something to do at home today."

Zhong Yi and Liang Sili raised their eyebrows at the same time, and said, "It's rare to have Director Zou."

I've never seen him care so much about any subordinate, and even brought it out himself.

With Liang Sili and Zou Chao guarding "outside", those who came behind could only find another seat, so as not to disturb Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi's "paradise".

This is the first time Zhong Yi himself has watched the film in its entirety.

After finishing the post-processing earlier, I sent a copy to several of them, but Zhong Yi always wanted to wait for Zhang Xingzhi to watch it together, and Boss Zhang was always busy, so he procrastinated until now.

As the door of the lecture hall was closed, the still images on the big screen continued to play. From the on-site visual effects to the source of the film itself, it was no different from a movie theater. One company after another released the title, and then jumped into a series of directors, screenwriters, producers, etc. .

The uninformed children thought that seeing the names of Ding Runnian, Hua An, and Zhong Yi would be enough surprises, but after all these were played, when they found out that the words "logic aesthetics" popped up at the end, everyone was shocked up.

I can't believe my eyes at all, it's so lucky, I saw the second part before it was released in theaters...

If it weren't for the mobile phone not being around, ten Moments plus ten Weibo posts would not be able to suppress their inner excitement. Speaking out, those who escaped today thinking it was just an ordinary lecture, probably have regrets in their guts.

"It's just right, I'll also take a look at the plate that has kept me busy for so long, and what it turned out in the end." Zhong Yi leaned on the back of the chair with his arms folded and said with a low smile.

Zhang Xingzhi raised his hand and picked up the armrest of the seat between the two of them, letting him lean into his arms: "It must be great."

Zhong Yile said, "Teacher Zhang really has confidence in Leonard."

Without waiting for Zhang Xingzhi to reply, Liang Sili answered in a low voice: "It's not that he has confidence in Leonard, he has confidence in you. Okay, I'll finish the lines for him. You guys are almost done. To be a good teacher, with so many students here, it’s up to you and me.”

Zhong Yi said, "You don't care about us." Before he could get out of his mouth, the student sitting in the row in front of them who was cue turned his head and "clarified", staring at Liang Sili and saying: "It's 2021, we have opinions and we will Mention it yourself, burning people’s granaries is your fault, uncle.”

Liang Sili: "?"

"Single-minded girl, please concentrate on watching the movie."

Liang Sili: "???"

The author has something to say: Mr. Liang:? Where is my army of Liang Yi girls

Everyone: Wake up Mr. Liang, the Qing Dynasty is dead

ps: Regarding the graduation thesis, my geese don’t say that I’m too fast. I only wrote it for one day and repaired it for one day. If the instructor thinks it’s okay, I’ll be fine. I’m limited in my cultural level, and I don’t have much to pursue, but You still have to write your graduation thesis well, don’t learn from me!