Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 119


But when the movie actually starts, this contradiction will no longer exist. Everyone was staring at the big screen intently, watching with great concentration.

To what extent did he devote himself to the other corner, Zhou Rui, who was harassed by his underground lover to the point of misery, was rarely clean.

Zhong Yi had gossiped with Zhang Xingzhi before, asking how Zhou Rui was doing with his little boyfriend recently.

Seeing that Zhang Xingzhi started shaking his head without saying a word, Zhong Yi understood that the two of them hadn't settled their innocence yet.

But Zhang Xingzhi said it didn't matter, because Zhou Rui seemed to get used to abstinence, and it didn't have a big impact, and Zhong Yi was overjoyed.

They used to be minors, but now they are a teacher-student relationship. These two people are really good enough.

It is said that laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way. This sentence is valid in any field.

Zhong Yiming had already seen the storyboard beforehand, but as the film was played in the middle and second half, he still couldn't help but feel as worried as the countless students sitting below. His mind was full of these exciting and real shots. How Leonard took the picture, even through the screen made him feel scared, and his palms were cold.

Zhang Xingzhi spread his fingers little by little in the dark, then crossed his fingers and squeezed them into his palms.

At the end of the film, the scene is almost exactly the same as the first one, it is the narrow mountain road at the foot of the small holy mountain. The only difference is that one is at night and the other is during the day, and this road, in addition to going up the mountain, can also go down the mountain.

The last shot was fixed at the moment when Xiao Xiaotian came out from the corner of the mountain road. The morning sun was covered with morning mist, shining through the valley, passing through the messy hair on his head, so bright that even the dust in the air could be seen.

Xiao Chang disappeared on this road forever, but he, Xiao Xiaotian, came back.

The screen went from being illuminated to the brightest, and then gradually darkened to black. The lecture hall was always very quiet, and everyone was immersed in the aftertaste of the film.

In the end, who knows who said "fuck, awesome" under his breath, the atmosphere suddenly became active, and they all joked to the people around them, saying that those who didn't come really lost money this time.

Everyone's excitement and excitement were all written on their faces, even Zou Chao shook his head at Liang Sili who was beside him: "Okay, I'm going to start to have a headache again."

On this scale, others dare not even think about it. How to make Zhong Yi successfully log in to the Lunar New Year file next time is completely his business.

But Zhong Yi was not satisfied with this, but waited seriously for the host to come on stage, leading out the next process—inviting students to briefly chat about their impressions.

It is the expresser's instinct to long for understanding and respect, but it is also the expresser's fate to be misunderstood.

Although the audience in this lecture hall did not have too deep research, they are all people who have undergone audio-visual language teaching, and they are definitely not outsiders. Through the investigation of their understanding of the film, it can be estimated that passers-by will be after watching the film. What kind of feeling, after all, the real box office basics must still be on thousands of passers-by who don't understand audio-visual language at all.

It is one of Zhong Yi's characteristic signatures that the things that are photographed are both elegant and popular.

Some students volunteered to stand up and speak, and some students were recommended jokingly and clicked to speak. Zhong Yi listened carefully.

Some talked about the plot and praised their acting skills, some ridiculed Yang You'an's hidden secrets, and even Wang Siheng stood up and said a few words, continuing the last time Zhang Xingzhi arranged the final work for them.

"'Logic' determines that Xiao Xiaotian will be the same as his father in the end, unable to escape Xiaoshengshan, because he is that kind of person, he will definitely do this, and 'aesthetics' determines what kind of method he will use method, to what extent, so even if Xiao Xiaotian was seriously injured, Xiao Xiaotian who came down from the mountain in the last shot is still straight. In my personal understanding, "logic aesthetics" may actually represent the A kind of dignity and persistence, not forgetting the original intention."

Wang Siheng got a lot of applause for this passage, but Zhong Yi just smiled and didn't say anything until he heard the voice speaking next.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

Zhong Yi sat in the back, couldn't see his face, could only look at the child's slender back, and listened to his clear voice: "The biggest question I have after watching this movie is whether this movie can really pass the review and be released?"

Ding Runnian, who had already sat on the stage from the first row, said with a smile, "Since it took so much time to shoot, I must let him pass it no matter what."

As a result, the child deserved it quickly: "Director Dante, most of the films you made before were stuck."

The lecture hall was immediately quiet, I didn't expect him to be so direct, he really didn't save any face.

When it comes to Ding Runnian's passing trial, Zou Chao is the clearest. He suppressed a smile and said, "Whose child is this, who speaks so impolitely."

Ding Runnian himself was also fooled, he originally came here with the mentality of enjoying the praise of his fans, but he didn't know that when he ran into such an embarrassing person, he was not mentally prepared at all, and he couldn't just say that there are people in our chief producer, I didn't know how to answer, so I heard a voice at the end of the lecture hall asking.

"Why do you think he can't pass the trial?"

For a moment, everyone looked in Zhong Yi's direction, and Ding Runnian's heart that was hanging in the air immediately fell to the ground.

It was also at this time that the boy who was holding the microphone to ask the question turned around, and Zhong Yi saw his appearance clearly. It was good-looking, and it was beyond his expectation. The palm-sized oval face was very delicate, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and a temperament tall and straight.

The child's eyes lit up when he saw him: "Is it Teacher Zhong?"

A staff member ran up from the bottom to pass the microphone to Zhong Yi, and Zhong Yi raised his glasses and got up from his seat and nodded in response, repeating the question again: "What do you think is in the film that cannot pass the review?"

The boy continued to talk nonchalantly: "According to common sense, you can't get through anything."

Zhong Yi: "For example?"

"For example, the second part seems to be the same as the first part. It is an inspirational story with positive energy between love and ideals, but in fact Xiao Xiaotian is different from his father Xiao Chang." The boy said, "Xiao Chang is a rootless floating Ping, there are many puzzles hidden in his body, but Xiao Xiaotian really walked out of the slums. The film does not shy away from the portrayal of his living and growing environment. Yes, I think this is the biggest highlight of the film, but it is also the biggest problem, and I won’t be surprised even if it is said to be withdrawn on the last night before the release.”

This remark fell, and many students present were awakened.

They themselves live in an information-based metropolis, and they seldom think about the families in this world, or in their own country, who can't even afford a mobile phone or an internet connection.

They didn't expect that some people spent all their energy just to survive. Xiao Xiaotian had to sign a contract with the company without hesitation, and only then could he breathe a sigh of relief temporarily by shooting videos that could be fatal at any time.

It's ridiculous, but also true.

They saw the price Xiao Xiaotian paid for his achievements, but they all subconsciously attributed it to the cold-blooded level of drama conflicts, because they had never seen slums with their own eyes, and letting them see such a hard life was not even as good as letting them see the suspension drama. Feeling real.

And all of this is caused by the fig leaf given above.

After all, whether a country is well managed can be known by looking at the people at the bottom.

Zhong Yi paused and asked, "Can you be more specific?"

"Specifically, this movie seems to be a story about a little boy realizing his ideal through his unremitting efforts, but in fact, like many movies, Xiao Xiaotian is just an intention. He represents a type of people who really live at the bottom of society. People. We haven’t seen this kind of people on the screen for a long time, not only the expansion of the polarities, but also the polarization of the rich and the poor.” The boy spoke every word with a straight voice, and he didn’t feel embarrassed at all under Zhong Yi’s gaze. "From Xiao Xiaotian's boss's child, who is also Xiao Xiaotian's best friend, it is a kind of contrast to put them two children with very different backgrounds. "

In the film, Xiao Xiaotian's best friend is an ignorant dude, not a bad person, but also very loyal, which is worse than Xiao Xiaotian, but he can easily solve many problems with the help of his family, and even takes it for granted.

The rich, the so-called upper-class people, always set lower limits for their children in various ways. If you don’t like to study, you will burn money and pile up art. If you don’t like it, you can send it abroad for gold plating. If you can’t find a job, you can inherit the family property and arrange employment. There will always be a way to "cover up". class.

There is no need for a unified transfer order. In order to protect their own interests and welfare, the superiors will invariably make it more difficult for the subordinates to ascend, which is human nature.

Looking at it from another angle, Xiao Xiaotian was sent to Little Sacred Mountain by his boss, which actually had the meaning of killing him. And this is something Xiao Xiaotian can't refuse, because as long as he wants to continue to go up, he will inevitably go through this step.

Since ancient times, social turmoil has almost always been caused by the closure of ascending channels.

The terrible thing is never the gap, but the people above will not let you find a way to eliminate the gap, making the upward channel no longer adjustable and controllable.

This is a very sensitive social issue.

"It's impossible for the higher-ups to let this kind of thing be broadcast, unless there is a special relationship." Relying on the fact that everyone's mobile phones are hung outside the lecture hall, the boy's words are straightforward, but not annoying, on the contrary, he dares to speak out. Kind of appreciate it.

Zou Chao, who was completely hit by the "pain point", was a little surprised, thinking that children are very good now.

Zhong Yi became even more interested, and asked, "What's your name? Which class are you from in the junior year?"

The boy smiled generously: "I'm not a junior. I'm a 16th grader. I've already graduated. My name is Tao Fang."

The moment he pronounced his name, the audience was in an uproar.

The little girl seated closest to Tao Fang couldn't hold back at first, grabbed the clothes of the sisters around her and began to cry in a breathy voice: "I said that I looked familiar, and I actually saw Senior Tao Tu in person! It's more fucking than the photo handsome!!"

"You still don't believe me when I tell you, I met Brother Fang two years ago, and I remember it until today."

"Senior Tutu is really handsome to me, he is obedient and handsome, and his temper is as bad as 555"

Judging from everyone's reactions, I guess this is also a famous figure in the school, Zhong Yi asked: "How do you know that "Aesthetics 2" will be screened here today?"

Tao Fang's two cute tigers are very cute, even when facing Zhong Yi, he didn't show shortness of breath at all: "I was just going back to my alma mater with my friends to chase Ding Dao's star, but I just happened to bump into him. I'm lucky."

Zhong Yi smiled: "Is your friend the boy sitting next to you? Give him the microphone. If you want to ask Director Ding anything, you can ask him directly now."

Tao Fang was not polite: "Thank you, Mr. Zhong."

The child smiled sweetly, and his mouth was sweet, Zhong Yi sat down and said to Zhang Xingzhi beside him: "It's pretty good."

As a result, Zhang Xingzhi said: "I know this student, who was also edited by 16 Cantonese. I met him when he was taking photos of the actor Lu Chen in "Zar". .”

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "The one where Zhou Kewen bought the photo?"

Zhang Xingzhi nodded: "His photos are indeed very solid."

Da Kui did not feel stage fright when he picked up the microphone: "The overall camera style of the second film is different from the first one you led at the time, so this time between you and Mr. Liu Guanghui, did you listen to Mr. Liu Guanghui's opinion?"

This question is very professional, because whether it is the first or the second part, the titles of the two of them have not changed. They are both directors and directors of photography. If they can find problems, it means that they are knowledgeable, which makes Ding Runnian a little bit. Get excited, Ba Ba Ba started to talk nonsense and pour beans, and opened up the topic at once.

There were students who were more daring and asked Liu Guanghui directly if he thought he could win the award this time.

Liu Guanghui answered without ambiguity, and said with a smile: "Although I didn't rush to win the award, Leonard and I have equal chances of winning the award. His part on the mountain is very good, and maybe the two of us will end up together." I can take it."

Seeing them talking and laughing happily, Zhong Yi finally couldn't help but let out a "tsk", it was rare to be sentimental, and patted Zhang Xingzhi's thigh beside him and said, "You should have won the prize."

Zhong Yi still couldn't let go of this incident. In his heart, a talented person like Zhang Xingzhi should have an explosion. Even if he retreated immediately after the incident, at least he would have a bright future. He is now so tepid by his side. Beside, too accommodating.

But Zhang Xingzhi just rubbed the back of his hand a few times soothingly, and didn't say anything. The previous discussions and questions about the main creator continued.

Some asked how the light that hit Xiao Xiaotian at the end of the film was shot, and some asked them what difficulties they encountered during the epidemic in early 2020.

"At that time, many crews were forced to suspend work, because the scenes that were built were dismantled and rebuilt, which cost more, so every day of suspending work, at least 200,000 to 300,000 yuan was burned. Is it the same for us?"

Speaking of this, Hua An laughed: "Actually, no, we are luckier and more coincidental."

There is a hard time limit on their entire shooting trip, and the only one that can't miss the small holy mountain during the climbing window. From June to the end of 2019 when I was filming in Arnimai, I had a whim and said I wanted to work overtime, so I hurried back to China for New Year’s Day, and I came back on December 30th.

"At that time, the policy came down on January 27th, but we actually stopped work very early. As soon as we heard that Wuhan was closed on January 23rd, we asked everyone in the production team to go home and rest, because we were looking for scenes for the crew. It’s very powerful. The parts and scenes shot in China can be used directly, and there is not much pressure to burn money. During the epidemic, Mr. Zhong urged our sponsors to pay off their monthly salary, and even paid extra For the subsidy, every day there will be a field manager who is responsible for counting body temperature to ask in the group, so there is no problem, and the impact is not big."

Everyone was envious of this welfare treatment. After all, there were too many seniors and seniors who were affected by the epidemic at that time.

Zhong Yi didn't intend to let the people who came to join in the fun come here for nothing. He casually said that there are many bosses of companies here, and they can think more about internships and job hunting, so he tied them up.

If you don't give these students a chance, even if you don't give Zhong Yi face, if there is no recruitment plan, at least you have to bite the bullet and take two of them home.

Now the children were dumbfounded again. They thought it would be a pleasant surprise to come and catch a movie to watch, but they didn't know that they could catch up with the "job fair", especially because the quality of the companies present was not low.

Before the end, some students asked Zhong Yi a very sharp question: "We all know that there are many restrictions on film and television at this stage. In the long run, do you think these restrictions are good or bad?"

Zhong also started to play tricks: "I invited my friend to answer this question, he is more professional than me."

After speaking, everyone followed Zhong Yi's gaze and looked at Zou Chao on the side.

Zou Chao: "... ... ..."

Zhong Yi must squeeze each of them dry, to make an example to others.

Zou Chao said helplessly, "Let me answer such a sensitive question, what if I lose my job?"

"Who can make you lose it." Zhong Yi said this with full confidence.

The students present didn't know his identity at all, and the only ones who knew were those who came to join in the fun today. All the business cards were in Zhang Xingzhi's pocket. If he really leaked something at the time, he would be on the list and couldn't escape.

With curious little eyes under his eyes, Zou Chao took the microphone and said helplessly: "Then I will give you a simple answer. Ten years ago was a small era, and now it is a party era. Not only in the field of film and television, but also in any strategic direction. It will take a long time to prove it.”

"Then do you think it's right or wrong?"

"There is no right or wrong, whoever survives is right."

The children insisted: "Then how far do you think Chinese film and television must progress to be considered mature? Or the real ideal state of creative freedom."

This is a very empty and big question, and it is not easy to answer.

Zou Chao's scalp was numb, and he turned to Zhong Yi for help: "How come students are so good at asking questions now, and they can't tell anything."

The children burst into laughter, and Zhong didn't make things too difficult for Zou Chao, and took the initiative to take over the conversation: "The standard in my heart is that the lower-level groups are 'free', and creation is free."

"From the first part to the second part, can I understand Mr. Cheng Zhong, you have this ambition? Because what you are doing is actually sinking continuously."

That is to test the bottom line.

Zhong Yi smiled: "I just hope that one day we can not sing praises to anyone."

Seeing that these children were getting more and more serious with their questions, Hua An stopped on stage in time, telling them to ask one last question because of time constraints.

Everyone quickly reached an agreement and brought out the panacea—letting Zhong Yi send a few words to the children here.

Zhong Yi thought for a moment and said: "The effort I put into making "Aesthetics 2" was far more than the two years from the start of the construction period. It must have been all the hard work and precipitation in the previous ten years that it was possible to reach today's height. , including everyone in our entire team, so if I were to send it, I should choose the one that everyone is familiar with."

"Every outstanding person has a period of silence. During that period, a lot of hard work has been put in, but there is no result. We call it rooting."

The author has something to say: Note:

1. "Being misunderstood is the destiny of the expresser." — Ma Dong

2. "Every outstanding person has a period of silence. During that period, a lot of hard work has been put in, but there is no result. We call it rooting." —Xi Dada

3. Suspended dramas: especially those dramas with realistic themes that are divorced from reality. The events and emotions in the dramas have no root. A more typical example is that most of the current industry dramas do not match the truth. They are nonsensical and brainless love dramas, which spill a lot of blood, and then the domineering CEO falls in love with me.

ps: The text is almost over, let me tell my geese a secret, in fact, I don’t want to be your Mrs. Treasure at all, because only things that few people know are called treasures, so I will continue to work hard! Try not to be Mrs. Treasure in the future!

pps: Thank you for the long comment by the sweet cat named Wangzai, and thank you f, I love analytical geometry, and Liang Erhuan for the second long comment!