Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 124: [Special episode 1.3]


Leo was stunned for a while, his rationality told him that he should push the person away immediately, but Ji Haochuan's eyelashes, which were so nervous that they trembled even when he closed his eyes, were right in front of him, which made him very unbearable.

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It's just that it's different from what he expected, Ji Haochuan's nervousness seems to be limited to appearance.

Leo thought that this man's tongue stretched out to the limit, but in the end, he kissed him, and his hand followed him. The movement of holding his face was skillful, natural, and beautiful.

Leo even thought that if he pointed the camera at them now, he should be able to get a very good finished film...

Kissing Ji Haochuan, Leo found that not only did he not feel disgusted, but the blood all over his body rushed into his head, a little over the top, and in the end all the messy trains ran in his mind, and he didn't think about the kiss itself at all. As for why he subconsciously responded clumsily, it was even beyond his consideration.

The two of them had been hiding under the water with their knees bent, and kissed until they emerged from the water and stood upright. When they separated slowly, they were both a little out of breath, the skin that was close together was burning hot, and the eyes looking at each other were wet and gleaming.

Ji Haochuan thought that Leo's first sentence would ask him why he kissed him.

As a result, Leo wiped his mouth: "Why are you so proficient?"

Ji Haochuan was dumbfounded for a moment, and then denied it flatly: "No, no, no, it's not what you think, Leo, I just, you know, I was filming in a film before, and there was a kiss scene, so I just... researched it... "

It is said to be "small", but it is actually big.

At that time, Ji Haochuan was just for those few eight-camera kissing scenes. The whole production crew went up to his father Liang Sili and down to the assistants in the recording team. Anyone who had kissing experience was consulted by him over and over again. They demonstrated to him on the spot and learned diligently.

In the end, he still knelt at Zhong Yi's feet and obtained his true biography.

"I really had no love experience before, I didn't fall in love early, I didn't..."

Before Ji Haochuan could say "lie to you", he was interrupted by Leo: "And then?"

Ji Haochuan: "?"

Ji Haochuan: "What then?"

Leo's eyelids drooped slightly, his face was flushed, he looked at the person and asked, "What should I do after kissing..."

Ji Haochuan: "!!!"

The child's face turned red in an instant, "I" only said "I" after a long time: "Just the kiss scene, there is no more, and I didn't ask for advice later, I just, probably know..."

As he said that, Ji Haochuan couldn't control his eyes, so he glanced at Leo's naked body. After the muscles were stained with water, the moonlight shone, and the luster immediately appeared, but he didn't know that he was in Leo's eyes. Also eye-catching.

Although Ji Haochuan doesn't have prominent abdominal muscles, his white to luminous complexion, coupled with smooth muscle lines, is full of flexibility and beauty exclusive to young people, and it is a hormonal taste different from his own.

It's true that Leo liked his brother like that before, but after staying with Ji Haochuan for a long time and looking at his face for a long time, it seems that his aesthetics has also been assimilated, and he thinks that Ji Haochuan is quite good.

Leo: "I don't know, and you don't know either... so what should I do?"

Ji Haochuan: "What... !!!"

Suddenly he realized that this time Ji Haochuan was completely stupid, his eyes were full of disbelief when he opened his mouth and looked at Leo.

you don't mean to...

Leo asked with red ears: "Don't you want to?"

Ji Haochuan: "!!!!!!"

I think so! Of course I want to! I have long thought that everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng!

The two hit it off immediately, and tiptoed from the hot spring pool to Ji Haochuan's guest room.

The reason is that Ji Haochuan's guest room is a little further away from the rooms of Brother Leo and Grandma—if you do bad things, you should avoid the elders more.

Ji Haochuan didn't expect that he could make such a big progress in one fell swoop today. Sitting on the bed face to face with Leo, holding the spiral pattern returned to him by Zhang Xingzhi and Zhong Yi, his hands were trembling, and he stammered and said the afternoon Once, I repeated it to Leo: "Imported, ultra-thin, spiral pattern, first-class reputation."

"Hmm..." Leo's throat was a little tight. Both of them had only a pair of underwear left on their bodies, and the water on their hair hadn't dried completely.

He also couldn't explain why he was so reckless, maybe it was because he had vaguely prepared himself when he saw Ji Haochuan telling him that he didn't plan anything but himself.

It's not that he hasn't liked people before. It's a joke to say that he really didn't know Ji Haochuan's feelings for him during the past half a year. I knew how to respond, so I kept pretending not to know.

How could Ji Haochuan think that he and Leo were delayed for so long because they were waiting for the other party to give a signal, and now he swallowed his Adam's apple, and asked cautiously: "Your grandma won't kill me, right? Zhang Xingzhi harmed you, and now I have harmed you..."

This old Zhang family has no choice.

Leo said, "My grandma knows."

Ji Haochuan's unpacking hand stopped suddenly.

"Ask me what I plan to do this afternoon." Leo blushed and took the things in his hand and continued to unpack them, "Grandma knew it when she made a video with you for the first time."

Ji Haochuan now has "shock me" written all over his face, curling up his toes in shame: "...you knew it the first time?"

Leo nodded slightly, picked out one of the many small squares and said, "I've never used this before, how should I use this..."

Ji Haochuan: "..."

He pinched his thighs hard, unable to describe his agitated mood, he could only force his neck to speak out: "Just... you take off your pants first..."

Leo couldn't even raise his head now, and he didn't dare to look at Ji Haochuan with the condom, so he asked, "It means... should I use it?"

With Ji Haochuan's character, Leo didn't think he would willingly be the one to be suppressed.

As a result, Ji Haochuan gritted his teeth and said to him: "Try it first, I heard that I have no experience, the bottom one is quite painful."

So no matter what, let me feel the pain once first, and after empathizing with you, I will know how to make you feel better next time.

To be honest, Leo's heart suddenly tightened until this time, and he looked up at Ji Haochuan but couldn't say a word.

This time, Cheng Ji Haochuan didn't dare to look at people anymore. He put his head down and tried to stay calm, took the condom back from Leo's hand, aimed at the bulging place and said, "Take it off, I'll put it on for you. As soon as I bought it, I checked online how to use it... "

The remaining sentence "You have reacted" was left out of his mouth, because he himself was also stiff. When Ji Haochuan thought about what they were going to do next, his heels went numb to his hair.

When he finally lifted the things up tremblingly, thinking that Quario's two words about his growth would relieve the atmosphere, he saw the pair of eggplant eyes that had disappeared for a long time when he looked up.

Ji Haochuan panicked immediately, and almost touched Leo's face with something he had touched, and said nervously: "What, what's the matter, did I hurt you just now?"

Leo shook his head: "I just, I didn't expect qaq..."

"I didn't expect... what?"

"I didn't expect you to really like me so much qaq..."

Ji Haochuan blinked steadily for several times before he figured out how to pick it up, tried his best to straighten his tongue and said tentatively: "...then I'll take it off too?"

"um qaq"

"I, cough, I washed it carefully before. It's not dirty, but it's inconvenient for me to do it backwards. I need you to help me."

“good qaq”

"It's okay, Leo, you can do whatever you want, anyway, that's the thing, I'm not afraid... oh!"

Before he could finish saying "pain", he slapped himself in the face.

Sensing Leo's sudden stop because of his yelling, Ji Haochuan quickly took a few deep breaths and said, "It's okay, I, it's okay, you can continue."

Then the whole scene was followed by Ji Haochuan encouraging Leo not to be cowardly, until he finally went in, Leo couldn't bear it anymore, and repeatedly confirmed with others: "Are you really not in pain qaq?"

"I don't hurt, don't worry about me."

"But your tears are already in your mouth qaqq"

"I'm just not used to it, it's okay."

"Then, shall I continue qaqqq?"

"Come on! I can stand it!"

In the early morning of the next day, in order to show that he really had nothing to do, Ji Haochuan dragged his broken body out of bed and sat on the breakfast table feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Leo looked at him with worry in his eyes, and he couldn't persuade him to go back. He blamed himself and felt guilty. He also secretly checked the skills in this area on the Internet, but the distant water could not save the near fire. After breakfast, Moji came to his brother's side: "Brother, are you busy now? I have something to ask you."

Zhang Xingzhi subconsciously turned his attention to Zhong Yi, and Zhong Yi shrugged: "You brothers talk, I will go to sleep later."

As a result, as soon as Zhang Xingzhi was taken away by Leo, guests arrived at the Zhang Family Mansion.

Before Zhong Yiren saw him, he first heard the familiar greetings at the door.

"Actually, you don't need to worry about us, we are all familiar with the way, you go play your mahjong."

"Okay, I'll send you in, and Xiao Zhong will accompany you later, and I'll go play mahjong."

"Xiao Zhong is..."

Before Jiang Duoduo finished speaking, he was startled by the people sitting at the dining table in the lobby: "Zhong Yi???"

Zhong Yi was also a little surprised: "Why are you here..."

"Why do I come here? I come every Chinese New Year." Jiang Duoduo's impression of Zhong Yi is still a few days ago, when the two met in the school lecture hall, "Wait, that's Teacher Zhang and Li O is back too?"

After all, apart from Zhong Yi, Ji Haochuan is also sitting here.

Ji Haochuan was halfway through a mouthful of steamed buns when he was choked by such a large group of people who came suddenly at the door. They were all tall and burly, except for Jiang Duoduo.

It was Leonard and Sasha who greeted him first: "Hey Haochuan! Long time no see!"

Only then did Ji Haochuan swallow the steamed stuffed bun that was stuck in his throat, and quickly got up to answer in his already fluent English, looking at the group of foreigners behind the two who were still a little distracted.

The old lady was obviously very familiar with this group of people, and she had a surprisingly pure English accent. When she walked to the table, she held Zhong Yi's hand and said to everyone: "Some of you know each other with Xiao Zhong, but have you ever met?" Yes, let me introduce you formally during the Chinese New Year, this is my grandson-in-law, Zhong Yi."

Zhong Yi: "?"

If it weren't for so many people watching, Ji Haochuan would burst into laughter when he turned his head, and all the "granddaughters-in-law" would come out.

As a result, the old lady choked him to death with the next sentence, and said: "The one next to him is the younger one, and also his granddaughter-in-law, Ji Haochuan."

Ji Haochuan: "...?"

He subconsciously put his hands on his buttocks, so where is it... You can see it? !