Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 13


This is a colored chat box.

Zhang Xingzhi would not admit that the first thing that popped into his mind when he saw the news about Zhong Yi, actually had nothing to do with his own muscles, but it was all about Zhong Yi's appearance on the bed that day.

Hu Ke wants to know why Zhong Yi can smile so beautifully when he is chatting with people. The impact of Baidu Encyclopedia just now has been reverberating in his heart for a long time. It is not that he has a prejudice against good-looking people, the main thing is indeed Being too good-looking, Hu Ke couldn't help doubting the authenticity of that string of achievements.

Then he was skeptical and suspicious, staring at his face, fascinated by doubts, he didn't even know when it was his turn, Sister Hong bumped him several times under the table before regaining consciousness, and was handed under his nose Words were written in flying and phoenix dances in his notebook, followed by a few huge exclamation points, which were quite expressive.

- "Wake up! Don't look at it! Watch it again, something will happen!!!"

In order to smooth things over for him, the senior who spoke before was still helping him delay.

Hu Ke was about to reassure his leader that nothing was wrong, and Mr. Zhong was chatting happily, when Zhong Yi suddenly raised his head, his eyes fell on him precisely, and asked: "Didn't you just say that the part of the announcement and marketing is the interns and The public relations department followed up with the docking, so let him get up and report, why are you still sitting now?"

Hu Ke: "!!!"

This person is a liar. He promised to play with his mobile phone. How could he repeat what they said just now so completely? ?

Sister Hong pressed her temple as expected, and once again slammed into the man's leg under the table, hitting Hu Ke's ass like a spring, and gave Zhong Yi's gaze a "babble" Just stood up.

Hu Ke rushed the duck to the shelves, tried his best to stroke his tongue, and started: "Hey, the list of trainees from various brokerage companies has been given to us, and the quota for the debut position..."

In fact, from the first word he spoke, Zhong Yi didn't look at him. He lowered his head and played with his phone again. Hu Ke, who was sobbing, almost forgot his words. How could he think that Teacher Zhong had just finished flirting with others and was waiting for their reply. .

Zhang Xingzhi kept silent, and Zhong Yi couldn't restrain himself from seeing the picture again. This person must be holding the phone in both hands and looking at the input box with a very serious expression.

Zhong Yi, who has always been irresponsible, rarely sent a merciful one. He changed the subject by saying "Okay, I won't tease you", and then he made up for the last two questions after the three chats.

- "What are you going to eat for lunch"

Sure enough, Zhang Xingzhi's recovery speed increased as soon as he saw it.

- "What's left in the fridge to eat"

- "Our teacher Zhang can also cook"

- "Mediocre taste"

- "People who know how to cook say that their taste is mediocre, let me taste it next time"


Zhong also found that this person is really a model of a topic terminator, so he simply carried out the household registration check to the end.

- "Do you have any plans for today?"

- "Go out in the afternoon"

- "where to go"


- "What studio, whose"

- "My own photography studio"

Zhong also hooked his lips.


Zhang Xingzhi paused, hesitating what to reply, when he saw the other person immediately added a sentence that made him even more confused about how to reply.

- "Our teacher Zhang is so good, it really makes me more and more reluctant"

If Zhang Xingzhi didn't understand what Zhong Yizai was reluctant to do last night, he should understand now.

But Zhong Yi was actually just itching, and couldn't help but want to make another comment. He didn't expect him to reply at all, and put down the phone after sending the message.

Hu Ke felt like he was punished to stand for such a constant chatter without anyone. Fortunately, when he said the last sentence, the boss looked up.

Hu Ke subconsciously raised his chest, raised his head and retracted his stomach: "From Monday, the trainees from various brokerage companies will come to take pictures one after another, and the more than a dozen trainees who are still missing are also arranging auditions one after another. After Sunday."

Sister Hong, who suddenly realized that she had forgotten something, hurriedly added: "Mr. Zhong, I will print out the list of players and the model cards for you later."

Zhong Yi, who had just finished teasing people, was in a good mood, and said generously, "No hurry, just give it to me at the meeting tomorrow, have you finished today's content?"

Miss Hong nodded.

Zhong Yi also nodded: "Okay, then the person in charge of the PR side will stay, and the others can leave."

Miss Hong: "?"

Zhong Yi: "?"

Sister Hong licked her lips: "What do you think?"

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "What do you think?"

Hu Kexin said that at times like this, of course one should be humble and humble, and just as she was about to say "it can be better", Sister Hong pinched her thigh under the table.

Sister Hong answered decisively: "We think it's all pretty good."

"It's all good, and you still ask me what to do." As he said, Zhong Yi pointed to the door, "Go out, you can save the part of the competition tomorrow for the last night."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of everyone in the room just let go hung in their throats again, only Hu Ke couldn't forget that he was gagged, and then he was educated by his seniors in turn as soon as he went out.

"You can't be humble in front of Teacher Zhong."

"Do you want to say that it can be better? If you say this and you don't really get Mr. Zhong a better one, you will die."

"Forget it, you're still young, and I was like that when I first joined the company."

"To Mr. Zhong, don't flatter, don't lie, in various senses, remember Xiao Hu, you can save your life."

"But I'm quite surprised. Mr. Zhong actually agreed to help Mr. Liang to support his little lover, won't you be jealous..."

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"Tsk, don't guess what Teacher Zhong is thinking."

"At that time, we will know Teacher Zhong's attitude towards that kid."

As soon as the large troops retreated, the conference room was immediately empty.

After a whole meeting, Liang Sili, who did nothing else but soaked two pots of hand-washed wine, became more excited, and with all his strength, he glared at Zhong Yi's chair, and said with great interest: "I want to talk about You'an. ?"

"Yeah, anyway, you can do whatever you want, and it's too late to regret it now." Zhong Yichong asked the head of the public relations department sitting on his left, "Did he mention Yang Youan to you?"

Dong Jie nodded: "Mr. Liang mentioned it, and I have also written a few sets of plans."

He is an old employee of the company, and he used to do only public relations, but since Zhong Yi came, they never went out alone to find a marketing company for promotion and maintenance when they were working on projects.

Whether it was a movie or a variety show, all the marketing plans were put under their public relations department. Dong Jie also changed from an idle person who didn't know how to use it for nothing major to a top priority who directly communicated with Zhong Yi.

In fact, as long as the brain is good enough, marketing is a job that anyone can do.

Dong Jie thinks that he understands Zhong Yi's "willing" style, and Zhong Yi is quite satisfied with the three proposals he put forward.

After all, they have been working together for ten years. If they were not suitable, they would have been dismissed by Zhong Yi according to Liang Sili's head, how could they stay until now.

At this moment, Zhong Yi was not in a hurry to comment after listening, so he smiled at Liang Sili with his face covered: "I applied to increase the project dividend ratio for me, and I have done ten years of talent training for you for free. Marketing has never let you Spend a penny, there is no credit but hard work, right?"

Liang Sili also laughed: "If I don't agree to you, will you not tell me your plan?"

There is nothing to understand, Dong Jie laughed: "Your teacher Zhong is still your teacher Zhong."

In fact, he is slightly older than Liang Sili, but he really admires Zhong.

Just as Zhong Yi was about to speak, the screen of his phone on the table lit up, and it was Zhang Xingzhi's message.

-"what are you doing"

Zhong Yi laughed out loud at the first glance. This person probably didn't know how to answer what he said before, and he didn't want to end the chat, so he pondered over the phone for a long time before he came up with such an embarrassing conversation.

Seeing that the three of them were talking well, Liang Sili started to type on his mobile phone again, and finally he was completely sour: "You are not chatting with that elm lump yesterday, are you? We have been chatting all morning, I Why didn't you see that he was such a chatty person?"

"He can't chat, but I can." Zhong Yi looked at him, "If you want to talk to your college students, they must be eager for you to send him messages every day."

So far, Zhang Xingzhi, who was blindly targeted by Zhong Yi, immediately received a reply from Zhong Yi.

- "I'm doing something bad, Mr. Zhang, I'll silence you if you ask too many questions"

After sending out the bell, he put down his phone and started to explain to Dong Jie: "In the past two days, I went to find someone to write a few copies of the copywriting and make up stories. It probably means that one of the participating trainees used to sleep with him a lot. , Falling in love is fine, in short, the number of words should not be too many, it is similar to the tone of netizens making casual complaints, and then when the trainee information is released in the early stage of the show, this will be exposed, understand?"

The two present were taken aback after hearing this, and Dong Jie confirmed, "Is it the same sex?"

Zhong Yi nodded his head as a matter of course: "The opposite sex is nothing to watch, the copywriting is vulgar, you know what I mean."

Sure enough, Dong Jie felt that he still underestimated Zhong Yi's "willingness", and this time he didn't need to speak, Liang Sili was the first to be fooled: "Even if I can do whatever I want, it can't be black and red, you use This kind of thing is fried, can it be turned back in the end?"

"If I say that this plan can not only make your heart happy, but also ensure that this black spot does not fall on his head, will you be ok?" Zhong Yi looked at him.

Liang Sili naturally deserved it without hesitation, so Zhong Yi smiled leisurely: "Okay, you're fine, don't regret it."

Hearing this, Liang Sili immediately became cautious again, but after thinking about it for a whole circle, he couldn't figure out what he had to regret.

Seeing his thoughts, Zhong Yi shrugged: "Anyway, just don't regret it, this should be the last time you ask me to praise your little friends."

Because this black spot won't fall on Mr. Liang, your darling, but it will fall on your other more precious darling.