Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 14


Because of the smooth meeting yesterday, when Hu Ke saw Zhong Yi took out his mobile phone and started chatting on WeChat again, he still felt that he might not be as difficult to deal with as he seemed.

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Until the people in the room were scolded into shit by Zhong Yi while playing with his mobile phone.

"Move all the water sports to the back for me. I didn't have a lot of good faces in the first place, and I didn't even get fans, so I asked them to post emojis."

"Can you tell me about your mental journey? I'm really curious how you came up with such a link without any cause and effect."

"Please go back to the furnace and rebuild the whole piece of brotherhood. It's really unnecessary. It's embarrassing and plastic."

"Right now, the meme of forcefully yelling and sensationalizing in order to be left behind has been played badly. Are you sure it's crying and not fast forward?"

"I'll say it again for the last time, don't, let me see this kind of unnutritious thing again, and please remove the similar ones automatically."

"Except for the boy group and the girl group at the beginning of the talent show, which were barely a bit of a splash, you really haven't thought about why they all fell silent in the end."

"Okay, here we go again, Liang Sili, let's divest, and return the project to other people's platform, don't do it, really."

"Don't you feel how old-fashioned you are at all?"

"Although your boss said that this variety show is bought with money to cheer people up, but can you really win praise for something like this?"

Hu Ke is already stupid, he is stupid all over, are you sure this is the person who said they are all good yesterday, and you are too... too! meeting! scold! up!

The competition system is okay, but the design of the emotional direction is basically completely denied, and it has been criticized from the beginning to the end.

As the head of the planning department, it is incumbent to do things like topping thunder. Under Zhong Yi's pressure, Sister Hong looked at death and said, "Mainly, that's what happened in the first season..."

The implication is that they just continued the previous tradition.

But Zhong Yi's typing hand stopped suddenly, and he raised his eyes to her and asked back: "Otherwise, why do you think people are willing to sell things to you as the main investor?"

Sister Hong wanted to say that I must not know, but she dared not.

Zhong Yi: "If you use this thing for the second time, you can still make a steady profit without losing it. They are crazy to give you the money in vain. They are doing good deeds and wanting to have a better life in the next life. I have never seen such a generous person."

Now not only Sister Hong, but everyone in the conference room lowered their heads, no one dared to look at Zhong Yi.

After yesterday, Zhong Yi started to chat with Zhang Xingzhi as soon as he sat in the meeting room as if he had formed a habit. He didn’t necessarily know anything else, but he would definitely ask three questions: what are you doing, what are you eating, and what are your arrangements? But today there is an extra link to see the model cards of the participating trainees, so that it doesn't delay things at all while scolding people.

But at this point, Zhong Yi finally put down the mobile phone and the model card in his hand, and began to give this table a small stove wholeheartedly: "The kind and friendly atmosphere before is no longer popular, and I will show you a clear way. If you want to kill them, just use 'reign of terror' as a tag, vermilion, retribution, do you understand what these four mean?"

The moment Sister Hong heard her name, it was as if Ren Du's six veins were suddenly opened up, and her eyes lit up behind the lens: "Mr. Zhong, I understand!!"

"Okay, I want to see the improved things in the meeting tomorrow." Zhong Yi said, pushing a small stack of model cards that he picked out separately at hand, "The interns came over and put the exercises in this stack of model cards Write it down, regardless of the agency, the shooting is concentrated in the front row, and when it is arranged, call me, and when the time comes, find someone to talk to, and collect the money, as soon as possible.”

Although Hu Ke didn't understand what he was asked to talk about and what money he was going to receive in the end, he didn't dare to ask Zhong Yi in a hurry, so he agreed in a hurry.

After Zhong Yi finished explaining everything to everyone, he gave the final conclusion: "Tonight, Zhu Hong, you can ask me any questions on WeChat during the hour from 10:00 to 11:00 tonight, but if you have a meeting tomorrow, you can still ask me A problematic plan, you will never have to do this project again, and you will do what you say."

If Hu Ke heard such decision-making opinions from Zhong Yi the day before, he would subconsciously look at Mr. Liang who was leisurely drinking coffee, then he would not now.

"Do what you say" is like a curse on his head. He has never been so tense since he joined the company. He doesn't remember how he walked out of the meeting room that day. He only remembers that Sister Hong asked him : "Is it cool?"

Without even thinking about it, Hu Ke nodded his head indiscriminately: "It's cool, it's never been so cool."

Then Sister Hong hugged him emotionally and said, "That's what it's like to be scolded by Teacher Zhong, it's addictive."

Hu Ke almost agrees with both hands and feet, because Zhong Yi scolding you not only won't make you feel dissatisfied, but you can't help but want to scold you with him, and after that, you still have to envy how he can scold you so well, every sentence is on your g point On, it is just right to be impartial.

"Besides, he's scolding, but he's the kind who will tell you to correct the direction." Sister Hong sighed, "It's a blessing to be scolded by Teacher Zhong."

"It makes people have a completely new...sense of belonging???" When thinking of the word "sense of belonging", Hu Ke felt that he was crazy.

But Sister Hong understood him very well: "Do you feel like you are at home now?"

Hu Ke nodded like a chick pecking rice.

Sister Hong sighed: "After being scolded by Mr. Zhong once, I never want to leave Ladbrokes again."

The seniors helped to come to a conclusion: "Mr. Zhong, it's really up to you."

As soon as this group of people came out of Mr. Zhong's meeting room that day, they turned straight into another meeting room.

Sister Hong took the lead, and the whole group brainstormed to revise the plan. Even Hu Ke no longer doubted Zhong Yi's "do what he said".

Although the blessings are good, but if you want to be greedy, Mr. Zhong should teach you how to be a human being.

When Zhang Xingzhi received the words "what are you doing" from Zhong Yi again in the early morning of Monday, he finally couldn't help but asked him if he had to attend some events at this time recently? It's the activities that can't be lost, which is why he finds him for entertainment every day.

So Hu Ke thought he was well prepared, and was about to take the lead and start reporting the results, when Zhong Yi was caught off guard by a burst of laughter, and the big guy almost couldn't stop when his knees softened, even Liang Sili, who was about to punch, couldn't help it He turned his head and looked in Zhong Yi's direction.

If so, Zhong Yi hummed and laughed several times before slowing down, and waved to everyone to indicate that it is okay to start, and the corner of his mouth was still smiling.

After all, Zhang Xingzhi always answered all questions, so what kind of situation did he force the child to ask him so directly.

But Xiao Hu, who was supposed to speak, was still obsessed with beauty. His eyes were glued to their teacher Zhong's face and he couldn't move away. After the last pain, Sister Hong's notebook was handed to him again.

- "Don't look at it! If you look at Liang Zong again, he will make your eyes roll!!!"

Listening to the report that started as scheduled, Zhong Yi smiled and typed quickly in the input box.

- "How can it be called a pastime, our teacher Zhang is so good"

- "So you've been brewing this question for days?"

The honest man Zhang Xingzhi naturally said yes, and even brought out the evidence.

- "You come to me on time at nine o'clock every day, and let me have a good lunch on time at eleven o'clock"

Zhong Yi felt that he almost said the word "scumbag" directly, and licked his lips and typed.

- "Then I'll at least still look for you, you see when you took the initiative to look for me"

Obviously it was the appellant, but he was beaten up in a blink of an eye. Zhang Xingzhi held back for a long time and only managed to utter five words.

- "It feels like you're busy"

-"Excuses, have you ever looked for me? Just say I'm busy, it's all an excuse"

The atmosphere was subtle, and Zhang Xingzhi felt that if he said "I don't have one" at this time, it would be a real flirt with a young couple, but fortunately there is a suitable topic for him to bring up today.

- "Come to my class this afternoon?"

- "You changed the subject again"

After Zhong Yi sent the message, he was thrown off the conference table by his disgusting goosebumps, but he had put the water on for two days, and this time he planned to tease him to the end no matter what. Even Liang Sili, who was good at soaking, came over and asked him if he wanted it. Even going out to eat together at noon was directly rejected by him, so he just wanted to finish chatting the fifty cents day wholeheartedly.

Zhang Xingzhi, as a veteran player who had chatted with him for two days at the beginning, could be considered a little tricky. Now, no matter how hot his ears were, he just pretended not to see it at all, and continued his topic.

- "Classroom B202"

- "You are guilty, Mr. Zhang"

- "Two twenty to four forty"

- "Is it because I still remember the day I said there is no next time?"

- "I'll be there early, it doesn't matter if you come later"

- "Okay"

- "What do you want for dinner"

- "want to eat you"

Zhang Xingzhi: "?"

Then for the next two hours, the chat box was completely dirty.

"Zhong Yi, what are you talking about with that person? You have been laughing for the whole meeting." Almost as soon as the members left the meeting room, Liang Sili couldn't help asking, and leaned over behind Zhong Yi to ask. Look at his cell phone.

As a result, Zhong Yi rushed to send the last two messages before he saw them clearly, put his phone back in his pocket, got up and said: "You don't care about me, anyway, you asked me to come to the meeting and I will come too, let me guide and I will help you too Guidance, you’ve got all the wool, and you’re not allowed to play with your mobile phone?”

"Tsk, people tend to be more peaceful as they get older, why is your mouth even worse than before." Liang Sili said so, but he still had to bear the burden of helping him with his coat.

Zhong Yi didn't even think about it when he heard the words, he opened his mouth and said, "That's because you are not reasonable, if you are preaching...reasonable..."

Zhong Yi suddenly turned his head - at the same time as he was speaking just now, there was a male voice that perfectly coincided with him.

Then Zhong Yi watched helplessly at the man who did not know when he stood behind him, and helped him complete the rest of the sentence word by word: "How can you not talk to me."

Zhong Yi was stunned: "Why are you here..."

Hua An smiled familiarly and gently: "I heard that Mr. Zhong won't show his face to go out to eat together, so of course I can only invite him."