Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 19


Zhang Xingzhi paused, and then turned his attention back to the variety show project at hand: "Where is it urgent?"

"I feel a little anxious, because we need to help them design hiking routes and plans for these trainees." At the other end of the video, crouching on the table and carefully checking the information, is a standard wheat-colored thorn head, wearing only a pair of The black vest, his temperament doesn't match the documents in his hand, "If nothing else happens, it should be that we need to join the team to start work as soon as we give a response."

Zhang Xingzhi: "Well, then take it."

"Hmm... ah?" Stab was stunned, "Brother, I just want to report to you, if you don't answer..."

"It's okay, take it." Zhang Xingzhi looked at the stunned student at the other end and said, "If you take the newly recruited newcomers with you, it's considered a paid vacation."

Originally, Zhang Xingzhi had already prepared himself to arrange the work, and Zhong Yi would be completely busy on the other side, but no matter when he asked Yang Youan, the answer he got would always be yes.

- "Huh? Teacher Zhong didn't tell you, he's not busy"

- "I just went to check again, Mr. Zhong is indeed still watching dramas in the office, and we are almost watching the finale"

Now that the matter has come to this, Zhang Xingzhi can only bite the bullet and tell Yang Youan that the two of them lost their temper.

The trainees of other companies started their final emergency training in the annex after taking pictures, but Yang Youan, as a self-employed individual who has not received a day's trainee training, Liang Sili didn't forget to hire a professional teacher for him while entangled with Ji Haochuan. The child shuttled around the boss's office on the top floor almost every day. Except that he couldn't see Liang Sili himself, everything else was fine, and he could also help Teacher Zhang as an eyeliner.

Especially Yang You'an's own "difficulty in love", and he was very fond of Zhang Xingzhi and Zhong Yi as soon as he expressed his love. Later, Zhang Xingzhi would take the initiative to report if he didn't ask.

- "I just heard Mr. Zhong answer the phone saying that I have an appointment tonight and I have to go out. It's already Thursday, hasn't he looked for you yet?"

- "Ms. Zhong came before nine o'clock, and I will watch Korean dramas instead"

- "It's not because of the last time you took a picture of me, is it?"

Zhang Xingzhi naturally said no.

Originally, the last time they were sent to the industrial park, Zhang Xingzhi thought that his relationship with Zhong Yi was going to be exposed, so when Zhong Yi also chose to lie to Yang Youan that day, Zhang Xingzhi was really surprised from the bottom of his heart.

He neither thinks that Zhong Yi is a person who is keen to take care of other people's feelings, nor does he think that he is a person who is afraid of losing face.

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But it is a truth that everyone understands that one lie needs to be filled with countless lies.

- "It's okay, I lost my temper"

This was the only excuse Zhang Xingzhi could come up with, although he himself didn't know what kind of temper Zhong Yi was having.

If it is natural for Zhong Yi to ignore him in private, then the two of them obviously have business matters that need to be discussed, and it is impossible for Zhong Yi to be unclear about this matter...

Therefore, Zhang Xingzhi, who had been struggling for several days alone, decided not to be too confused when he faced Zhong Yi again, so he decided to clarify this issue before the two met tomorrow——asked for help from the only person who was suitable for him. Friends who do emotional counseling.

- "Mr. Zhou, are you busy at night?"


- "I need advice"

-"very busy"

-"relationship issue"

- "?"

- "1977"

-"Damn gogogo, thank you Boss Zhang!!!"

It's true that Zhong Yi had an appointment to come out at night, but it was actually only the first half.

With a full stomach, the plainly dressed man sitting across from him rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, and said, "Actually, I vaguely heard about it a year ago, but I didn't really believe it. I didn't expect it to be true."

Zhong Yi smiled peacefully, without any airs: "Brother Li, you really haven't changed at all from ten years ago, but this time the time is tight, do you have confidence?"

"No problem! Don't sign the contract if you don't have confidence, isn't that blind to you hahaha." The man who accepted the contract like a treasure said heartily.

"I've said it all, just call me Xiao Zhong as before." Zhong Yi laughed, "If it goes well, I will call everyone to join the team in a month. In case of delay..."

"Understood!" The man agreed immediately, and said, "Don't worry about this, even if it's for the love of the year, you won't agree to others."

Zhong Yi was about to speak when he heard the man say again: "The main thing is that you can think of us. The whole group of extras like me add up to 20 or 30 at least, but you actually asked us to chat with each other in person. Who would believe it if you told us?" Back then, I didn’t have a single line, I was just a driver for the protagonist.”

Zhong Yi was also not modest: "It is true that it took a lot of trouble to find everyone's contact information. I found out that Brother Li, you are already relatively late, and I can finish meeting the rest of the people by next weekend. In fact, like Li Brother, there are not a few of you who have played like this for many years, but everyone has given me face."

Brother Li shook his head: "From the time my son was ten years old until he was twenty years old, what I said was 'Daddy was a group performer for "Logic Aesthetics". Production."

Like every group performer who has reunited with Zhong Yi after a long absence, he couldn't help feeling that the little Zhong back then was now the famous Teacher Zhong, a big man who he dared not recognize on the road.

Before leaving, Li Ge got into the taxi and praised: "The only thing that hasn't changed is that you still look so good-looking, no, you look even better."

Zhong Yi bent down and smiled generously at the man in the car window, jokingly said: "Brother Li, if you need anything, you can find me on WeChat at any time, and if Sister Li is not satisfied with the salary, you must tell me, but you can't just say nothing." Dove me."

Brother Li also laughed again.

Before leaving, the last sentence he said was: "When we were in the group, we all thought you could do it. Xiao Zhong, you are the kind of person they say that you can succeed in anything."

Anyone who can succeed in anything...

Zhong Yi had been standing on the side of the road until the taxi had completely disappeared at the end of the street before looking away. Ever since everyone started calling him "Mr. Zhong", he hadn't heard anyone say that for many years.

It was actually only 7:30 when Zhong Yi finished seeing off people. In the evening wind, as soon as he tightened his coat, he was about to turn towards the bar called "1977" next to the restaurant. He took out his mobile phone and was about to send a message to Zhang Xingzhi. It's real.

A few steps away, the man who came down from the taxi with his friends straightened his back, his height immediately surpassed those around him by a large margin, and he was extremely conspicuous in the crowd. He still had a short cut, so it was hard not to recognize him.

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows. Although 1977 is not like the other ones, it is a very formal British-style bar, but the consumption level here is really not in line with university teachers. No one with an annual salary of three to four hundred thousand can even It is impossible to step into here.

Although just looking at the clothes of the two people, it seemed that they had gone to the wrong place, but when he thought of Zhang Xingzhi's home gym and his living room, which took him 20 minutes to go back and forth, Zhong Yi suddenly became interested, put away his phone and followed Go in, anyway, he originally planned to ask Zhang Xingzhi to come here.

As soon as Zhou Rui entered the gate of 1977, he first took a deep breath of money: "In my lifetime, thanks to Boss Zhang, I finally stepped into the bar with the highest consumption level in our small village in Quanshi."

Zhong Yi understood that he was just talking about things, so he said that Zhang Xingzhi didn’t look like someone who would hang out with friends at the bar when he was free. As for the title of Boss Zhang...

Zhang Xingzhi: "Sit at the bar, order whatever you want."

"Boss Zhang, what do you want to consult? Just come here. I have lived among thousands of flowers? I must know everything, and I can talk endlessly!" But Zhou Rui just said so, and his eyes never rested since he entered the door. It's just habitual hunting.

If it weren't for the occasion, Zhong Yi would have applauded Zhang Xingzhi directly. Is Mr. Zhang so rich as they drive hundreds of thousands of cars? What the hell is "living among thousands of flowers"? Could it be that he is consulting about relationship issues?

Although Zhong Yi really wanted to listen to the corner, but the distance between the bar counter and the booth was not close, and he didn't play the trick of being beautiful without knowing it, he honestly picked a corner and decided to play with his mobile phone, and wait for the two of them to have a drink. action.

Zhou Ruiqian 1977 has been greedy for a long time, just sitting down now, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the names of all kinds of wine are familiar by heart, and he has no intention of helping Zhang Xingzhi save money. When he is finished, he is ready to ask What the hell was going on, Zhang Xingzhi also gave him a meal, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger.

"I think I should have someone I like."

Zhou Rui was still for a second, and then began to persuade with earnestness: "Our teacher Zhang is still a baby, so it's normal to not be able to distinguish between liking and liking."

"No." Zhang Xingzhi looked at his friend and said firmly, "It's the kind that wants to sleep."

Zhou Rui: "?"

Zhou Rui slowly stretched out two index fingers and touched his temples, trying to understand what Zhang Xingzhi meant.

If he remembers correctly, this should be a solo virgin, why is he so irritating when he comes up...

"I've already slept." Zhang Xingzhi said.

Zhou Rui's hand poking his temple turned up immediately, his brows could pinch a fly to death, and he was completely unable to understand the current situation.

But Zhang Xingzhi didn't finish, he shared two glasses of whiskey from the bartender and brought it to Zhou Rui, and said clearly: "The other party is a man."

At the end, I didn't forget to add: "It has nothing to do with you, it's not because of your influence, don't worry."

Zhou Rui: "..."

Zhang Xingzhi: "He is five years older than me, and I'm 80% sure that I like him."

Shocked, Zhou Rui silently turned his head to look at the wine glass in front of him, and when he blinked for the third time, he gasped.

The moment he put down the wine glass, Zhou Rui ordered himself to speak forcefully: "Okay, I'm fine, these settings have already entered my stomach along with this glass of wine, so now, please tell me what the remaining 20% is. "

Zhang Xingzhi told them all: "10% is because he is too good-looking, and 10% is because I think he is too good-looking."

Zhou Rui: "?"

Zhou Rui: "Great appearance is still 20% alone, what is the other 80%? People who like him?"

Zhang Xingzhi nodded.

"Then what are you talking about, don't you just fall asleep and touch the pillow, and you like it out of ten???" Zhou Rui is now very superior, very superior.

The glass of whiskey just now must have been stuffed, otherwise why is it so fierce, he said in a desperate self-hypnosis.

But in fact, it was a bit difficult at the beginning, and once you accept this setting, you can make do with it.

By the time Zhang Xingzhi finished speaking, Zhou Rui was already able to go deep into the scene very deeply, as if all the information had been digested along with the wine in his hand.

"He used to chat with me from nine to eleven every day."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just chatting, what are you doing, what are you having for lunch, and what are your plans for the day."

"what about now?"

"It's agreed to talk to me about business, but I won't look for it anymore."

"I haven't looked for it at all? Are you having a conflict?"

"Yes, at the beginning he only said that it was because I didn't want me for the first time, and this time he directly told me that he has no time to fall in love, but..."

"Presumptuous!!! Our boss Zhang didn't even say that he was not free, this man has eaten the heart of a bear! Fuck him!"

"He should be richer than me."

"… … oh."

After another in-depth exchange, the old driver Zhou Rui quickly grasped the point: "So, he later took the initiative to acquiesce to others that you have a couple relationship, and promised to find you, and then he was obviously not busy, but he just didn't. Looking for you?"

Zhang Xingzhi nodded.

Zhou Rui also nodded, and said firmly: "Understood brother, this man is a master, if you didn't say that he is richer than you, I would definitely think that he came for your money."

Zhang Xingzhi: "... master?"

Zhou Rui: "Do you understand if you want to refuse?"

"Would you like to refuse... welcome again?" Zhang Xingzhi was just repeating that the message came from the phone, and he said honestly, "Oh, it's his, saying that he just took time out now, and asked me if I have time to go out and chat."

Zhou Rui was very excited to catch up with the scene, and immediately went to his brother's side and said, "Reject him!"

Zhang Xingzhi: "?"

"Wow, you already know he's not busy in front of him, so he just dawdled on purpose until the last night so that you couldn't refuse him!"

Zhang Xingzhi didn't understand, so: "...so?"

Zhou Rui hated iron but steel: "Oh my god brother, asking you out at this point is not the same as asking you out with a gun? After it's over, you will 100% go and not sleep with you."

Zhang Xingzhi still didn't understand: "Then...don't sleep?"

Zhou Rui went crazy: "You reject him first, just say that you are playing outside with your friends, and now you agree to him and you will be tricked. Zhibo, we have to take back the initiative, and we can't just follow other people's noses! Be tough!! "

Zhang Xingzhi didn't move.

Zhou Rui, who understood very well, changed the way of opening, and said sincerely: "He likes tough ones, trust me."

Sure enough, Zhou Rui looked at the person who didn't start typing until he heard that the other party liked it, and he couldn't help but get angry: "Brother, you can't just do whatever you like..."

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't understand this, but just as he was about to speak, a familiar voice behind him said for him first: "It's you who makes you refuse hard-heartedly, and you are the one who doesn't let tough-hearted people like you, and you can say anything. Did you say that you bully honest people?"

Zhang Xingzhi who just pressed the send button: "..."

Zhou Rui turned his head and started to be aggressive, thinking how it was his turn to get an outsider to intervene when he was talking to his brother, but in the middle of the lesson, he immediately changed his words because of Zhong Yi's appearance: "Ah... the handsome guy came alone ? The bartender wants another martini, shake it well, don't stir it."

Zhang Xingzhi was in a complicated mood. He was about to tell Zhou Ruilai who it was with his mobile phone. Zhong Yi, who was standing behind the two, also raised his mobile phone and shook it. He raised his lips and said, "Playing outside with friends? I have checked the rejection message." Oh, Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

Zhou Rui: "?"

Zhou Rui: "!!!!!!"