Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 24: [Third watch]


As soon as he heard that Zhang Xingzhi was coming, the stabbing head immediately turned his head and cast a questioning look, but he still couldn't get out of the "brother" in his throat, and saw Zhang Xingzhi straightened up and walked towards the person, not even the corner of his eye. He didn't give it to him, so he said lightly: "It's just my brother, are you hungry?"

Stinghead: "qaq!"

I don't want to be a brother...

"Hungry." Zhong Yi didn't wash his face, he was still rubbing his eyes when he nodded, and his unkempt hair was swaying back and forth on his face, lazy and cute.

Zhang Xingzhi still remembers this man's cold hands and feet last night. After a few steps, his first action was to help him button up his pajamas, and said, "All the toiletries are inside, and the meal is ready. I was going to wake you up." of."

Sting head: "qaqqq!!!"

When has he ever seen his brother be so gentle to someone, and even take the initiative to help button the button! I agreed not to call the man! ! !

Aesthetic taste Walked all the way to Hei's brother on the road of "Zhang Xingzhi", saying that he couldn't understand what was so likable about "Zhong Yi"'s fluffy flower frame, and he had long hair, and he couldn't even hold the gimbal stably. !

Zhong Yi almost laughed out loud because of the expression of the kid in the living room. This little hedgehog on the front foot was still fully armed against his rival in love, but the eyes on the back foot turned into egg flowers because of Zhang Xingzhi's grievance.

Zhong also didn't move, just let the person in front of him fiddle with his buttons, deliberately winked at the child and said, "Why don't you introduce me?"

"It's in my studio." Zhang Xingzhi said without turning his head, "Leo, say hello to Mr. Zhong."

No matter how reluctant Leo was, he obediently obeyed: "... Mr. Zhong is so qaq"

Zhong Yi looked amused, and hooked his lips and asked, "Is Leo his real name?"

This time, without waiting for his brother to speak, Leo hurriedly replied, "Yes, my name is Zhang Leo, with my brother's surname!"

He would never admit that he had dissed this person in his heart just now, and now he was immediately amazed by his smile.

1. Not fragrant at all qaq

Hearing the child's last three words, there is still something he didn't understand, but before Zhong Yi had time to speak, Zhang Xingzhi interjected lightly: "Don't be so impolite Zhang Leo."

Then Zhong Yi saw Lemon Jing's upper body puppy on the sofa with drooping ears, he became obedient again because of Zhang Xingzhi's light words, and apologized to him, the appearance of respect and fear for Zhang Xingzhi was so obvious but.

Zhong Yi immediately raised his eyebrows, and said, "Didn't you think that our teacher Zhang is so fierce, and he is usually so gentle with students."

Zhang Xingzhi, who was well aware of his inferiority, felt a little helpless, helped button the last button and said, "Go wash up, the food is getting cold."

Zhong Yi blinked: "Why are you chasing me, afraid that I will irritate your children again?"

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't understand the meaning of Zhong Yi's words. After looking at each other silently for a while, he finally complied with him, turned around and said to the human being on the sofa, "Leo."

With just one name, Leo knew what he was supposed to do. He met Zhong Yi's eyes and began to honestly recite the promise he had made to Zhang Xingzhi, almost crying.

"I promise not to do anything that disturbs my brother, not to say anything that disturbs my brother, and not to interfere in my private life, just stay quietly by myself..."

Zhong Yi watched tut tut and shook his head, obviously he was the instigator, but he could always beat Zhang Xingzhi as if nothing had happened, and blamed Zhang Xingzhi: "I see you forced the child, but I am relieved knowing that Teacher Zhang is also such a scumbag, and the sense of guilt is instantly lightened." Quite a lot, that's great."

Although Zhang Xingzhi didn't speak, his eyes were clearly full of connivance when he looked back.

Zhong Yi didn't intend to let him go easily, so he pretended to frown and said, "It's just that I suspect that you are playing tricks on me, Mr. Zhang. Otherwise, how could you step on the point I like every time?"

Zhang Xingzhi had nothing to do with Zhong Yi, knowing that if he didn't give a reply, the topic would be endless.

So Leo, who had been sitting on the sofa with his ears pricked up, heard his brother say, "Just like it."

Leo: "qaqqqqq"

When the three of them finally sat down at the table, Leo was exhausted. Although he had a lot of muscles, he was actually not strong. He had a lean figure, especially compared to Zhang Xingzhi who was 1.87 meters tall. At the same time, the little one squatted there, pitifully, somehow resembled Zhang Xingzhi's father and son.

Zhong Yi commented unceremoniously on the previous dishes: "Mr. Zhang, you really have no modesty at all. The taste is really ordinary, but these few dishes made by Leo are quite delicious."

Even if Leo is praised, he is still a dickhead, so no one can see that Zhang Xingzhi is not good, and he said in his heart that if you think my brother's cooking is not delicious, you can just leave it alone qaq...

However, it was as if Zhang Xingzhi had heard the words in his heart: "Zhang Leo."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhong!" Leo didn't dare to think about anything at once, and began to shove the white rice into his mouth, watching Zhong Yi amused again, "You are so fierce, you have to rush the child to eat .”

Zhang Xingzhi: "He has to go see a client at one o'clock in the afternoon."

Zhong also didn't know, and said, "Have he turned eighteen, you can let him see."

Zhang Xingzhi looked at Zhang Leo, Zhang Leo didn't hold on for a second before answering by himself, and he didn't dare to rush, so he said politely: "I'm going to be 20 this year, Mr. Zhong, just looking at Xiao. "

Zhong Yi was about to speak when the cell phone in his pocket rang.

It was Zhu Hong, who asked if he was free to go to the industrial park this afternoon: "The person in charge of the photography studio will come over to discuss the route design and shooting plan today."

Zhong Yi: "What time."

"The appointment is a little."

"...one o'clock?" Hearing the familiar time, Zhong Yi suddenly remembered the stack of blueprints on the coffee table in the living room, took out his phone and asked Zhang Xingzhi to confirm, "You said that Zhang Liao belonged to your studio?"

In fact, Zhang Xingzhi already knew that Zhong had guessed it here, only Leo was still in the dark, and said slowly: "Yeah, I'm in my brother's studio, what's wrong..."

As a result, Zhong Yi suddenly smiled when he hadn't finished adding "eat your rice" in his mind, and then continued to talk to the other end of the phone: "Changing the time to 1:30, wait until I finish my lunch."

Hearing this, Zhu Hong got stuck right away, and cautiously dissuaded her: "It's not good to change the time so temporarily, Mr. Zhong, the appointment is good, and the other party is just called 'studio', in fact, it's very powerful..."

"Is your subtext telling me not to offend others?" Zhong Yi glanced at Zhang Xingzhi with a half-smile.

At this moment, Zhu Hong had ten thousand affirmations in her heart and didn't dare to say it directly. She was thinking about how to be euphemistic, so she heard their Teacher Zhong firmly say: "Change it, I won't offend you."

Zhu Hong: "The bell..."

Cell phone: "beep...beep..."

Zhu Hong: "..."

Now I regret it, I regret it very much, why on earth did she go so far as to call Teacher Zhong...

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Xingzhi: "Is there anything to explain?"

Zhang Xingzhi fed food into his mouth: "You don't know everything."

Zhang Leo: "?"

Just know? Know what

Zhang Liao, who was out of the whole situation, was thinking about what charades the two of them were playing, when the phone in his pocket was called.

Zhong Yi said with satisfaction: "Vermillion Hong moves very fast."

Just as Zhang Liao thought the name "Vermilion" was familiar, he found out the source one second after he picked up the phone, and he looked at Zhong Yi in astonishment.

"Hello, is this Chief Zhang? I'm Zhu Hong from Ladbrokes Films. I'm sorry to disturb you now, but the person in charge here wants to adjust the appointment time and push back half an hour. Look at your side Is it convenient to speak halfway?"

Zhang Liao subconsciously repeated: "One thirty..."

"Yes, yes, I really hug..."

"Wait." Zhang Liao asked suddenly after receiving Zhong Yi's sudden blink, "Aren't you the person in charge of planning your project?"

Zhu Hong felt bitter in her heart, she said with a dry smile, "It was just now, but it's not anymore."

Then Zhang Liao heard Zhong Yi teasing his brother: "It's amazing, Boss Zhang, I didn't expect you to open this studio. The sign is so loud, and the boss is so low-key, so I didn't recognize it at all."

"Hello? Mr. Zhang?"

Zhu Hong, who waited for a long time without waiting for a reply, was a little flustered. After all, they begged others to do this project, and she couldn't offend people just because of such a trivial matter. In the end, she was even ready to start an apology. But he simply said "no problem" and hung up the phone.


So is this pissed off...or not pissed off

Just dealing with Ji Haochuan was enough to give her a headache, why even Teacher Zhong started to mess around.

But this morning, Mr. Liang entrusted Ji Haochuan with that familiar sentence pattern, and Zhu Hong, who was once again facing the crisis of being overwhelmed at any time, had no time to think at all. As soon as the phone was disconnected, he heard the call from the little sister on the front line: "Sister Hong! Ji Haochuan is crazy again !!!”

Pretending to be deaf and dumb, Vermilion: "..."

"Sister Hong, come quickly! Shed No. 1, Shed No. 1!!!"

There is nothing to love in life, Zhu Hong: "..."

"Ah Ji Haochuan..."

Giving up the treatment of Zhu Hong: "Stop yelling! I'm crazy too!!! I'd better trouble the colleagues upstairs to help me clean up the workstation!!!"

That Zhong also chewed slowly after eating, and got into Zhang Xingzhi's car with Zhang Liao. He didn't know that the little ancestor of Liang Sili's family made a bloody storm again in the company, and he suddenly remembered last night. Jiang Duoduo, who wished to find him along the phone line, wondered why he was so quiet today.

Zhang Xingzhi, who was in charge of sending the two to the company, gave the answer: "He called me at six o'clock this morning."

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"Pfft, is it that early? He didn't sleep all night thinking about it." Zhong Yi laughed amusedly, "What did you say?"

"True truth."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "Including do you like me?"

"Yeah." Zhang Xingzhi didn't care that there was still a person listening to the corner sitting in the car, Ying De didn't hesitate at all, "Including."

Leo sat alone in the back row and was about to shed sour tears when he saw Zhong Yi in the co-pilot nodding his head as a matter of course, and said indifferently: "That's fine, lest he always blame me."

As soon as these words came out, even Leo, who knew that his brother could successfully restrain his emotions in bed with this person, collapsed. This person really didn't take his brother's liking seriously at all...

From that moment on, Leo began to look forward to the time alone with Zhong Yi, only when Zhang Xingzhi was gone would he be able to show Zhong Yi some color.

So when we arrived at the destination, when Zhang Xingzhi asked Zhong Yi if he needed help, Leo was the first to answer, and said cleverly: "No brother! You have read all the plans, I will communicate with Teacher Zhong. Alright, you've made a fuss over a molehill!"

But Zhang Xingzhi didn't move, he still looked at Zhong Yi without blinking, obviously waiting for Zhong Yi's nod before leaving.

Lemon Jing Leo immediately gave Zhong Yizui a first class in his heart, how dare a mere variety show planner do this to his brother!

Leo thought that their studio had the final say anyway, and as soon as Zhong Yi dared to say "no" to their plan, he would start the crazy diss mode, first make Zhong Yi unable to get off the stage, and then go to him Brother Na pretended to be pitiful, crying and complaining that Chung didn't know how to do it, and finally broke up with this variety show group. He didn't believe that anyone in the industry would dare to accept the project that was blocked by them.

At the end of the brainstorming, Leo Lianzhong also thought about how to beg them, and the role of the black lotus was clearly arranged for himself.

Of course, these are just his "thinking".

At that time, Zhang Liao didn't even think about it. After his brother was not present, he could change, and of course Zhong Yi could also change.