Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 25: [Four more]


Zhu Hong was still dealing with Ji Haochuan's matter a second before going to the door to pick him up, and her colleagues expressed their incomprehension for her sincere dedication to this child.


Zhu Hong: "Why don't you go home and wait for work?"

"Hey." The colleagues didn't take Mr. Liang's words seriously at all, "Don't worry, Miss Hong, didn't you also say that you were going to be fired last time? Our Mr. Liang just said that casually, when he brought some little lover here Don't say that."

"Last time it was because Ji Haochuan was the one who caused the trouble, so I didn't blame me..." Zhu Hong said with a choked heart.

"You're too modest, Miss Hong. You can find another lover. Where can you find a second one for the head of the planning department who has been loyal to you for ten years? If you persist for a few more years, you will be able to get a Patek Philippe watch for the year-end award. Mr. Liang is still Love you, he won't."

"No, he will." Regarding this matter, Zhu Hong, as the only insider in their company other than Mr. Zhong, said that she was under a lot of pressure and could only quietly hide her merits and fame and said humbly, "I'm going to do it again this time." Fuck it, Liang always really will fire me, ten years, compared with him, Ji Haochuan, I am unworthy... "

Let alone ten years, if the other party is Ji Haochuan, maybe twenty or thirty years won't work...

Fortunately, when Zhu Hong walked to the door, she found that the head of the photography studio got out of the same car with Teacher Zhong. This was probably the only thing she was thankful for when she opened her eyes today.

But why did Teacher Zhong wrap a silk scarf around his neck today? Good-looking is good-looking, but it seems that he has never seen him wearing it before.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

In contrast, the photographer looked much younger, with wheat-colored skin, neat clothes, and a cold face but easy to talk to.

As soon as Zhu Hong greeted the two of them, she said, "Does Chief Zhang know Mr. Zhong? Then Mr. Zhong must have discussed the time adjustment with you. I was so scared that I thought..."

"I don't know each other, and I haven't discussed it." Before she could finish speaking, Leo, who was about to show off his skills, interrupted her, imitating his brother's face and began to play big cards, "Hurry up, I'll wait I have other arrangements."

Zhu Hong: Don't know

Zhu Hong: Then the two of you can't carpool together, can you

Zhong Yi just snorted and didn't expose it. He walked straight towards the elevator with his long legs. Hearing the respectful greetings ringing in his ears, he nodded his head to say hello. The sassy man followed in front of his brother. The harmless little white flower looks like a 180-degree turn, staring at the eyes of the kid next to Leo, who can only silently slap himself in the heart, telling himself that it really doesn't smell good at all. .

His brother must have been blinded by this person's appearance, thinking that he is gentle, virtuous, and innocent... I can't make it up anymore qaq

Anyway, no matter what, he must expose the double-faced truth of this person today! noodle! eye!

Zhu Hong didn't know what Leo was thinking, but since Teacher Zhong didn't speak, the job of exchanging pleasantries naturally fell to her. It was the chief kid who not only didn't cooperate with the work at all, but also kept saying things that she couldn't understand. .

Zhu Hong: "Chairman Zhang's real name is Leo. I feel that such a name is quite rare in China."

Leo's High Mountain Flower x1: "It's the real name, with, me, brother, and last name."


I said my first name and you said my last name

What can be done, Zhu Hong didn't dare to ask, and Zhu Hong didn't dare to say, Zhu Hong could only follow along: "Does Chief Zhang still have a brother? The relationship must be very good."

Leo Gaoling Flower x2: "Brother? Don't even think about it."


That's not my brother, what's the deal with other people's surnames?

Zhu Hong, who was defeated again, felt that she could not bear another setback, so she chose what she thought was the safest Rainbow Fart Dafa: "Before the meeting, I had a job match with Chief Zhang online. I really don't feel my age at all. It feels very calm and very…”

Leo's High Mountain Flower x3: "I, no, little."


Why am I so difficult? I just want to praise you for being young, promising and reliable, Chief Zhang? ?

As the elevator reached the destination floor, Zhong Yi leisurely threw out a sentence: "Only children can say that they are not young."

Leo, who managed to hold on to the three consecutive rounds of the Flower of the High Mountain, broke his power in a second: Crying qaq

But Zhu Hong, who has been completely stunned by Leo, is still trapped in deep self-doubt. In just one and a half days, she encountered two Waterloos in her ten-year career

However, Leo can be regarded as number two at most, and Ji Haochuan is the number one Waterloo.

As long as Zhu Hong thinks that Ji Haochuan is still in the studio, ready to torture her all the time, she will feel that life is so exhausting. While racking her brains to figure out what she will not step on thunder, she also has to worry about when she will receive a summons message from her colleagues in the studio. Sitting with the two people in front of me in the office for a few minutes, I have to check the mobile phone messages once.

Afraid of receiving it, even more afraid of missing it.

At this point, Zhong Yi finally said when he saw the last few sheets of paper in his hand: "Zhu Hong, if you still have something to do, you can actually leave us alone."

As soon as Zhu Hong said "no", the mobile phone in her hand vibrated, it was the kind that kept going several times.

Zhu Hong: "..."

Not to mention anything else, just by looking at the row of exclamation marks, she knew it meant Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived.

"Don't want to go?" After all, it was the person who was brought up all the way from the "Logic Aesthetics" group, Zhong Yi guessed the mind of his subordinate without even raising his head, flipping through the storyboard blueprint in his hand calmly Authentic, "Tell me."

Zhu Hong silently glanced at Leo next to him: "It's not good..."

There is still an outsider here, the family ugliness cannot be exposed...

So right after Leo, Zhong Yi raised his head from the stack of storyboards that he thought Zhong Yi couldn't understand with a vase like Zhong Yi, and looked steadily in the direction of Vermilion, without saying a word, just watched.

a second? Or two seconds

Anyway, it took only a blink of an eye for Zhu Hong to start pouring out beans from her resistance. Leo thought that this man is the head of the planning department anyway, can he have some backbone, how could he turn against him faster than he was in front of his brother

In short, in front of Leo, Zhu Hong told her how Mr. Liang threatened her this morning to take care of her little ancestor Ji Haochuan, don't let him conflict with You'an, it is best not to contact even the contact, etc. A series of "family" chiefs " "Home" said the whole story, and by the way, he also cried a wave of what Ji Haochuan did today, which is called a sincere heart.

But Zhong Yi only said a few cool "hmm" throughout the whole process, at least in the eyes of Leo, who eats melons, this is a cover-up that he can't do anything about.

That person is the boss of Ladbrokes. Of course, it is up to them to bring a related account to their company. You comfort your subordinates and say that you have no choice but to call it a day. Why are you pretending to be deep here? So what happened...

No! Not fragrant qaq!

"Just now Hu Ke told me that he is making a fuss about re-shooting the previous promotional photos and videos. He insisted that the ones were not good-looking. Isn't that just looking for trouble?" Zhu Hong has been bullied for most of her life now, Like a child who finally found someone to back him up, his nose burst into tears, "Mr. Zhong, if he has an opinion on Mr. Liang, it's their housework after all. How can Mr. Liang let him just mess around in the company like this?" Woolen cloth."

After Zhu Hong finished speaking, she sneaked a few glances at Teacher Zhong's face, and realized that after she had finished speaking, she had also read the plan in his hand.

But Zhong Yi just sneered and threw out a sentence of "let him make trouble" and turned his head to communicate with Leo. The first sentence was: "There is a reason why top can become top. The plan is to do it." Zhang Leo is very beautiful."

Leo, who guessed completely wrong about the direction of the stock market, subconsciously tightened his palms: he was praised qaq...

And why does this person still call him by his name? Leo will not admit that he is still immersed in Zhong Yi's "let him make trouble" that is so cool that he has no friends...

No, no, this is a cliché, and Party A who doesn't know how to do it often uses it perfunctorily to cover up...

"But the emotions before and after are too consistent. There is a superposition of difficulty and difficulty in the route design, and the degree of relaxation and control of thrills is not enough. The key is to cooperate with our overall plot arrangement for these children. Understand? "Zhong also looked at him.

Leo qaq: "Understood."

"The people who know the terrain best are you. Later, Zhu Hong will give you all the needs of our side. Which slope needs to be 100% slipped there, and who will slip on it? These are all things that need to be designed by you. The place."

Leo qaqq: "Understood."

"To put it simply, we need to refine the plan more precisely. If there is no way to ensure that a slips and falls on b on that slope, let a encounter a second slippery slope, or even find a way to carry a small road alone Come out and let a and b go, in short, as long as it can achieve the program effect we need, any method will do."

Leo qaqqq: "...Understood."

"As for how much these trainees know about our plot design, my personal habit is to lie as much as I can. I don't have any acting skills. How can the audience believe something that they don't even believe?" Zhong Yi concluded, "So your The task is still very difficult, if you need any information, you can contact Zhu Hong directly, of course, I really believe in Zhang Xingzhi's strength, huh?"

Leo: "!"

Leo: "Understood!!!"

Leo, who was delirious when he heard his brother's name: "?"

Why on earth should he deserve such a loud voice? He still wants to investigate this person's background and stains!

Okay, so embarrassing qaq...

And Zhu Hong, who got the three words of their teacher Zhong, is now as if she has won the gold medal for avoiding death. Sitting beside the two of them, she is as stable as Mount Tai. When she asked Zhong Yi in the group eating melons, she just snapped her fingers lightly.

- "Ms. Zhong: Let him make trouble"

There was a wave of "666" in the group.

- "There is a Hong Kong sentence, why do you make a voice, Miss Hong (狗头.jpg)"

- "Hahaha, I even have a picture of how Teacher Zhong sneered"

- "The majesty of the main palace is really different"

- "Let's go, let's go, let's talk about how the concubine and concubine can fight against the palace"

-"Liang Yi girl has never been afraid (kimbo)

- "So later, should Mr. Zhong go downstairs to clean up Hao Chuan dd in person (Looking forward to rubbing hands.jpg)"

Just as Zhu Hong was about to reply, she heard Zhong Yi call her name. For a moment, the original content in the input box changed immediately.

- "Don't wait, go now"