Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 27


After much deliberation, Zhang Xingzhi decided to look for Zhong Yi. In the input box, he simply changed the words "are you there", "busy", and "what are you doing".

It's not that I wanted to ask about Zhong Yi and Zhang Leo, but I just thought about it and wanted to find him.

Zhang Xingzhi hesitated for a long while on what to use as a chat introduction, and was about to take a screenshot of the chat between Leo and himself to worship the heavens, when he received a message from Jiang Duoduo. Coincidentally, it was also a screenshot of Zhang's chat record, and asked him How come it's revealed so quickly.

Zhang Xingzhi clicked in, and the aggressive one among them was exactly the one he was thinking about.

- "I didn't expect our Dean Jiang to be so courageous. People put me by my side directly. Why is his heart so dirty, and he still plays with me under the lights?"

God knows how flustered Jiang Duoduo was when he saw Zhong Yi's words. If it weren't for the network cable, he would definitely not be able to pretend to be stupid.

- "Sure enough, the fairy's speech is really hard to understand (hee hee.jpg)"

- "Don't go around in circles, what is the name of Zhang Xingzhi Gan Xtreme Photography, I can't find him by his name"

-"Ask him yourself, anyway, he likes you, if he is true, he will definitely tell you"

- "tsk"

- "I can't cover his mouth, can I? If you ask me, I have nothing to say."

Although the fact is that Jiang Duoduo came to cover Zhang Xingzhi's mouth as soon as he finished speaking.

- "If you say you like it, you like it. Why can't you hide this thing, unlike you, Mr. Zhang"

Zhang Xingzhi, who didn't know what the two were up to, didn't understand Jiang Duoduo's meaning at all.

- "He should have guessed it himself"

- "And I told you this morning that he slept at my house last night"

This is well-founded, and Dean Jiang was immediately blocked, thinking that I was only thinking about you sleeping with him, so I don't remember the realistic topographical map of your house.

At that time, Jiang Duoduo didn't know that not only did he fail to question people, but he also compensated himself.

Because he finally found Zhang Xingzhi who was suitable for chat introduction, he turned around and sent Zhong Yi a screenshot of the chat record between him and Jiang Duoduo, asking him why he was looking for Extreme Photography.

Zhong Yi was very happy, this old thing was moving faster than he thought, how afraid was he that he would poach his precious cabbage away

He simply replied "yes" to Zhang Xingzhi, and then sent another screenshot to Jiang Duoduo, mockingly.

- "Some people seem to be as stable as old dogs, but they are actually panicking behind their backs"

Jiang Duoduo: "???"

Simply put, what the hell is going on with that brat Zhang Xingzhi!

Maybe in the blink of an eye

As soon as Zhang Xingzhi received Zhong Yi's "yes" and was about to reply, he received a call from Jiang Duoduo, which began with scolding.

"What's your situation, Mr. Zhang, you can't do this even if you like someone, just sell it if you say it? You can't do it so thoroughly with your elbows out, right???"

Zhang Xingzhi realized later: "Can't sell, can't tell him that I am an extreme photographer?"

Jiang Duoduo's eyes turned black: "If I can say it, why don't I tell him directly, and it's your turn to ask?"

His intestines are almost turning green, mainly who would have thought that the wood would be enlightened.

According to Zhang Xingzhi's level of deep merit and fame in the past, he has been a teacher for two years. Except for Zhou Rui, no other teacher knew that he used to do this. Jiang Duoduo never thought of making a special confession. After talking about the terms of exchange between him and Zhong Yi, he solemnly reiterated: "Anyway, you are not allowed to say your circle name now! At least cheat a few prizes from the college student photography competition that will start in mid-June." Let’s talk in your hand! Even if he guessed it, you are not allowed to admit it!”

Zhang Xingzhi didn't understand: "But according to your agreement, you have to introduce him when you come back from a business trip in early June, so you can't wait until mid-June."

"That's right! The original plan was for me to tell him in early June, and then you should think about it yourself and delay him for a while. Isn't that just right? I didn't know you would fall so soon..." Speaking of Jiang Duoduo Just hated, "Oh, forget it, blame me, I just remembered to recite the magic spell for Zhong Yi, and forgot to ring the alarm for you."

Zhang Xingzhi held his phone and was silent for a while: "What's wrong with him?"

As soon as he finished asking, he heard Jiang Duoduo groaning from the other end of the phone: "My God, do you need me to tell you that he is not suitable for you, Mr. Zhang? You two are completely different." People from two worlds."

But the silly cabbage in his yard still said: "So, what's the matter?"

Jiang Duoduo: "... What's the matter??? I believe anyone who has been in contact with him can feel the state of his emotional life, right?"

In the end, Zhang Xingzhi just said two words: "I know."

Jiang Duoduo: "..."

He now feels that if he doesn't give this kid some real information, he will never wake up.

Helpless, Jiang Duoduo licked his lips, his voice dropped immediately, and said: "Okay, although Mr. Zhong himself may not care at all, but as his friend, I should never say this to him. What I told others behind my back is really because the object is you and me, Mr. Zhang."

"Hmm..." In fact, Zhang Xingzhi already had a psychological expectation of what Jiang Duoduo wanted to say.

"It's just that you haven't known him for long, and you haven't had much contact with the showbiz. You don't know the rumors about him that make you like him so much." As he spoke, Jiang Duoduo searched for gentle words and sentences as much as he could, for fear of Zhang Xingzhi The honest boy couldn't accept it, and said earnestly, "Mr. Zhong's professional ability level is obvious to all. There is nothing to say. If I didn't admire him, I wouldn't invite him to teach the children. But it's true that his private life is messy." of."

"No, I'm not making a fuss." Jiang Duoduo frowned tightly, and he felt that it was inappropriate after he finished speaking, mainly because he didn't want to say that about his friend, "Just... he is not the kind who will stop for someone. Man, do you understand what I mean, Teacher Zhang?"

"You may think that he is very interested in you and likes you very much now, but it's really only temporary. Once he finds that you can't keep up with him, he will leave." Jiang Duoduo himself lived a long time, what? I have never seen it before, so I don’t want to wear colored glasses for private life. He said to the point, "Mr. Zhong himself is a very, very good person, so he is easy to accept new things, and it is easy to lose interest in a thing. As long as he understands this thing, he may not be interested in watching it anymore, so if you want to stay with him, you must always give him new stimulation, or simply walk in front of him, but this is too difficult, I'm too tired, at least I don't think you should be the one who suffers from this, Mr. Zhang..."

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At this point, Zhang Xingzhi suddenly remembered what Zhong Yi said this morning, and asked himself how he could step on his favorite point every time, and whether he was playing tricks on him...

In fact, Zhang Xingzhi knew that Zhong Yi had something to say when he heard Zhong Yi's words, but the deep meaning behind it was often understood only afterward. To put it bluntly, he still understood little.

His initial curiosity towards Zhong Yi was to understand his every move and every word.

I want to know, I want to meet again, I want to know more.

Zhang Xingzhi quietly listened to Jiang Duoduo's repeated emphasis on the other end, saying that if he dared to mention his name, he would file a complaint.

"I can't cure you, and I don't believe that your old lady can't cure you. The old man has been looking forward to holding a grandson in his hometown. You must know that if you like someone who can't give birth, you won't break your dog's legs."

Zhang Xingzhi's picture was all there, and his brows jumped: "Understood, I won't say it..."

Just as Jiang Duoduo was about to nod his head in satisfaction, he heard the stinky boy add without changing his mind: "Don't tell her first, let me think of a way."

Jiang Duoduo: "?"

He was so angry that he didn't even mention "teacher" this time, and went directly to the name: "I dare to say so much just now, it's useless? You should be more sober, Zhang Xingzhi!!!"

"Although because of my understanding of Zhong Yi, I don't believe that you two just slept yesterday, but because of my understanding of you, if you say yes, I still believe it." Jiang Duoduo felt that he was not so sincere to his own son. What have you said, your temples are throbbing, "it's best if you haven't slept, but take a step back, if you have really slept, you can take it as a profit, don't put yourself in it, it's really not worth it, It is well known in the circle that Zhong Yi hardly sleeps with the same person twice."

Zhang Xingzhi paused silently: "Is that so?"

He can't say that he has actually slept once, and he missed the second time because he drank too much.

Jiang Duoduo, who didn't expect that he would be counterproductive at all, was delighted when he heard the words, thinking that Zhang Xingzhi was finally going to retreat, and immediately affirmed: "I have known Zhong Yi for many years, and I know who he is too well. It is indeed a very normal thing to be attracted by him. I don't care about others, but you can't do it Zhang Xingzhi. This matter is up to me. Don't do anything without bumping into the south wall and not looking back. It doesn't work at all."


"Have you ever thought about how he, a person with no background at all, has come to this step by step in this cannibalistic circle? If you dare to say that you like it, that's it."


"Did you hear Zhang Xingzhi!"

"… knew."

Although he got Zhang Xingzhi's affirmative answer, Jiang Duoduo who hung up the phone was still very uneasy.

He has known Zhong Yi for a long time, so long that he is one of the few people who watched Zhong Yi step up to the altar step by step. He still thinks of the incident that made Zhong Yi change from "Little Zhong" to "Mr. Zhong" overnight. "I feel lingering fears about everything, he knows Zhong Yi, but he knows Zhang Xingzhi better, Zhang Xingzhi is the child he watched grow up.

Just by looking at his title, you can tell that there are no more than 10,000 extreme photographers in the world, and an average of more than a dozen people die accidentally during the shooting process every year.

Zhang Xingzhi was able to survive from those places with real swords and guns, relying on day-to-day practice, but what did Zhong Yi rely on? As long as one step forward, it is beyond redemption.

Two years ago, Jiang Duoduo was able to catch Zhang Xingzhi back from those cliffs to teach, but this time, he was really nervous.

The thing he least expected to happen finally happened. These two people are so persistent that they are almost paranoid, and they can do anything. Wanting Zhong Yi to stop, probably only the day when he stepped down from the altar, but Jiang Duoduo couldn't imagine what the clock would look like when he stepped down from the altar.

He felt that he had to find a way to go back earlier, it was his fault that these two people met together, he underestimated Zhong Yi's interest in Zhang Xingzhi.

But in fact, even Zhong Yi himself underestimated his own interest in Zhang Xingzhi.

As soon as Zhang Xingzhi hung up the phone, he saw the message Zhong Yi sent him a few minutes ago.

- "Do you have any plans to open the accompanying|sleeping service tonight?"

- "Why don't you give me a price, Boss Zhang, I don't think I can afford it"

- "It's best to let me get a weekly card, season card or something, and give me a friendly price at a discount"

The author has something to say: Dean Jiang: My God, it's a good cold deal, and it will change as soon as it changes.