Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 31: [Second update]


The classroom suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Zhang Xingzhi to see how he planned to excuse Zhong Yi next.

But this is not Zhang Xingzhi's nonsense. Later, he specifically asked Dean Jiang to verify the fairness and justice of his "Reliu Master" background, and got a fairly positive answer. He said that although he had to thank Zhong Yi for this matter, he decided to let him take it. The award was still for Reliu, and Zhong Yi just helped out with some ideas, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to get four Reliu masters at once.

Without letting everyone's negative emotions continue to ferment, Zhang Xingzhi picked Zhong Yi out in the first sentence, saying: "The matter of scores is not decided by Teacher Zhong alone."

If necessary, Zhang Xingzhi has always been relentless in selling his teammates, so he changed the subject and said, "In the middle of next month, Dean Jiang hopes that the whole class will participate in the National College Student Photography Contest."

As soon as these words came out, the group of people immediately smelled danger.

Zhang Xingzhi continued: "Then Dean Jiang approved you to go out for a long time to collect music last semester, and agreed that I would take you out in early June, saying that it was a pre-competition training."

Everyone: "..."

Zhang Xingzhi: "One week, there is no need to attend classes, and there is no need to make up lessons."

- "Why can't I be happy at all"

- "Reject the hint, I don't take it"

- "... must we talk about the gathering and the competition together?"

- "Lao Zhang used the 'then' very soulfully"

- "Appeared, weasel ginger to 19 photography New Year greetings (smile.jpg)"

"I will assign the final exam questions to everyone in advance before going out to collect folk songs." Zhang Xingzhi, "But Dean Jiang means that as long as you win an award in the competition, no matter what the award is, this course can be exempted from the exam."

- "..."

-"excuse me"

- "I really can't laugh at all"

While talking, Zhang Xingzhi observed everyone's expressions, and when he saw the timing was almost the same, he brought out the preparatory excuses he had prepared: "Although the teacher didn't give me the minutes for half of the class, in fact he was handed over by Dean Jiang. The task is to ensure that all twenty-nine of you are qualified."

Sure enough, everyone immediately believed the words, and someone tentatively said, "So after translating, Mr. Zhong is also a victim?"

Zhang Xingzhi looked at the student who asked the question and paused for two seconds. He didn't say yes or no. He just looked away from everyone and bowed his head: "I also received a notice from Dean Jiang two days ago. Today I met Teacher Zhong and told him , he only knew about the game."

- "Case solved (ok.jpg)"

- "I just said how could Mr. Zhong do such an unjust thing"

- "Jiang Duoduo shark me (goodbye.jpg)"

- "Whether the dean can do it, come again"

The first one to speak out was Cai Yiyang, who could barely see a glimmer of life in the cracks: "So, Lao Zhang, just say it, the prerequisite for going out to gather folk songs is to participate in the competition."

Zhang Xingzhi gave another subtle pause, and the rhythm was just right: "Dean Jiang's original words are that the whole class has to be bound together to act together, but those who choose not to attend class and go out with them must participate in the competition, and they must not let it go in vain Go out to play for a week, of course, it is not compulsory to participate in the matter of collecting folk songs."

Everyone: "..."

- "Tell a Joke: Participation is not mandatory"

- "I can't help but believe in this cleansing, this thing is too Jiang Duoduo"

- "The Academy of Arts next door went to the Wuzhen Theater Festival. The musicals of the Conservatory of Music have been on tour for several rounds. I should have thought of it..."

- "Then don't our academy still have the prizes won by Lao Zhang and Lao Zhou?"

- "Dean: What does it have to do with the teacher winning the award? No matter how good the teacher is, what's the use if he can't teach students???"

- "I only care about what the final exam questions are"

- "The one who scolded Mr. Zhong just now, stand up and apologize consciously."

- "Okay, I'll take the lead"

Then Zhong Yi, who didn't say a word the whole time, suddenly received a basketful of apologies. The black and white side.

Zhang Xingzhi looked back: It's just telling the truth.

He only said that Zhong Yi didn't decide the score by himself, but he didn't say that he didn't decide at all.

How could Jiang Duoduo, who was far away in the field, think that he tried every means to get back to defend Bai Cai as soon as possible, not only did not stand on the same front with him as promised, but even cheated him in turn.

Zhang Xingzhi took the lead to make the decision. After sacrificing Jiang Duoduo, things will be much easier to handle. In addition, the results announced by Zhong Yi next are particularly surprising. According to the list, the scores are either zero or one. Bai, it turned out that as long as the photos were handed in in the last class, they all got full marks, even Zhang Xingzhi didn't expect this to be the case.

Zhong Yi kept staring at the roster and counted all the people before looking up. He also boasted that no one missed this class and saw the stunned look of the students below.

He blinked and said, "Why are you so surprised? Didn't I say the phrase 'Whoever gets full marks' when arranging the quiz?"

There was silence in the classroom for a second, and then everyone went crazy. Isn't this equivalent to the fact that those who attended that class can pass it with just a few points

This wave of operations immediately became the last straw that weighed on them, making Zhong Yi completely popular, saying that such a dog thing must not be done by Zhong Yi, only the group of people who suffered from the absence of the exam.

Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison. I didn’t feel so unbalanced when I heard about the zero score before. Looking at it now, I feel that my problem of absenteeism has been cured by Zhong Yi in an instant.

But the one who was the most dumbfounded was the young man who helped others order in the last class.

Li Jiang now only feels that the sky is about to fall: "Mr. Zhong, it's fine if you count your attendance to Fang Lu, why are you counting all your test scores to him???"

"I thought we had reached an agreement on this matter a long time ago? Didn't we agree to recognize you as 'Fang Lu' in the last class?" Zhong Yiru said.

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Li Jiang said awkwardly: "You are serious, teacher..."

This is the difference between one hundred points and zero points, this is the difference between paddling and retaking!

But Zhong Yi just folded his arms and raised his glasses leisurely, and said with a smile, "When will I not come to be serious?"

Li Jiang had completely collapsed, and he had no time to worry too much, so he turned his face and yelled at Fang Lu beside him: "I will call your grandson by name again, I will be your grandson!"

Fang Lu knew he was in the wrong, so he put his arms around his brother's shoulders to appease him: "Okay, okay, I'll go to the training camp with you, isn't it over? Brother Jiangjiang, so|hey, it's not every minute to get an award, it's not the same. Failing, the problem is not... "

"Accompany me with a hammer! You fucking want to go out and play!!!" Li Jiang slapped his arm away with a "slap", and ptsd never wants to help others in his life.

"Okay, okay, I'm a hammer who wants to go out and play." Fang Lu coaxed and looked around at the students around him embarrassingly. Everyone was watching, and asked him to go back to the dormitory at night before making trouble, and then he stretched his neck and turned towards Zhang Xingzhi Said, "What is the topic of our final exam? Old Zhang, didn't you say that it was arranged in advance, and I just went out to collect folk songs, so I can see if I can get a suitable one."

It was originally a sentence that changed the topic, but the last sentence still made Li Jiang explode, and he was so angry that he wanted to pinch his neck directly: "Fang Lu, you go out to play and want to shoot the final homework??? You accompany a dick! How do you Worse than that cub of Wang Siheng!!!"

Wang Siheng was happily eating melons, and suddenly lay down on his gun: "Meow meow?"

The whole class burst out laughing.

Originally, Zhang Xingzhi didn't intend to announce the exam questions so early, and wanted to wait until June Zhongyi was gone, but everyone's enthusiasm for this matter was beyond his imagination, and they pestered him until the end, which aroused Zhong Yi's interest, like It was today that I really planned to be a good person to the end after all the whitewashing, and I also started to ask: "Sooner or later, I have to say, what is there to hide."

Listening to the voices echoing from below, Zhong also found that Zhang Xingzhi still didn't seem to have the intention to speak: "What is the question that makes our teacher Zhang so difficult, don't tell me it's not suitable for children?"

"No." Zhang Xingzhi almost blurted out a retort, which caught Zhong in his arms.

Then the next group of students just watched Zhong Yi standing next to their old Zhang, tilted their heads and asked, "What is that? They opened their mouths anyway, so let's say a few more words."

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

"You really made me very curious." Zhong Yi looked at the person and raised his eyebrows, "I don't want to let you go after class if you don't tell me today, Mr. Zhang, what are you waiting for?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

- "Why are Lao Zhang's ears red again???"

- "It can't really be the eighteen bans."

- "Cai Yiyang 50 glance"

- "Damn the money is transferred to you, pass it back and forth, it's so annoying"

The students below could see that Zhang Xingzhi's ears were blushing, and Zhong Yi naturally wouldn't miss it.

Zhang Xingzhi saw the person next to him whose answer was getting closer every time blinked his eyes and asked him again: "Could it be that you are waiting for me to leave?"

- "Did you get Cai Yiyang's glasses?"

- "I got it, I got it, it's really popular, fuck it!"

-"Blind spy Lao Zhang wants to make a romantic and artistic question again, I am embarrassed to say it in front of Mr. Zhong"

- "Tsk, I didn't expect that Lao Zhang would have this day, the child has finally grown up"

Seeing that Zhang Xingzhi still didn't answer, Zhong Yiwu continued, "Could it be... some particularly nasty question?"

- "Cai Yiyang is getting more and more popular"

- "I saw it!!! This is worth 50 (strong.jpg)"

As a result, the people in the class who were about to make a fuss were ready to go. After hearing their old Zhang cough unnaturally, they denied Zhong Yi's guess again, saying: "It's 'logic aesthetics'."

Everyone: "?"

They suspect that they have heard it wrong. Is this a topic worthy of embarrassment

But the corners of Zhong Yi's mouth raised instantly, as if to confirm for everyone, he asked, "What?"

This time Zhang Xingzhi didn't hide, he simply met Zhong Yi's gaze directly: "Logical aesthetics."

Everyone was completely bewildered, not knowing why.

"What kind of question is this? Is it the "Logical Aesthetics" I thought of?"

"It's the first time I've seen Lao Zhang use movies as an exam question."

"Wow, it turns out that Lao Zhang also likes this movie."

"Questions like what's there to blush about? Such a classic."

"Our old Zhang is really literary and artistic as always."

"Although...how long do these two people plan to look at each other, hahaha!"

"Could it be that this movie has something special for Lao Zhang and Mr. Zhong..."

Before the last classmate finished speaking, Zhong Yi, who had been staring at Zhang Xingzhi's face, suddenly smiled.

Everyone only heard him ask Lao Zhang in that special dog-food tone: "When you said you weren't nasty, did you really mean it at all, Mr. Zhang?"

- "Aww..."

I thought this was over...

As a result, their old Zhang said one word to Teacher Zhong's sweet crit: "Xu."

Everyone: "Oh!!!!!!"