Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 32


Zhong Yi almost laughed out loud: "Do you like this movie, or do you like something else?"

Before everyone could understand what "something else" was, they heard Lao Zhang blurt out "I like them all", which was unambiguous at all.

-"This may be the world of adults (狗头.jpg)"

-"I believe it, now it is really popular to lure dogs in and kill them (applause.jpg)"

"Then what does your title mean? Is it related to the movie?" Zhong Yi looked at him, and no one knew more about "Logical Aesthetics" than him, "Youth? Persistence? Dream? Or...beauty?"

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Facing the gaze of the whole class, Zhang Xingzhi avoided Zhong Yi's gaze, looked down at the monitor on the podium and cleared his throat, "It's all fine, not limited to movies, as long as it fits the topic."

As soon as the words came out, the students who were waiting to copy their homework were dissatisfied again. As the class monitor, Wang Siheng felt that he had to confirm the situation with the teacher face to face in order to avoid being poked by his classmates after class: "Then Old Zhang, at least explain to us what is meant by 'logic aesthetics', we really can't keep up with such a literary issue."

But Zhang Xingzhi just flipped out his courseware while holding the mouse, and said, "Mr. Zhong can explain this question better than me."

- "? Again"

-"Since Mr. Zhong came, Lao Zhang's mantra has become 'Ms. Zhong speaks better than me' (applause.jpg)"

Zhong Yi was annoyed at the time: "Forget it in the past, why did you let me explain the questions you came up with yourself, and you didn't give me the script in advance. Tell me, I want to hear it too."

Zhang Xingzhi stared at the screen under him and wanted to speak, but he swallowed the words after all, feeling that he would have to show timidity once he spoke: "You should do it."

On film, Zhong is also one of the main creators, and on academics, Zhong is also a visiting teacher of aesthetics at Peking University.

"Tsk, then let me do it. It seems that Mr. Zhang has investigated my details quite clearly." Zhong Yi no longer shied away, and continued with a smile, "I can probably understand the intention of your question, but I need to confirm one thing first."

"Huh?" Zhang Xingzhi raised his head up at this moment. In order to match Zhong Yi's height, he kept bending over and half propped up on the podium.

Zhong Yi looked at him directly and asked: "Are you serious, do you really like this movie?"

At that moment, Zhang Xingzhi once again saw his own reflection clearly in the eyes of the person in front of him, and the time suddenly returned to ten years ago, and the "hmm" should be slow but firm.

Zhong Yi almost immediately heard the imperceptible treasure inside, and the smile on his lips spread again: "I now reasonably suspect that you actually want to know yourself, but you are embarrassed to ask me alone in private, so you deliberately ask me in class. Said."

This is very incomprehensible, Wang Siheng once again took on the important task of the whole class, forcibly interrupting the sweet exchange between the two and asking: "Why?"

Zhong Yi looked at Zhang Xingzhi and replied, "Because the creators of "Aesthetics" are all my friends."

Everyone: "!!!"

The class exploded.

Unlike the miscellaneous data of the number of broadcasts, the box office is the least deceptive thing now, let alone back then.

Ten years ago, "Aesthetics of Logic" broke the domestic box office record at that time when it was released. The theater schedule was postponed for five months before it was released. Successfully won the Golden Lion Award at the 2009 Venice International Film Festival.

Not to mention that there was no one in the crew at that time, even if any well-produced film and television project can achieve such an achievement, it is definitely something worthy of national celebration.

Ten years later, the leading role became popular, the director and screenwriter became well-known, and the chief producer also took the position of head of Ladbrokes. Even the martial arts director and art director at that time became famous existences, but Zhong Yi was the only one.

Listening to the questions about the main creator coming one after another, Zhang Xingzhi couldn't help but glance at the person next to him who was always curling his lips.

It feels like he is very good at this, doing the most things and hiding the deepest name.

Zhong Yi summed up the voices in his ears, and said with a smile: "Is it really a professional relationship? Everyone is very interested in Director Ding."

Ding Runnian was born in photography, and he has always had a very personal style in his camera work. If there is no accident, there is a high probability that many people here only picked up the camera after watching "Aesthetics".

"Well... If everyone likes him so much, as long as you all pass this semester and let me complete the task and hand over to Dean Jiang, I will invite Runnian to give you a class and chat with you." Said With that, Zhong Yi changed the subject, "But after all, it is difficult to win the award, so if you want to pass, you still have to take the final exam to please your teacher Zhang."

Wang Siheng, as the fan leader of Ding Runnian's 19-year-old photographer, is already ready to fight: "Good Mr. Zhong, I'm ready to record, you can start anytime."

Hearing this, Zhong Yi stopped talking nonsense and started today's academic time with a smile.

"The topic 'Logical Aesthetics' given by your teacher Zhang involves the two subjects of aesthetics and logic. It can be said that they are two subjects that perfectly step into the blind spots of our education system. Although they are not specific subjects like Chinese, mathematics and English, But they are the code of conduct that governs all our daily words and deeds, and they are the things that Chinese children lack the most at this stage. Your Dean Jiang invited me here, probably because he hopes that I can give you a crash course in this regard."

Zhang Xingzhi had silently moved from the podium to the corner of the first row by the window. Zhong Yi couldn't help but frown when he saw him mingling with the students and looking up at him, and continued: "Other majors are fine. But it would be a bit embarrassing to say that our photography majors don’t understand aesthetics and logic.”

"You don't need to expect me to explain this topic clearly to you in one or two sentences now. Even if I tell you the relationship between aesthetics and logic directly, you still don't understand. I will try my best to use The most straightforward method is to add a little basic theoretical knowledge to everyone, if there is anything you don’t understand, just raise it on the spot, or that sentence, come to me after class, I will not answer any questions, understand?”

Having said that, Zhong also got everyone's reply before officially starting.

"Actually, when it comes to aesthetics and logic, we have to mention philosophy, because both of them are branches of philosophy, and many aesthetic discoveries can be verified and explained by logic. There is a saying called ' All logicians are philosophers, all aesthetes are logicians, therefore all aesthetes are philosophers'."

"Just as philosophy discusses the relationship between thinking and existence, aesthetics also has a basic question, that is, what is 'beauty'."

"'Beauty' is divided into 'beauty' in the narrow sense and 'beauty' in the broad sense. The 'beauty' in the narrow sense refers to the 'beauty' we will discuss in the aesthetic category, that is, a simple, complete and harmonious beauty, also It is the beauty of ancient Greece; in a broad sense, "beauty" includes all aesthetic objects, and "beauty" is only one of the common ones. It also includes various aesthetic forms such as sublime, tragedy, comedy, melancholy, elegant, ethereal, etc. , even ugly."

"But the above are just descriptions of adjectives. After all, a thousand people still have a thousand Hamlets in their hearts, so this involves the issue of aesthetic ability..."

One person, one platform, one mouth, and nothing else is needed.

The glasses were placed squarely on the bridge of the nose, and all the obscure theories were at his fingertips. After his half-joking, half-serious demeanor became easy to understand, Zhang Xingzhi felt that he was suddenly pulled back to the first time he saw it here. Zhong Yi's time.

If he hadn't actually seen him standing on the podium wearing glasses, Zhang Xingzhi really couldn't connect academic research with people like Zhong Yi.

"Mr. Mu Xin said that lack of aesthetic power is a terminal illness, and knowledge cannot cure it."

"Mr. Wu Guanzhong said that there are not many illiterates in China today, but there are many American illiterates."

"Simply speaking, now a person's aesthetic ability has become a person's core competitiveness. Representative examples include Faye Yu and Miuccia Prada. People with mature enough aesthetics usually have an independent self. The most intuitive manifestation of the value system is that it does not care about other people's evaluations, commonly known as 'independent thought'."

"In fact, in all creative work, technology is just technology, and the decisive role is always aesthetics, so I can go to the heat flow without knowing photography, and help people decide the color system without knowing design."

"About the difference between 'beauty' and 'aesthetic', different countries and different scholars have different views, but it is generally accepted that you are doing aesthetic activities all the time, without aesthetic activities, people are not the real meaning above."

"In traditional Chinese aesthetics, the aesthetic activity is to construct an image world that blends scenes and scenes outside the physical world."

"You should have never seen the word "image" in other places, because "image" is the core concept in traditional Chinese aesthetics. The unique characteristics of the aesthetic way of thinking."

The people on the stage were dressed in brocade clothes, standing in the unpretentious classroom, using academic language to sort out and summarize the world of consciousness in our daily life, no longer lazy, no longer careless, tightly hooking everyone people's attention.

From the very first glance, Zhang Xingzhi could feel Zhong Yi's seriousness towards the classroom.

In other words, it is the awe of knowledge.

"The two kinds of beauty we Chinese talk about most often are masculine beauty and feminine beauty, also known as sublime beauty and graceful beauty. Not only must it be majestic and vigorous, but at the same time show the inner charm, and the beautiful image must not only be beautiful and soft, but also show the inner bone strength.”

Zhong Yi basically memorized the above paragraph directly according to the concept. Wang Siheng, who was about to start to explain in detail, listened to meditate for most of the class, suddenly raised his hand and said, "Mr. Zhong, I know this question!"

"Is there an example?" Zhong also understood.

"Of course!" Wang Si Hengdang bared his teeth and said dog-leggedly, "'Elegant' and 'magnificent' are just you and Lao Zhang. The family's beauty standards are neat and tidy, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Zhong Yi laughed out loud, which made Wang Siheng very dissatisfied: "Mr. Zhong, what are you laughing at? Don't look at our old Zhang Chengtian's face. In fact, he is a thief of literature and art. He is proficient in everything. How can he be messing with you?" For play."

"Really." Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows, leaned on the podium and looked at Zhang Xingzhi in the corner, then raised his chin and said, "Since your teacher Zhang is so powerful, then let's listen to your teacher Zhang."

Wang Siheng quickly shrank his neck, originally wanting to help old Zhang Xuan, but he didn't expect that he would trick him, and said embarrassingly: "No, you continue, you continue..."

As a result, Zhong Yizheng really gave up, raised his glasses and said, "Originally, I only have a few classes, and it is unrealistic to explain to you that aesthetics and logic are nothing. Do your own research after class."

"So I raised three questions in this class. The one left for homework is why aesthetics is a person's core competitiveness. The one left for my final exam is why aesthetics and logic are Chinese. The two things that children lack the most, and what is finally left as a make-up exam question is what is the relationship between these two subjects."

Zhong Yi was caught off guard by the arrangement, which caught the students below by surprise. He didn't even have time to find a place to memorize it, so they heard Teacher Zhong say again: "After the next class on logic, I will save a related lesson. After the homework, as for the make-up exam questions, as I said before, it is difficult, and it is not a problem that your level can solve, so you must fail the make-up exam, understand what I mean?"

Everyone: "..."

This is the first time they had the idea of why it is so difficult to pass a course...

At this point, Zhong also kept his word, called Zhang Xingzhi's name and said, "If you don't understand anything about what I'm going to teach in this class, you can ask you, Teacher Zhang." .”

Zhang Xingzhi was stunned at the time, but Zhong Yi looked at him slyly and said, "You have been secretly reading my thesis, so you have to test whether you are serious about your studies, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Xingzhi choked silently: "...OK."

Being perfectly guessed at the center of things.

He thought of taking "Logical Aesthetics" as the topic because he found a paper published by Zhong Yi.

Zhang Xingzhi searched "Zhong Yi" that day, and found that in the two years from the end of "Logic Aesthetics" in 2009 to 2012, Liang Sili, Hua An, and Ding Runnian cooperated twice one after another, and only Zhong Yi He disappeared without a trace until he accidentally found Zhong Yi's name in a core publication.

It turned out that Zhong Yi actually spent those two years studying abroad, and published three high-quality papers, the last of which was in Journal C.

But in fact, after this pass, everyone in 19 Photography has already figured it out in their hearts. Let alone pass this course by taking an academic path, it is already good if it does not delay.

A wave of discussions in the group quickly came to a conclusion. After these comparisons, it was obvious that collecting folk songs was the most reliable way to win the prize. When Zhong Yi gave up the podium to Zhang Xingzhi, Wang Siheng asked.

"We all understand the truth, so do you want to go to the gathering in June?" After finishing speaking, Wang Siheng did not forget to wink at Zhang Xingzhi quietly, almost saying "You don't need to thank me, I'm Lei Feng!" It was written all over his face.

Zhong Yi didn't move far, and sat next to Wang Siheng, facing Zhang Xingzhi's podium. He reminded him aloud, "I'll only take you until Dean Jiang returns in early June."

Before everyone had time to mourn, they heard their old Zhang speak slowly without a trace of emotion: "Well, Caifeng has to go out for a whole week. Teacher Zhong is very busy, and it is not easy to come to teach you."

Everyone: "..."

So you know the two ears that stand up on your head and droop down when you can see it with the naked eye? Otherwise, you should keep comforting yourself.

The room was silent.

I don't know who took the lead first, so I slapped the table and yelled: "No, no, no, what's the point if Mr. Zhong doesn't go to pick the wind!"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of commotion down there, all of which were in return for today's clock.

If you don't want to do anything else, just look at their teacher Zhong's face and you have to get people out together. Lao Zhang is in charge of technical guidance, and Teacher Zhong is in charge of pleasing to the eye. It's so beautiful.

In the end, Zhang Xingzhi was so quarreled that his brain hurt. It was really because of the significance of this gathering to the competition. The location was also decided by him and Dean Jiang based on the preferences of previous competitions. The probability of it being decisive was very high.

At this moment, neither Jiang Duoduo's brilliant eloquence nor Zhong Yiyao's means of curing the disease, Zhang Xingzhi had no choice but to come up with the simplest solution he thought: "Go to gather folk songs, and finally win the competition." The person with the highest award will be rewarded |three| yuan."

Hearing the last three words, all the people in the classroom fell silent immediately, and their breathing was stagnant.

Looking at the students who were finally willing to obey him, Zhang Xingzhi added, "Or a ox, the model is optional, you can choose it yourself."

Shock, shake, me, whole, class!

"Isn't my day just to go out and play, walk around"

"Did Lao Zhang secretly look at my shopping cart and just wanted to buy a big|three|yuan!"

"Fucking bullshit has turned into bullshit!! Damn Lao Zhang sells equipment for real hammer!"

"Boss Zhang came out of the arena again, and the red circle head belongs to me (qiang.jpg)"

Looking at the excited children around him, Zhong Yi couldn't help but moved to Wang Siheng's side and asked in a low voice, "What are Da|San|Yuan and Niu Ding? Camera?"

Finally came across a time when he knew it and Zhong couldn't, Wang Siheng immediately leaned over and began to popularize science: "Yes, they are all super expensive lenses. The big | three | yuan is a super wide-angle, a standard zoom, and a standard zoom. A general term for the three lenses of a telephoto, the three focal lengths add up to cover the most commonly used focal lengths, and it is a red circle zoom lens with a constant aperture... Ah, Mr. Zhong, do you know what a red circle lens is?"

Zhong Yi blinked, he still knew this: "Is it the most high-end l-lens among Canon's professional lenses? It's luxury, and it has a red circle."

"Bingo! Teacher, you will remember from now on that if you see a red circle on the lens, it represents the highest optical quality. There is nothing wrong with it except that it is expensive. It is also called a 'bull's head' by us. Of course, the big|three|yuan is not only Canon Yes, other brands also have them, but Canon has red bezels, Nikon has gold bezels, and Pentax has star heads, each brand looks different.”

"Oh, so 'cow' means good?"

"That's right, in addition to bull heads, there are also dog heads. For example, Canon, the one with l is a cow, and the one without it is a dog. Otherwise, it is a set of kits that are bundled and sold."

"Then you must mean the fixed-focus lens with a red circle with an l?"

Wang Siheng gave a decisive thumbs up: "Cultural people are different, they turn faster than others!"

After listening to the science popularization, Zhong Yi recalled what everyone shouted just now, and said thoughtfully: "So the big|three|yuan is the best zoom head?"

"Hey, if I were half as smart as you in the college entrance examination back then, my parents wouldn't beat me for three days and three nights." As he said that, Wang Siheng, who had experienced the joy of teaching, wanted to continue chatting about "a cow turns into a dog" and " What kind of stalk is "Doubian Niu Ding", so they were named by their old Zhang in a rare way.

Zhang Xingzhi looked condescendingly at the two people in the first row who were biting their ears right under his nose, and said, "Wang Siheng, don't whisper in class."

Wang Siheng: "?"

Wang Siheng: "Old Zhang, you have changed!!!"

In the past, Zhang Xingzhi didn't even care about playing with the computer, let alone playing with mobile phones and talking small talk.

"And they are all talking, why only call my name and not Teacher Zhong's name!" Wang Siheng felt extremely wronged.

Zhang Xingzhi said solemnly, "I happened to see you talking about it", but what he thought in his heart was that you were about to pounce on others, what happened to clicking your name twice.

Wang Siheng: "?"

Zhong Yi almost laughed out loud, leaving Wang Siheng in his seat as if he had passed away: "I am not worthy..."

Before this, Ding Runnian gave them lectures, and later, some bulls turned into bulls as rewards, and all of them stared at Zhong Yi and wanted him to go out with him.

I don't have time this semester, so we will go out together next year in the elementary semester. Zhong Yi said that they just don't have enough hearts, and they start thinking about their sophomore year before they settle down on the matter in front of them. It's typical that they don't have enough to eat.

At this time, Wang Siheng was very good at saying: "Hey, you can't get enough to eat. Didn't you learn from Lao Zhang? We just asked what Lao Zhang dared not ask."

- "Hahahahahaha fuck"

- "Nice job!"

At this point, Zhong Yi finally raised his eyebrows and looked in Zhang Xingzhi's direction, hinting full of authenticity: "Actually, whether I'm busy or not depends entirely on who is calling me, right, Teacher Zhang."

-"Depend on?!"

- "Old Zhang, tell me something! Are you still coquettish at this time???"

But in fact, Zhang Xingzhi was not out of ideas, and Zhong Yi could agree to go out together, but he just wanted to know who he was, probably because he couldn't find out his circle name even after searching and asking for a whole circle.

But even so, Zhang Xingzhi was also happy, and threw an olive branch to Zhong Yi under the eyes of everyone: "The location of the wind collection is set in Yun County, my hometown, and the time is the first week in early June, but the conditions in the mountains will be very bad then. "

It means to let Zhong Yi be mentally prepared.

Whoever thought that Zhong Yi would not answer at all, so he looked at him with a smile: "Although I know what you mean, but I don't even deserve a word of being invited?"

- "Ah! Teacher Zhong is so good!!!"

-"Shit, my heart is beating fast with a handle"

- "Cai Yiyang 100 glances"

- "The money is transferred to you, gkd!"

- "Why is the phrase 'Follow me back to my hometown' so difficult (狗头.jpg)"

-"Old Zhang still doesn't say, let me come (Words of Tiger and Wolf.jpg)"

Zhang Xingzhi was stared at by Zhong Yi for a long time before speaking, but he was cut off just as he asked the word "you".

Zhong Yi: "yes, i do."

- "?"

- "Cai Yiyang told me loudly that a 100 loss is not a loss"

- "It's really not a loss to invest in shares!!! How did Lao Zhang manage to make his ears burst red and his face still have no color (qiang.jpg)"

- "Cub Wang Siheng consciously hand it over"

- "Handling"

Then Zhong Yi had an extra room card with a familiar number.

Wang Siheng stood beside him and said righteously: "As the squad leader, I feel that I have an obligation and a responsibility. Please open the room once."

But Zhong Yi just pushed back the room card calmly and said five words: "Take it, we have it."

With just five words, everyone in the class went crazy.

- "ahh kswl"

- "Ms. Zhong is really a man of the bunch (Groundhog screams"

- "Up, it's really up"

-"Dean Jiang: Oh my god, what a shame it is to be shameless"

- "Cai Yiyang Cai Yiyang Cai Yiyang glasses are no longer for sale, I want to see it myself when I pass it back!"

- "No, no, no! Ah, I don't care, I will charge first!!!"

The author has something to say: Note:

Box office: "relatively" and "most" are not deceiving, not that they are not deceiving at all, understand what I mean.

Red circle lens: specifically refers to Canon's l lens. In Canon's lens system, all l lenses represent the highest optical quality. There is a red circle in front of the lens barrel, and there is also an l on the model number.

A cow becomes a dog: a high-grade bull head is used for zooming, such as a big|three|yuan. Only choose cheap ones for fixed focus, such as hundreds of dollars. People with this type of game have good financial conditions, prefer to enjoy the fun of photography, and don't care too much about equipment.

Going from a dog to a cow: Use a cheap set of lenses for zooming, and then choose a few classic primes, such as 200mmf2, and the like. Most people who play this kind of game are tool parties, and they are easy to lose their fortunes.

From a cow to a cow: a man who is very rich and sells equipment.

ps: I am thinking about what needs to be annotated and explained to everyone every day, covering my face

pps: Although I read a lot of materials before writing "Aesthetics of Logic", I spent a whole day browsing HowNet in order to write this chapter, read a lot of literature, and saw a lot of interesting points that I want to share with you. I have always insisted on the reason why I did not change the title of the book, and I will see if everyone can get the reason for choosing the title of "Logical Aesthetics" when it is finally finished.

Although a little bit tired, but very fulfilling, very happy! I also hope that everyone is happy every day! In this chapter, red envelopes will be arranged for all geese with 2 points in the comment area!