Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 41


In the end, Zhong Yi not only didn't say anything to him, but took a few mouthfuls of the dishes that had been placed on the kitchen counter with chopsticks, and boasted: "You are really good at cooking, Leo."

God knows how desperate Zhang Liao felt at that moment, it was the first time in his life that he was praised so frighteningly.

After all, he is an honest child, he is already a little uneasy about talking bad things about people behind his back, and now he is still on the verge of being caught, Zhong Yi suddenly interjected so silently, why don't he just press him on the ground and rub him for a meal Reassure him.

But Zhong Yi never said a word, and he didn't know if it was Leo's illusion. He felt that today's Zhong Yi... seemed extraordinarily gentle? ?

The one who smiled at him at the dining table was like a warm spring breeze, which almost made Leo lose his grip on his chopsticks, and his heart was always in a state of agitation. Looking at the table full of food in front of him was like watching the last supper.

Until Leo heard that Zhong Yi did not go to the film and television base with him in the afternoon, he tentatively said: "They will be going out soon, don't you want to confirm the plan?"

Zhong Yi looked at people and smiled and said: "Isn't it enough for you to lead people to watch, why do you need me?"

Leo panicked immediately: "qaq..."

Sure enough, there was something strange about Zhong Yi today, but he couldn't tell. His brother sat beside him and remained silent as usual, unable to get any useful information.

Leo was always guilty of doing bad things, but now he dared not say too many words, so he buried his head in hard work, filled his stomach with two bowls of rice, smashed his mouth, and wanted to get up Serving the third bowl, I did not forget to ask his brother before leaving.

But Zhang Xingzhi's attention was all on Zhong Yi, and he noticed it from the moment he came to the table.

Although it is true that Zhong Yi's appetite wasn't big in the first place, it was still in the category of normal adult males. Today, there was only half a bowl left after eating a bowl of rice. up.

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't hold back, and asked, "Is the nausea serious?"

With this question, Leo's steps stopped instantly, and he was even a little at a loss.

Zhong Yi propped his forehead and laughed: "I didn't speak clearly, I see you scare the child."

Leo was at a loss.

"It's not that your cooking is not delicious, I just feel a little uncomfortable today, dizzy, and have no appetite." Zhong Yiru comforted.

The straight man Leo suddenly realized what was wrong. It turned out that Zhong Yi's complexion was very bad today, and he couldn't find any blood on his lips, so this is why he has such a good temper today qaq...

Zhang Liao felt guilty in an instant, he was so sick and uncomfortable, and he was still thinking about exposing his brother's fault...

The same goes for his brother, everyone is sick like this, and he still smacked such a heavy mouth qaq last night!

Zhang Xingzhi tightened his grip on the chopsticks. When he was waiting for someone yesterday, he checked carefully on the Internet. They all said that blocking medicine is not as simple as everyone thinks. I will stop the medicine by myself, because the side effects are too great, and dizziness, nausea, and lack of energy are only the slightest symptoms.

Blocking drugs will obviously interfere with the body's metabolism, digestive system and internal organs, especially the liver. Zhong Yi couldn't sleep well at night...

"You should also go to the hospital with me this afternoon." Zhang Xingzhi frowned.

Zhong Yi pressed his temple with his left hand, while his right hand was still slowly picking rice from the bowl and feeding it into his mouth: "It's not necessary, don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Zhang Liao was holding his own empty bowl and listening in a daze, his mind had already opened up to the edge of the city to infinity.

Why is it not the sick person who goes to the hospital, but his brother

Why seeing Zhong Yi in this state, he felt like... Pregnant? ?

Doesn't his brother know how to wear a condom...

No, his brother didn't have any experience before, maybe he really didn't prepare at home...

Wow... His brother wouldn't want to wear it for fun, would he qaq...

"Tsk, what's the matter with you, I'm afraid you're not a fake gay." Ji Haochuan looked at the person sitting in the corner of the dance room in front of him, and he had no temper.

He finished dancing with his teammates today, and this man walked in through the door, and the one who waved at him was guilty. It was obvious that something was hidden in his heart, and the appearance of taking the wrong medicine was exactly the same as that of Yang Youan. Cry or not.

When he first practiced dancing, Young Master Ji, who didn't know the sufferings of the world, didn't miss Yang You'an in his heart. He danced better than anyone else, and he didn't know what he was practicing here all day long. If you're not happy, don't come here, you have to put on a bad face, and those who don't know will think that they are bullying him again.

But Leo himself can't figure it out now, and has no time to care about Yang You'an at the other end of the dance room. He just feels that he has been squeezed out and feels wronged: "But I really don't know. Although I am crooked, I remember liking it after so many years My brother went there and didn’t look at others too much, and my brother didn’t have a chance to let me know about this aspect qaq”

With such a huge production crew, even though he is the head of external photography, he can't find anyone who can pour out his troubles qaq

Ji Haochuan said "tsk" several times in a row at his unpromising egg eyes, but finally sat down, crossed his legs face to face with the person and combed: "Does it mean that Zhong Yi took the medicine, and then your brother is going to the hospital?" Check?"

Leo nodded. He is still confused now, and has no idea what happened.

Ji Haochuan: "Then the strawberries on Zhong Yi's neck were put on last night?"

Leo nodded depressedly, but he still didn't forget to ask: "Did you tell me a few days ago that you were coaxing me? This is the second time I met Zhong Yi and stayed overnight at my brother's house. You still said that he I don't want to leave a mark on others, but the last time he wore a silk scarf was made by my brother qaq... "

And the co-pilot too, he has seen Zhong Yi sitting in his brother's co-pilot qaq! !

Fortunately, he had muttered to his brother so eloquently for so long today, and Zhong Yi himself overheard him, what a shame qaq! ! !

Speaking of this, Ji Haochuan didn't understand why the iron-like discipline would fail even to Zhang Liao's brother. It was an insult to his careful observation of Zhong Yi for ten years.

He said slowly: "Although I don't understand why Zhong Yi agreed with your brother not to wear a condom, but according to the current situation..."

"Is it really because of this qaq!" Before anyone finished speaking, Leo couldn't help it, and stared at him with a pair of eggplant eyes.

Ji Haochuan nodded affirmatively: "Ninety-nine are inseparable. I understand Zhong Yi. It is impossible for him to ask not to wear it on his own initiative. He is really obsessed with cleanliness in this regard."

"Wow... Then, my brother is too scumbag qaq..." Leo couldn't bear it at that time, feeling that his brother's image in his heart collapsed in an instant, and he even started using the honorific title again with Duo Zhong. In this way, let Teacher Zhong... let Teacher Zhong become pregnant with qaqqq... "

"Yeah...huh?" Ji Haochuan, who was about to go along with his brother's scum, paused for the second half of his sentence in an instant, and said incredulously, "hello? Are you okay bro, are you serious about being pregnant???"

Leo had already lost his mind in Danhua's eyes: "Then Mr. Zhong is just like eating and throwing up qaq..."

"I noticed later that he would often cover his stomach qaqq..."

"I still don't think it's necessary to go to the hospital for an examination. I asked my brother if he didn't have confidence in himself qaqqq..."

Ji Haochuan: "..."

If it weren't for taking care of Leo's emotions, Ji Haochuan would have applauded this person's brain circuit: "It's a pity that you don't write novels like this brother, where did you grow up when you are four years older than me? Don’t you really know that there is something called a blocking drug?”

Leo: "!!!"

In the college building.

Why did Jiang Duoduo feel uncomfortable sitting in his office? Even if Zhong Yi threatened him, that hadn't happened yet. Why did he just have a twitch and mention Zou Chao...

In fact, he just looked at it and bluffed a little. Since he said that sentence, he was angry with Zhang Xingzhi again. After all, he still felt more guilty, and he was even sorry for the old lady of the Zhang family, secretly secretly because of Zhang Xingzhi's success I felt a little lucky, and since Zhong Yi liked Zhang Xingzhi so much, it would be a good idea to let Zhang Xingzhi accompany him for a night.

"Is that so, even if you still don't want Teacher Zhang to have anything to do with Teacher Zhong?"

After listening to Zhou Rui's words, Dean Jiang nodded sullenly.

Seeing this, Zhou Rui snapped his fingers at the bartender with experience, ordered a glass of sweet wine and pushed it in front of his boss: "Sweet, not intoxicating, you will feel better."

"Hmm..." Jiang Duoduo, who received the wine, was still wearing a cardigan and vest that didn't match 1977, but it didn't matter, as long as the money in his purse matched 1977.

This is the second time that Zhou Rui has been called to this place on the grounds of consulting. God knows that when he saw the news that Jiang Duoduo offered him to come to 1977 at first glance, he immediately recalled the last time he vomited here. In such a situation, it seemed as if he could smell the vomit now.

If it wasn't for gaining goodwill with the dean and getting back the deducted benefits, even if Zhou Rui had another face, it would be absolutely impossible for him to step here again.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

But it's shameful to be ashamed, the beauty that should be hunted, still has to be hunted.

At this moment, Zhou Rui, who had no idea of the seriousness of the matter, asked the dean, looking around with his eyes: "Then have you apologized to Teacher Zhong?"

Jiang Duoduo bit the bartender's straw in the liqueur and shook his head: "No."

Zhou Rui didn't understand. Just as he was about to ask, he saw the domineering dean in their academy wrinkled his old face and said, "I'm stupid, I really don't dare..."

Zhou Rui felt that it was a bit exaggerated, so he just apologized, not to say: "Actually, Mr. Zhong just looks a little mean, and it shouldn't be difficult to talk. Didn't you just say something wrong? If you really feel uncomfortable, just tell him I'm sorry, I'm sorry to call, but it's okay to send a message."

Jiang Duoduo still shook his head pessimistically, and finally, with Zhou Rui's unremitting efforts, he finally opened up the conversation with the classic "I told you, don't tell others".

When Jiang Duoduo first described the general situation to him at that time, Zhou Rui still had the leisure to continue to leisurely search for prey in every corner of 1977, thinking that it was because it was in the countryside and the consumption level was too high. They are all very old, and you can't even see a small baby, let alone Mr. Zhong.

Hey, if I had known that his class would be a bit boring, I would have asked Dean Jiang to ask Mr. Zhong to help me...

Zhou Rui was running the train in his mind, when he heard Zhong Yi used to threaten Jiang Duoduo's extreme choice of two, he was shocked at that time: "This is a proposition, to enter the group is to play with one's life, not to enter the group is to play with one's heart, Awesome, top is top."

Jiang Duoduo felt his liver hurt whenever he thought of this option that was doomed to no result, he said: "Others don't know, but you know, I watched Zhang Xingzhi grow up. How could I promise him to shoot such a scary project with Zhong Yi again if he was caught in the extreme photography trap and locked up in school."

"That's true." Zhou Rui nodded understandingly, and said in his heart that he had been forced to this point, so it was understandable to say something extreme, until he heard the last...

Zhou Rui: "?"

Zhou Rui was stunned: "Although I don't know who Zou Chao is, but you said that Mr. Zhong slept with someone for the sake of superiority, it's a direct personal attack, Dean..."

Jiang Duoduo looked at him angrily, and almost raised his hand to pat the table with a habitual movement: "So I regret it!!!"

But Zhou Rui changed his mind and thought again: "That shouldn't be the case. I think Teacher Zhong has reached this position, and he is so good-looking. He should have heard similar things a lot."

Jiang Duoduo: "..."

Zhou Rui: "...?"

The dean's silence made Zhou Jurui feel as if he had realized something, and asked in a low voice, "Is it true... is it Zou Chao with that?"

Jiang Duoduo wanted to say no, but he was stuck for a long time and couldn't think of a rebuttal, so he could only throw out a sentence feebly: "The situation at that time was very complicated..."

What is the difference between this and the real hammer

Zhou Ruiren was dumbfounded: "Fuck, does Teacher Zhang know about this? I guessed that Teacher Zhong would be a ruthless person, but I thought he was ruthless to others..."

"He's really... he's the best at dealing with himself..." Jiang Duoduo was in a complicated mood. As a friend, he never forgot all the details of what happened back then, and he believed that as long as anyone who knew about it, will be the same as him.

Zhou Rui clicked his tongue a little: "Then that Zou Chao...what is his identity?"

"You know that movies have to go through the process of reviewing. Zou Chao is sitting in a high position now. He doesn't participate in specific work, but only gives guiding opinions to his subordinates. But at that time, he happened to be a medium, just enough The superior can manage the Zhongyi project."

In fact, Zhou Rui still couldn't believe it until now: "Then... Teacher Zhong really took the initiative?"

"No, it doesn't count." Jiang Duoduo frowned and quickly denied it, but in fact he still doesn't know how to evaluate this matter, "It's not that it doesn't count, it's just... I don't know what Zhong Yi said at the time. What do you think..."

"If you just look at the results, it should have been planned by him in advance, but I always feel that this is not the case emotionally, so I can't say it."


"Anyway, don't tell Zhang Xingzhi about this."

The author has something to say: Teacher Zhong: Tsk

ps: I just forgot to say happy new year to everyone in advance! Thank you Bawang Ticket and Nutrition Liquid Duck! Rumors are flying all over the sky, Zhong He is hiding, and Zhang will see you in 2020!