Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 43


Zhang Xingzhi put his arms around Zhong Yi, stretched out his long arms and leaned over to open the drawer of the bedside table.

Looking at the things the man took out from inside, Zhong Yi was surprised, but he saw the clue at a glance, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did you buy this yourself?"

Zhang Xingzhi paused, and chose to tell the truth: "Liang Sili sent it."

This afternoon, Liang Sili took Zhang Xingzhi to the hospital in his returned Bentley. Fortunately, there were not many people who came to the hospital for physical examinations on weekdays. Even with the full VIP treatment, they didn't receive much advice.

Usually, Zhang Xingzhi did the physical examination inside as originally planned, and Liang Sili waited outside, looking left and right, thinking it was good for a while, thinking it seemed good for a while, and finally Zhang Xingzhi was stunned from head to toe, wishing to count the hairs to check , I almost didn't go to the gynecology department.

While waiting for the results, the two sneaked into the corridor of the hospital to smoke.

Of course, it was Liang Sili's request, and Zhang Xingzhi just accompanied him.

Liang Sili didn't think much when he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, he just habitually stuffed it into his own mouth and then handed one to the person around him. He thought Zhang Xingzhi would refuse, but Zhang Xingzhi took it straight away, putting the butt of the cigarette in his mouth surprisingly naturally.

Liang Sili hadn't lighted a cigarette for someone for a long time, and while pressing the lighter for Zhang Xingzhi, he said in surprise, "I thought you didn't smoke."

After all, Zhang Xingzhi was a few centimeters taller than Liang Sili. When the cigarette butt caught fire, he straightened his back slightly, tilted his head slightly and exhaled a cloud of mist: "Smoking, but not addictive."

Liang Sili felt that he had been read too much by Zhong Yi, and several of the men were non-smokers.

He suddenly felt a little happy, looked down at his toes and said, "It feels like you are really different from what you look like, no wonder Zhong Yi likes it."

Zhang Xingzhi had heard this before: "The dean also said the same."

Said Chung also likes people who can keep surprising him.

But how can there be so many people who are the same on the outside and inside? In the final analysis, it is still a matter of appetite.

"It's good that you don't like smoking, and you can take him to the gym." As he spoke, Liang Sili reached out and flicked the soot on the empty soda can Zhang Xingzhi was holding, with no emotion on his face.

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't figure out what he was thinking again, he still looked the same when he gave him the car keys last night, how could he talk to him today as if nothing happened, all about entrusting Zhong Yi to him.

But he didn't want to ask directly, he just said: "Zhong also doesn't like people smoking?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that the objective conditions don't allow it." Liang Sili introduced it for a long time, and finally introduced the topic he really wanted to talk about. At that time, he smoked harder than me."

"Stop doing?"

"Quit, he couldn't bear it later." Liang Sili grinned self-mockingly, "The main reason is that we have lost hair in this line of work, especially when Zhong Yi was in the beginning, he often followed the group. The shorter time, he came out in a few months." , the time is longer, there are two or three years, and Zhong Yi can sleep for four or five hours a day in the group, which is already a luxury."

Hearing that what Liang Sili wanted to say was not the point, Zhang Xingzhi asked, "How did you quit later?"

"Blocking medicine." Liang Sili was not ambiguous at all this time, he insisted on going out with him today, just to tell Zhang Xingzhi about this, and to make him pay attention to this aspect.

Even though Zhang Xingzhi already knew it in his heart, he still couldn't help but lower his head, his fingers with protruding knuckles were twirling the cigarette, and the slightly protruding tendons on the back of his hand were distinct.

With the can in his hand, he raised his index finger to tap on the cigarette, and asked, "Is his cleanliness also started after he ate it once?"

Liang Sili was quite serious at first, but now he was amused when he heard Zhang Xingzhi's words. Obviously, Zhong Yi was often heard saying: "You also think he is a clean freak?"

"Actually, he has always been very particular about this, but it got worse after taking the blocking medicine." When talking, Liang Sili calmly couldn't find the previous appearance at all, "Of course I haven't slept with him anyway, I used to be so hygienic, but now I am more specific. I don’t know how cleanliness I’ve become, I’ve heard it all.”

Zhang Xingzhi bit his cigarette butt in a complicated mood, but in the end he lowered his eyelids and didn't ask any more questions.

This made Liang Sili curious. After stepping on the steps under his feet, he looked sideways at the people around him and asked, "Aren't you curious why he took block medicine before?"

The answer given by Zhang Xingzhi was simple: "It feels like he doesn't like people saying this behind his back."

Otherwise, it wouldn't have interrupted Leo last time.

Liang Sili immediately looked at him as if he were an alien, and said in disbelief, "So strong a sense of moral restraint?"

He felt that he had also seen a ghost, and he was used to getting together with the gang of cronies around him since he was a child. So does this kind of person really exist, and he can really hold back his curiosity simply because Zhong Yi doesn't like it.

Especially this person gave him three unfathomable words: "It can't be said."

Okay, you are cool, both you and Zhong Yi are cooler than me.

The two of them had two cigarettes, just the soda can in Zhang Xingzhi's hand. Those who didn't know it thought it was two brothers who had a good relationship, and they would even find time to flick the ashes at the hole from time to time.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Liang Sili's idea is also simple, anyway, if Zhong Yi's side is empty, it is empty, let other pheasants come, it is better than Zhang Xingzhi, cleanliness alone is rare enough.

He could tell that Zhang Xingzhi really liked Zhong Yi, so he simply broke the pot and found someone who knew how to love Zhong Yi.

Even if Zhang Xingzhi is really destined to live until the filming of "Aesthetics 2" is finished, Zhong Yi will get tired of it one day, and maybe he won't wait until the end of the project.

After drawing out, when the two passed by the vending machine in the hospital, Liang Sili finally stopped him and said, "Wait a while."

Zhang Xingzhi threw the soda can in his hand into the trash can next to the vending machine, thinking that Liang Sili wanted to buy water to drink, but the man stretched out his hand to greet him again: "Come on, come here, I didn't expect that there are so many types in the hospital. Pretty complete."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xingzhi stood side by side with him in front of the vending machine, a little confused.

The two big men rushed to the vending machine and blocked it tightly, basically no one else had anything to do.

Liang Sili casually pointed out the bottom row of condoms and lubricants to Zhang Xingzhi, and said, "After I calmed down and thought about it carefully, I think you probably didn't ask yourself not to wear them, but you really didn't have any at home."

Zhang Xingzhi: "........."

Being a virgin for so many years, this is the second time that he feels ashamed because of this incident since the last time he couldn't get anything out in bed with Zhong Yi.

Anyway, this person has been silent all the time, Liang Sili didn't pay attention to Zhang Xingzhi's red ears at the moment, and picked out a box of condoms and a bottle of lubricant with a few taps on the screen, took out his phone and scanned the code: " Remember these two brands, Zhong also likes them."

Zhang Xingzhi's ear tips continued to emit high fever, and it was rare for him to speak out of his mind, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Is there any difference?"

Rao even Liang Sili was caught off guard by him, took out the two dropped things and stuffed them into Zhang Xingzhi's hands.

"I'm not from the lower class either, so how do I know what they think." As he spoke, Liang Sili murmured to Zhang Xingzhi in a bitter manner, "You can try it with him, and you'll know if you ask him after the trial." Oh, cough, you can tell me by the way... "

Then the honest man Zhang Xingzhi started to exert his gong. He looked at the light thing in his hand and said: "Oh, I forgot that you haven't slept."

Liang · was suddenly general · Si Li: "... ... ... "

Why the hell did he think that he was a lump of elm before, and he still pitied him? ?

"Really? Liang Sili still has time to worry about this for you?" Zhong Yi questioned this matter.

But Zhang Xingzhi's expressionless face almost said, "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, because the truth is like this." He said without blinking his eyes: "He let me try it with you and ask you, why do you like these two? brand."

Zhong Yi was incredulous: "Actually, I thought you two would fight if you went to the hospital together. I was at home during the day thinking that you would go to the doctor in time after the fight. Did it turn out to be so harmonious?"

"Maybe he thinks you just want me to work hard for you." Zhang Xingzhi looked at the person sitting on his lap and said directly.

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows, cocked his mouth and said, "Listening to Teacher Zhang's meaning, does Teacher Zhang think so?"

"I don't think so." After speaking, Zhang Xingzhi lowered his head and unpacked the package.

Zhong also didn't believe it: "Last time you rejected me because of this."

No matter what the reason was, it was the first time he was said no by someone in bed, and with his vindictive nature, he would probably remember this incident for the rest of his life.

But Zhang Xingzhi only had five words: "There will be no next time."

As soon as the words fell, he had already torn apart the packaging of the condom in sevens and eighties, and even the lubricant outer plastic on the side was also completely removed.

Zhong Yi suddenly laughed, and looked at Zhang Xingzhi with eyes full of interest: "I hadn't figured it out before, how long has passed, what exactly did our teacher Zhang go through, and how did he realize it."

"I haven't experienced anything." When Zhang Xingzhi unscrewed the lubricant in his hand, he looked at his nose, nose and heart, and said calmly, "It's just that I suddenly found that I like you a little more than I thought."

Zhong Yi was speechless at the time, and after staring at Zhang Xingzhi for a long while, he slowly uttered a sentence: "Zhang Xingzhi, you are really dead."

But Zhang Xingzhi didn't respond, he just whispered in his ear: "I'll slow down, tell me if you can't stand it."

After the two of them tossed about, they forgot about Jiang Duoduo who was still squatting in 1977.

Jiang Duoduo had been pondering over the screen for a long time before sending out the news, but now there was no movement after sending it out, which made him very anxious.

He thought that he was just asking Mr. Zhong if he could come out for a meal as a favor. After being a friend for so long, he should be worthy of this step.

In order to relieve the tension, Jiang Duoduo even bit the straw and opened Plants vs. Zombies.

With his perseverance, the second half of the game is already difficult. The easy mode is still difficult, and the hard mode is impossible without two tactical cucumbers.

During the period, the bartender asked him: "Do you still like the taste of wine?"

"It's not bad." Jiang Duoduo was busy planting sunflowers, and even the sun would be eaten up by zombies, so he had no time to look up at people.

Bartender: "Then I'll make you another drink?"

Jiang Duoduo: "Okay."

In fact, the bartender didn't mean anything else, he just felt that the straw in Jiang Duoduo's mouth was about to be bitten by him, and the experience was definitely not as good as the new straw. With a reasonable excuse, Jiang Duoduo changed his bite.

When the wine was served, Jiang Duoduo’s brain was eaten by zombies again, which made him suck hard at the new straw. Finally, he couldn’t continue playing at all. Go back to the message box and check the time. It has passed since he sent the message Forty-five minutes.

Jiang Duoduo felt that he couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't play games, and he couldn't wait for news.

What about Zhou Rui, after such a long time, has this little bastard fallen into the pit!

Jiang Duoduo quit Plants vs. Zombies, so he asked the bartender in front of him where the toilet was.

The bartender understood: "Are you looking for your friend, or do you want to go to the toilet? The toilet is here, and your friend is over there."

Jiang Duoduo looked at the two completely opposite directions pointed by the bartender and was a little confused. He looked at the second one and realized, Hey, Zhou Rui is so unreliable that he went to the toilet. Here, go fishing for Kaizi with wine!

And the child sitting opposite Zhou Rui's seat looks tall and thin from the back, but he should not be too old, maybe he is still an underage high school student, this little brat is really courageous, a little teacher of the people I have no self-awareness!

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But just as Jiang Duoduo decided to stand up for justice, his cell phone vibrated—there was a news.

Jiang Duoduo stopped his slap the moment he saw the word "Zhong Yi" on the reminder, and honestly took the phone back.

He originally thought that the answer he got was either he was willing to come out to eat, or he was not willing to come out to eat, but he didn't know that going in would make him so superior.

- "It doesn't mean I didn't reply to your message in time, Dean Jiang, it's just that I was a little busy with Teacher Zhang just now"

Jiang Duoduo: "... ... ..."

What can two big men do so late? Zhong Yi, this is no different from expressing it.

Who doesn't know that Mr. Zhong has a lot of things to do every day, but you are only half an hour late in replying to the message. You really don't need to explain this to him, he can't bear it.

Jiang Duoduo now feels that he has a hard time, and he can't compare whether it is more difficult for him not to get Zhong Yi's forgiveness, or it is more difficult not to return the kidnapped cabbage in his yard.

The same goes for Zhang Xingzhi, he usually doesn't do anything else to be so upbeat, but when it comes to Zhong Yi's iron plate, he starts to turn against the wind.

How long has it been since last night, how can he still leave Zhong Yi at his house, the sun is really rising in the west.

Looking at the customer who suddenly began to cover his forehead, the bartender was a little worried: "Sir, are you okay? Actually, the two glasses of wine just now have no strength."

This customer has been worried since he sat down in 1977. Don't drink too much and go crazy in the store.

Jiang Duoduo was busy choking up his sobs, he didn't pay attention to the greetings, now he covered his forehead and waved his hands: "I'm not drunk, don't worry about me."

The bartender choked up too.

Ten drunks, nine of them have your lines...

The author has something to say: Dean Jiang: I am too difficult...