Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 48


The next day, before Zhang Xingzhi sent Zhong Yi to Liang Sili, Zhong Yi proposed to eat something to fill his stomach at home.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't understand: "Didn't you mean the family banquet?"

In his cognition, a family banquet is a meal with his family, and only ostentation like the principal's birthday banquet will not fill his stomach.

"It's a family feast." Zhong Yi pinched the chopsticks with his right hand and rested his forehead with his left hand, feeling very upset, "But I really can't eat, it's a waste of my brain and I don't have an appetite."

In comparison, the fight between wealthy families in the TV series is not exaggerated at all, even mild.

That big family, from top to bottom, was not a good person, and the only mother Liang who seemed to be deaf to what was going on outside the window was also the one who stabbed a knife in the back.

"Have you blocked Liang Sili before?" Zhang Xingzhi heard all the conversation between the two last night.

Zhong Yi fed two mouthfuls of rice without interest: "It's the first time I haven't found out about their family's situation."

He had guessed that Liang Sili was miserable at home, but he never thought that it would be like that.

If he knew earlier, Zhong Yi wouldn't be so overwhelmed with going to Liang Sili to do business, wouldn't it be nice to just choose one of the two older brothers above him

Later, Zhang Xingzhi went to the apartment to pick up Liang Sili, and Zhong Yi sat in the passenger seat and only rubbed his temples: "When I really think about seeing your big family again, my blood pressure soars."

It was just on the way to Liang's mansion, Zhong Yi's right eyelid had already started to twitch.

Liang Sili was paralyzed in the back row with a dull face: "Every time I can walk out of the house alive, I feel that I am a brand new me."

As the most powerful little waste in the family, Liang Sili has never been in the eyes of the two brothers above him since he was a child, and he never regarded him as a competition. Helping the little waste to play a game of turning a sparrow into a phoenix.

With the snipe and clam fighting each other, the fisherman's profit lies in the past, even if Liang Sili is already firmly in charge of Libo, thinking of going to see his two elder brothers is still timid and full of lawsuits.

After all, it is not too many years to bear the grudge against the throne.

If it hadn't been for all these years of serving Zhong Yi with both hands and feet, Liang Sili really couldn't find a rescuer at a time like this.

He had to admit that he had never dared to annoy Zhong Yi completely, and it was also because he could walk out of the house safely only when he was there.

But Zhong Yi is also a barefoot person who is not afraid of wearing shoes, and he is used to breaking pots and smashing.

He said sadly: "I always thought that I could climb up, and your family really contributed to my cultivation."

At first, Zhang Xingzhi only thought that Liang Sili's two elder brothers were more difficult to deal with, until he sent them to the Liang family's mansion to see with his own eyes.

Zhong Yi got out of the car, and before he had time to go on a business trip for Brother Liang Sili, he breathed a sigh of relief at the good news that there was one less person to add to his troubles, and someone's voice came from behind: "Xiao Yi is back? Long time no see."

Zhong Yi's hairs stood on end at that moment, Zhang Xingzhi watched helplessly as he forced himself to put on a decent smile: "Second brother."

Liang Sili, who had been mourned all the way, also straightened his back instantly after opening the car door, bared his teeth and greeted the family of three who got off the other car: "Second brother, second sister-in-law, my precious niece is also back."

Liang Sili's second elder brother is a gentle man wearing rimless glasses. He looks like Liang Sili three times in appearance. He is less snarky and has a warm smile, but he almost directly writes the three big characters "not to be messed with" on his face. Not hiding it at all.

The lady standing next to her was also of a similar style, with a shrewd face, and the only one who was slightly different was probably the little niece who was being held by Liang Sili now.

Zhang Xingzhi reckoned that she was only five or six years old, and while sitting in Liang Sili's arms, he didn't forget to tilt his head and give Zhong Yi a kiss on Zhong Yi's face, his childlike innocence was fully displayed in those dimples, and he smiled happily.

Not letting the child stay in Liang Sili's arms for too long, the second sister-in-law reached out to take the child. She didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Looking at the silk scarf around Zhong Yi's neck, she said that she had never seen him wearing it before: "It's better to be early." Knowing Xiao Yi, you look so good wearing their silk scarves, I should accept the co-branded money they gave me last time and leave it to you, I am still old and can't match it anymore."

Zhong Yi didn't answer directly, but only had a look of crooked eyebrows and eyes: "When will I be able to catch up with my second sister-in-law and half speak, and I won't always be regarded as mean."

For other occasions, he would definitely choose one of concealer and silk scarf for concealer, but today, Zhong Yi directly bought double insurance.

The second sister-in-law is still laughing: "The main reason is that Xiaoyi's face is too cute. Anyone who changes it can tell that it is better than me who takes care of the children at home every day when I am so busy."

"No, I'm just busy. I only entertain Liang Sili, so I basically just sleep at home." Before entering the gate of Liang's house, Zhong Yi was already tired.

Especially after Liang Sili's second brother turned on the microphone: "Xiao Yi is too modest, there are not many who can sleep peacefully with hundreds of millions on their body every day."

Zhong Yi and Liang Sili: "..."

Is it time to go home now...

At that time, Zhang Xingzhi, who was silently listening to the corner in the driver's seat, didn't realize it at the first time, but he realized it later.

Every time Zhong Yi opens a new project, a whole group of people can easily lead a thousand people. As the chief producer, isn't it just that he has hundreds of millions on his body...

But the garage was just the beginning of the nightmare. As soon as Zhong Yi and Liang Sili sat down on the huge dining table in the Liang residence, they were choked by the plum wine that was placed on the table—the two realized something was wrong after drinking it.

Father Liang, who was on the main seat, was still asking the two of them how it tasted, and said that his second brother brought it back from Japan, and he didn't have a prescription for drinking it.

Liang Sili smashed the sweetness in his mouth, not daring to let his worry be seen, he could only be tactful and tactful: "I think it's good, but Zhong Yi doesn't like sweets very much..."

Zhong Yi at the side knew he was going to finish after the first sip, but he couldn't spit it out in front of so many people, he could only force himself to drink the whole cup into his stomach, and then frowned slightly It is proposed to replace wine with tea today.

Father Liang didn't care either, and instead cared about the company's business issues: "Are you doing a variety show recently?"

Liang Sili answered honestly: "Yes, the overall benefits of the film and television industry are shrinking now, so I'm slowly trying other fields."

As soon as the second brother raised his glasses, he picked up a chopsticks dish for his daughter, and said with a smile, "No wonder I saw Hao Chuan on the trainee variety show official announcement two days ago."

As soon as these words came out, the whole table fell silent.

The second sister-in-law glared at her husband: "I'm eating."

The second elder brother didn't take it seriously, he still smiled and "persuaded" their father who was calm and arrogant: "Hao Chuan will be sixteen this year, Dad, you should also let Hao Chuan come back with the third brother." Check it out."

Liang Sili: "..."

I really thank you, why haven't I seen you speak up for Hao Chuan like this before.

Sure enough, just as Zhong Yi slowly fed a few grains of rice into his mouth, he heard a crisp sound from the master seat. Father Liang put the bowls and chopsticks in his hand on the table at once, and his calm face turned black. Thoroughly.

Who doesn't know that Ji Haochuan is a taboo in this family, and every time the old man is mentioned, he will get angry, but the second brother is determined to continue adding fuel to the fire today, saying: "Children are always innocent, and Haochuan can't pick him."

Liang Sili closed his eyes and lay flat in his heart. Originally, he came here to urge him to get married and have children, but now his second brother is still trying to tease Haochuan. He must have eaten it secretly at home, so it’s better not to save it Good heart for this meal.

Although Liang's mother said nothing, she had already reached out to help Liang's father, and now the only person on the table who could still eat was Liang Sili's little niece who didn't know much about the world.

The old man looked at Liang Sili with fierce eyes, and asked, "The little bastard is now a trainee in your variety show?"

"Yes..." Liang Sili's voice tightened a little, and he finally said after a few words brewing in his heart, "Dad, the second brother is right, no matter what the child is innocent, it's my problem, don't call me He is small..."

"Slap!" The old man didn't listen to Liang Sili's finish, and slapped the table with a slap, "Since you know it's your fault, you should send him away as soon as possible. You can't even deal with an illegitimate child. How can you be in charge!"

That's right, when Zhong Yi knew Liang Sili, it wasn't long before Liang Sili was approached by this cheap son.

That day he parked the car in the underground garage as usual, and when he got out of the car, Ji Haochuan, who was only five years old, hugged his legs and said that his mother said Liang Sili was his father.

Liang Sili originally thought that someone's child made a mistake, but after the paternity test was done, it was true.

He's messing around now, and even more messing up when he was young, so it's not uncommon for him to have a son.

Even now, I still don't know who the child's mother is. When I asked Ji Haochuan, Ji Haochuan only said that he was too young to remember clearly. He only knew that the man left himself in the parking space and left after a few words of instructions.

It was also after that that Liang Sili, who used to eat both men and women, never touched women again.

"Do you think that you are responsible for him by raising him now? Wait two years later, when you get married and have a second child, and someone will come to your door to persuade that little bastard to steal your property, and you will know how ruthless it is!"

As soon as the old man dropped the call, Liang Sili was speechless. He had to admit that what his father said was right, and it was even a very possible thing.

Seeing her precious granddaughter stop her chopsticks, Mother Liang, who had been watching coldly, reminded her: "I'm scaring Xiao Ai."

The second sister-in-law has always been able to read her face, and she thought that the temper she had waited so hard could not be broken, she immediately coaxed her daughter to leave the table, and said that she would go to the garden to see how the flowers her grandfather planted with her last time were doing.

But as soon as she held Xiao Ai's hand, Zhong Yi said, "Then don't have a second one."

Mother Liang frowned: "What did you say?"

Zhong Yi swallowed the last mouthful slowly, and repeated again: "I said, then there will be no second one, I think Hao Chuan is very good."

As soon as the words fell, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped by eight degrees, cold sweat dripped down Liang Sili's back.

It's true that Zhong Yi was used to save his life, but he really didn't expect that Zhong Yi would be so top today.

He quietly glanced at the faces of the people beside him, thinking that the glass of plum wine would have worked so quickly...

The old man stared at Zhong Yi blankly and laughed angrily: "I never talk about you because you are really capable. Every time I agree to come back for dinner with you, it is to give you face, but don't misplace yourself!"

Hearing this, Zhong Yishun put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and said, "Then let's not go around the bush, uncle, we have seen the photos of Liang Sili's marriage partner, and I disagree."

Liang Sili braced himself and hurriedly followed, only hoping to turn over the "Ji Haochuan" article: "Dad... the eldest brother has a pair of twins, and the second brother has a little Ai, I'm with, cough, I'm very good with Zhong Yi, why do you have to stare at me?" Also knot."

"Because you are the one who takes the position of head of Libro! Otherwise, you see, I don't care about you!"

Then the old man really did what Zhong Yi expected, he felt that the two of them were together, and that there was no conflict in the matter of marrying Liang Sili.

Originally, Zhong Yi was unwilling to bite him to death, and he was ready to fight, but the old man actually gave a second option: "If you don't want Liang Sili to give birth, you can give birth by yourself."

Liang Sili and Zhong Yi: "???"

At that time, the two of them were stunned. They thought about countless possibilities, except for this one.

The old man obviously had a plan for the current situation, and said: "I have already got the contract drawn up by the lawyer. If you are willing to change Zhong Yilai, I will sign it after dinner. After signing, I will not ask any more questions." It's up to you, whatever you want."

Two people: "..."

Zhong Yi's mind was numb. He didn't doubt the domineering nature of the contract that the old man said. The binding force was definitely more exaggerated than the marriage certificate, but he was about to speak when the second brother on the other side started again: "Dad, you are too reluctant It's too small."

Hearing these words, Liang Sili and Zhong Yi's eyebrows twitched, knowing that after eating this candy, the next thing would be a stick.

Second brother: "After all, Xiaoyi also has his own space, so we can't ask him so much just because of third brother."

The old man: "What do you mean?"

"Xiao Yi recently helped teach with a friend, and has a good relationship with the teacher. Is his surname Zhang Xiao Yi?" The second brother gave Zhong Yi an inquiring look as he spoke.

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Zhong Yi: "..."

What annoys him the most is that Liang Sili, the two obsessive brothers, put surveillance on you all day long, there is nothing they don't know, and they don't understand where all the time comes from.

The old man always speaks straightforwardly: "What's wrong with the surname Zhang, Zhong Yi is not allowed to have a child?"

Liang's father and Liang's mother basically don't care about private life matters, as long as they don't make trouble in the public like Ji Haochuan and hinder the "normal order".

Zhong Yi watched helplessly as the lips of the opposite person curled up in a subtle arc, and he stirred the mud to the bottom with a stick, and said: "I don't know, I have to ask Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi seems to have been living here all this time. Teacher Zhang's home."

For a moment, everyone's eyes followed him and focused on Zhong Yi.

Liang Sili was afraid that Zhong Yimeijiu would say something serious again, so he immediately helped smooth things over: "It's not that serious, we're just friends, we just play together occasionally."

Speaking of this, what does it mean is so obvious, and normal people know to stop, but his second brother is not afraid of big troubles when he sees the excitement, so he insists on poking up one more sentence, pretending to be relieved: "After all, you are still young, love Playing is also normal, there seems to be a kid named Yang Youan among the trainees of Hao Chuan and the others, who just started college?"

Zhong Yi and Liang Sili: "..."

Fortunately, the old man really didn't care, he just said: "I don't care about the specific situation of you two, as long as someone can marry me and get a child for me."

Zhong Yi now feels superior, very superior.

The Liang family not only cultivated his manipulative style, but even his violent temper was single-handed.

He silently took a deep breath in his heart, and then threw out three words with absolute certainty: "I don't want it."

"It's all fun, but I firmly disagree with Liang Sili getting a certificate from someone. Even if he agrees to marry someone, I can't be hard on women at all, and I can't give birth to anything." Zhong Yi's face was stinky when he spoke, He didn't save face for the old man at all, and rejected both of his proposals at once, "Take a step back, even if it is really born, the two of us don't have the patience to raise the child from scratch like the eldest brother and the second brother. , let alone accept others to bring it.”

"So, if you two insist on getting Liang Sili married, I will never step into the door of your Liang family, including Libo."

After Zhong Yi finished his last sentence, everyone present, even the second sister-in-law who was standing outside the door and listening to the corner, who hadn't left, was stunned.

This is already a blatant threat, which means to let the old man choose for himself, whether marriage is more important to Libo, or Zhong Yi is more important to Libo.

The ghost knows how frightened Liang Sili is now, he thinks that a glass of plum wine is not enough, it must be that Zhong Yilai ate bear heart and leopard gall at Zhang Xingzhi's house before...

This time, Liang Sili started to seriously calculate the probability of them getting out alive today, and it turned out that Zhong Yi's involvement in the drama far exceeded his expectations.

When Zhong Yilai came, he asked Liang Sili very clearly whether he refused to marry another woman no matter what. At first, he also felt that it was just a piece of paper and it didn't affect anything.

But Liang Sili just said that he had promised Ji Haochuan not to find him a stepmother.

Since Liang Sili said that he wanted to do what he said, Zhong Yisi really didn't want to be called over for dinner because of this matter, so he simply did not do anything, and acted out the show to Liang's father to the end.

"Either, Liang Sili will marry him, and I will go out from Ladbrokes to do it alone; or, I will stay in Ladbrokes, and Liang Sili will continue to be single with me honestly; or, if you really want a marriage certificate and a child, Then you go and ask the girl if you would like me to go get the certificate with her, and Liang Sili to have a baby with her, and I will do both for you."

Under Liang's father's gaze, Zhong Yi didn't even blink his eyes when he said this, Liang Sili was completely dumbfounded, even his second brother who was watching the theater was shocked by Zhong Yi.

No one has ever dared to negotiate conditions with the old man like this, asking him to do multiple-choice questions...

She is also a well-matched eldest lady, how could she agree to such a messy contract? It is obvious what Zhong Yi's intentions are.

Under the eyes of everyone, he stood up from his seat and said, "If you are willing, I will sign the contract right away. If not, you can choose from the first two options. You probably can't find the fourth option." option."

"Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, you can tell Liang Sili directly if you choose, and let Liang Sili tell me."

"Thank you for the hospitality today, everyone, eat slowly, I'm full, so I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yi didn't even give everyone time to catch his breath, he raised his legs and went out from the door of the restaurant. When passing by his second sister-in-law because of his astonishment, he still nodded his head and said hello.

The little niece next to her who has been playing games with headphones plugged in by his mother has no idea what happened just now, and now she also came out of it at first sight, pulled out the headphones and came to him to hug her, and her mother couldn't stop her live.

Zhong Yi has not been slowed down by Zhang Xingzhi for the past few days. He might not be able to hold Xiao Ai now, so he had to change into a short body and put the dimpled child into his arms on one knee, letting her He kissed each of his left and right cheeks.

Zhong Yi glanced at Xiao Ai's phone screen: "Are you playing Plants vs Zombies? I also know a friend who likes to play this game."

"Really! Is he good? How many worlds has he unlocked?" Apart from her parents, Xiao Ai's favorite is Liang Sili and this beautiful uncle.

Zhong Yi looked at her and blinked: "What world has Xiao Ai unlocked?"

"the last one!"

"That little Ai is much better than him, I may ask Xiao Ai to teach him in the future."

The child who got the rainbow fart cheerfully responded, until her father came out from inside, the two dimples on her face didn't go away, but the earphones had already been plugged back in by her mother.

Liang Siheng asked very vaguely: "Where is Zhong Yiren?"

The second sister-in-law pointed to the direction of the stairs, still a little overwhelmed by the shock: "I should have gone to the garage, dad now... what do you mean?"

"It's hard to say. Liang Sili wanted to come out and chase him, but Dad didn't let him go, but he hasn't lost his temper yet."

"Then what are you doing out now?"

Liang Siheng paused while raising his glasses, and said, "Dad asked me to find Zhong Yi back."

Regarding this, the second sister-in-law, who stood there watching her husband leave, had no doubts at all, she just wondered what her father wanted to do by chasing Zhong Yi back.

A few minutes later, Zhong Yi looked at the person in front of him and said coldly: "If the second sister-in-law heard what you just said, she must not be able to wait upstairs."

Liang Siheng showed a casual smile, and said: "Just like your existence does not conflict with Liang Sili's marriage and childbirth, this is not what she needs to know."

As he said that, he took another step closer to Zhong Yi: "But Liang Sili really cares about you beyond my imagination. Dad is so angry. He still dares to come out and look for you. Why is he so anxious..."

Zhong Yi's heart skipped a beat at the time, but the car that Zhang Xingzhi had sent them over was right behind him, so he had nowhere to retreat.

Liang Siheng opened his mouth again, and it was already close to his ear: "Could it be that we, Xiao Yi, will get drunk with a glass of plum wine?"

"Second Brother, Xiao Ai is still up there." Zhong Yi said this almost through gritted teeth.

But Liang Siheng was unmoved at all, determined that they would not come down, and smiled at Zhong Yi: "Yes, I am not nervous when my wife and children are upstairs, Xiao Yi, why are you so nervous, I haven't told Liang Sili yet About the two of us?"

"What can the two of us do?" Zhong Yi said so calmly, but secretly pressed his hands on the car window behind him, not daring to slack off.

He knew that he was not as strong as Zhang Xingzhi, if Zhang Xingzhi insisted on opening the door, he couldn't stop him at all.

Zhong Yi now hopes that Zhang Xingzhi can listen to him one more time, and don't get out of the car.