Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 5


But Dean Jiang obviously forgot all about what he had done, and only focused on talking on the phone with the person in the photo.

"No, why are you back now?" Hearing that the person was already rushing back from the Hong Kong Airport, Dean Jiang became uneasy for a moment, "I dare to send you a message at five o'clock in the morning to ask about the results of the competition." An echo, is it because you're on a plane?"

"En." Facing the dean's questioning, Zhang Xingzhi held the steering wheel and stared at the jumping countdown of the traffic lights on the top.

Jiang Duoduo was almost killed by him: "What about the result? Did you win the prize?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "No."

Jiang Duoduo: "?"

Jiang Duoduo: "Can you say it again?"

When the red light turned green, Zhang Xingzhi stepped on the accelerator: "Only the top ten."

Dean Jiang's blood pressure couldn't be suppressed immediately, and he slapped the table with an earth-shattering "why".

Their campus is in the suburbs, which is a suburb of a county-level city. At this moment, it would take about two hours to drive back to Quanshi from Gangshi Airport, including the traffic jam.

At this moment, Zhang Xingzhi was concentrating on driving the car, while accepting the bombing from Jiang Duoduo, his face did not move at all, and he was quite accustomed to his boss's bluffing.

"That's not right, how could it be only the top ten... Are we short of the top ten? Are we short of those bonuses, Mr. Zhang?! The salary I approved for you is not low! You know How did the group of old men in the academy next door arrange me behind the scenes? Your portrait is so good! How could it be possible..." Jiang Duoduo opened his mouth to doubt the ten consecutive times of life without causality, until finally he said When I couldn't go down, I started to pat the table again.

People in their forties and fifties are not soft-spoken at all when they play petty temper, and at the end they complained indiscriminately to their teacher Zhang: "Why do you think you came back in such a hurry! 'Master Reliu' didn't get it back for me. What are you doing back here!! Anyway, there are not many students listening to your lecture seriously!"

This is all right, before Mr. Zhang came back, the faculty and staff on the entire floor of the institute knew the result of his competition.

Counselors at the end of the corridor are still chatting in their offices.

"The dean is really, it's so easy, the top ten is not enough for him to boast."

"Yes, and the last sentence is too true, see how bullying our teacher Zhang is..."

"Oh, Mr. Zhang is too indulgent of our dean."

But for this matter, Zhang Xingzhi's explanation is only one sentence: "There is no portrait among the three shortlisted works of 'Heliu Master'."

As soon as these words came out, the other end of the phone fell silent, and then there was another roar that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods.

Jiang Duoduo couldn't understand what was going on this year's heat wave at all, and it wasn't enough to talk to Zhang Xingzhi on the phone, until he received Zhong Yi at the school gate, he was still jumping angrily and catching people Just to continue: "The teacher Zhang who was in the class with you is already rushing back, and you two should be able to meet today."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "Come back so soon?"

"Yeah, I'm really pissed off!" Jiang Duoduo burst into tears, God knows how long he had been looking forward to this chance to get ahead, but he just made the duck fly away!

Seeing his friend's sincere feelings, Zhong Yi was amused, and asked knowingly, "Why are you angry, you didn't win the prize?"

Jiang Duoduo: "That's right! I made a top ten and said that none of the three 'Hot Flow Masters' this year took portraits. Do you think that's true!"

As one of the parties involved, Zhong Yi said, "Then you said that he is your man, and you said that I would blackmail him." The joke was on the verge of his mouth, and he heard their Dean Jiang throw out a sentence: " It must be the fault of that lay judge."

Zhong Yi, who was caught off guard by the name call, said, "...Huh?"

"The director of the Heat Flow Fund this year may be crazy. Let alone an outsider as a judge, that person was late yesterday!" The ignorant Jiang Duoduo led him into the classroom and said that he was a judge. He said loudly, "He thought it was who he was, and he made a show here. He dared to be late for the awards, and Reliu was really not afraid..."

"Aren't you afraid of smashing the signboard?" Zhong Yishun helped him fill in the words that his ears were almost ringing out.

As a result, our Dean Jiang not only didn't notice the problem, but also agreed and became more and more outrageous.

Zhong Yi was amused by him, so he simply stopped explaining and followed his words: "So Teacher Zhang came back overnight just to teach the students?"

Although Jiang Duoduo was slandering Zhang Xingzhi on the phone, but in front of outsiders, it was natural for him to gain face, he groaned, "Of course, I've said it all, our teacher Zhang is great... ... "

"He doesn't know that I will come to help him in class today?"

"I know, I know, why don't I know, but this doesn't affect people wanting to come back!"

Then Zhong Yi heard Jiang Duoduo brag about Zhang Xingzhi all the way again, of course, the kind that beat around the bush—for fear that he would miss it.

"We have agreed. When I come back from a business trip, I will introduce you only after all the students pass the exams."

Zhong Yi was incredulous: "Just pass? Teacher Zhang can't even guarantee that students will pass?"

When he came to the door of the classroom, Dean Jiang gave him an unfathomable look: "You will know when you listen to him take a class. There is also a reason for the low attendance rate."

"Then why do you still recruit him to be a teacher?" Zhong Yi thought it was funny.

"That guy's major is good! His major is really good." Dean Jiang raised his hand and pushed open the door of the classroom, and then Zhong Yi, who was unprepared, was startled by the crowd of people inside.

Zhong Yi: "...Is this why your attendance is low?"

Dean Jiang gave him a worried look, and said in a low voice, "What's the use of being in someone else's class?"

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "Because he is handsome?"

"Haven't you seen his photos, and you don't know what's wrong, but now the little girl likes it..."

Dean Jiang suddenly realized what happened in the middle of his speech. Damn, yes, he even sent the photo to this person...

How could the little girl in the room be in such danger, how much water was in his head at the beginning.

At this point, Zhong Yi was completely amused by his friend's appearance, but when he smiled, the students below went crazy.

The people in the classroom fell silent as early as the first moment Zhong Yi appeared at the door of the class, one or two eyes were straightened.

A large white t-shirt is simply tucked into the jeans, and the waistline is easily lifted. The two long legs are undoubtedly revealed. They are thin and straight, with a narrow waist and hips. Regardless of the proportion of the figure, it is actually Or a ball head that is parted to the face

What the hell level of fairy looks is this? Are those gold-rimmed glasses on your face serious

"Girls, please collect all the saliva and be reserved." Jiang Duoduo coughed twice as expected, and then introduced the people around him, "This is the new substitute teacher for 19 Photography, Zhong Yi Teacher Zhong, I love Zhong, but it’s not what I like, you all understand what I mean, I don’t care if you mess with other teachers, but Teacher Zhong is determined not to do it, it is strictly forbidden to have a teacher-student relationship with Teacher Zhong, understand?”

Immediately there was a voice from the bottom saying: "But we are not 19 photographers, Mr. Zhong is not our teacher, so it is not a teacher-student relationship, right Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Duoduo choked up: "This is not a big classroom. It's fine if you take the seats of the students in the 19th photography class, but now you even have to take the place of the substitute teacher?"

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After the voice fell, the classroom burst into laughter.

Jiang Duoduo was well-known in the school for being humorous and close to the people. No student was afraid of him at all. Everyone dared to say anything outrageous. This time even Zhang Xingzhi was dragged into the water.

"Anyway, if the seat is empty, it's empty. If you want to blame it, blame Teacher Zhang for being too boring."

"That's right, hahaha, we came to help fill in the blanks because we saw that the 19 photography class couldn't come."

"The little brothers in 19 photography are not interested in Teacher Zhang, so you can't force it, Teacher Jiang."

"It's a bad thing if you catch a cold, hahaha!"

For a while, the classroom was full of laughter again, Jiang Duoduo was so choked that he couldn't speak when he heard the people around him speak suddenly.

"So you, Mr. Zhang, don't like roll call?" Zhong Yi just said lightly and made the classroom immediately quiet down. With the round glasses on his face, he stood beside Dean Jiang and smiled gently, " It’s my first time as a university teacher, and I really want to feel the joy of roll call.”

Seeing that the students seemed to be shocked, Jiang Duoduo immediately chimed in: "Ms. Zhang is too soft-hearted and unwilling to fail your department. Now that he is not around, we have completed the transfer of power. From now on, as long as Mr. Zhong is around for a day , just listen to Teacher Zhong for a day."

"Students who came to 19 photography today, please remember to convey to those who didn't come. Our ugly words are up front. Whoever fails your subject at that time, you can ask whoever you are. It will definitely be useless to ask your teacher Zhang." Jiang Duoduo Rushi warned, "You probably don't want to fail your freshman year, do you?"

So far, as soon as Zhang Xingzhi drove the car into the school gate, he received several messages in succession.

The group in the photography class has exploded, and everyone is swiping him, telling him to come back quickly, saying that Dean Jiang took the lead in rebellion, trying to trick the newcomer plgg into usurping his position while he was away.

Zhang Xingzhi was confused by this series, the "plgg" alone made him pay attention to it for a long time, and he only realized it after he parked the car and googled it.

So the students who tipped off the news saw that apart from assigning homework, Teacher Zhang, who never bubbly, suddenly interjected.

- "Does that mean the new teacher is good-looking?"

Everyone: "?"

Zhang Xingzhi saw that the news in the class paused for a second, and then flowed again soon, but it was full of "hahaha".

- "Mr. Zhang, so hello here (qiang.jpg)"

-"We have said so much, you just pay attention to 'plgg' (I understand. jpg)"

-"Ms. Zhang: It is impossible to love Jiangshan if you love Jiangshan, I want plgg"

- "Is it too late to wake up now, I want to watch plgg (shy.jpg) too"

- "Come on, come on, Wang Siheng is sitting in the first row"

- "Hahaha fuck, it's real or not, wait until I go back to Pinpin next week"

Wang Siheng is the squad leader of 19 photography. The big guys are very popular, and he will actively help Zhang Xingzhi when there is anything. As a class leader, he is definitely a very competent squad leader. The only thing is that Zhang Xingzhi never rings the bell. Saw his face after the class bell.

Wang Siheng was always holding his mobile phone in the last row, playing games or watching videos, so when Zhang Xingzhi walked all the way to the door of the classroom and saw the message the kid posted in the group, he stopped walking for an instant.

- "The teacher is standing on the podium, and you are chatting in the group? Can you respect the teacher a little?"

- "If you don't come to this class, you will be absent from class"

Let alone the others, even Zhang Xingzhi couldn't hold back, and the hand that was about to open the door immediately put a question mark on the input box, and he suddenly believed that everyone said that the new teacher was not a joke because he was good-looking.

But the well-informed Teacher Zhang still didn't take it seriously. After all, he is good-looking and how good-looking he can be. It would be nice to have someone who parted with him 24 hours ago...

Zhang Xingzhi hadn't finished thinking when he suddenly heard a voice from the classroom, and the ending was the smile he was thinking about.

"This classmate, since he sat in front of me from the last row, why is he still thinking about looking at his phone?"