Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 53: [One update]


The habit of saying that he and Zhang Xingzhi were surnamed was formed when Leo was a child. He was only eight years old at the time. It was his first time in China, especially in Yun County, and he could not even speak a few words in Chinese.

Ji Haochuan was dumbfounded: "Are you a foreigner???"

He thought that Leo was born with a darker complexion, so why did he really have foreign blood

"No... I'm Chinese! Listen to me!" Leo raised his hand and poured a whole glass of beer into his mouth, very dissatisfied, "I just stayed abroad since I was a child, my parents They are all Chinese, my dad has one-half of Tibetan blood, and I am a little darker... "

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

"Oh, but your name is also very strange, how can the Chinese choose such a name."

"The name is because, oh, yes, my parents are also extreme photographers, and the name is because when my mother was pregnant with me, they went out to climb mountains without them noticing. Later, a foreigner who was with me found out My mother is pregnant, so she stopped people to keep me. Otherwise, the conditions on the snowy mountain would have been poor, and accidents would definitely happen to pregnant women... "

Ji Haochuan guessed it almost casually, thinking that this is some kind of TV drama plot: "Then the foreigner's name is Leo, so your parents picked you a 'Leo'?"

"En." At this point, Leo realized that his original topic had been distracted a long time ago, and he finished another glass of wine in one breath, and his voice was high-pitched, "Can you stop interrupting! I'll I want to talk about my brother!"

Ji Haochuan gritted his teeth and smiled coyly: "Okay, you say what you say, I won't interrupt."

Leo was so angry that he poured several more glasses of wine into his stomach before he remembered what he said earlier.

He went to Yun County at that time because his parents died in an accident during filming, so he was adopted by Zhang Xingzhi's parents as agreed by his parents in advance.

"Oh, his parents and your parents are very good friends..." Ji Haochuan suddenly said halfway, when he was stared back by Leo, he quickly stretched out his hand to zip his mouth to signal him to shut up .

Only then did Leo continue: "I used to travel abroad with my parents."

He speaks a lot of English, so after arriving in Yun County, he basically couldn't communicate with people normally. The only one who could speak a few words was his brother Zhang Xingzhi.

"My brother was sixteen years old at the time, and he was still in high school. He got good grades." Leo held his chin and smirked twice, "After my uncle and aunt led me to my brother, they only said one thing to let him take good care of me I left, but my brother really took it to heart. At that time, he was still babbled in English, which was very average, but in order to talk to me, he would secretly recite words by himself every night, and he would find ways to teach I'm not good at English and mathematics, and I want to keep up with the teaching progress in the school."

Ji Haochuan found that every time Leo talked about his brother, there would always be that look of admiration and yearning on his face.

"At that time, my uncles and aunts were also shooting outside all year round, and there were only me, my brother, and grandma at home."

It was Zhang Xingzhi's grandma.

The educational resources in Yun County are poor, and the English teachers there all have serious accents. The children don’t even know how pure Leo’s English pronunciation is. Things, there are many people who say that he is black because of his dark complexion, that he has no surname "Zhang" at all, and that he has no parents, in order to make everyone think that he is also a Chinese who stole his surname.

In addition, Leo was small at that time, and over time, he became the target of public criticism.

Although he is not very old, he also knows that his parents have passed away. He was entrusted to someone else's family and cannot cause trouble to others, so when he was first bullied, Leo endured it as much as he could. When he was beaten, he would carefully protect those places that were easy to see and not easy to hide, for fear that his brother would see and worry.

Later, his brother didn't know how he knew it. Anyway, one day before going to bed, he called himself to his room and asked him if he was often excluded at school.

"At that time, I could actually speak two sentences of Chinese. In order to practice my Chinese, my brother would not let me speak English every day when I went home. It doesn't matter if I speak slowly."

So what could have been concealed with a few simple words, Leo was stunned for a long time but couldn't hold back a few words, and his brother was smart enough to cover all his words with a single question. Out.

Leo still remembers how his brother squatted in front of him to speak after listening to it, his eyes were clear and sincere, and his whole body was shining.

Said that he has parents, and they love him very much.

It is normal to say that birth, old age, illness and death are normal things. When we meet, we part. It’s just that some people are early and some people are late. His parents hope that he can be independent earlier. When he is the first in the grade, he can be with his classmates. He speaks Chinese well, so he secretly showed him the letter left by his parents in advance.

"I also said that if someone asks again in the future, I will say that I have his surname, and now his parents are also my parents, and grandma, grandma is also surnamed Zhang."

Hearing this, Ji Haochuan had already finished a large beer in pain. He had no idea that Leo's seemingly ordinary Chinese had a history: "Your parents left you a letter?"

"Yeah." Leo kept pouring himself wine, and said, "Maybe it's a professional relationship. Every time before going out, he would leave a message for his important people. My brother wrote it, and I wrote it too."

Ji Haochuan's nose is sore, this is not a simple message, this is simply a suicide note, a suicide note...

"I only found out later that my brother asked for leave from school the day after he finished chatting with me. In order to come to my school and tell my teacher that I... Hey! Wait! I haven't cried yet, you Why are you crying qaq!"

Leo realized that something was wrong when he looked up in the middle of the speech. He was so frightened that he came out of the rivers and lakes on the spot with a pair of dizzy eyes. Looking at the big man in front of him who started to drop golden beans with a blank expression again, he panicked immediately.

But Ji Haochuan was still acting like a normal person, toasting while crying, without blinking his eyes of denial: "No, this wine is bitter to me."

Leo: "qaq..."

Does this person think that as long as he doesn't wipe his tears, he doesn't cry qaq

At least update the library of excuses, this is the same sentence pattern as the reason why Zhong Yi made him cry last time qaqq

Is it really the legend that bitter wine enters the throat and makes the heart ache? qaqqq

Ji Haochuan raised his hand calmly: "You continue."

Leo choked, and most of the depression in his heart was immediately dispelled by Ji Haochuan's interruption.

He tried his best to pretend that he didn't see someone's golden beans and said, "Hey, the elementary school I went to was separated from his high school by several hills, in two completely different directions, very far away, and every time I went back and forth, I was an adult. It takes an hour to walk on foot."

His brother went to school earlier than him, and finished school later than him, so except for the first two times when he was taken to school, Grandma picked him up later, making sure he remembered the way before letting him go.

Leo still doesn't know whether it was the relationship his brother told the teacher specifically at that time, or his own psychological effect after listening to his brother's words. In short, his whole mentality has changed, and he no longer resists going to school.

"And my brother also taught me a way, saying that if I have a chance, I will show my hand in front of everyone." Leo looked at the clear yellow liquid in his cup and grinned, "Although the current children in Yun County I don’t know how to climb mountains anymore, but at that time, there were quite a lot of them, so I can be regarded as following my family’s ears and eyes.”

After all, Yunxian County is closed. Everyone lives and survives by the mountains. Many elders in the family will go to the mountains to make honey, pick wild fungus from rocks, and go to the wall to pick cypress leaves from deep mountains to make tea. From top to bottom, mountain climbing is already a must. It became a craft.

Even Gao Shouru's grandma gave them a taste of the honey wine she brewed two years ago.

So naturally, children often compare who climbed the mountain better, and take pride in it.

It's dangerous, but it can't be stopped. A few children can find a few broken walls with a cat in the deep mountains and old forests.

Everyone in Ji Haochuan was dumbfounded: "How can you compare..."

Leo: "Jump, jump from one rock to another, basically whoever dares to jump wins."

"Wait... It's about the kind of two stone slabs that are broken in the middle, and then there are no protective measures in the front, back, left, and right? Just jump???" As a person whose legs are weak when walking on a slightly narrower single-plank bridge, Ji Haochuan I can't even think about it.

Leo laughed: "Maybe it sounds scary to you, but we don't feel it. Maybe it's because of customs."

Even the youngest children in Yun County can clearly understand the seriousness of these things, and everyone will not slap their faces in this regard and pretend to be fat.

Just as Ji Haochuan was about to argue that he is not a native of Yun County, why is he not afraid, he thought of the occupations of Leo's parents.

Although Leo's parents won't take him to battle in person, as long as there is a place to put him, they will take him and put him aside to watch them shoot.

From childhood to adulthood, what he lacked most was courage and psychological quality.

"Actually, I was only in the fifth or sixth grade at that time. In front of them, I went up to the top of the mountain and took down the honey made by others. They were all dumbfounded, and then no one really looked down on me anymore."

Later, Leo talked a lot about his childhood, and Ji Haochuan, a city kid surrounded by electronic products since he was a child, was dumbfounded: "Then, how did you find out that you like your brother?"

Leo's drinking capacity also follows Zhang Xing, which is very average. He didn't eat a few bites of the barbecue on the table, but he went down all the draft beers. The familiar pair of egg white eyes have completely returned, and they are facing the hairy man in front of him. Ji Haochuan said aggrievedly: "That's how I found out qaq..."

"Other kids, hiccup... all like kids who are different from me, I think they are soft qaqq, whoever asks me, I say I like my brother, I, my brother is super handsome qaqqq... "

Later, Ji Haochuan himself was a little drifting, and he was fascinated by the story, so he hung up Liang Sili's five phone calls in one breath.

It wasn't until Liang Sili sent him a message half an hour later.

- "I'm at your house now, where are you?"

Then Ji Haochuan exploded, and the backhand was a phone call, calling his father by his name: "Liang Sili, where did you get the key! You checked my room again!"

Liang Sili was also physically and mentally exhausted today, and all the fires that his second brother had made were stirred up at once, and he yelled at people in a strange way: "I'm asking you where you are now! Do you know what time it is?" !Still fooling around outside!"

Ji Haochuan was used to Liang Sili, the first time he was scolded back, he completely exploded on the spot: "Why are you yelling! Didn't I learn from you when I fooled around outside! I won't go back today!"

Liang Sili's blood pressure went up in an instant, and just as he was about to continue, he heard a clear male voice from the other end of the phone. Just now, he called out "Hao Chuan" to his son Jiewa, and Ji Hao Chuan immediately turned his head to ask if he was right. Feeling uncomfortable, thirsty, want to vomit, Liang Sili was shocked enough by that gentle breeze and light rain's concern.

Leo was so drunk that people couldn't sit still, so he leaned on Ji Haochuan's shoulder and continued to stare: "Ward rounds? Is it your father? Haochuan, how can you say hiccups and qaq to your father like this... .. .”

Ji Haochuan hastened to recite it, and only after listening to the tragic childhood, he knew the position of his parents in Leo's heart. Before he hung up the phone, he anxiously comforted him: "Okay, I won't talk anymore. From now on, my dad will It's also your dad, we don't need dad, we can't drink any more today."

Liang Sili: "?"

Liang Sili: "?"

One illegitimate child was enough for him to suffer, why did another one appear in one night? ?

Ji Haochuan impatiently said to the phone: "Anyway, I won't go back tonight, you can treat yourself as much as you like..."

"Haochuan qaq..."

"Okay, let me say it again, I slept at my friend's house tonight and hung up on Dad."

Liang Sili: "... ... ..."

Normally Ji Haochuan would not come to Ji Haochuan to admit that he was his father, but today, Ji Haochuan even called "Dad" when he asked him a word

True magic realism.

So that night, Zhu Hong finished a round of bed sheets with her boyfriend, and when she was about to come to the second round, she received a message from her immediate boss, followed by the familiar sentence pattern.

- "Who does Hao Chuan have a good relationship with in the group recently?"

- "I know you haven't slept yet, five minutes, give me a name, or pack up and get out"

The author has something to say: Zhu Hong: