Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 57: [One update]


Although Wang Siheng was "kneeling" on the ground, his eyes were always on the face of their teacher Zhong, especially their teacher Zhong, who seemed to be afraid of being misunderstood, even took off the silk scarf around his neck. Is it obvious that you want to hide it? And those eyes.

Zhong Yi was a little baffled by Wang Siheng's direct stare. He blinked and turned to ask Zhang Xingzhi: "Is there something on my face?"

Zhang Xingzhi did not answer, and glanced at the squad leader who shrank his neck and did not dare to look at him, and then turned his attention to Li Jiang, Fang Lu and others who were standing at the door to watch the excitement.

As soon as Fang Lu received the signal, he couldn't help but shrink his neck like Wang Siheng, holding a chicken in his hand, Wang Siheng in his left hand, and Li Jiang, who was completely out of shape in his right, took the classmate who was watching the excitement at the door Quan Hong left, and bowed straight to their old Zhang: "Slip away, we took in this cub tonight, just in time for the black fight to rank, and the decisive battle will continue until dawn."

In the end, he still didn't forget to shake the two chickens in his hands and ask them to say good night to Zhong Yi, and close the door by the way.

This set makes Zhong Yi even more inexplicable. Where did the signal on the train give you blackmail

He couldn't help touching his face and checking himself, there was nothing abnormal, and there was no mark on his neck, just now Zhang Xingzhi's collarbone bite was slightly lower, just covered by the collar of his pajamas.

"What do I have to ask..." Zhang Xingzhi bit his lip again before Zhong Yi could finish his question.

Zhong Yi who was suddenly kissed: "?"

Originally, it was just a random boo at the beginning, but after the kiss, Zhong Yi felt that something was wrong, so he patted the person and yelled to stop, panting slightly and frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Looking at Zhang Xingzhi's getting closer and fiercer, why does he seem...a little jealous

Zhang Xingzhi's bottomless eyes were fixed on the face of the person below him: "Eyes."

Zhong Yi blinked subconsciously: "What's wrong with my eyes?"

Zhang Xingzhi was silent for a while, and then buried his face into Zhong Yi's neck.

Touching the man's short hair, Zhong Yi frowned: "You want to die in a hurry..."

"Your eyes have just been done." Zhang Xingzhi said in a muffled voice.

Zhong Yi: "...?"

He froze there for a few seconds before he realized what this sentence meant. It meant that his eyes... looked very pornographic now

Zhang Xingzhi: "Very beautiful."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "...thank you?"

As soon as Fang Lu took Wang Siheng back to his bed, he began to educate: "It's fine in the back street last time, but you dare to come this time?"

Wang Siheng said sadly: "Then Teacher Zhong is pretty, I can't help it... Do you dare to say that Teacher Zhong is not good-looking?"

Fang Lu: "Looking good is good..."

"That's right, how many of them are not Yangou who are holding the camera! Am I wronged!" Wang Siheng felt that he was being reasonable and angry, and turned his head to ask Li Jiang next to him. , "Ms. Zhong didn't look good just now?!"

"It's pretty, but isn't Mr. Zhong... always pretty?" Li Jiang said hesitantly, his mother was solo like him, and he didn't fully understand what kind of riddle he and his brothers were playing.

That night, when all the lights in the carriage were turned off, those who should sleep should go to sleep, and those who should plug in their headphones should plug in their headphones. As soon as the night was dead and quiet, Wang Siheng began to flirt. began to recall.

I don't know if it was because he was standing too close to Mr. Zhong in the aisle between the beds, so he couldn't forget those eyes that were full of mist, and the more he thought about it, the more he twitched.

Fang Lu wished he could kick him off his bed, and scolded in a low voice, "Do you think you are only 163?"

As soon as Wang Siheng licked his lower lip, he didn't need to brew up his emotions, and all the cars next door began to listen to his speech.

The topic of the speech was how beautiful Zhong Yigang's eyes are.

"... Well, it's not particularly wet, but the strength hidden inside, you still hold the pipa and half cover your face, you can understand, especially when the cold is looking at you, it's so unbearable."

"Pfft..." Zhong Yi was lying on the bed and listening to the music. He really didn't look in the mirror to observe the changes in his eyes after finishing the work.

In fact, who can tell that Wang Siheng has paid great attention to controlling the volume, but the movable and sleeping partitions are useless, and the sound insulation effect is almost non-existent. When everyone quiets down at night, except for the sound of the moving train, it is Wang Siheng.

Not much to say, at least one left and one right must be able to hear.

"Qiu Shui cuts pupils."

"Tsk, it's sparkling."

"Gu Panshen... Fuck!"

Zhong Yi: "?"

He wondered why he didn't say anything when he was right at the top, and he heard the next door follow closely: "Old Zhang, I was wrong, I didn't even think you could hear it..."

Zhong Yi really laughed this time, and opened his mouth to ask Zhang Xingzhi on the upper bunk what he was doing.

This time, before Zhang Xingzhi could speak, Wang Siheng rushed to answer from the next door: "Mr. Zhong, save me! Lao Zhang asked me to choose whether the seat on the train going back to Quanshi tomorrow morning should be by the window or by the aisle. Who can stand this!"

Then the strangers on the other side of the berth heard their sudden burst of laughter as usual.

Well, the students and children are making trouble again.

For the whole night afterwards, the pillows were low and the bed was uncomfortable, and when he closed his eyes, there was still the humming of the rail friction. Zhong Yi thought he would not be able to fall asleep at all, but he fell asleep soundly after closing his eyes, and even fell asleep. I woke up naturally when I fell asleep, and I was not disturbed at all.

As soon as Zhong Yi opened his eyes the next day, he saw Zhang Xingzhi who was sitting on Wang Siheng's bed, holding a Kindle and facing him. up.

Zhong Yi saw that Zhang Xingzhi opened his mouth, but why... didn't he hear much

Only then did Zhong Yi touch his ears belatedly, and he looked at the earplugs in his hand in astonishment and said, "Did you put them on for me?"

"Yes." Zhang Xingzhi took out the storage box and packed it.

Zhong Yizhi stood up and took another look. Even the pillow under his head was raised. Needless to say, it must be the masterpiece of this person knowing that he likes to sleep on high pillows: "When did you do it..."

"After you fell asleep last night." Zhang Xingzhi was afraid that he would not sleep well, and he would not be able to fall asleep if he woke up in the middle of the night. "Now you can lie down for half an hour."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yi, who fell back on the pillow, hooked his fingers towards himself.

Zhang Xingzhi didn't ask, he got up and leaned over. He thought Zhong Yi was going to say something, but he was caught off guard when Zhong Yi's lips curled up around his neck.

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In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xingzhi made a choice between Zhong Yi and the Kindle he held in his hand.

After the 11-hour train ride, there are still four hours of bus rides to go to the hotel for lunch.

Zhong Yi and Zhang Xingzhi sat side by side in the first row of the bus, listening to the wailing voices of the students next to their ears, they felt amused, and only then did they feel that they were parents taking care of their children.

When the vehicle started, the driver said that he knew that everyone had worked hard on the high-speed train, and he would stop at a post station for a rest about three hours after the departure, so as to give everyone time to go to the toilet and relax.

Zhong Yi was a little curious, and asked the people beside him, "Do you have such trouble every time you go home?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "No, I will take the plane back and then transfer to the bus."

Zhong also understood.

For a one-time gathering, even if the families of children learning photography generally have no shortage of money, it is definitely not appropriate to ask everyone to pay for such an expensive round-trip air ticket, so they can only sit and sleep.

It might be because he has been lazy all night, or it might be because the air here is relatively fresh. In short, there is a signal now, and Zhong Yi doesn't want to look at his phone anymore, so he put on the blindfold after turning on the mute. The whole night of moving and lying made him a little backache, and now he is going to sleep next to Zhang Xingzhi, and he is not afraid of being watched by the students. He also praised that the height of his shoulders is just right for his height, and he sleeps well.

This bus is relatively old-fashioned, and the gap between the two side-by-side seats is relatively large. From the back, they can clearly see Teacher Zhong leaning on their old Zhang's shoulders, and they didn't open their eyes until they took a rest at the middle station.

Wang Siheng was the first to pass by the two of them and spoke in the class.

- "Everyone, please get off the car, Mr. Zhong may not have had a good rest last night (狗头.jpg)"

Zhang Xingzhi naturally saw it too, and was thinking that he was still useful as a squad leader, when he added another sentence right behind.

-"ps: Hurry up if you want to visit Shengshi Meiyan up close! There is no shop in the village!!!"

Zhang Xingzhi: "..."

At first, everyone thought that the prosperous beauty that Wang Siheng was talking about was Teacher Zhong, until they passed by the door, and found that Teacher Zhong's face was almost covered by a blindfold, but it was their old Zhang, who was prudent and professional as a pillow. Sitting motionless in his seat, many students happily took out their mobile phones to take pictures with him.

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't move either, he could only slump his face and let the students do business.

After finally waiting for the children to get out of the car, Zhang Xingzhi just breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the person on his shoulder move, and Zhong Yi raised his face and kissed him behind the ear, which made him say "you're awake" stuck in his throat Li Leng didn't come out.

Zhong Yi was still leaning on Zhang Xingzhi's shoulder, with a smile in his voice: "What should I do, if this continues, something will happen."

Hearing the drowsy low hoarse voice of the person next to him, although he couldn't see the eyes under the blindfold, but Zhang Xingzhi already had a picture, he asked slowly: "What happened?"

Zhong Yi hooked his lips: "Our teacher Zhang is so good, if I miss you at that time, and I don't want you to film "Aesthetics 2" for me, then something big will happen."

Two minutes later, a beautiful, sneaky photo appeared in the 19 photography class.

The angle of view is slightly downward from the back, and the photographer is obviously standing at the end of the car. In the middle of the photo, there are rings of rings, separated by one seat after another.

I don't know whether it was accidental or man-made, all the curtains of the bus were drawn, the light inside the bus was dim, and the atmosphere was ambiguous. A row of seats were stitched together like a string of ever-burning lights, and at the end of the lights were two kisses in front of each other. men together.

Bancun on top nodded, his tall nose line outlined the profile, and the man who was slightly pressed by him was still resting on his broad shoulders, he didn't even take off the blindfold on his face, and his head was half long Black hair, with a fixed ribbon extending from it, a little bit of cute and sexy ear tips exposed in messy hair.

The next two sentences are.

- "Big guys keep up the good work, bro, I'll go first"

-"Pay this sheet at the end of the term, and book with full marks (呲牙.jpg)"