Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 61


Zhong Yi looked at the man standing in front of him and laughed angrily: "I don't think you are so good at learning and selling now, are you starting to force me to do multiple-choice questions now?"

Zhang Xingzhi said "not to mention", but passed his hand towards Zhong Yi, his eyes were full of smiles, the meaning could not be more obvious.

Either agree to him and let him take the past, or go by yourself.

Looking at the narrow plank road in front of him, Zhong Yi obviously didn't have the guts to walk sideways with his back facing outwards. Right now, he seemed to have no other choice but to agree to Zhang Xingzhi's proposal.

But Zhang Xingzhi failed to get the answer he wanted.

"Our candy seems to have overlooked a very important premise." Zhong Yi looked at Zhang Xingzhi with a good smile, "Multiple-choice questions have always been made by people with binding force. I just agreed to you now, and you will cheat on me afterwards." What can I do."

As the sun was setting, Zhang Xingzhi saw the fire-like setting sun sinking slowly behind the thin shoulders of the person in front of him, and the afterglow scattered through the clouds and mist, and then enveloped all beings.

Zhong Yi has a tall and straight figure, his slender eyelashes intertwined neatly in the dim orange light, he said: "As long as you still like me for a day, I will let you choose."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yi not only did not shake Zhang Xingzhi's hand, but stretched out his own hand towards Zhang Xingzhi, and asked, "After-school tutoring, do you remember candy?"

At that moment, Zhang Xingzhi couldn't bear any tolerance from himself, he grabbed Zhong Yi's hand and pulled him into his arms.

The moment he was pushed up the mountain, Zhong Yi felt that his heart no longer belonged to him. When Zhang Xingzhi kissed him, he didn't even close his eyes, because he felt that his chances of kissing against the twilight glory in this life should be few and far between.

After the kiss was over, Zhong Yi asked the person who was close in front of him: "Answer?"

Zhang Xingzhi's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he lowered his eyelids and said, "Remember, as long as the other party still likes me for a day, I can cheat for a day. How did I know that I am candy when I choose you?"

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows: "Finally decided to wear a condom obediently?"

Zhang Xingzhi said, "No, Mr. Zhong taught it, just play tricks."

After passing the plank road, Zhang Xingzhi didn't even need Zhang Xingzhi to help the bell behind the road, and the last section of the so-called difficult walk turned out to be literally "difficult to walk".

Looking at the densely packed stairs winding all the way up in front of him, Zhong Yi instantly entered a new round of despair: "How many steps are there in total..."

At this height, Zhong Yi felt that his cervical spondylosis would be healed if he came to see it every day: "Going home with you, why is it as difficult as learning Buddhist scriptures from the West? With so many steps, you still ask Master Zuo to help you bring your luggage back ?”

"No." Zhang Xingzhi pointed to the side and said, "There is an elevator."

Zhong Yi: "?"

If it weren't for Zhang Xingzhi's overly serious expression, Zhong Yi, who had been watching the deep mountains and old forests all day, would have really thought that this person was teasing him.

Maybe Zhang Xingzhi himself knew it was outrageous, so he didn't explain anymore, and walked straight to the side with someone, saying: "Actually, my family didn't live here before, but later my grandma felt that my dad didn't exercise enough, so she moved here in a fit of anger Yes, the elevator was built to make it easier for others to come to the door."

As he said that, Zhang Xingzhi led Zhong Yi around the mountain, and found a modern elevator attached to it at the back. The elevator wall was even completely transparent, so it would be a pity not to use it for sightseeing.

Zhang Xingzhi: "One hundred and twenty-three meters high, the elevator was repaired for a long time at that time."

Zhong Yi was really shocked. If Zhang Xingzhi hadn't told him that there was an elevator here, he would never have thought of it.

Now that the elevator door is closed, as the number in the small window gradually jumps up, looking out, most of Yun County can be seen at a glance, and Zhong Yi can even directly see the village entrance where they came in.

Zhong Yi's mood is quite complicated: "He also said that he is not a rich second generation..."

Building elevators along the mountain and opening up wasteland to repair stairs just because one person has a small amount of exercise. This kind of exaggerated large-scale project is by no means something that can be stopped with a little money.

As a result, Zhang Xingzhi said: "Our family doesn't have the habit of leaving money to younger generations, only letters."

Zhong Yi choked for a moment: "... Is this considered a family rule?"

Zhang Xingzhi: "Well, my grandma decided."

Zhong Yi: "...OK."

He has already felt that Zhang Xingzhi's grandma is a ruthless person.

She was the one who forced Zhang Xingzhi to climb the mountain, she was the one who forced Zhang Xingzhi to take the college entrance examination, and she is the one who made the decision to move now.

Now Zhong Yi is really curious about the old lady of the Zhang family. If it wasn't in the mountains, it would be someone who could be thrown anywhere on the bright side.

He had thought that he would be stiff-faced and aggressive, and that he would be quiet and unpredictable, but he didn't think in the direction of kindness...

As soon as the elevator door opened, Zhong Yi was a little surprised when he saw the kind-hearted old lady who was a head shorter than himself in front of him.

This person covered in jewels was different from everyone he had seen in Yun County during the day, but it fit inexplicably with this place in Yun County.

Zhong Yi recognized it at a glance. She was wearing the same silk scarf that she wore back this time around her neck. The high definition of the bog family, it seems that Zhang Xingzhi is not lying when he said that he gave his grandma a bog bag.

The old lady wore emeralds on her ears and wrists, all of which were green emeralds with a lot of water. Her hair was neatly arranged with silver threads at the back of her head, and she was in a good spirits.

Taking it out alone, I just feel that the old lady of a rich mansion lives in the mountains to cultivate her body and mind.

Zhang Xingzhi quickly finished the introduction for the two of them with a few simple sentences. Zhong Yi thought that even if the old lady couldn't understand, he had to say hello, and he didn't even expect to get a response when he threw out "Hello grandma".

Who knew that Grandma looked at him with a smile and said, "Hello, the child looks better than Ah Ye's picture, and the hair is so beautiful."

Zhong Yi: "?"

He subconsciously turned his attention to Zhang Xingzhi, didn't he say he couldn't speak Mandarin? What about photos

But Zhang Xingzhi didn't show any surprise on his face, he just explained to him in a nonchalant way: "When I came back last time, Grandma couldn't speak Mandarin yet, maybe she taught herself in the past six months."

Zhong Yi: "..."

How can I learn Mandarin on a whim after spending most of my life speaking dialects in the mountains

The most amazing thing is that he has learned quite a standard.

"You don't know it's because you don't usually call me, but Yao'er made a video call with me last night."

Grandma waved at the two of them a few times and was about to take her into the house. The appearance of walking slowly in front of her wearing embroidered cloth shoes was quite calm.

He turned his head and stared at Zhang Xingzhi: You never said that your grandma is like this!

Zhang Xingzhi: This...do I need to say something special

Zhong Yi looked at him angrily. If he was just an ordinary old man from Yun County, he would have come empty-handed.

Seeing Zhong Yi's thoughts, Zhang Xingzhi: You really don't need to bring it, Grandma doesn't lack anything.

Before Zhong Yi could respond, he heard the old man's laughter leisurely in his ear: "You really don't need to bring anything, just listen to Ah Ye."

"… OK."

Zhong Yi was a little choked up, he didn't even know when the old lady looked back, and they saw through it at a glance.

Now he suddenly felt that the task was a bit arduous, and he was at a loss as to whether Zhang Xingzhi could persuade such a fine grandma to agree to him to take pictures.

Compared with the detached courtyard that Zhong Yi saw before, Zhang Xingzhi's family won first from the size of the courtyard gate. For a typical wealthy family, even the threshold is the tallest that Zhong Yi has seen in so many miles. The height of his calf is half as high, and when he looks up, he can see the towering peaks, which is very grand. The old lady said that it is comfortable to live here, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The mountain clock also saw it, and also saw the empty ground clock that Leo used to play football at the entrance of his courtyard. It was indeed a certain distance from the cliff. As for whether there was really water under the cliff, Zhong Yi didn't think at all After finding out, he was not even interested in the few trees growing on the side.

Sure enough, what he thought was right before, this scenery, maybe living in the sky is nothing more than that.

When entering the door, Zhang Xingzhi even reminded him not to step on the threshold.

Zhong Yi asked: "Do you also have the saying that stepping on the threshold will damage the feng shui of the house?"

Zhang Xingzhi only had time to shake his head before his grandma took over the conversation, and said without looking back, "They have it, but I don't."

It is an antique old house with a lobby on one side and wing rooms on two sides. The square table is placed in the center of the courtyard. Zhong Yi's first reaction was that it would be great to come here to take pictures.

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After sitting down at the table, Zhang Xingzhi said that the reason for making the threshold so high was that no one would step on it, not to symbolize the high family status as before. His grandma thought it was very rude to step on the threshold.

The four dishes and two soups on the table are all the special flavors of Yun County. The old lady picked up the chopsticks and said: "A decent person does not step on the threshold."

Zhong Yi blinked, and tentatively said: "You mean... Leaning on the door to sell your smile?"

The old lady glanced at him in surprise, and said happily, "I know a lot."

In ancient times, only prostitutes would rely on the door to attract guests, so it is generally said that decent people do not step on the threshold.

At that time, Zhong Yi was still surprised, thinking that with the personality of an old lady, she should not pay attention to this. It was later that Zhang Xingzhi told him that his grandpa was divorced by his grandma because of visiting brothels.

Zhong Yi was choked up again, he didn't expect that he almost stepped on a thunder just at the beginning.

In fact, on the way here, Zhong Yi asked Zhang Xingzhi many times about what kind of junior his grandma likes, but each time Zhang Xingzhi didn't answer, only reassuring him that grandma likes him like this.

Zhong Yi pondered for a long time but didn't understand what he was like, until he sat at the table with the old lady, after he tasted Leo's craftsmanship was in the same line as the old lady's and praised the delicious food, Zhong Yi understood what was wrong with him. Zhang Xingzhi and his grandmother like it.

Over the years, Zhong has also heard many people praise his hair, but most of them are compliments. Few people like Zhang Xingzhi's grandma sincerely praise him, and he is the first one among the elders.

Zhong Yi thought about the level of the old lady's bog start. Not only can he recommend toiletries with confidence, but he may even be considered cheap, especially her silver-white hair seems to have passed through a filter. More than 80 It's a long life, it's not dry and frizzy at all, each strand is shining softly and brightly, and you can tell that you have put in a lot of work and put your heart into it.

For a while, the two chatted more and more speculatively, Zhang Xingzhi sat on the side the whole time and ate his own with a bowl, unable to get in a word.

Obviously, he's a cutie.