Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 63


Early the next morning, Zhong Yi was still thinking about how he should face the old lady, but as soon as he opened the door, he learned that the old lady had gone out. He asked what he was doing, saying that he was out for a walk and played mahjong.

Zhong Yi checked the time with his phone. It was only seven o'clock sharp. The old lady was really in good spirits, she didn't look like she was 80 at all.

The atmosphere between the two of them still remained the same as last night, but anyway, Zhang Xingzhi seldom talked, and he still had to help him where he should go down the mountain, but there was not much significant change.

Maybe because of excessive exercise, he was really tired. Zhong Yi slept very deeply last night. He only vaguely felt that Zhang Xingzhi went to his room in the middle of the night, but Zhong Yi had no memory of what he was doing.

Compared with his radiant complexion, Wang Siheng's group of children are much more bleak, with big dark circles under their eyes, it seems that they stayed up late last night, and the gang of black and white people are lazy at the hotel entrance. The posture is the same as that of zombies.

Whoever is late, his mobile phone will beep until he shows up at the hotel entrance.

Watching Zhang Xingzhi who was counting the number of people, Wang Siheng went to Zhong Yi with the ink stains of two panda eyes, and asked him if he was in pain.

Zhong Yi was stunned for a second: "Does your body hurt?"

Wang Siheng choked with sobs: "Yes, I didn't feel anything when I was climbing the mountain yesterday, but I couldn't feel it when I woke up today. It's like being beaten. It's so sore. Teacher Zhong, don't you feel it?"

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This kind of situation is obviously not an exception, as soon as Wang Siheng said this, a group of people around looked at Zhong Yi eagerly, blinked several times at Zhong Yi, and said hesitantly: "I... don't seem to feel anything? "

When the voice fell, there was a sound of "wow". Many people felt that they didn't expect Teacher Zhong to look weak and weak, but he still kept fit.

Hearing this, Zhong Yi couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Xingzhi, he dared to believe that this person came into his room last night to give him a massage.

He usually looks like a very smart person, no matter how good he is, he doesn't know how to leave a name. What if he doesn't find out, isn't it a bad job

Until the number of people was counted and everyone started to line up to get on the bus, Wang Siheng was still staring at Zhong Yi to study, muttering in his mouth: "This is wrong... how could I not feel it... Could it be Lao Zhang who can't do it..."

Master Zuo remembered this young man, and asked with a smile while holding the steering wheel, "Why not?"

As usual, Zhang Xingzhi, who was sitting in the first row, glanced at Wang Siheng, and answered for him: "He hasn't woken up yet, Master Zuo should go to Zuodaoshan today, and change to Mount Youdao tomorrow."

Master Zuo: "Oukai."

Along the way, almost all the children in the car were asleep, which was very different from the noisy car yesterday.

Zhong Yi was full of sleep today. He took out his glasses from his pocket and started replying messages on his phone. He hoarded all the WeChat messages he had not read all day yesterday. It's full.

Although the two of them had an unpleasant quarrel, they weren't really like elementary school students who refused to sit together in the car just because of such a small matter.

Zhang Xingzhi frowned slightly at the person beside him who continued to type. The winding mountain road was not easy to walk. He was afraid that Zhong Yi would get dizzy while looking at his mobile phone in the car, and it would be bad for his eyes, but he still felt sorry for what happened to him yesterday. I was stuck all the way and didn't have the nerve to say it.

When it was time to get off the bus, it took Zhang Xingzhi ten minutes to wake the children up. Zhong Yi watched Zhang Xingzhi go to the seat one by one and shouted. The master praised him for being serious and responsible.

Wang Siheng didn't know how he got up from his seat and walked to the door of the bus. Usually, he didn't even open his eyes at this point, and was about to fumble for the handrail to get off the bus when he felt a sudden sinking on his shoulders.

Compared with him, Fang Lu's condition is not bad, lying on the human body is very depressed: "You son of a bitch, please carry me on your back, I was disturbed by brother Jiang Jiang's snoring until three o'clock in the morning before I fell asleep, people are going crazy gone."

Li Jiangren was right behind, and when he heard this, he immediately exploded: "How dare you say that??? You snatched away the quilt last night and woke me up two or three times."

Master Zuo was enjoying himself listening to it, he loved to see these children quarreling: "You two got a room with a big bed?"

"That's right, Wang Siheng snatched the last standard room." Fang Lulai Shang Wang Siheng didn't want to let it go, "So you are responsible for carrying me today."

Wang Siheng's swear words came to his lips subconsciously, but in his unconscious mind, the last trace of reason still allowed him to maintain the demeanor of a contemporary college student in front of Master Zuo, and politely said: "Please respect yourself. It means trouble yourself to weigh it Check your weight."

Master Zuo laughed again: "We have the habit of carrying our daughter-in-law through the door. Generally, people don't recite it. It is a lifetime."

Fang Lu woke up in an instant, kicked Wang Siheng out of the car in a flash, rubbed his arms and said, "Wow, what kind of horror story is it to spend the rest of your life with this kind of cub?"

After getting out of the car, Zhang Xingzhi walked at the front of the line as usual, and Zhong Yi cut him off, but none of the students noticed that the two teachers had a problem today.

Wang Siheng, who was frightened by Didi yesterday, didn't dare to follow Zhong Yi's ass now, so he stood sickly in front of Zhang Xingzhi, acting as the zombie leader for their entire team of zombies.

He didn't feel it at first, but as the stairs under their feet became more and more complicated, and Lao Zhang stared in a certain direction more and more frequently, Wang Siheng suddenly realized something.

Looking back along the line of sight, it was indeed Mr. Zhong who was playing with his mobile phone at the end of their team.

This time, the gate on his mouth couldn't be closed again: "Old Zhang, take a look at it later, and take a look later, I'm afraid Teacher Zhong might lose it."

Zhang Xingzhi didn't even raise his eyelids this time, and just continued to explain the course into the loudspeaker next to his mouth.

"Generally, for the 'golden hour', people will get up early."

"'Golden hour' refers to the hour after sunrise and the hour or so before sunset, so you're still getting up late."

"Probably at this time, the sun's position is relatively low, and the sun's light will not be too strong."

"Taking pictures when the sun's altitude is low, the relatively soft light will elongate the shadows produced by the scene, making the picture more textured and three-dimensional."

"Many excellent landscape photos are taken around the time of sunrise and sunset, and the overall effect of the color tone will be good."

Zhong Yi stared at the phone, and listened to the laughter of the children in the team, laughing at himself that they might never see the sunrise in their lifetime. Fortunately, there is still a sunset, and they have to delete the place they want to take pictures when they go back. Subtract it.

Only Wang Siheng was whispering: "Are you teaching this class for us, or for Mr. Zhong alone? Did you accidentally use 502 as eye drops? If your eyes stick to it, you won't let it go..."

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't say that he was worried that Zhong Yi would be too focused on his phone, and he would fall if he didn't look at the road under his feet, so he could only shut up silently.

He knew that Zhong Yi seemed to be idle at home every day and had nothing to do, but in fact, there were many documents that he needed to review and make a decision. Zhong Yi was busy with his mobile phone at the moment, and he followed the team until they were busy. It's time for lunch at noon.

Zhong Yi is not only negotiating the progress with the variety show group, but also negotiating the legal contract with the executive producer of "Aesthetics 2".

Others have come out, but the plate of the size has to be continued.

Looking at documents on a mobile phone is still not as convenient as sitting at home and reading on a computer. Now that Zhong Yi is wearing glasses, he feels that his eyes are going to be blinded by looking at the screen. I don't understand what kind of word games these things are playing together, and I have to listen to the voice sent to him over there.

Several chat boxes were chatting at the same time, and Zhong Yi had no time to type at all, so he sat alone on a rock a little far from the children's camp and spoke, explaining everything one, two, three, four, five very clearly, without a word of nonsense, That resolute posture can be felt ten meters away.

Wang Siheng couldn't help but pressed again: "Ms. Zhong is so busy. I looked fine yesterday. I thought I was on vacation."

Fang Lu on the side snatched the chicken breast from his lunch box secretly, and asked in a low voice, "Yes, what does Mr. Zhong do at work? It seems that he never asked me once."

Zhang Xingzhi was a little surprised by this, and looked at the star-studded student next to him: "Have you never been to Baidu?"

Confused stars: "?"

They almost wrote the phrase "why should we Baidu him" directly on their faces.

Moon was a little speechless to them: "You really have no curiosity."

The stars continued to be confused: "?"

We are curious about Mr. Zhong, why do we need Baidu

This time, before Zhang Xingzhi could speak, someone beside him quickly found out, and he said "Damn".

Then followed closely behind, is one after another "fucking trough".

Wang Siheng felt that this group of people acted a little too much, and he pushed aside the crowd around the mobile phone and said: "Can you be more exaggerated... Damn it!!!"

Seeing the content displayed on the screen clearly, Wang Siheng made a shocking sound than anyone else. He couldn't remember what he said just now. After he slapped his face twice, he joined everyone's exclamation .

In terms of film and television, most passers-by only know who the actors and directors are, and those who are more interested may know who the screenwriter is, but almost no one cares about the production, no matter how famous movies and TV series are, this is the case, but Zhong Yishang The next time he clearly said that the main creator of "Aesthetics of Logic" was his friend, but this group of kids who are usually good at dancing were still indifferent, and none of them did their own research. Zhang Xingzhi really didn't expect it.

It seems that he was also beaten. It makes sense that he can go to Peking University, but Wang Siheng can only come here to be his student.

Hearing the pig squawking frightened by Zhong Yi's resume, Zhang Xingzhi could only tell everyone to treat them normally and not to make too much fuss, making people feel that they don't care about others at all.

The whole fish pond at this end was blown up, and Zhong Yi was still quietly handling his official duties over there.

"If it doesn't work, change it and find the casting team of the web drama "I Suspect You Are Not a Good Student"."

"This screenwriter has to come and talk to Hua An. He has received gifts from this person, so he should have an address."

"We have integrated all the account sharing records with the platform for the past six months and gave them to me."

"I've already watched that bad movie. It's really bad. There's nothing to wash. Let the media save some time."

Zhang Xingzhi watched him absent-mindedly pick up two bites of boxed lunch, and spoke for ten minutes, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He couldn't show up, so he wanted to send Wang Siheng out.

This made Wang Siheng very puzzled. How could such a good thing like asking about one's health and warmth usually come to him.

He carefully recalled the state of the two of them this morning, and boldly guessed: "Old Zhang... You must have quarreled with Mr. Zhong, right?"

Zhang Xingzhi stared straight at Zhong Yi. He had been eating for more than half an hour, and Zhong Yi had only eaten a few mouthfuls of that full box of lunch.

Wang Siheng felt that he didn't know the problem and couldn't prescribe the right medicine, so let's ask again, and Lao Zhang didn't say a word again.

It was not until the end of the lunch break that everyone re-packed and went into battle. They Lao Zhang still looked lost. Wang Siheng couldn't stand it anymore. In the end, he decided to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor and rescued Lao Zhang. Come on, I heard a few girls exclaiming from Mr. Zhong's end.

Wang Siheng didn't even have time to see what happened. Lao Zhang, who was standing next to him a second ago, had disappeared, and appeared at the crime scene in the blink of an eye.

Zhong Yi, who was sitting well on the rock, has moved to the ground at this moment, and his mobile phone and glasses are all scattered around him. Thanks to the grass under his buttocks, there are no gravels on the side, so he won't bump into it when he falls. .

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Xingzhi pushed the students away, and stretched out his hand to Chao Zhong: "Can you stand up?"

"Yes." Zhong Yi didn't even think about it when he said the answer, because he really thought he could stand up, until he felt a sharp pain in his ankle as soon as he used Zhang Xingzhi's hand.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhong Yi fell back to the ground almost instantly, with an unexpected low moan overflowing from his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xingzhi was nervous at that time, and after a few flashbacks in his mind, he immediately came to a conclusion, "Did you sprain your ankle?"

Through his trousers, Zhong Yi reached out and pressed his ankle to make sure: "It seems to be..."

The two girls who were the tightest surrounded suddenly panicked, and were so scared that they apologized to Zhong Yizhi, saying that the two of them really didn't mean it just now.

Zhong Yichong waved his hands at the two of them: "It's okay, don't stand in such a dangerous place to take selfies next time."

Just now, the two sisters held up the selfie stick and took pictures with their backs facing the cliff. They always wanted to try to step back a little bit, and include more of the scenery under the cliff into the camera. He went to look at the camera and was fascinated. When Zhong Yi noticed them out of the corner of his eye, there were really only a few small steps left.

Zhong Yi didn't even think about it, he dropped the phone and wanted to drag the two of them back, walked over and pulled, the two little girls immediately fell on top of him, it didn't matter if Zhong Yi was pressed down, it was just that he almost fell on the ground Glasses on one side crushed.

After Zhang Xingzhi heard the reason, he felt that the veins on his forehead were about to twitch. He didn't allow him to bring a camera or take pictures of the scenery, but he asked them to take a selfie with a selfie stick? ?

This was the first time that Zhang Xingzhi was so annoyed at the students. He stared at the two girls without saying a word for a long time before suppressing his anger a little. He knelt down in front of Zhong Yi and rolled up his trousers very carefully.

The bright white exposed on Zhong Yi's ankle was already red and swollen visible to the naked eye, Zhang Xingzhi pressed his wrist carefully a few times: "Does it hurt?"

Zhong Yi glanced at him before answering, and then said it hurt.

Zhang Xingzhi paused for a moment, then stood up from the ground with a sullen face, stared at the two girls who were ashamed to the point of embarrassment, and reprimanded the two girls who were so ashamed. of.

Seeing that the two girls were about to cry, Zhong Yicai turned on the microphone to help smooth things over, while secretly marveling at Zhang Xingzhi's ability to talk, and finally sat on the ground and reminded the whole circle of children before it was over.

Although the two little girls were afraid of being scolded, they still couldn't bear the worry, so they whispered to Zhang Xingzhi and asked, "Is Teacher Zhong's feet serious?"

Zhang Xingzhi still pressed his thin lips tightly, and spoke in a deep voice: "Go to the doctor when you get to the top of the mountain. If it's just a soft tissue injury or a ligament strain, it's fine, but a bone fracture is more troublesome."

The two little girls were startled, and asked tremblingly, "Can a broken bone heal?"

Zhang Xingzhi's expression was very bad: "We need to take a film to see, there is a high probability that we will need an operation."

As soon as they heard the word "operate", the two little girls lost all color and turned pale.

Zhong Yi hurriedly began to smooth things over again, saying that Zhang Xingzhi should pull him up from the ground first, and then his pants would be dyed in a while.

A group of boys in the class had gathered around earlier, and when Teacher Zhong remembered it, without saying a word, he immediately squatted down and knelt down beside Zhong Yi, saying that he would carry him, making Zhong Yi dumbfounded.

Looking at the student in front of him who was more active than the other, Zhang Xingzhi crossed out the back pose he had prepared in his heart with a subtle pause, and bent his arms towards Zhong Yi's back and knees to copy it. The person hugged him horizontally from the ground, and there was another "wow" sound.

The boys who were kneeling all over the ground only heard their old Zhang leave a sentence: "Take Mr. Zhong's glasses and mobile phone away."

Fang Lu was amused, and thought that Boss Zhang's daughter-in-law is something you can't recite.

Not to mention them, even Zhong Yi was fooled by Zhang Xingzhi.

He framed the person's neck and froze for several seconds before realizing what happened: "Why is it so serious..."

Zhang Xingzhi just said three words: "Do a complete set."

Later, Zhong Yi wanted to talk again, but some students followed him, and the topic came to an abrupt end.

Zhong Yi looked at the genuine worry in everyone's eyes and was actually a little moved. He comforted everyone and said, "Actually, it's not very painful. It's fine if you don't use force. It won't break the bone. It should just be a twist."

Being held in Zhang Xingzhi's hands like this, with so many people watching, Zhong Yi still felt a bit awkward, he wanted Zhang Xingzhi to let him go, but before Zhang Xingzhi could speak, the students nearby The first one jumped out and objected, not letting him go to the ground, saying that if Teacher Zhang gets tired of carrying him, they still have nineteen boys who can take turns carrying him.

Zhong Yi almost choked to death in Zhang Xingzhi's arms, and was coughing when he heard someone's deep voice really appear above his head: "No need."

At this point, Zhong Yi had no choice but to follow what Zhang Xingzhi said, and continued to take the opportunity to sound the alarm for everyone: "My sprained ankle is a trivial matter, you should be careful, don't run around anymore, something happened to Zhang Xingzhi. It's not easy for the teacher to explain to you Dean Jiang, and it's even more difficult for the parents."

The voice fell, and the surroundings echoed.

With this out, whoever dares to play casually will naturally be obedient.

However, Zhong Yi suddenly felt that something was missing from his ear, so he looked around among the students and asked, "Where's your monitor?"

Fang Lu was the first to answer: "Comfort the masses in the back."

Zhong Yidang raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

God knows that Wang Siheng's soul is going to be scared away. When the clock also fell to the ground, he was talking to Lao Zhang. He secretly glanced in that direction with his front foot, and he heard a scream from his back foot, that is, he didn't After realizing it, he actually witnessed the whole process of two girls in the class falling on Teacher Zhong.

He thought that there were enough people who cared about Zhong Yi in front of him, so he dug out two packs of toilet paper necessary for a scumbag from his bag and headed towards the end of the line.

After all, it was a little girl. She didn't cry when the accident happened, and she still couldn't help crying afterwards. Seeing him coming over now, tears immediately began to fall down: "Squad leader, Mr. Zhong, are you okay..."

"Don't worry, Lao Zhang has already gone crazy if something happened." Wang Siheng reckoned that Lao Zhang cursed people partly because he was angry, and partly because he wanted to scare others and cast a curse on them.

Wangsiheng Shumen Shulu handed out the toilet paper in his hand, and said slowly: "I was scared to death just now, I was shocked when I saw it, I will steal some potato chips from Fanglu bag for you later, you guys Secretly share the pressure and shock..."

Turning around, there was an extra person in the class, but what followed was not a word, but an emoji.

Zhong Yi recognized it at a glance. The picture was from "The Wandering Earth", but the words on it were changed.

-"19 Photography and Traffic Committee reminds you that there are tens of thousands of roads, safety first, irregular driving, Lao Zhang tears"

Subconsciously, Zhong Yile passed the screen of the mobile phone in his hand to Zhang Xingzhi, saying that he did not expect that the squad leader was quite reliable at the critical moment.

But the posture of the two hugging horizontally was already intimate, and Zhong Yi hooked Zhang Xingzhi's neck and went out, even more directly kissing cheek to cheek.

For a while, both of them were a little stunned.

The anger last night was still lingering...

The author has something to say: Teacher Zhong: The casting team of "I Suspect You Are Not a Good Student" is okay

A goose with a surname of 20: Hold your head up and be well-behaved and be praised (crazy express