Logical Aesthetics

Chapter 65


Zhang Xingzhi's toes were only a palm's width away from the cliff, and Zhong Yi hugged him and scolded him, but he didn't even dare to use his strength casually, for fear that Zhang Xingzhi would lose his footing and shake them both down. .

Zhang Xingzhi obediently turned around and put Zhong Yi down. Zhong Yi's ankle was sprained and he couldn't move. He could only support him tremblingly on his arm. Looking at the re-closed branches behind Zhang Xingzhi, he was still a little scared, and his heart was beating wildly. .

Originally, Zhong Yi guessed this person on the way here with him in his arms. He asked Master Zuo to change his route and come to Zuodao Mountain in advance in the morning. It was probably because he planned to find a place with a better view since then, and said a few words to himself. The words dispelled the anger of last night, but Zhong Yi really didn't think that this person apologized and apologized. What's the matter with scaring him now, the look just now is really enough for him to remember for a lifetime.

Zhong Yi rubbed his chest and stared, "You should give me some vaccinations..."

But I don't know where Zhang Xingzhi's self-confidence came from. Seeing him angry now, he dared to laugh and asked him, "Is it exciting?"

"Huh?" Zhong Yi now felt that either there was something wrong with his ears, or that Zhang Xingzhi had gone crazy.

Unexpectedly, this person came over following a wave of straight balls: "Are you still angry with me?"

Zhong Yi: "?"

Is this how your grandma taught you to coax people? Zhong Yi really wanted to open Zhang Xingzhi's head this time and see what was inside.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Xingzhi looked down at his ankle slightly on the ground as if he had got the answer, and asked, "Would you help me to stand firmly?"

To be honest, Zhong Yi was completely confused about what kind of medicine was sold in Zhang Xingzhi's gourd. Hearing this person's question now, he subconsciously replied: "Stand firm."

"Are you sure?" Zhang Xingzhi said and hinted at his lap.

Zhong Yi understood instantly, and immediately became annoyed, staring at Zhang Xingzhi and emphatically saying each word: "I'm sure, I don't have weak legs."

"Okay, wait for me." After Zhang Xingzhi finished speaking, he let go of him and ran to the nearby bushes without knowing what to do.

When he came back again, he carried a stone with a relatively flat surface in his hand and put it at Zhong Yi's feet. It was not too big or too small, just enough for Zhong Yi to sit alone. After placing the person, he squatted down beside the stone.

Zhong Yizheng was about to ask him why he brought him here, when he raised his head, he was startled by the scene that suddenly opened up in front of him.

When he was standing before, he was concerned about calming his heartbeat, but now that he sat down short, he realized that those dense branches only blocked the top, and now he is at a height where he can directly see the towering peaks of various shapes outside the cliff. With a glance, Zhong Yi saw the mystery with just one glance.

"These two are... the Lover's Peak you told them about on the way?" Zhong Yi stared in astonishment at the two peaks in front of him, one tall and one short next to each other, with only a short section at the top connected by branches and vines, which looked like lovers kissing.

"Yeah." Zhang Xingzhi raised his hand and pointed towards the nearby peaks, "There is Tongzi Peak over there, and at the end is Wusha Peak. Lover's Peak and Tongzi Peak are very close. There are newlyweds in Yun County. The next day The custom of climbing Zuodao Mountain together to seek a child."

Every time Zhang Xingzhi pointed to one, Zhong Yi looked at one along the way, and the several mountains in front of him were all facing them, and they could see clearly.

Tongzifeng looks like a chubby child sitting on the ground. As for Wushafeng, Zhong Yi didn’t realize which two words it was at first, but now he can understand it at the top of the mountain. It's like a black hat.

Zhang Xingzhi: "When the child turns ten years old, the family of three will climb Baiwusha Peak on Zuodao Mountain once, implying that the child will be prosperous when he grows up."

Zhong Yi clicked his tongue a little, but he really didn't care about getting angry, because these were obviously not Zhang Xingzhi's forced interpretations to make him happy, but to the extent that even if he had grown eyes, he would think they resembled them.

He has always known that China's mountains are internationally famous and attract many foreign tourists every year. In order to build momentum, almost all scenic spots will give various mountains a name and meaning, and Yun County is no exception, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't help feeling the ingenious workmanship of nature.

But Zhong Yi suddenly remembered something and blinked: "Why do I feel that this place seems to be better than the observation deck above?"

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

When he was at the top of the mountain just now, he took a few glances. It may be due to the difference in altitude. The viewing platform above looks down on these mountains, but this place is just right, and even the distance is inexplicably shortened visually. , lifelike is right in front of your eyes.

Zhang Xingzhi paused, and then expressed his affirmation to his conjecture: "In fact, it is indeed the case."

Zhong Yi immediately burst out laughing, "You left those kids at the place that was said to be the best viewing spot, and ended up running to the real best viewing spot? It's really like what an honest person would do, huh?"

A few smiles flashed in Zhang Xingzhi's closed eyes: "I can only guarantee your safety."

In the end, I squatted beside him and asked, "Is this distance still scary?"

Zhong Yi slowly glanced at the distance in front of him, which was about a leg-length away from him, and then he carefully felt his calm and unwavering heart before answering: "This is not bad."

He felt that because he had been tempered by Zhang Xingzhi in the past two days, anyone who looked down at that moment in mid-air and looked at the distance now would feel extremely safe.

"But, don't do this kind of thing to me again." Zhong Yi touched Zhang Xingzhi's strong shoulder and warned, "I'm not much younger than Liang Sili, my heart can't bear it."

"Ten years old." Zhang Xingzhi, "You two are ten years apart, and you and I are only five years apart."

Smelling the smell of vinegar, Zhong couldn't help but look sideways: "Can this be sour?"

Even Liang Sili's forty-three year is in his heart, and he has done his homework at a glance.

"But if you do the math, you are fifteen years behind Liang Sili." As he said that, Zhong Yi looked at the person in front of him incredulously, "Is it a matter of temperament? Although I am not far behind you, but I always feel that you are so young, and Liang Sili and I are of the same generation."

But Zhong Yi also knew that apart from the two years when Zhang Xingzhi retired from the circle, the name candy has been firmly established in the circle for at least five or six years. Counting now, Zhang Xingzhi was actually only twenty years old at the time, just like Leo. big.

Zhong Yi couldn't help feeling: "When I was twenty, I was still an intern in a film and television company."

Facing the wide range of mountains in front of him, Zhong Yi raised his lips and smiled softly and honestly: "We are too young, young and promising, very enviable."

Hearing this, Zhang Xingzhi, who squatted beside him and looked outside with him, said, "It's just luck."

For extreme sports, it is indeed ninety-nine percent of strength, plus one percent of luck, but it often plays a decisive role, that is, that one percent of luck, the life-saving person who is on the verge of death straw.

Zhang Xingzhi: "During extreme sports, you don't have to think about anything, and you can become famous in one battle. Unlike you, it is difficult to be recognized by others."

Zhong Yile said: "You can't compare like this. At least if we make a mistake, we will lose some money. If we don't want to go bankrupt, it's not too difficult to find a chance to start over. If you make a mistake, it will be eighteen years. See you later."

"It's different. Many times we have only two paths once we start. It's either life or death. The only thing that can be discounted is to quit halfway and come back when you're ready next time." Zhang Xingzhi said, "It's like Just like reading is the simplest thing, there will always be a full score in the exam as the ceiling of "goodness", but your "goodness" has no boundaries, how good you can do depends on your persistence and hard work."

Things with no upper limit are always the hardest.

It was the first time that Zhong Yi heard someone say that a living life was so simple, and he smiled angrily: "Your nonsense suddenly reminded me of what happened seven years ago, when I was two years younger than you now, at least More potential stocks."

If someone insists on doing something to him, Zhong Yi has nothing to do, even with Liang Sili's protection, it is impossible to pin him to his belt all the time, so Zhong Yi always eats to prevent them from touching him. After the loss, I tried my best to get revenge.

Zhong Yi showed a self-deprecating smile: "It may be that I really hold a grudge too much. Even if I kill a thousand enemies, I will take revenge at the expense of eight hundred."

In this regard, his resume is no worse than those serious film and television dishes.

"Our business is actually just looking at the scenery. Outsiders feel that filming TV dramas and movies seems to be very good, but in fact almost everyone is a liar, and suffering from boredom is a compulsory course." Zhong Yi, "And then once I was really It was the first time I was so angry, and I made up my mind to make that person never want to hear my name again."

Up to this point, Zhang Xingzhi was probably sure that what Zhong Yi was talking about was related to the "blocking|blocking medicine", but he still didn't ask any more questions, just listened quietly.

"Maybe it's because I've done a lot of immoral things and I've gained experience. At that time, it was really a blink of an eye to figure out how to get revenge on him." Zhong Yile said, "In the end, I didn't feel good enough after the revenge, so I ran to fight someone hard. talk."

"What did you say?"

"I said that one day, I will realize the sentence 'From now on, no matter how you walk, it will be downhill', so that he would better not go out at night." Speaking of this, Zhong Yi himself made himself laugh, thinking I don't understand how I could be so crazy.

Zhang Xingzhi suddenly said, "The letter my parents left me is very suitable for you."


"There is only one sentence in the letter, English." Zhang Xingzhi said, "what does not kill me, makes stronger."

What doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger.

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in his heart that it was quite appropriate: "Nietzsche?"

"Yes, Beyond Good and Evil." Zhang Xingzhi squatted beside him and said, "Nietzsche felt that those who cannot endure extreme pain cannot have extreme happiness. He compared this to climbing a mountain. The closer you are to the top of the mountain, the more Tired and more difficult to breathe, but the view from the top of the mountain is the best."

Zhong Yi quickly retorted: "Nietzsche cited Schopenhauer as a confidant, but Schopenhauer advocated that the stronger the desire to survive, the more intense the pain, and the way to get rid of these pains is to be pure-hearted and ascetic."

"No, Nietzsche only agrees with the first half of Schopenhauer's sentence." Zhang Xingzhi was not fooled by Zhong Yi at all, and said, "Nietzsche thinks that people who want happiness but are afraid of misfortune do not understand that misfortune is the premise of happiness. If you want happiness, You must accept misfortune, and if you don’t want to accept it, you shouldn’t seek happiness extravagantly, and abandoning desires is a coward’s act.”

This time, even Zhong Yi couldn't help being surprised, looking at him: "Do you like reading very much?"

Zhang Xingzhi still said the same three words: "I can't talk about it, it's just that electronic equipment was not popular in the past, and there is nothing to do in the mountains. I just read some miscellaneous books. My grandma likes to read."

"Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are not miscellaneous books." Zhong Yi smiled, and said to the point, "I've only met your grandma before I know what kind of person can teach you to be like this. Your grandma is very powerful."

"But I didn't say this to want you to praise me and my grandma, Zhong Yi." As he spoke, Zhang Xingzhi twisted his feet and knelt down in front of Zhong Yi, "I thought about it for a long time last night. How can I explain to you that I just don’t have the habit of telling people that, I didn’t deliberately hide anything to make you misunderstand, but I later found out that I just listened to others too much and framed myself.”

Zhong was also taken aback.

Zhang Xingzhi: "The fact that I like you has nothing to do with whether I join the group or not. Even if I agreed to you for other reasons at the same time, it doesn't mean that I don't really like you. You reminded me yesterday. I haven't turned the corner yet."

Zhong Yi: "I reminded you of something..."

"You said that liking you is only my own thing, so I like you has nothing to do with what other people say or think, just because they think you are looking for me to shoot something, so you must be using me, no He will like me." Zhang Xingzhi raised his head slightly, looked into Zhong Yi's eyes and said seriously, "Mr. Zhong also taught the right thing this time. If you like this kind of thing, all you need to do is have a clear conscience and not back down. .”

After saying that, Zhang Xingzhi took Zhong Yi's hand again, and concluded, "So when I found out you were angry last night, I was actually a little happy."

Because you found out that I "liked" you more than innocently, you were angry.

Zhang Xingzhi: "I'm very happy, Teacher Zhong."

Zhong Yi looked at the man in front of him choked up for a long time and was unable to speak. He must admit that he regretted it when Zhang Xingzhi just said the first sentence.

Regarding the matter of not trusting himself too much, he warned Jiang Duoduo and Zhang Xingzhi, but he forgot to warn himself alone. He thought that he and Zhang Xingzhi went back to his hometown just to increase the chance of Zhang Xingzhi's grandma nodding.

Zhong Yi found that he failed to say Zhang Xingzhi once again, and he even found that he seemed really reluctant...

Zhang Xingzhi saw through his thoughts almost instantly: "Mr. Zhong is reluctant for me to shoot?"

Zhong Yi paused for a moment: "I just can't bear to be alone with such an interesting little old lady like your grandma."

Zhang Xingzhi didn't pierce, and the corners of his lips slightly curved to the sides.

Chung also emphasized: "I'm telling the truth."

Zhang Xingzhi nodded, echoing with seriousness: "I know, I just suddenly realized that I won't tell the dean that you have double standards."

After the two looked at each other, Zhong Yi finally couldn't hold back and laughed first, and said, "You helped me keep a secret, so I'll tell you a secret too?"

Zhang Xingzhi readily accepted: "Okay."

Zhong Yi deliberately teased them that Candy is so sweet, he must have never heard why love is a cruel thing.

As a result, Zhang Xingzhi picked it up without even choking: "Wang Siheng posted it in Moments, it's a lie."

I don't know where the Internet celebrity sentence came from, saying that love is cruel, and cruelty reached its peak at the moment it happened to him.

Zhang Xingzhi stated it very peacefully: "Let's not talk about other peaks, at least every time I watch you climax, I think it is."

on the top of the hill.

Wang Siheng and the others just wanted to help Lao Zhang keep the secret that he took Teacher Zhong out to have fun, because these two people really laughed too loudly.

No, to be precise, Teacher Zhong laughed too loudly.

If it weren't for the app's positioning too accurately within the scope of activities that Lao Zhang planned for them, these people were afraid that Lao Zhang would find that the positioning was wrong, so they would not dare to follow the point to find it. Squeezing and squatting under the railing of the observation deck, trying hard with hooked necks.

It mainly depends on the location on the app. The location seems to be quite symmetrical, just below the viewing platform.

But Wang Siheng couldn't figure it out. How did they keep opening their mouths to make Teacher Zhong so happy? Obviously the two were still arguing before, didn't they

"You're not familiar with this kind of thing?" Fang Lu squatted beside him in front of the railing of the viewing platform, winking, "That means you can't resolve the conflict in front of you, and when no one is watching, what else is there?" The problem cannot be solved.”

Wang Siheng turned off the microphone immediately, only Li Jiang was still chasing and asking why.

Fang Lu was about to answer questions when he was startled by Wang Siheng's sudden yell: "Hurry up, wake up, Lao Zhang is coming back!"

As the leader of the first class, Wang Siheng consciously shouldered the burden of showing everyone the news, so he didn't pay attention to it for a few moments. Why are the two highly overlapping red dots on the app coming back? Also go too fast.

If Lao Zhang came back and found that they were trying to listen to the wall, it is estimated that the whole class really didn't have to pass, and Ding Runnian, Xtreme Photography, Da|Three|Duan also didn't have to think about it.

Later, on the way back down the mountain, Zhong Yi was also in charge of Zhang Xingzhi alone, but this time he changed from a horizontal hug to a back.

Even if the group of students at the back knew that Zhong Yi's feet were fine, they still cooperated with the performance wholeheartedly. After all, it was always true that the hem of the trousers rolled up was so solidly swollen. I asked why I went to see a doctor, but no medical measures were taken.

It was announced early in the morning that we had dinner together in the evening. Wang Siheng took the lead and stood at the door of the hotel waving farewell. Let Lao Zhang take people back to avoid, avoid, exercise, exercise, early, early, rest, and rest.

In fact, Zhong Yi was a little hesitant, and asked in Zhang Xingzhi's ear, "Aren't you tired yet? I feel like I'm tired from lying on you."

"It's okay." Zhang Xingzhi said without blushing and heartbeat, "You are lighter."

In terms of endurance, he is really good. It is not a short-term continuous vigorous exercise. If he only walks, he will have no problem walking for a whole day.

Zhang Xingzhi looked at the ankle protruding from his waist and said, "There is nothing wrong with the foot. Go back and apply cold compresses, and the swelling will subside tomorrow."

Zhong Yi yawned on his back: "Actually, if you let me down now, I think I can walk. It's more than enough to cross a plank road."

I don't know if it was his illusion, but on the way home, everyone looked at them both a little strangely. When someone approached Zhang Xingzhi, Zhong Yi couldn't understand: "What are they asking?"

Zhong Yi didn't understand, it wasn't a horizontal hug, it should be normal for a big man to carry a big man on his back, right

Zhang Xingzhi answered truthfully, "Ask me where I'm carrying you."

Zhong Yi was even more puzzled: "Where else can you go if you carry me on your back?"

There was a hint of a smile in Zhang Xingzhi's eyes, and he didn't explain, he just said along the way: "Well, that's why I said I'll carry you home."

Zhong Yi: "?"

But the closer the back is to Zhang Xingzhi's house, the fewer people will be on the road, after all, it is a single family.

When he reached the long series of steps, Zhong Yi couldn't hold back and asked again: "How many steps have been built in front of your house?"

Zhang Xingzhi didn't answer: "Want to count?"

Zhong Yi was completely unbelievable: "You can still climb? There are at least a few hundred steps."

Zhang Xingzhi still said the same thing: "Count? If you want to count, I'll crawl on your back."

Now that we've talked about this, Zhong Yi... really wants to count.

In fact, he is a little unbelieving. Did this person steal spinach behind his back? Can he really have such good physical strength

Before going up, Zhong Yi thought that the first peak he could see at a glance from the bottom was almost the end point, but when he actually counted, there were only four hundred steps there. Standing on the top and looking down, he turned a corner at the bottom There is a small high slope after turning the corner.

When he counted to the second uphill, the clock couldn't count anymore. The number was too big, and he was afraid that if he lost his mind while counting silently, he would make a mistake: "Go on and count, I'm exhausted."


Zhang Xingzhi is like a perpetual motion machine that doesn't know how to get tired. He also carries people on his back and climbs the stairs. Now he counts.

Zhong Yi was completely dumbfounded when he heard the numbers getting bigger and bigger.

About the time Zhang Xingzhi counted to nine hundred and fifty-nine, the two finally stood on the commanding height of the second high slope.

Zhong Yizheng was wondering if there could be a whole thousand steps here, when he was taken aback by the old lady at the bottom of the steps looking at them with her hands behind her back, her motionless appearance obviously waited for them here for a while.

Zhang Xingzhi, who was carrying someone behind his back, was caught off guard by his grandma's unprepared hand, and almost confiscated his backward foot that was about to go down the stairs.

Being crushed by the elders in such an intimate posture, no matter how much Zhong Yi comforted himself that they had a valid reason, he still felt a little guilty under the old lady's gaze.

If he only climbed one or two hundred steps now, Zhong Yi would definitely persuade Zhang Xingzhi to go back and take the elevator, but there is only a short distance left, Zhang Xingzhi can only meet his grandma's gaze, and carry Zhong Yi behind his back. Keep going until you finally stand in front of her.

Before the two of them had time to explain anything, Zhong Yi heard Grandma's words and asked him, "Have you counted the number of steps in front of our house?"

Thinking of the number he was about to answer, Zhong Yi thumped for no reason: "If the count is correct, it is... nine hundred and ninety-nine?"

The old lady didn't answer anymore, she turned around and walked towards the front of her own compound, the two of them only had time to hear a cold snort of unknown meaning: "You're really promising."

The author has something to say: "what does not kill me, makes stronger." - Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil